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How To Add Domain To WordPress

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How To Create A WordPress Multisite With Different Domains

How to add a domain in WordPress – Domain Setup Beginners Tutorial

Last updated on April 27th, 2021 by Editorial Staff | Disclosure: Our content is reader-supported. This means if you click on some of our links, then we may earn a commission. See how WPBeginner is funded, why it matters, and how you can support us.

Do you want to create a WordPress multisite with different domains?

WordPress multisite allows you to use a single WordPress installation to create multiple websites. You can even give each site its own domain name.

In this article, well show you how to easily create a WordPress multisite with different domains, step by step.

Why Create a WordPress Multisite with Custom Domains?

The easiest way to make a website is by using WordPress.

However for each website that you set up, youll need to manage updates, keep backups, and secure all separate WordPress installations separately. Plus some hosting providers limit their basic plans to a single WordPress install.

An easier workaround to this website management issue is to create a WordPress multisite network.

WordPress multisite is a core WordPress feature that allows you to easily create multiple sites using the same WordPress installation.

The best part is that you can use different domains for each of your websites.

This allows business owners to quickly launch websites without worrying about managing multiple WordPress installations.

From a development perspective, this also gives you flexibility in sharing customers, similar design elements, and more.


Change Your Url Within WordPress

Your first task is to physically change your sites URL within WordPress. However, this step comes with a word of warning. Once you save your changes, your sites back end wont be accessible until youve completed the rest of this procedure.

To begin, log into WordPress, and navigate to the General > Settings screen:

This screen contains global settings for your WordPress site. The fields were interested in are WordPress Address and Site Address :

For a WordPress change URL, simply type the new address into both of these fields, and click on Save Changes. As we mentioned, this will make your site temporarily inaccessible.

Wp Essential: How To Install Your WordPress Website

  • Log in to your Domains Dashboard.
  • There are two views in the Domains dashboard – the Card and List views. Click on the view icons to switch to your preferred view.
  • .Choose the domain where you wish to install your WordPress website In the Card view, click the domain’s Manage button.

    In List view, click the domain or its gear icon on the right-hand side.

  • Click on DNS & Nameservers in the left-hand menu.
  • On the left pane, click on WordPress.
  • In the WordPress Page, click Get Started.
  • If you have an existing plan, then click on Use Existing. Note that you can upgrade to Optimized Hosting for Super speed, enhanced security, and personalized support for WordPress.
  • Create your Site Name, which appears at the top of your site.
  • Fill in with your Email, Username, and Password for your WordPress Dashboard.
  • After clicking on the Install WordPress button, the request will be queued. It usually only takes a few minutes to complete the installation process.
  • Once WordPress has been installed, you can modify the site by clicking on Manage Site.
  • Read Also: Which Is Not A Domain Name Extension

    How To Change Your Domain Name On WordPress

    With more than 366 million domain names already registered online, it can be intimidating to start the process of changing your own domain name.

    For one thing, you might have a hard time finding another unique domain name. And, if you aren’t entirely sure of how to do it correctly, you could damage your WordPress site’s SEO or even completely lose your content.

    It’s important to know all the steps to changing a domain name before you get started, from choosing a new domain name to backing up your website to redirecting URLs.

    Follow along for a step-by-step guide on how to change your domain name on WordPress.

    Cara Custome Domain Ke WordPress

    Mapping An External Domain to a WordPress Multisite Subsite

    syaiful anwar

    Jika anda mempunyai blog di wordpress dan anda ingin menggunakan nama domain anda yang sudah anda beli, anda bisa mengikuti langkah berikut ini.

    Namun perlu di ketahui untuk custome domain ke wordpress ini berbeda dengan custome domain ke blogspot yang dimana kalau custome domain ke blogspot itu tidak di kenakan biaya lagi oleh blogspot. kalau custome wordpress itu di kenakan biaya lagi dari wordpress nya ( yaitu dengan mengupgrade akun wordpress anda menjadi akun wordpress premium. Akun premium itu sendiri terdiri dari beberapa pilihan , yaitu personal, premium, business, dan eCommerce. anda bisa pilih melalui link ini

    berikut langkah – langkah untuk custome domain ke wordpress :

  • Pertama silahkan anda login terlebih dahulu ke wordpress anda kemudian pilih My Site – Manage – Domains.
  • Kemudian pilih Add Domain
  • Pilih Use a domain i own
  • Lalu anda pilih Select Map Your Domain
  • Lalu anda input nama domain yang ingin anda custome pak, setelah itu anda klik menu add.
  • Setelah langkah 1 sampai 5 sudah anda lakukan tinggal anda mengubah nameserver nya ke wordpess nya pak :

    Don’t Miss: How To Create Your Own Website Domain For Free

    Reasons For Changing Your WordPress Domain Name

    There are plenty of reasons you might want or need to change your domain name. Perhaps your business goals have changed and it’s time to rebrand.

    Alternatively, maybe you need to reconsider your domain extensions, such as changing .net to .com or switching from a free platform with a required domain extension to a paid option with just your primary domain name. For example, you might find it more professional to move from to

    Langkah Pertama Custom Domain

    Langkah pertama itu mudah. Buka saja halaman Domain Anda, dan jika diminta pilih blog yang ingin Anda tambahkan domain . Sekarang cukup klik pada tombol Add domain biru dan masukkan nama domain Anda dengan ekstensi .

    Sekarang Anda harus mengisi semua informasi yang diperlukan untuk pendaftaran domain dan melakukan pembayaran ketika Anda melakukannya. Anda mungkin ingin menjadikan domain baru Anda sebagai domain utama. Untuk mempelajari caranya, gulir ke bagian akhir artikel.

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    Redirect The Old Url To The New Url

    The steps that you followed above will allow a user to access the website using the new URL. In order to keep the old URL functional, please add a redirect from the old URL to the new URL.

    We will use something called a 301 redirect which is just a fancy name for a permanent server-side redirect. This is a necessary step since the search engines have been using the original website name.

    If you dont add this, those search engines will lead to a broken link.

    For this, we will again use the File Manager plugin. This time we will be editing the .htaccess file. Please note that this filename begins with a dot. Open the File Manager, navigate to your website folder using the folder pane on the left.

    Locate the .htaccess file and edit it.

    Paste this code snippet at the TOP of the .htaccess file:

    #Options +FollowSymLinksRewriteEngine onRewriteRule ^$ http://www.mynewwebsite.COM/$1

    This code ensures that anytime your website is invoked using the original URL, the Rewrite Engine will internally modify it to point to the new URL.

    Add Your Own Domain To Your WordPresscom Blog

    How to Add Multiple Domains to One Hosting Account and Install WordPress (Namecheap & CPanel)

    Matthew Guay

    Matthew Guay is a veteran app reviewer and technology tip writer. His work has appeared on Zapier’s blog, AppStorm, Envato Tuts+, and his own blog, Techinch. Read more…

    Now that youve got a nice blog on, why not get your own domain to brand your site? Heres how you can easily register a new domain or move your existing domain to your WordPress site.

    By default, your free WordPress address is But whether this is a personal or a company blog, it can be nice to have your own domain to really brand your site and make it your own. Or, if you already have another website and want to use WordPress as a blog for it, you could even add or any other subdomain.

    Adding a domain to your is a paid upgrade registering and mapping a new domain to your account costs $14.97 a year, while mapping a domain you already own to your WordPress blog costs $9.97 a year.

    Getting Started

    Login to your blogs dashboard, click the arrow beside Upgrades in the sidebar, and select Domains.

    Enter the domain or subdomain you want to add to your site in the text box, and click Add domain to blog.

    If you entered a new domain you want to register, WordPress will make sure the domain is available and then present you a registration form to register the domain. Enter your information, and then click Register Domain.

    Or, if you enter a domain thats already registered, you will see the following prompt.

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    Why Change Your Domain Name

    Generally, most businesses and companies stick to their initial domain name and build their marketing strategies around it. However, sometimes changing a domain name is necessary.

    Here are the most common reasons:

    • Rebranding whether for new management or a new target audience, sometimes businesses need to be rebranded. A site address is one of the most important business identities, so you should align it with your new brand.
    • Domain extension change if youre using an industry-specific subdomain like .shop or a country-code extension like .uk or domain and want to use a more generic one, swapping to a new domain name extension like .com, .net, or .online TLD might be a great idea.
    • Create a user-friendly site URL the simpler a domain name, the more memorable. Perhaps your old domain has complicated characters. In this case, change it to a more user-friendly address. A good rule of thumb is to keep it around 12 characters.
    • Merging multiple domains maybe your old domain name has already gained authority, and you want to merge it with your new domain. Merging domains lets you garner SEO benefits and link juice from the old website. It also helps with consistent branding and makes it easier to improve your SEO efforts.

    No matter the reason, changing a domain name has its own pros and cons. For example, a domain change can decrease web traffic and lower page rankings.

    Pro Tip

    Why Use A Different Domain Name For Landing Pages

    There are many reasons why creating different domains for landing pages is a good idea for your business.

    Here are just a few examples:

    • Website Launch: You could launch a coming soon page from your existing site and use single site domain mapping to set it up on a new domain.
    • Real Estate Business: Instead of listing properties on and, you can create individual page sites, like and
    • Webinar Marketing: You could launch a webinar for your business at and have the webinar page at

    With your landing pages mapped to different domain names, its easier to market them to the right audience and give each page a distinct look, feel, and branding.

    Its also much easier to track each pages performance individually in to see if your marketing efforts are paying off.

    Now that you know the benefits of mapping single landing pages to custom domains in WordPress lets see how to do it!

    Recommended Reading: Can You Change WordPress Domain

    How Do I Map A Domain In WordPress

    There are 3 steps to mapping a domain in WordPress:

  • Configure your DNS settings.
  • Set up your server properly for an Alias or Addon domain.
  • Install Domain Mapping System and map domains to the desired content.
  • Once youve followed these steps, you should then be able to navigate your website with the content being served for your mapped domains.

    Read more in our Documentation.

    How To Change Your WordPress Websites Domain Name

    The Ultimate Guide on How to Change WordPress Domain Address

    Posted in Performance, WordPress by Abe Selig

    Well state right off the bat that frivolously changing your domain name especially on an established WordPress website is not recommended. However, there are legitimate reasons for doing so, and if the need arises youll want to get the job done correctly.

    Fortunately, the process is actually surprisingly simple if youre just changing the primary WordPress URL. While youll need to alter some WordPress settings in two different locations, each will be a breeze to deal with.

    This post will look at how to change your existing domain name within WordPress, and will also touch on some crucial pointers for doing so successfully. Lets get started!

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    Adding Domain To Existing One Click App WordPress Install

    Okay, so, I have a nanode set up with Linode’s one-click app WordPress install, which out of the box responds to the * subdomain of my nanode. Now that I’ve got it all working properly, I need to add my actual blog domain to the setup.

    Which is where I’m not clear. Do I have to go manually setup a new apache2 VirtualHost for the blog domain, or does changing my WordPress Address URL in WordPress settings do some sort of automagical apache2 config taking care of that?

    If I have to do it manually, how do I do it without wrecking the existing wordpress.conf and wordpress-le-ssl.conf files in sites-enabled?

    I likely don’t need anyone to do the work of a massive step-by-step, but if anyone knows some good pointers so I’m not just wandering in the desert, that would be great.



    Sorry, I forgot to mention that Linode’s guide to the One Click process simply says to go ahead and change the WordPress Address and Site URL settings in WordPress itself once your domain is pointing at your nanode server, which it is I guess what I am seeking is reassurance that doing only that will work?

    Why Does My Website Show Your Connection Is Not Private

    This error means that your website does not have an SSL certificate properly configured. When you point a domain to a website hosting server, the server needs to have some kind of SSL certificate installed on it in order for the website to be secure. If the server doesnt have an SSL certificate properly configured for your website, it will give an insecure website error on your browser.

    Recommended Reading: What Symbols Can Be Used In A Domain Name

    Change The Domain On My Managed WordPress Website


    You can change the domain name of your Managed WordPress website.

  • Go to your GoDaddy product page.
  • In your My Products page, next to Managed WordPress, select Manage All.
  • For the website that uses the domain you want to change, select the menu and then select Settings.
  • In the Domains section, select Add> New primary domain.
  • In the field provided under New primary domain or subdomain, fill in the domain you want to use. Include the TLD, like
  • Select Add Domain.
  • Verify the domain is correct, then select Yes, help me connect it.
  • If you’re using a domain that is registered in another GoDaddy customer account select Continue to GoDaddy and log in to the account when asked. Follow the instructions in the wizard to finish connecting your domain.
  • Note: Because it can take up to 24-48 hours for the DNS to change, you may not see your new domain for that long.

    Make Your Custom Domain Your Primary Domain On Your WordPress Site

    How to Install WordPress on an Addon Domain in cPanel and Softaculous

    Go back to the Domains page on WordPress. Youll see two domains.

    Choose the second domain, the one you just Mapped , and follow the instructions to make it your Primary domain.

    Voila. Now is now my primary domain.

    Test it out. And be sure to leave me a reply if it didnt work out for you.

    Beforehand, a visitor to the site would go to and see the ugly WordPress URL:

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    Kata Peringatan Tentang Email

    Jika Anda sudah memiliki beberapa akun email pada nama domain Anda, Anda harus melakukan beberapa langkah tambahan yang dijelaskan di sini untuk membuat semuanya berfungsi.

    Jadikan .ME baru Anda sebagai nama domain utamaLangkah terakhir adalah memperbarui domain Anda sehingga menjadi domain utama yang digunakan untuk situs Anda. Untuk melakukan ini, pilih domain yang Anda inginkan untuk menjadi domain utama Anda dan cukup klik tombol Jadikan Primer di halaman Domain Anda.

    Itu saja, setelah memverifikasi alamat email Anda dan mungkin menunggu perubahan DNS untuk disebarkan, Anda akan melihat situs Anda di domain .ME Anda yang baru!

    Sekarang Anda akan memiliki rumah yang unik dan mudah diingat untuk blog atau situs Anda. Ini pasti akan membantu Anda mendapatkan lebih banyak pembaca dan membuat situs Anda menonjol! Jika Anda tertarik pada lebih banyak keuntungan yang dapat diberikan oleh .ME ke blog Anda, mengapa tidak memeriksa lima alasan utama kami untuk memilih .ME. Selamat ngeblog!

    How To Make Your Own WordPress Website For Free

    A quick answer on how to make a WordPress website for free is outlined below.

  • Install and Setup WordPress
  • You might wanna ask, why not use Wix or

    Although and Wix are great free website builder it doesnt provide you with a top-level domain name. You have to pay to get your custom domain name. On the free account, what you will get is a sub-domain like this:

    On the other hand, if youve already bought a domain name from Namecheap you can follow this tutorial instead and proceed to step 4.

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