Thursday, July 25, 2024

What Is A Good Domain Authority Score

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Moz Domain Authority Checker:

What is Domain Authority/Score

The Domain Authority Checker was originally developed by Moz. It still remains as one of the easiest and authentic DA checkers. Later on, the tool was renamed, and it is currently known as the Moz Link Explorer.

Using the Moz Link Explorer is easy. All you need to do is visit the link above and submit the URL of the website you want to perform a DA check on. It will ask you to create a Free Moz account with your email id. After you sign up and log in to your account, you will be able to access the Link Explorer.

In all, the Moz domain authority checker is a working DA checker, but let me make you aware, its free version only allows you to check the authority of 10 websites maximum per month.

How Do You Check Your Domain Authority

There are several link authority tools out there. How do you know which one is right for you?

SEO Review Tools has a basic domain authority checker. It looks at authority and content.

Other metrics measured by this tool include website age and social media score. Your social media score relates to how active your social profiles are and how many shares your content receives.

Page authority is also measured. This metric is like DA, except it looks at a specific page rather than entire sites. Page authority is also calculated on a one to 100 logarithmic scale.

If you want to check several sites at once,Linkgraphs Free Bulk DA Checker may be the perfect option. This tool allows you to check DA and spam metrics for up to 10 URLs at a time.

If you want to check even more domains, Rankzs SEO Rank Tracker lets you check hundreds at once. They also offer a backlinks checker, backlinks monitor, and domain availability checker.

Moz has a comprehensive free domain SEO analysis tool. It showcases top pages by links, discovered and lost links, top linking domains, and keywords by estimated clicks. Of course, you can also find some of this information using Ubersuggest as well.

For example, when you search for the DA of on Moz, its revealed it is 88, and there are 69,900 linking domains . There are also over 269,000 keywords for which the site ranks, and the spam score just 1%.

What Is The Domain Authority Of A Website

The DA of a website is a score between 0 to 100 , that tries to predict how well a website will rank on search engines.

It is not the same as the ranking score used by Google which can actually influence your rankings.

Moz are trying to simulate the Google ranking algorithm by taking into account all known factors that can possibly affect rankings, and give a score to domains that can be used for comparison purposes only.

In other words, the DA depends on the data Moz has about your website which is sometimes not as accurate as what Google knows about your website.

Its normal for a domain to have a low Domain Authority but .

Other things you should know about DA:

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The Domain Authority Of A Website Is A Score Generated By Moz To Check The Web Sites Performance In Serps

It plays a great role in comparing the strength of your website with the competitors site.

Websites with quality content and niche relevant strong backlinks have a high DA score and are at the top of SERPs.

DA score of a website is measured on a scale of zero to 100, where 0 is the worst, and 100 is considered an excellent score.

The good domain score of a website is lies between fifty and 60.

In this article, well talk about some of the best tools that can help you to quickly the DA score of your website.

But, before getting into the discussion, first, you need to know:

How Is It Different To Page Authority

What is a good Domain Authority Score and How to Check it ...

In the past, Googles PageRank was arguably the most popular tool for measuring the quality and authority of a specific page. However, it was removed from the publics toolbox last year after dying a slow and painful death. Now, Mozs Page Authority is probably the best measure of the strength of an individual page. It is possible to have a higher page authority than domain authority, and vice versa. While both are important to your search visibility, generally speaking you should prioritise Domain Authority as its a more long-term investment. Improving your Domain Authority should have an impact across all of your pages anyway. As always, though, it also depends on your overall goal. If your aim is to compete for a specific high-value keyword, for instance, you may want to target a single pages authority for a while.

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How Do I Find My Domain Authority

As we mentioned earlier, you can find your domain authority score using Mozs Link Explorer tool.

Simply enter your website and it will show you your score, how many links you have, how many of those links come from unique root domains, and how many keywords youre ranking for as a result.

As you can see, OptinMonster has a domain authority score of 69. It has 263,300 total backlinks coming from 11,900 root domains.

What about other tools with different scoring systems?

Mozs closest competitor is Ahrefs.

Instead of calling it domain authority, they refer to it as domain rating. Its the same thing, different name.

On Ahrefs, OptinMonsters score is 84. It has 697,000 total backlinks coming from 11,200 root domains.

Its important to note that each tool uses its own algorithms and scoring systems, which results in the different scores. They also have their own crawlers, which results in the different reported backlinks and keyword rankings.

Now youre probably wondering

Is 66 a high DA score? Where did the DR of 84 on Ahrefs come from? What is considered a high domain authority, and what is considered a weak domain authority?

Improve Your Page Speed

One of the known signals of the Google ranking algorithm is page speed. Websites that load faster, have an additional advantage over slower websites.

Improving your page speed will not only improve your rankings and domain authority but it will make the user experience better and this translates to more sales, leads, and signups.

Its not always easy to tackle the page speed issue. There are a lot of technical elements involved and if you are not a developer or someone with technical knowledge, it can be very difficult.

Nevertheless, if you cannot afford to hire a developer to increase the loading speed of your website, you can check the following:

  • Remove unnecessary plugins
  • Upgrade WordPress to their latest versions
  • Contact your hosting provider and ask them to give you a report on your servers performance. If necessary, upgrade to a more powerful server.
  • Use a caching plugin
  • Optimize the file size of images
  • Use a streaming service for videos
  • Use a CDN in case you have big CSS files and many images

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S To Improving Da Score With Seo Work

Here is how you can improve your domain authority score while working on your SEO campaign.

Step 1: Conduct a comparative analysis.

Compare your business website DA score with your competitors in the industry. If your DA score is lower than your competitors score, then you will know that you must apply some changes in your strategies.

You can study what other businesses in the industry do so that you can apply it to your own plans. Increasing your score indirectly influences an increase in your SEO ranking as well.

Step 2: Increase production of quality content.

Content is king. Quality content attracts engagement. And of course, quality content helps your target audience and other brands to trust your company.

Quality content gives other websites a reason to link to yours. You need to work on creating unique or specialized content relevant to your product or services. Providing better information in your niche will significantly help your business stand out in your industry.

The better your content, the better chances that other websites will link to it, which improves your domain authority.

Step 3: Check the quality of referring sites.

As mentioned previously, you need quality links. It means that you do not want questionable websites sending links to your website. You need to make sure that only quality websites are pointing to you.

Backlinks are like friends, you want to have a few quality backlinks rather than have lots of ineffective ones.

How Often Will Your Domain Authority Score Gets An Update

How to quickly see the domain authority score for a website

According to Moz, they update their DA metrics in real-time as links are being recognized. In relation to this is their link analysis data whereby the Moz Mozscape Index is updated every 3 to 4 weeks, which is the time you should check for your DA after you have made any updates to your website.

The following are the 9 steps that you should follow to increase domain authority, from the very beginning of your sites creation:

Check out this video for a quick summary!

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What Is A High Domain Authority

The answer is: It depends based on the competition level of the industry.

As I mentioned earlier, all new websites begin life with a DA of just 1.

As a website builds high-quality backlinks, its DA will increase over time websites such as Wikipedia that have huge numbers of backlinks have an extremely high DA.

It is actually difficult to say what a good or bad domain authority score is. The reason being is that DA is best used as a comparative tool.

For example, a particular niche may simply be smaller and have less chance of building high-quality backlinks. This is likely to mean the sites within that niche will have a harder time building DA.

Therefore, a good DA score in that niche may be 25 whereas, in a huge niche like weight loss, a good score could be closer to 70.

Promote Your Content Via Social Media Channels

Because social signals are one of the significant ranking factors, you will need to promote your content on social media platforms to obtain those signals. Otherwise, your content is just sitting on your site all by itself.

So, post links to your content on different social media pages and encourage followers to like, comment, or share it. You should also add social share buttons directly on your webpages.

You can read our list of 10 Best Free Social Media Management Tools to take more control of content for your business.

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How To Use Authority Score For Seo

The Authority Score may provide useful data that may help you to improve your link building when looking for quality domains, and to increase your website’s authority by tweaking your SEO efforts. Some ways to use Authority Score in your SEO workflow may include:

  • Competitor analysis

  • Judging domains you want to buy

  • Tracking the impact of an SEO campaign over time

  • Watching out for negative SEO

In these cases, Authority Score Trend may be handy. It could help you compare how much work a site needs to catch up to its competition or how much potential benefit a new investment or partnership with a website may bring.

Website Authority Score Trend

If a domains score is upwards, it may be a sign that the site is actively working to improve its online presence and reputation. It may also be a sign of inefficient SEO strategies amongst competitors.

If a domains score is downwards, it could mean that the niche the website operates in is very competitive and it is falling behind, the recent site’s SEO efforts are ineffective, the site may have suffered from a negative SEO attack, etc.

These are just a few reasons that may lead to a drop or rise in Authority Score, the list is not comprehensive. The possible reasons why a domain’s Authority Score decreased or increased could be detected only after carrying out a comprehensive analysis of its SEO performance and the actions of its competitors.

Remove Bad And Toxic Links

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Every once in a while, you should go through your link profile and search for any backlinks that are bad or toxic. This will allow you to remove links from bad sources that could end up hurting your domain authority instead of helping it.

You should also remove any links posted throughout your website that lead to bad sites or are broken as these will have a negative impact as well.

It can be a hassle to check on each and every link on your website. To make things easier, you can use SEOPressors Link Manager that can help to manage all of your links in one place. You no longer have to check the links one by one. Instead, you can check the status of your link whether its Broken or Alive on Link Manager itself.

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Keep In Mind Da Is A Comparative Measure

Basically, the best and easiest way to influence your DA ranking is improving your overall SEO. However, there is something you need to keep in mind: you are not the only one interested in improving a sites DA, everyone with Internet presence wants to do the same.

Lets keep using the cooking example, you may rank 88 with the page you have now, but lets say you want to raise it to 90. Its going to be harder because you will be competing with hundreds of other cooking sites that are already better ranked, thats why going up is more difficult when you already have a high score.

Also, you can apply as many modifications as you consider to grow your DA, and sure they will be helpful attracting new readers or clients, but these other pages most likely are also improving their rank.

Since the DA algorithm is based on comparisons with similar sites, if one of those blogs improve, naturally your rank wont move much and can even decrease.

How Do I Decrease My Website Spam Score

In order to decrease your Spam Score, you have to get rid of toxiclinks links coming from spammy websites. The first step is tofind out what these toxic links are. The second step is to havethem removed from the referring page or to disavow them. If theowners of these pages don’t want to remove the links, you willhave to disavow them. Read our complete guide on finding and disavowingbad links to learn more about this process.

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The Indirect Effect Of Domain Authority To Seo Ranking

Although domain authority is not an SEO ranking factor, it can still indirectly influence your ranking. For instance, if your website has high domain authority, it means it has a lot of link juice. A lot of quality link juice leads to a higher ranking.

However, it takes more than just one method to obtain link juice. Aside from having other reputable website links to yours you can also do internal linking.

Internal linking means passing link juice to your own pages. So even if a particular page does not have external backlinks, it can still rank higher with the help of internal links from its very own domain.

If you want to boost your SEO rankings, then you should consider improving your domain authority strategy as well.

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