Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How To Renew Expired Domain

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How To Avoid Domain Name Expiration

How to Renew Expired Shopify Domain

Confidential information exposed, payouts, squatting, embarrassment. Allowing a domain name to expire may not hurt the big guys so much. But most businesses are in no position to take these kinds of hits. Heres what we recommend to prevent your domain from expiring:

1) Dont ignore reminder emails

2)Auto-renew your domain

3)Register/renew your domain for multiple years

4)Perform a full domain name audit

How Do I Keep From Losing My Domain

The best way to keep your domain name is, of course, not letting it expire in the first place.

Responsible account ownership means keeping your contact information, especially your email address and payment method, up-to-date so that you receive renewal reminders on time and keep your site services current.

The reason this is so important is that SEO’s are constantly looking at all the expiring domains, so if you have expired 4 letter domains you can be sure someone else will register them very quickly.

Can I Still Renew My Domain After It Has Expired

Failure to renew your domain name before its expiry date does not always mean that you have lost it. Some domain names can still be renewed after expiry.

Once your domain name has expired, it will enter into a grace period. This grace period will allow you to renew your domain name, despite being past the renewal date.

Most domain names will give you 16 days to rescue your domain name however some exceptions are listed below:

  • .UK domain names, including direct .UK and 3rd level domains such as, have a 90 day grace period with no redemption fee
  • .AE, .AT, .BE, .CO.IL, .CO.NZ, .CO.ZA, .CX, .DE, .ES, .EU, .IM, .PL, .MX, .NL domain names have no grace period due to specific registry rules and therefore go directly redemption
  • .CH, .IO, .TK cannot be restored after expiry

To renew your domain name during this grace period, you will need to contact our Support teams, who will confirm if your domain name is eligible for this grace period and help you to renew it.

If you do not renew your domain name during the grace period, your domain name may enter a Redemption Period. This Redemption period will give the owner of the domain name one last chance to renew their domain name before it is released back on to the open market.

To retrieve a domain name from Redemption, you will have to pay a recovery fee. The Redemption fee is £75 plus VAT, plus a 1 year renewal fee.


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My Domain Expired How Can I Renew

This is an accepted solution.

Hi all!

Thank you all for reaching out – apologies for the delay in replying to you all. If you haven’t already, you’ll need to speak to the Shopify Support team for assistance with any issues with your domains. We can help with public information here in the community, but for account-specific issues such as domain errors or billing issues, we would need to look at your account. Before contacting support, please check out our guides on connecting a domain to Shopify and transferring a domain to Shopify to see if they help resolve your issues. If not, please continue below to contact support.

To contact our support team, first head to and log into your store. Once you’ve logged in, you’ll be prompted to ask about a topic.

Doing this will present you with links to relevant documentation on our Help Center, but there will also be an option to contact us directly if you require further help.

If you don’t yet have a Shopify store or are unable to login, you can choose the “Continue without logging in” option at the start and continue through the same process.

Thanks again for your patience with this.

This is an accepted solution.

Hi all!

To contact our support team, first head to and log into your store. Once you’ve logged in, you’ll be prompted to ask about a topic.

Thanks again for your patience with this.

What Happens When A Domain Expires

How To Setup A Domain

When a domain expires it becomes inactive immediately and all the services attached to it cease to function. You cant make any updates to the domain while it is expired. The domain will remain available for reactivation at your regular domain rate under your list of Expired Domains.

To reactivate an expired domain, take a look at our article on how to renew a domain.

Certain domain names are auto-renew only and cannot be renewed manually. For these domains there is no grace period. Once theyve expired its not possible to recover them.

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Benefits Of Renewing Your Domain Name

If youve established a solid customer base, they associate your business with your domain name. Its part of your online authority. Losing your domain name impacts your relationship with your clients negatively.

Below are some reasons why its best to renew your domain name instead of changing it.

Protect Your Brand

We recommend renewing your domain name to protect your brand.

If you dont do so, it becomes available on the market. Anyone can claim it including your fiercest competitors. You dont want any of them controlling your previous domain name.

Also, organizations often link their domain names to their social media accounts. Losing your domain name will disrupt the flow of traffic to your website and create uncertainty for your followers and subscribers.

Guarantee Higher Uptime

In the web hosting world, uptime means the amount of time your website is operational. Failure to renew your domain suspends all services connected to your account, including email addresses.

The longer your downtime lasts, the more visitors you lose. This scenario will leave search engines and consumers alike doubting your websites authenticity. Renewing your domain on time will help to prevent all these challenges.

Preserve SEO Efforts

A parking page takes your domains spot when it expires, impacting your search engine optimization strategies. Your marketing team might need months to undo the damage that the expiration causes.

Avoid Fraud

Can I Renew My Domain With Another Provider

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Is your business domain name about to expire? Dont wait until the last minute to renew it! Weve heard countless horror stories involving expired domain names, from massive financial losses to damaged branding and social media nuisances. Before any of these happen to you, we recommend renewing your domain name.

Your domain name is really important to your business as its the address your potential clients will type to find your website. If its easy to remember, resonates with your audience, and enhances your brand, it instantly boosts your credibility. A quality domain name attracts clients, while a bad one can send them running.

If youre in the process of picking a domain name, we recommend choosing a short, branded, easy-to-type one. You can even add a keyword if its possible. Feel free to use a domain name generator to come up with fresh ideas.

The good news is, when you find the perfect domain name, you can keep it forever by taking steps to renew and protect it.

Choosing the right domain name is just the beginning, though. Its also critical to select the ideal host for your website. Your hosting provider affects your websites load speed a factor that influences search engine optimization , conversion, and bounce rates. If your page load time exceeds three seconds, you can say goodbye to 57% of your site visitors.

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Dont Ignore Reminder Emails

EuroDNS sends multiple emails reminding you that your domain name is set to expire. But beware of domain slamming, the unauthorised transfer of a domain from one register to another.

Sometimes, an unethical registrar will email a registrant a domain expiration or renewal notice warning. The registrant will respond to the email but, unbeknownst to them, terminate their contract with their current registrar, reregistering their domain with the new registrar. If you arent sure whether or not an email notice is legit, contact us immediately: .

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Renew Expired Domain With Supporthost

Domain Expiration & Renewal – When Your Website is Down Due to EXPIRED DOMAIN

The recovery of expired domains depends on how many days have passed since the expiration and on the domain extension. Lets see what happens case by case and how to renew an expired domain.

Before proceeding with the renewal by paying the invoice from your customer area, make sure that your domain can be renewed or that it is still in the grace period in which it can be recovered. Remember that if the domain has been deleted and is available again, someone else may ha taken it.

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Elevate Your Site With A Trusted Web Hosting Company

Once youve renewed your domain name, it might be time to consider a new web hosting company for your site, like A2 Hosting! Doing so can help you stand out in a sea of competition.

What makes A2 Hosting so great? Check out some of the factors below.

Enhanced Security

We apply various best practices to ensure client safety.

  • HackScan: 24/7/365 running on your account to block attacks BEFORE they can happen
  • Reinforced DDos Protection: Our DDoS defense solution provides high scale capacity, instant attack detection and mitigation. This improves the likelihood that your site will remain online during even the most sophisticated distributed denial of service attacks.
  • Dual Hosting Firewall: Your A2 Hosting account includes an overall network firewall with an additional server firewall to block unauthorized users and secure vulnerabilities. Your servers firewall deflects threats that manage to penetrate our networks firewall.
  • Server Hardening: A2 Hosting disables non-mission-critical server components to decrease potential server exploits. We further reduce potential exploits by maintaining the most current security patches and updates on your server.
  • Plus much more that you can read about here!

Unmatched Support System

  • Up to 20x faster page loads
  • Handle up to 9x more traffic
  • 2x faster to first byte
  • 3x faster read/write speeds

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What Happens To Expired Domain Names

A variety of things can happen to a once it expires. It can be renewed by the registrant, be purchased at auction, return to the registry , or become subject to domain squatting. Before any of those things happen, the party who was leasing the domain will usually have opportunities to buy back the rights to use their expired domain name. However, it’s much simpler to renew the domain name before it expires.

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Can I Renew My Domain Name After It Expires

Yes, you can renew your domain name after it expires.

Well let you in on a secret. Forgetting to renew domain names is not as uncommon as you think. It happens to the best of us.

So when youre facing domain expiration, dont panic. You have a few days to save it.

With ICANN using the Expired Registration Recovery Policy, here are a few pointers to follow:

  • Renewal grace period: Your domain name will be on hold up to 30 days after expiration. During this time, potential clients cannot access your website. If you renew your domain name by this time, you will only have to pay the standard fees.
  • Restoration grace period: From day 31 to 60, your website is close to the brink of deletion. You can still renew your domain name during this time, but you will incur additional charges.
  • Day 61: If you still havent renewed your website two months after expiration, it will be available for others to buy. Dont let your renewal reach this point.

If youre too busy to manage such tasks, we recommend setting your account to auto-renew. Doing so will help save your site from potentially catastrophic consequences.

Domain Name Squatter Targets Uk Fostering Agency

This Domain Name Has Expired

A few years ago, Little Acorns Fostering was forced to give up its .COM when, upon expiration, a domain squatter bought it and demanded the family-run agency pay £9,000 to get it back. Fortunately, Little Acorn also owned a .CO.UK domain, making it possible to transfer its website to that address. But as with the reregistration of expired domains once held by legal entities, whoever owns Little Acorns expired domain acquired instant access to all emails, information, and documentation associated with the domain name. Incidentally, rather than give in to the squatter demands, the agency hired legal counsel.

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Renew Your Domain With A2 Hosting

Most of our clients have kept the same domain name for decades. Renewing your domain name can be the difference between impressive growth and massive losses so dont overlook this process.

At A2 Hosting, we have the security, support, and speed you need to dominate the digital world. Weve been empowering businesses of all sizes and industries with practical hosting solutions for almost 20 years.

For as low as $2.99 per month, you can enjoy a 99.9% uptime commitment, a dedicated guru crew, and 20X faster load speeds. Renew your domain name with us now to propel your business toward growth.

Can The Original Registrant Renew Expired Domains

Typically there is a grace period during which the registrant can still buy the domain back without paying additional fees, but the length of it varies from registrar to registrar. It could be as short as a week or two, as long as a year, or not offered at all . The length of the grace period also depends on the kind of used.

Following the grace period there is usually a stretch of time called a redemption period, during which the registrant can still renew their domain. Registrars typically require a redemption fee for renewal during this period in addition to the renewal fee. The redemption period is only a few weeks long, 30 days at the most.

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My Domain Expired Is There A Renewal Grace Period

Most likely, the answer is yes. A “Renewal Grace Period” is the time during which a domain owner can renew an expired domain. Most domain extensions offer a renewal grace period of up to 40 days. For example, this is the life-cycle of .COM, which has a 40-day renewal grace period:

  • 2015/05/01 – Your domain is registered
  • 2016/05/01 – Your domain expires
  • 2016/05/01 – 2016/05/31 Renewal Grace Period
  • 2016/05/31 – 2016/06/10 Renewal Grace Period
  • 2016/06/10 – 2016/07/10 Redemption Period

To see the renewal grace period of each of our domain extensions, visit our TLD page and look at the “Renew ” column.

If you do not renew during the grace period, the domain will be deleted and would no longer be controlled by Dynadot. This is known as the “Redemption Period,” which is typically 30 days. If you wish to re-claim the domain, the process will be more expensive and time-consuming, as Dynadot will be required to submit paperwork and payment to the central registry. Our restore prices are listed on our individual TLD pages under the “Domain Information” section. Please note that most of this money goes straight to the central registry. Domains in redemption can only be restored by the current registrant and only with the listed registrar.

About 5 days after the redemption period ends, the domain is dropped from the central registry and becomes available to the general public. Domains are sold on a first come, first serve basis. High-value domains will go quickly.

Will I Be Notified If The Domain Is About To Expire

How to renew a domain name which is expiring soon

The registrar or provider you have chosen to register the domain will notify you with an email communication when the expiration date is approaching.

If you registered a domain with SupportHost you will receive these alerts before the expiration:

  • 60 days before: a reminder of the upcoming expiration date
  • 30 days before: a reminder of the upcoming expiration date
  • 21 days before: a reminder of the upcoming expiration date and a copy of the invoice to be paid
  • 14 days before: a reminder of the upcoming due date
  • 7 days before: a reminder of the upcoming due date.

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Expired Domains Can Increase Your Bounce Rate

Depending on the effectiveness of the branded marketing efforts of the person or business who previously owned the domain, you might find your site attracting unwanted and irrelevant traffic. Say, for example, you purchase the domain If youre a waste removals company, youre likely seeking contractors or homeowners looking for waste clearance solutions. Youll focus your marketing on B2B channels and maybe do some link outreach to home clearance or construction sites to help customers and Google learn what it is your business is about.If the previous owner of the domain was an online retailer of jumping ropes, say, their past marketing and link-outreach efforts also have a chance of sending search traffic your wayjust not the kind of customers you want. If these customers reach your site and find its not what they were looking for, theyll quickly leave your site and seek information elsewhere. This behaviour can be detrimental to the search rankings and visibility of your site, which can take a lot of time and effort to recover from.

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How Long Do I Have To Renew A Domain After It Expires

When a domain expires, most registrars follow some version of the following process.

Note that each registrar is a little different, so be sure to check your particular agreement for information about your specific account.

Grace Period: The grace period follows immediately after the expiration date and can last for up to 45 days, depending on the registrar. You can renew your domain during the grace period by paying the renewal fee.

Redemption Grace Period: The redemption grace period is usually your last chance for renewal. You’ll have to pay the renewal price plus a reactivation fee to reinstate your website services.

Auction: Dome registrars put expired domains up for auction. You may be able to renew as long as no one else has placed a bid.

Deletion Period: After both grace periods have passed, domain registration renewals are impossible. The registry will delete your account.

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