Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Transfer A Website Domain

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Transfer A Domain Registered With Godaddy

How to transfer your domain name

There are two methods to transferring a domain registered with GoDaddy. If you already have a GoDaddy account, then the process is slightly different if you do not have a GoDaddy account.

I already have a GoDaddy account

If you already have a GoDaddy account then we can do an account change, which is a pretty simple process. This will transfer ownership of the domain from Market Leader to your account.

Please with the following information.

  • Subject line “Domain Transfer”, followed by the domain name you want to transfer
  • Your first and last name
  • Your GoDaddy account number
  • The email address you have registered with GoDaddy

Our domains department will follow-up with instructions on how to complete this process.

I dont have a GoDaddy account

If you do not have a GoDaddy account, you will need to have an account setup with a domain registrar.

You will then need to purchase a domain transfer from your domain registrar to initiate the domain transfer. Youll need to refer to your registrars FAQ on how to transfer a domain.

Domain transfer tend to cost $7-10, though this is subject to your domain registrar policies

How To Transfer Your Domain To A New Host

Now that you understand why you might want to transfer your domain name, its time to discuss how to get it done. Youll need two things: a domain thats still active, and an account on the platform where you want to transfer it to. The latter is easy enough to secure just sign up to your new web host or registrar as you would any other site. Then proceed to the first step.

Transferring From One Registrar To Another

The exact steps youll need to take will vary depending on which registrar your domain is currently registered with and where the domain is being transferred to, but it will consist of these essential steps:

1. Disable WHOIS/domain privacy.

The new registrar will need to verify who owns the domain name, which wont be possible if you have WHOIS privacy enabled so make sure that privacy setting has been switched off.

2. Ensure admin email is up-to-date.

Double-check that the domains current registrar has the most up-to-date administrative email address so theyll be able to contact its owner during the transfer process. Note that changing this field can result in a 60-day transfer lock on the domain , so having an outdated admin email could delay the transfer process.

3. Unlock the domain.

The domain likely has a transfer lock applied to prevent unwanted or accidental transferring of the domain. In this case, it will need to be unlocked.

4. Get the transfer authorization code.

This is like a password that, in theory, should only be accessible by the true owner of a domain name. Some registrars may use a different term, like EPP key, secret code or auth code.

5. Request a domain transfer.

Have the new domain owner request a domain transfer. This will typically involve purchasing an additional year of registration, which will begin once all the remaining time on the domain name is used up. The authorization code from step 4 will be needed in order to request a transfer.

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Can I Check The Progress Of My Domain Transfers

Absolutely. Track the progress of your transfers by following these steps:

  • Log in to your GoDaddy Transfers Page.
  • Select Transfers In if the domain is moving to your account. Or, select Transfers Out if the domain is moving from your account.
  • Select the different tabs to review the details for domains in a particular status. Or, search for your domain in the search bar.
  • Some statuses require you to take action, and that’ll show next to the domain. Check out our guide on domain statuses to help you move forward with your transfer.
  • You’ll see confirmation that your changes have been accepted. Domain transfers usually take 5 to 7 days to complete.

    Moving A WordPress Site

    How to Move WordPress to a New Domain without Losing SEO ...

    Moving WordPress from cPanel to cPanel

    For WordPress sites on cPanel hosting, the fastest way to move your site is to zip everything in your public_html or www folder, upload the folder to your new web host, and add the following two lines into your WP-config:

    define  define 

    Moving WordPress using common plugins

    Alternatively, there are plenty of good migrating plugins for those who are moving WordPress site to a new web host. I like Duplicator WordPress Migration Plugin and All-in-One WP Migration for their simplicity. These plugins will help you to move, migrate, or even clone a WordPress site to a new web host with no technical knowledge required.

    Moving WordPress using special-built plugins

    Some web hosting companies provide their own WordPress migration plugin. For examples WP Engine Automated Migration and SiteGround Migrator these are special plugin developed for transferring WordPress sites to a designated web host. You should make use of the in-house plugins when switching to those particular companies.

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    Transfer Files To A New Domain

    This step is essentially the reverse of the first step. Youll need an archive of all the files from your original sites directory, as well as the database, which tells your web server where all the content goes. Its important to make sure both are in the right place.

    First, you need to make sure theres already a database created on the new site. Then, using phpMyAdmin, import the archive file’s content into the existing database. Select the Import options in phpMyAdmin, choose the file on your PC, and click Go. This should import all the database entries from your old site into the new one. Now, you can transfers your site files.

    Using A WordPress Backup Plugin

    In this example Ill explain how to transfer a WordPress website using a WordPress backup plugin. This is another simple method which works very well with WordPress backups that are under 512mb. This is always my second method if I can not use method 1. In this example, Ill use the All in One WP plugin, but there are many others.

    Step 1: Install WordPress Backup Plugin

    • Login to the WordPress site that you are migrating and install the free plugin All-In-One WP Migration.

    Step 2: Export Site Files

    • In your WordPress dashboard navigate to All-In-One WP Migration -> Export.
    • Click Export To -> File. Once finished, download the file either via your browser or through FTP.

    Step 3: Install WordPress on the Receiving Host

    After transferring the domain to the new owners registrar and updating the nameservers, install a fresh version of WordPress on the domain. The site will be down during this brief period and should only show a default WordPress install as the theme.

    Step 4: Import to New Host

    • Login and install the All-In-One WP Migration plugin again.
    • Navigate to Import -> Import from -> File.
    • Select the backup file that you downloaded and start the import. Youll be prompted to overwrite the current database, click proceed. Refresh the permalinks and youre all set!

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    Opt Out Of 60 Day Lock

    It is standard practice for a domain to be locked for 60 days after it is registered or transferred. During this period, you will be barred from updating the name or company name associated with the domain, changing the registrant email address, or enabling/disabling privacy settings. However, there is an option to opt out of this. By default, this option will not be checked, so if you are planning to transfer the domain, you will need to log in and manually opt out of this 60-day lock.

    Will It Cost Me Anything

    How to Transfer a Domain to Google Domains

    9 times out of 10 it should cost you very little if anything at all, with careful planning as discussed in our top tips there should be virtually nothing to pay. If you are transferring the domain to your new web designers, with careful negotiation at the start, the cost of re-registering the domain with their hosts and the setting up of all your associated email addresses should be included in the cost of the project. You will normally pay upfront for the next years hosting, but this is a cost you would have had to pay your existing company anyway.

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    The Registrar Is Asking Me For A Code Where Do I Get This / I Don’t Know What You Mean By Authorization/epp/transfer Code And I Can’t Find It How Do I Get This Code

    An Auth-Code is a code created by a registrar to help identify the domain name holder and prevent unauthorized transfers . An Auth-Code is required for a domain holder to transfer a domain name from one registrar to another.

    Your registrar may allow you, via an online interface tool, to generate and manage your own AuthInfo code. If not, you will need to contact your registrar directly to obtain it. Your registrar must provide you with the AuthInfo code within five calendar days of your request.

    More Details On Domain Preparation & What Can Cause A Transfer To Fail

    There are a few things that will cause a domain transfer to fail. If you have followed the preparation steps, you have eliminated the majority of these possibilities. The information below will help you understand why you will take each of these steps:

    • Domain is not more than 60 days old or has been transferred within the last 60 days.Per ICANN regulations, a domain that has been newly registered or transferred from one Registrar to another within the last 60 days is not eligible for transfer.
    • The domain is locked or on hold with the current Registrar.Most domains will have a Registrar Lock in place for added security. We recommend you leave these in place unless you are transferring a domain from one Registrar to another. You should have access to remove these directly within your account at your Registrar. If you do not, contact their help department for assistance If the domain has a hold in place, it will be reflected in the domain status when you do a WHOIS lookup. These are usually put in place at either the registry or Registrar level. You will not have direct access to remove these and will need to contact the losing Registrar for assistance in removing them.

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    Option #: Outsource Your Site Move

    Picking a web host that offers free migration service is the best option for beginners and busy business owners.

    Web hosting is a competitive industry hosting companies are doing all they can to win new customers. Many hosting companies, including some great ones that I recommend, provide free website migration service to new customers. All you need to do is request a migration after signing up with the new provider and their support team will take care of the heavy-lifting.

    In most cases, this is the preferred way so you can save time and focus on other crucial work with your website.

    Here’s what you need to do if you are going with this option:

    How To Transfer A Website To A New Owner

    How to Move Your WordPress Site to a New Domain
    • 0

    Websites are much like any other type of property, in the sense that you can transfer ownership to someone else if youd like. However, the process can be a bit more complicated than just giving the new owner your login credentials.

    Transferring a website is a multi-step process. Aside from your hosting account, you also need to hand over your domain, other connected third-party services, and more. This way, you ensure that your website will continue to work uninterrupted and the transfer wont affect your audience.

    In this article, were going to guide you through the four steps to transfer your website to a new owner. Lets get to it!

    Recommended Reading: Get A Io Domain

    Manage Your Data Use Consent Preferences

    After you complete your domain transfer, you’ll receive an email with the subject-line Control how your data is shared. The email contains a link that brings you to Tucows Inc’s Data Use Consent Settings. Tucows is the parent company of OpenSRS, the service that Shopify uses to resell domains to merchants. Giving consent is optional, and you can withdraw it at any time.

    Why Transfer Domains To Godaddy

    With 84+ million domains registered, we’re the world leader and know how to take care of your domains. If your current domain provider isnt giving you the pricing, support and service you need, you want to consolidate your properties or its just time for a change we can help. Our goal is to make the transfer process as simple as possible so that you can get on with more important things in your life.

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    Review Your Site Structure

    Review your sites files. It will be a reminder of your overall site structure and how all of your files fit together. If, however, you have plans to change your site structure as part of your move, you should pre-plan any HTTP 301 redirects that youll need to provide in your .htaccess file.

    For example, if all youre doing is moving from to, then the process of setting up redirects will be fairly simple requiring only one system-wide redirect.

    However, if you move from to, then setting up redirects could be very complicated potentially requiring redirects for each page.

    What If My Domain Has Expired Can I Still Transfer It To Another Registrar

    How To Transfer a Domain from 1 Host to another Web Host

    Yes. If your domain has recently expired, you can still transfer it to another registrar. Youll need to renew it with your current registrar, then initiate the transfer.

    Make sure that the domain name hasnt been deleted by your current registrar and that youre still in the Redemption Grace Period . If more than 60 days have passed, your expired domain may be made available for purchase to the public.

    With your domain transferred and ready to go, its time to create a solid SEO strategy that will drive organic traffic to your website. Download our SEO Starter Pack to revamp or jumpstart your SEO efforts.

    Editor’s note: This post was originally published in February 2020 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

    Originally published Feb 3, 2021 7:00:00 AM, updated February 03 2021


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    Three Top Tips When Transferring A Domain Name

  • Watch for transfer blackout periods. Many TLDs have rules about restricted transfer periods after registration and before renewal dates, so time your transfer wisely. Before starting a domain transfer, check that its status is free and that no rules barring the transfer will come into force anytime soon.
  • Check if your new provider offers a money-back guarantee. If youre unhappy with your current domain provider, the last thing you want is to find out your new registrar is no better fit. In the case of, we doubt youll make use of it, but our 15-day money-back guarantee will give you that peace of mind.
  • Unlock savings with a premium website plan. Another reason to transfer your domains to is to save on web hosting and service licenses. Our Enthusiast and higher plans can be shared by multiple domains, where each one has access to the same features, including premium security and marketing tools. They also share storage and performance. Great value for money!
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