Friday, July 26, 2024

How To Create Website With Google Domain

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Submit Your New Website To Search Engines

Create a Free Website with Google Sites (With Custom Domain Name)

Since search engines use web crawlers to find new and updated content, they dont rely on manual submissions to find a new site. However, submitting your site gives it a better chance of appearing on the result pages.

To do that, you need to create a sitemap to help search engines find your website pages and content. It lists the pages, videos, images, and other relevant content on your site, as well as the relationship between them.

Most search engines use links to discover new pages and index them. This can be an issue if you have a lot of pages that are not linked to each other, as they can be invisible to the crawlers.

Thus, submitting your site is a great idea when you change the websites pages and structure. It tells search engines that they need to crawl the website again.

We have a complete guide for submitting your site to search engines. However, to sum up, here is what you need to do:

  • Create a sitemap if you use Hostinger Website Builder, the sitemap is automatically created. Go to to access it. If you use WordPress to generate a sitemap, use a plugin like Yoast SEO.
  • Submit the site to Google log in to using your Google account and select the Domain option. Navigate to the Sitemaps section and insert your sitemap URL on the Add a new sitemap section.
  • Submitting your website to search engines is only part of the work. For the website to rank high, youll need to optimize it. Here are some of our SEO tips:

    Expert Tip

    Neil P.

    S To Create A Database For Your New Domain Name

    After creating a backup of your website using the Duplicator plugin, you need to create a new SQL database to unload WordPress on your new domain name. Here are the steps below to create a database:

    Step 1

    Navigate to the cPanel dashboard of your hosting account, scroll down to the Databases segment, and then select the MySQL Databases icon.

    Step 2

    Name your database and click on the Create Database button.

    Step 3

    cPanel automatically creates a new database for you. Scroll down to the MySQL Users area, provide a new username and password for your new user account, and click on the Create a user button. Ensure you keep the username and password safe.

    Step 4

    You need to give the newly created user account permission to access the database. To do this, navigate to the Add User to Database section. Select the database you created earlier from the dropdown menu beside the User field. Then choose the new database you just created and click on the Add button.

    Great! Your database is ready. Take note of the database name, username, and password. They would be required in the subsequent step.

    Also Read

    Edit Layouts Text And Images

    Once youve chosen your theme, go and give your site a catchy title just click on Enter Site Name and type in what you have in mind. Youll also want to title your landing page there, you can choose the font style and size, and add links if you want.

    There are multiple site layouts to choose from , and all are easy to add and edit you can click on them or utilize drag-and-drop functionality to add them to your site.

    As for images, you can upload them from your device, from your Google Drive account, or search for them on Googles browser. In addition to images, you can add YouTube videos, maps, and calendars to your page layout straight away.

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    S To Create A Duplicator Package Of Your WordPress Site

    First, you must create a full backup of your WordPress site. You will use this backup to create a copy of your website. With this duplicate, you can set up redirects from the pages/content on your old domain to the new one.

    To do this, you need a WordPress backup plugin. There are many WordPress backup and migration plugins available, but we will use the free Duplicator plugin.

    Step 1

    Install and activate the Duplicator Plugin

    Step 2

    After activating the plugin, a Duplicator menu item is added to your WordPress admin. Click on the Duplicator menu, and select Create New to create a new copy of your WordPress site.

    Step 3

    Click on the Next button to proceed.

    Step 4

    Duplicator now executes the website duplicator wizard. It will run some tests to confirm that everything is in place. If the plugin detects an issue, it prompts a warning with instructions to resolve it. If all items are ticked Good, then click on the Build button.

    The plugin begins to create a duplicator package of your website files. This process may take up some time, depending on your sites size.

    Step 5

    Once done, the Installer and the Archive download options will be displayed. Click the One-click download link to download the two files to your computer.

    Also Read

    Follow this article about How to Migrate WordPress Site to New Domain to create a database first.

    Using All In One Seo Plugin

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    Step 1

    You would need to install and activate the All in One SEO plugin to your former domain.

    Note: To access the redirect manager add on, you will require at least the Pro version of the AIOSEO plugin. You can also activate AIOSEO on your new WordPress site to further boost your traffic and search engine rankings.

    Step 2

    After activating the plugin on your old domain, go to the AISEO Redirects page and click the Activate Redirects button.

    Step 3

    Then, switch to the Full Site Redirect tab, toggle on the Relocate Site switch, and then enter your new domain name beside the Relocate to domain option.

    Step 4

    Note: You must replace with your new domain in the code above.

    Step 3

    After applying these changes, go to your old domain name. If it automatically redirects you to the new domain, then you have successfully set up 301 redirects.

    If not, it implies that you did not set up the redirection properly or your server does not support redirect rules. You may have to contact your web hosting companys support team to turn on RewriteEngine.

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    Integrate Your Site With Other Google Apps

    One of the major benefits of using Google Sites to build your site is that it integrates well with other Google apps such as Google Maps and Google Drive.

    To add Google elements to your site, tap into the Inset button on the right menu and find whatever you want to include yes, its exactly the same as adding other elements to your site.

    How To Buy A Website Domain For Ever

    As we explained, domain names are not for complete sale. Essentially, you are reserving domain name usage for a set period . But you can keep renewing your domain name as many times as you want to.

    While you cannot buy it out for good from a registrar, you can hold on to your domain name for as long as you are paying your renewal fee.

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    S To Unpack WordPress On Your New Domain Name

    Here, you have to upload the Duplicator files you downloaded previously to your new sites domain name.

    Consequently, the Duplicator package also contains your WordPress installation. This means you do not need to install WordPress on your new domain.

    Step 1

    Evidently, you need to use a File Transfer Protocol client to connect to your domain name. Then ensure that your websites root directory is empty.

    Step 2

    Next, upload the archive and installer files to the root directory, .

    Step 3

    After successfully uploading both files, you unpack WordPress. Open another tab on your browser and visit the URL below:

    Note that you should replace with your new domain name.

    Step 4

    While the Installer locates the archive file, check the terms checkbox and click the Next button to proceed.

    Step 5

    The installation requires you to configure your WordPress database information. Select your host , then fill in the details of the database you created for your new domain name earlier.

    Also Read

    Step 6

    Click on the Next button to proceed.

    At this point, Duplicator automatically unloads your old WordPress database backup from the archive into your new database.

    Step 7

    Next, it requires that you update the site URL Path. Do not change anything it automatically detects the URL of your new domain name and its path.

    Step 8

    Duplicator finalizes the migration. Click the Admin Login button to enter your websites admin area on the new domain name.

    Add Other Elements To Your Site And Adjust Them

    How to use Google Sites to Create Website with Domain

    Now, its time to add all the content youve wanted to showcase on your site, and you can do that by utilizing the right-down menu of the editor just scroll down to see everything.

    There, youll find options to add collapsible menus, tables of contents, image carousels, buttons, dividers, and so on.

    Also, if you scroll up a bit youll see an option to embed HTML code , so if you want to do that just paste the code there, hit the Next button, check the preview how your code will look, and hit the Insert button to finish the process.

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    Selecting Options For Your Domain

    Privacy protection

    I would advise to turn on privacy protection so that limited information is provided to people who decides to check on the details of your domain.


    If you plan to keep your domain name for a long time, but not worry about losing it and not paying an upfront cost for multiple years, select this option, and Google Domains will take care of the renewal when the date approaches. Google Domains will also send you a reminder closer to the date, so you can make the decision to renew then.

    Custom email / Google workspace

    If you would like to have a Gmail associated with your domain name, such as, you may sign up for a Google Workspace account. It also comes with GDrive, Meets and other workspace tools.

    Option 2 Registering A Domain Through Godaddycom

    GoDaddy is also known as a web hosting provider, but you can also buy a domain name from them.

    Step 1: Look up a new domain name first. If you havent come up with a good name yet or are assessing different options, GoDaddy has a nice set of extra features to help you out.

    You can use the Bulk Domain search to check a bunch of domain ideas for eligibility in a click. Or you can play around with their free domain name generator to get some alternative suggestions if your primary choice is already taken:

    Also, if you are feeling very determined to get your desired domain for branding purposes, GoDaddy can try to broker a deal for you with the owner. But remember, the original owner may name any price they deem appropriate so in that case, youll be paying:

    • Domain purchase fee to the seller.
    • GoDaddy Domain Brokerage commission.
    • The regular yearly subscription price for the selected domain and add-ons.

    If you are running a small business, going into a heated negotiation with some cyber squatters may not be the best investment of your time and budgets.

    Wait out and see if the other person forgets to renew their domain or abandons it so that you could snatch it then. GoDaddy has a Domain Backordering service where you can reserve your place in line for a specific domain. If theres more than one buyer, the domain goes on auction. If its just you only, you get it immediately.

    Again, youd be pitched several upsells in case you change your mind.

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    Can I Transfer My Domain Name

    Yes, most domain registrars can also facilitate the process of transferring a domain name from one person to another . For example, if you want to buy a premium domain name from someone, a registrar can help process the deal securely.

    Also, you can transfer your domain name between different registrars if you found a better deal, for example, or just need some extra features.

    Below are linked help documents for doing that with each registrar:

    Check If The Domain Name Is Available

    A look inside Google

    Firstly, head to , and type in the domain you would like in the main search bar. You do not have to put the ending as the google domain results will show the available endings for your desired domain name

    If the name you want is popular, you may have to pay a higher price for it, but for the majority, it should be around the standard $12/year. And if the name is unavailable, unfortunately, you may have to select a different name. Once you have selected your desired domain name, add it to your cart, and you can view the details of it in the cart.

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    Few Things To Consider Before Changing Domains

    Before moving your website from the WordPress domain to another domain, here are a few things you should know:

    • Migrating to a new domain temporarily affects your rankings on Google and other search engines as they would need to adjust to the modifications.
    • Your traffic is also going to be temporarily affected due to the migration.
    • The steps outlined in this article significantly reduce the adverse SEO impact on your website due to the migration. But you should not be alarmed by the slight changes that may persist.

    To ease your understanding of the entire migration process, it has been categorized into five stages, with the steps in each stage carefully outlined below. The stages are:

    1. Creating a Duplicator Package for your WordPress site.

    2. Creating a database for your new domain name.

    3. Unpacking your WordPress site on the new domain.

    4. Setting up permanent 301 redirects.

    5. Informing Google of the change.

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    Purchase Your Domain Name

    Once youve selected your desired settings, click on the Check out button at the bottom of the page, make the payment, and you would officially own the domain name youve selected, andfor the period that youve paid for.

    And if you click on the side bar menu and select My domains within Google domains, you should see your registered domain under the My domains table.

    Thats it for the domain name for now. Easy peasy

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    S To Creating A Website With Google Sites

    To make use of Google Sites youll have to log into your Google account or sign up if you dont have one already.

    To create a new account with Google youll be asked to supply your name and e-mail address, but you can also add your phone number and recovery e-mail address so you can recover your account if needed. Of course, youll also have to come up with a strong password.

    Connect The Domain Name To A Web Hosting Account

    How to Host a website in Google Drive with custom Domain

    If you buy a domain name from Hostinger, it will automatically connect to Hostingers nameservers. This step is specifically for users who bought their domain names and hosting plans from different providers.

    For this tutorial, well show you how to point a domain name to Hostinger.

  • Access your hPanel, scroll down to the Accounts section, and select Details.
  • Take note of all the Nameservers details provided, including the IP address.
  • Log in to the account where you bought the domain name, and look for the domains nameservers settings. You might find it in the Domain Overview or Domain Management menu.
  • Change the domain nameservers to the ones on your hosting account.
  • Keep in mind that it may take around 24 hours for the domain name changes to take effect. However, you can clear your DNS cache to speed up the process.

    Also Check: What Are Valid Domain Extensions

    Add Pages To Your Website

    To add a page on WordPress, go to Pages -> Add New. Every site requires a different set of pages, but generally, here are the five must-have pages:


    Whether you use a website builder or WordPress, the homepage provides the first impression about your business to visitors.

    That said, you shouldnt add too much information to it. Cluttered and messy homepages will deter visitors from continuing to browse as its harder to find relevant information.

    Instead, keep it organized and concise and put visuals to guide visitors to the section or page that contains the information they want.

    About Page

    This page should provide information about your company history, vision and mission, team members, and testimonials. It helps customers, investors, or potential new hires to know more about your business.

    However, avoid overexplaining your products or services. You can provide contact information here, but we recommend using a dedicated page for it.

    Product or Service Page

    The product or service page is crucial and decisive to convert your visitors into new customers. Provide details like features, benefits, and prices.

    Product photos or videos also help make the page more visually appealing.

    Blog Page

    Adding a blog to your site can help drive traffic and increase conversion rates.

    When writing blog posts, use relevant keywords to help your site rank higher on search engines.

    Contact Page

    Create A Website With A Website Builder

    A website builder is a tool that lets you create and design a website without having to deal with code. It uses a drag-and-drop editor to alter the sites appearance and offers plenty of pre-made template options to get you started.

    To access the platform, youll have to pay a subscription fee. However, one of the advantages is that it includes hosting, simplifying the process of website creation. Some website builder platforms even let users register custom domain names.

    The only limitation is that you will be bound to the features that come with the subscription plan, making it tricky if you want to build a more complex site.

    Therefore, we recommend using a website builder if youre looking for the simplicity of the process and aiming to create a simple site with few pages, such as an online portfolio and a personal blog.

    There are plenty of website builders in the market, but we will demonstrate the process using Hostinger Website Builder.

    1. Set Up a Hostinger Account

    First of all, get a Hostinger account by purchasing a web hosting plan. You can create a new account with your email or using a Google or account.

    Once youve signed up for a plan, you can either register a new domain name or use a custom one if you bought a domain name elsewhere. That said, make sure it points to Hostingers server.

    2. Choose a Template

    The next step is picking a website template that matches your sites needs.

    3. Customize Your Site

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