Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How Much Is My Website Domain Worth

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How Do You Find Out How Much Your Domain Is Worth

Domain Valuation – How to Price and Sell Domains

Domains are unique, which is the reason prospective buyers contact you in the first place, to convince you to sell. However, the exclusivity of an address is also the reason why determining the domain value is so difficult. The respective domain components or domain types like top- or second-level domain, ccTLD, or gTLD naturally play a role in the valuation after all, some domain endings already cost a lot of money by themselves. Ultimately, however, the respective combination of name and extension, which can only ever be registered once, is the decisive factor for the classification of the domain value.

IONOS goes beyond giving you your dream domain: Choose a designer-made template with MyWebsite and simply adjust the color scheme, fonts, and content blocks! Alternatively, you can also hand over the responsibility and enjoy a custom website created by our design team.

Online, youll find a mix of free and paid online tools and services to help you with the process of finding out the worth of your domain and selling it. The following providers have got you covered:

The question How much is my domain worth? can certainly be answered with the solutions listed above and the various alternatives available on the market. However, the very different evaluation criteria employed by these providers also means that the domain value often differs greatly from service to service especially with free providers.

Ology For Choosing The Best Domain Appraisal Services

Not every domain appraisal provider is of equal value. They all offer the same basic serviceestimating the value of a domainbut, beyond that, there are different factors that should be taken into consideration.

The buying guide below uses the same criteria that our team used to narrow down the top recommendations for domain appraisal services. You can use it as well to determine which providers best fit your goals.

Which Are The Best Domain Name Value Estimators & Domain Appraisal Services

Appraise the worth of a domain with this amazing list of domain value calculators and free domain name valuation tools. Offering instant and comprehensive data on any website/URL you enter, these domain value estimator tools will help you make a well-informed decision. Thus, check out this list of free domain appraisal tools and assess the value of a domain before you purchase or sell one.

Page Contents

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You Want To Invest In Other Projects

Even if the website is very successful, you might be tempted to cash out to move on to other opportunities. It can be incredibly rewarding to take your experience and success and put them into a new project.

Whatever the reason, if you chose to sell your website, you need to know how much it is worth.

Experimenting With Automated Valuation

How Much Is My Domain Name Worth? (7 Online Sources to Help You)

If you already own a website, you might have googled how much is my website worth. By doing so, you can pick from a lot of tools claimed to be realistic. They simply lack human logic and critical data, since they dont have real insights other than just basic traffic information.

Ive chosen as my test subject. Here are a couple of examples.

So as you can see, the result is confusing. Its like the group of your friends, where Worthofweb is the new member who always compliments you, while Siteprice is the embodiment of your best friend. If you really wish to sell your site and have no experience at all, make sure to hire an expert and dont trust the first number that comes up from the search engine. That would lead to a bad position in negotiating.

Selling your site

The basic process looks something like this:

Step 1. Gather data , calculate net profit

Step 2. Conduct website valuation

Step 3. Search in the market, look for potential buyers

Step 4. Negotiate

Regardless of the path you choose, keep in mind that in the end your site will be worth no more than someone is actually willing to pay for it.

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Appraisals For Individual Domains

Do you want to buy or sell a domain, but are not sure of its value? Our scientifically backed domain appraisal will identify a domains value quickly and inexpensively.

Our many years of experience, and the worlds largest database of domain sales aid our experts in determining your domains precise market value. The result: A meaningful, scientifically backed domain appraisal within 5 business days a perfect starting point for price negotiations.

  • Scientifically backed appraisal: Domain analysis based on 10 factors, such as search engine suitability, advertising effectiveness, selling or buying prospects
  • Includes market indicators: List of comparable domain names and previously achieved selling prices
  • Appraisal is sent via email within 5 business days

99 USD per appraisal

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How To Determine The Value Of Your Domain Name

Theory is all well and good, but to find out how much your domain might be worth, youll need to get practical. To do this, were going to show you how to perform a domain valuation in three simple steps.

Bear in mind that these steps dont need to be performed all at the same time or in this specific order. However, what follows is a recommended process that can help you get a clear and comprehensive understanding of your domains worth. Lets get started!

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How Do I Value Sites Earning Less Than $50 Per Month Profit

Valuating sites that earn less than $50/mo cannot be done using the traditional method outlined in this article.

This is because these smaller sites are seen as starter sites where in this case, the content cost and site build-out costs outweigh the valuations based on the typical multiple. For example, a site earning $50/mo average is valued at $1,750 based on a 35X base multiple but may have upwards of 100,000 words of content for which the buyer paid $5,000 or more.

Digest a decade of experience in a single day with this jam-packed course covering concepts of buying and selling websites. 6+ hours of actionable video content showing you how to achieve 6-figure exits!

My video lessons cover hands-on due diligence, valuations, finding sites, positioning sites for sale, and much more. Get $100 OFF today!

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Mushfiq and his team of M& A experts have over 50+ years of combined experience performing due diligence on content websites. Our due diligence process reviews 22+ critical points of each acquisition to catch red flags.

Our goal is to provide unbiased expertise to help you acquire your next online business. Learn more today!

What Is Domain Valuation

Sedo’s Domain Appraisal Service – Get Help From Us Understanding Your Domains Value.

Domain valuation is how much a specific URL is worth. The price of a domain can range from as little as .99¢ GoDaddy domain, to over seven figures when bought from a reseller. The value of a domain is most relevant during negotiations between a buyer and a seller in the secondary market.

So what causes such a huge range in domain valuation?

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I Research The Rate Of Similar Domains

A good starting point would be to research how much are similar domain names worth. How much are they selling for or have been sold for? This will give you are price range.

A great way to do this will be to use websites like DN Journal, or Sedo, which compile the data from different marketplaces to show you which Domain Name has been sold at what price. Or, if your Domain name is concise, you can also find a website called ShortNames very useful. This website is similar to Sedo, DN Journal but specializes in Short Domain names.

You can also find which kinds of Domain names are selling at higher prices through these databases.

Are Domain Valuations A Science Or Art Its Quasi

Theres a little bit of both art and science when it comes to finding a valuable brandable domain name.

Domains name valuations can be based on comparable sales of a similar domain name that may have sold.

For example, if you own and you can prove the sale price of, then that can be used as a basis for price setting. However, you have to consider the fact that .net will be worth less than a .com, and also the prior history of the domain. While this part of domain valuations is a science, many parts are not.

For example, when domains with no meaning or a play on words are being sold , it comes down to the buyers interest and what they are willing to pay for it.

Domain flipping is a quasi-science.

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Focusing On Meaningless Stats

Spicing up your listing with impressive statistics is a good way to attract potential buyers. However, be wary of including vanity metrics that dont actually mean much when it comes to business performance.

Be transparent and only offer real statistics, even if they are less impressive. Focus the listing on your business strengths, achievements, and most enticing data. Dont hide the negatives, but make the positives really stand out.

What Does Domain Name Value Depend On

How Much Is My Domain Name Worth? (7 Online Sources to Help You)

What is a domain name worth? Your domains value depends on a slew of aspects, most of which connect to the physical composition of your URL. If you want to create a domain that can potentially sell for thousands of dollars, consider these six points:

Top-Level Domain

Domain name valuation starts with TLDs. A top-level domain is the domain name extension that comes at the end and is attached to the root domain, which includes, for example, .com, .net, .co, .org. An increasing number of TLDs are entering the domain world, determining the value of your domain. Always stick to a more popular TLD, such as:

  • .com and .net for all purposes.
  • .co or for startups and companies.
  • .org for online causes.

Popular Keyword

Another aspect of domain name worth are the keywords used. Through Google Trends, you can see which popular keyword comes up at a given time, as well as how many searches a keyword has. So you know what words you can incorporate in your domain for maximum clickability and added value.


The valuation of domain names also depends on the length of your domain name. The rule is simple: Keep It Short . Shorter domains are understandably easier to remember and, consequently, are more recognizable. But the most catchy ones are typically already registered, especially with LTDs, such as .com.

Existing Traffic

Memorability & Uniqueness


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Valuing Your Domain Name

Domain names are tricky to value. They are completely unique. There is only one of each domain name available. Thats why someone reached out to you about buying the domain namethey cant buy a copy of it!

Here are three resources you can use to figure out how much to ask for your domain name.

1. Estibot

Estibot is a free and automated domain name appraiser. Automated domain name appraisers are controversial. The key is to not worry too much about the specific value that Estibot says your domain is worth. Instead, look at the supporting information Estibot provides.

For each domain name, Estibot displays:

  • If the domain is registered in popular extensions If your domain is, are and .org both registered by someone else? If a domain is registered in multiple extensions, its a good sign that theres a demand for the domain.
  • Comparable domain sales Estibot has a database of public domain sales that its aware of. While no two domains are the same, this helps figure out what similar domains have sold for.
  • Search analytics Domain names with more searches and competition for search ads tend to be more valuable, all things considered.

2. NameBio

NameBio is a free database of comparable domain name sales. Although Estibot uses its own database of comparable sales in its valuations, NameBio is a standalone database with over 1.9 million sales and has excellent search features.

NameBio search parameters include:

Get Your Website In Front Of The Right People

While there are many auction sites available, they dont all offer the same service and not all of them are right for the job.

Wherever possible, opt for the bigger, more popular sites that have a long-standing reputation. However, its worth noting that a large audience isnt always the best audience. If your business is fairly niche, you might be better off contacting a broker with experience and contacts in that sector.

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How To Get A Godaddy Domain Appraisal

At some point in time, you may have heard of a domain name selling for thousands of dollars or more. After learning how much money domain names can actually be worth, you may want to know how exactly you can determine your business website’s domain value.

Through this in-depth article, we will help you understand how to do a GoDaddy domain appraisal, what impacts a domains value, and which tools you should use to determine a domains value. When youre finished, you’ll be able to determine a domain names value in under 30 minutes!

Ready to find a new domain? Check out GoDaddy’s domain search to see if it’s available.

Is Flipping Domains Profitable

How Much Does a Domain Cost – And Why? | The Journey

Flipping domains can be profitable. But a word of caution its seldom an easy get-rich-quick scheme. To be a successful domain flipper, youve got to do your research to be completely up-to-date with industry trends.

To successfully flip domains for profit, the domains you buy should have real commercial value and proof of demand. You cant simply buy misspellings of existing trademarks. This is an illegal practice known as domain squatting.

In my experience, flipping domains can be profitable. However, domain investing is more profitable in the end when investors focus on long-term investments. That is, purchasing attractive, marketable names below-market and holding onto them until its the right time to sell.

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Understanding Domain Name Valuation

Domain valuation is the process of determining the value of a given domain. Its a similar process to when companies are valued, but much less intensive.

Before we jump into how to do a domain appraisal, lets have a quick overview of how domain names work. If you already have the basics down, such as how to register a domain, feel free to skip to the next section.

If youre just getting started building websites online, this section is for you.

Domain names are synonymous with URLs , but essentially its what a user types into their browser address bar on their search engine to access your site things like,,, etc.

There are two primary parts that make up a domain, the second level domain and the top level domain. These two factors will also contribute to a domain valuation,, but more on this below.

Heres how top-level and second-level domains work together:

  • Top-level domain. Even though its called top-level, this portion of the domain name is what comes at the end. It can also be referred to as a domain name extension. This is the .com, .org, .net portion of a domain name.
  • Second-level domain. This portion of the domain name is the central portion of a domain and often refers to the name of the website, in,hostgator is the second-level domain and also the name of the company.
  • Whether youre purchasing a domain name for a new project, or simply to hold onto and sell one day, the process remains the same.

    Where To Sell Your Website

    As with any sale, its incredibly important to make sure that you sell your website through a safe, secure, and reputable website broker to avoid issues.


    We looked at Flippas business valuation calculator above but Flippa is mainly a marketplace for buying and selling online businesses. Once youve figured out what your business is worth, you might want to take the next step.

    Describing itself as the #1 platform to buy and sell a business, Flippa has a handy directory of trusted business brokers, showing their location, specialties and the price range of the businesses that they represent. You can then list your business with your chosen broker through a Flippa account.

    Empire Flippers

    Again, Empire Flippers offer a great business value calculator and they can take care of the next step, allowing you to make more money than if you sold the site on your own.

    When you list your business with Empire Flippers, it will be sent out to over 90,000 . This gets your site seen by more people and attracts more genuine interest. These connections allow Empire Flippers to target buyers that they know are looking for a particular type of site.

    Struggling with downtime and WordPress issues? Kinsta is the hosting solution designed with performance and security in mind! Check out our plans

    FE International

    FE International is a professional website broker offering direct access to a global network of over 41,000 pre-qualified investors.

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    Domain Name And Length

    A rule of thumb is: the shorter the name of a domain, the higher its value. However, there are a few conditions attached to this rule because otherwise domains with arbitrary strings of letters, such as or, would also be worth pots of gold. The decisive factor for the domain value is therefore whether the domain which should be as short as possible has a meaningful name or contains well-known abbreviations, puns, or similar that could be of interest to buyers. On the other hand, the value of a domain is lower by default if it contains cryptic names and endings or combines several words or terms.

    Have you found the perfect domain variant for your web project but have just realized that its already taken? In our article well talk you through how to proceed if your dream domain is taken.

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