Friday, July 26, 2024

How To Make And Sell Domain Names

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How to Buy and Sell Domain Names for a Profit | The Journey

When selling a domain name, its wise to avoid putting all your eggs into one basket. Many sellers use domain listing sites along with person-to-person sales to sell domain names. Here is a list of reputable domain marketplaces. Afternic, BrandBucket, NameCheap and Sedo are also good marketplaces to use.

Another venue you can use is auction sites. GoDaddy Auctions is among the most popular domain auction sites around. You can also encourage buyers to contact you for more info, and then have them enter their bid on the auction site if theyre considering purchasing the domain. Many auction sites will deduct a commission from your selling price, but the peace of mind you get will always be worth the price you pay, as many auction sites have their own transaction security measures in place.

As with every other transaction, however, its also wise to do your due diligence on the buyer. Some marketplaces have a review feature. Read the seller reviews on the buyer. The reviews can give you a good idea of whether your potential buyer is trustworthy. Dont do business with anyone youre not completely sure about. Its not worth the risk.

Is The Venue Trusted And Well Known

Its important to feel confident that you will get paid and that the buyer will get the domain name they paid for.

Pick a place that has good ratings with recognized bodies such as the Better Business Bureau or licensing from a trusted government source.

This will make it easier for the buyer to pull the trigger on the domain purchase as well knowing they can trust the brand that is selling the domain.

A trusted brand is vital when selling a domain.

Check For The Domain Availability

Now you have put down a limit on the names you are most likely to buy. But again how do you find them? Firstly, check if the names are available to buy as new registrations.

If the names are already taken, go to the aftermarket to buy from people who are owning the names or the ones who have let the domains expire as they no longer plan to use them.

The advanced search option can help to quickly sharpen the type of names you are interested in. You can constrict the results by price, top-level domain , keyword, and many more filters. With this feature, you will be able to quickly differentiate through the millions of domains on the aftermarket and find the domain names that best fit your end goals.

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Buy Domains That Are Brandable

Here you need to be a little bit creative about finding the best brandable domain names. I already talked about choosing only keyword-rich domains.

You must know that there are domains that are sold for thousands of dollars. Its not for the keywords in them, but because they sound like brands.

If you visit Brand Bucket, you would see how simple domains are sold for thousands of dollars and how these domains have been given a branded look. Take a look at the below picture to have an idea.

The list doesnt end here. There are thousands of domains like this. People really buy these domains and pay that much money to get the ownership.

Imagine as if you are the owner of one of these domains and assume how much you would expect to earn.

However, a simple domain name can also be made look like a brand.

Be creative, promote the domains to the right people at the right place and make money. Do you need guidance? Read this

So now you know the importance of finding brandable domains. Right?

How To Sell Domain Names

How to Sell a Domain Name: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

The First step to selling a domain is to prepare a list of the domains you possess. Now shortlist the ones you need to sell. Next, decide on a pricing structure of the domain. Though it’s not mandatory , having a base price in mind makes it easy with the selling process.

Now, you need to list your domain for sale. You can visit websites like GoDaddy which provides the option of putting up domains for sale. Once your domain is listed, now watch how people place absurd bids to purchase your domain. If you’re thinking so, you’re wrong. It takes time for a sale to happen unless you have an extremely visible and profitable domain name. It will take weeks or even months to receive that first purchase offer.

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Domain Trading: How Can You Make Money With Domains

If you choose the right domain name, it can be worth a lot of money. It doesnt matter what kind of website you have published at the web address. In principle, you dont even need a website to start actively domain trading, since the address itself is the thing with value. If you own a domain that others are keen to claim, you could even make a fortune with it. But how? What do you need to do to sell a domain?

Register a domain name

Build your brand on a great domain, including SSL and a personal consultant!

Private registration

  • Transferring domains
  • Registering Or Squatting Domains Is Not Unethical

    Another point of concern is that many people feel that squatting or registering domains is unethical. This is because many web developers have a hard time finding relevant domain names for their projects since most of them have already been registered. Many corporate giants also frown upon the domain flipping industry because many domain names relevant to them are already registered.

    However, domain flipping is legal because buying domain names has been a legal practice ever since the internet came into being in the 90s. Treat domain names as real estate property sold in the offline world.

    Recommended Reading: Cost To Register A Domain

    Use In Web Site Hosting

    The domain name is a component of a uniform resource locator used to access web sites, for example:

    • URL:
    • Second-level domain: example
    • Hostname: www

    A domain name may point to multiple IP addresses to provide server redundancy for the services offered, a feature that is used to manage the traffic of large, popular web sites.

    Web hosting services, on the other hand, run servers that are typically assigned only one or a few addresses while serving websites for many domains, a technique referred to as virtual web hosting. Such IP address overloading requires that each request identifies the domain name being referenced, for instance by using the HTTP request header fieldHost:, or Server Name Indication.

    Use Affiliate Links For Domains

    #9 Make Money Online By Buy And Selling Domain Names

    Another way to make money with domains is by using them with affiliate links. This idea is similar to PPC brokerage, only you are using your own affiliate links to earn commissions . You simply sign up with an affiliate company, place your own special referral links on a page, and drive traffic to the domains page. When people click on your links, it is tracked by their cookies. You can then earn large commissions if they visitor makes a purchase.

    To get started with this method, you need to sign up with an affiliate account. There are lots of different affiliate programs on the web, and each one deals with different kinds of products. The table below lists some of the best affiliate programs online.

    Top Affiliate Programs


    These programs allow you to earn commissions on anything from digital products to tangible products. These usually pay on a CPA basis. In other words, you only earn commission if the visitor clicks on your referral link, and then performs a certain action. This action can be anything from making a purchase, to signing up with an account. Also, some companies will manage affiliate programs for other large companies .

    With eBays affiliate program, you can earn money for each new account that you refer , or you can earn a percentage of the sales price. Here is how you can start cashing in on these affiliate programs.

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    Purchasing The Right Domains

    Knowing which domains have the potential to become profitable requires some luck, but you can get a better idea of what you should be looking for by having a basic grasp of Search Engine Optimization. Its easier to obtain valuable domain names when you have some idea of what people are searching for. Keep in mind that the types of domain names that are optimal for todays search engines may not be a few months down the road. In the early 2010s, very general domain names such as or were indexed high on Google because they closely matched common search terms. In 2012, Google launched the Exact Match Domain penalty for sites that have a generic domain but very little in the way of quality content. This can be bad for a domain value, as youre usually only purchasing the domain itself, not a fully-functional website. Recently expired domain names may be profitable because they can still have active back-links that help index them higher in a search engine. Back-links are links to the domain on other existing websites.

    Okay How Much Can I Make Flipping Domains

    If youve done a bit of research then you probably know that domain names can sell for A LOT of money. sold for $30 million on Godaddy recently. recently sold for $300,000 on Flippa and there are new sales every single day in the mid-six figures and up into seven figures too.

    Not only this. But there are reports for domain names sold for millions of dollars. In fact, some of the domains have been sold at such a high price that you wouldnt believe your ears when you hear.

    Below are some more domain names sold for millions and made their owners millionaires for just owning the domains.

    This is how some of the worlds greatest domains have been sold in millions.

    The truth is:

    But the question is how you will make the same amount of money.

    Truly speaking this is not everyones cup of tea. Because most people never take action on the information they get.

    If you are one of them, you are not going to make it. But if you are not one of these people, you can probably make $100,000 a year.

    Asking me how?

    Thats what I am going to tell you. Honestly speaking, people really make thousands of dollars flipping only domain names.

    Theres a special report you may like. .

    In fact, at any given moment, there are hundreds of domains being sold at Flippa marketplace for hundreds of thousands of dollars.

    The only purpose I have to show you all this data is to make you realize the true earning potential in this business.

    Do you now realize its power?

    Don’t Miss: How Much Do Domain Names Cost

    Find Names That Offer Real Value

    Think of ways that the domains you buy would be a valuable asset to the buyer.

    Picture someone who would benefit from buying the domain in a space you are very familiar with. If this was you and someone was trying to sell you this name, would it be beneficial for you to own? Be honest. If so, why? If not, why?

    Use those answers to refine your search for names.

    Lets play this out with a real example. Say youre familiar with the real estate market in Tempe, Arizona, and you have the opportunity to purchase for $200. This might be a good deal. Tempe has a lot of rental property its a competitive market and theres ample turnover in the apartment space because the city is home to a major university. Ask yourself:

    • How much does one month of rent profit a landlord, property manager or other prospective domain buyer? How about a years worth of rental profit?
    • Would you buy this name if you were in the space? If so, why?
    • What kind of domains are landlords, property managers, etc., using?
    • How much do they spend on advertising?
    • How much would this domain help them to sound authoritative in their space?

    If you can answer these questions with confidence and know this niche well, you probably already have an idea of who to contact and how to make a compelling case for how this domain could help their business grow.

    Related: Should you buy a premium domain name for your business?

    After Youve Priced It Lets Sell The Domain


    Okay, I know, that was a lot of information. But properly pricing your domain is arguably the most important part of the sale.

    If youre overpriced, nothing were going to talk about from here on out will matter because your domain wont attract buyers.

    So lets get your domain ready to sell. Here are six steps to sell a domain today.

    1. Let the World Know That the Domain Name Is for Sale Using the Domain Name Itself

    Youll need a website for any domain name that you want to sell . This is one place you can gain an advantage over a large domain seller. Where they will have generic pages on the domains, you can create something more attractive.

    You dont need anything fancy, just a single page with contact information, or better yet, a contact form. Make the page as unique as the domain name. Incorporate color or imagery that lines up with the name whenever possible. Make it personal, let potential buyers know there are dealing with an individual, not a corporation.

    If youre selling multiple domains you can keep your hosting costs down by using multi-domain reseller accounts.

    2. Make Your Contact Information Public in the WHOIS Database

    This is a key point if you can do it. Ive sold domains I never intended to sell simply because someone contacted me using WHOIS information and made an offer.

    Check with your registrar and see if you can expose at least an email address in the public WHOIS database. If not, your registrar may offer email forwarding from WHOIS records.

    Don’t Miss: How Much Do Domains Cost

    Never Sell Right Away

    Domain flipping is not always about making quick cash. Sometimes you have to spend days in research before you make a profitable sale. Remember, it is better to wait for several months or years in order to sell a domain name for a greater profit than settle for normal profit. Think of domain flipping as more of an investment.

    Is The Distribution Network Strong

    The potential to get your domain name in front of the right buyer is vital.

    Listing in a distribution network such as Afternic can get your domain name in front of millions of potential buyers each month. Afternic is owned by GoDaddy and it will automatically list it with GoDaddy as well as over 100 other companies such as Network Solutions or

    Do you know people who could benefit from the domain name? Why not reach out to them and see if they have any interest in using the domain? If you are working in an area of the domain space you are familiar with, you should be able to convey the value proposition of your domain name for the potential buyer.

    Keep it short and only approach people you know and think would be interested in the domain for their business.

    You do not want to start sending spam emails. You want to have conversations with people you know would appreciate the ability to own the domain.

    Letting a great name you purchased at a fair price to make a profit sit in your account, instead of getting it in front of the right buyer, is like finally finding that pirate treasure map but framing it to admire in your living room instead of following it to the booty.

    Recommended Reading: How Much Does It Cost To Buy A Web Domain

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