Saturday, July 27, 2024

How To Take Over A Domain Name

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How To Register A Domain On Godaddycom

How to Transfer a Domain Name From One Registrar to Another EASY!

GoDaddy is also known as a web hosting provider, but you can also buy a domain name from them.

Step 1: Look up a new domain name first. If you havent come up with a good name yet or are assessing different options, GoDaddy has a nice set of extra features to help you out.

You can use the Bulk Domain search to check a bunch of domain ideas for eligibility in a click. Or you can play around with their free domain name generator to get some alternative suggestions if your primary choice is already taken:

Also, if you are feeling very determined to get your desired domain for branding purposes, GoDaddy can try to broker a deal for you with the owner. But remember, the original owner may name any price they deem appropriate so in that case, youll be paying:

  • Domain purchase fee to the seller.
  • GoDaddy Domain Brokerage commission.
  • The regular yearly subscription price for the selected domain and add-ons.

If you are running a small business, going into a heated negotiation with some cyber squatters may not be the best investment of your time and budgets.

Wait out and see if the other person forgets to renew their domain or abandons it so that you could snatch it then. GoDaddy has a Domain Backordering service where you can reserve your place in line for a specific domain. If theres more than one buyer, the domain goes on auction. If its just you only, you get it immediately.

Again, youd be pitched several upsells in case you change your mind.

Assert Your Rights If You Already Own The Trademark

If you are already in business and want to use your existing business name as your domain name, then you may have the upper hand in a dispute with someone who’s already using the name online.

Under trademark law, the first person to use a trademark in commerce is considered the owner. So if you used the name to market your products or services before the domain name registrant started using its domain name, you may be able to prevent that registrant from continuing to use the name.

If you are a trademark holder and you want to challenge the use of a domain name, you will first need to decide on a strategy for going after the registrant. You currently have three choices:

Use the dispute resolution procedure offered by ICANN. ICANN, the international nonprofit organization now in charge of domain name registrations worldwide, recently implemented a process called the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy . This administrative procedure works only for cybersquatting disputes — that is, when someone has registered your name in a bad-faith attempt to profit from your trademark. Compared with filing a lawsuit, ICANN’s dispute resolution procedure is potentially less expensive and quicker .

File a cybersquatting lawsuit. If you take a cybersquatter to court and win, you may get not only the domain name you want, you could also win money damages from the cybersquatter.

How to Find a Domain Name Registrant

  • Briefly tell us about your case
  • Provide your contact information
  • Why A Good Domain Name Is Important

    A domain name is your unique identifier among billions of other websites on the web. Thats why having a memorable and easy-to-type name is essential for having an online presence.

    Your domain name serves as an extension of your personal or business name. In that sense it:

    • Improves recognition and awareness.
    • Adds extra credibility to your venture.
    • Eventually boosts visitors recall.

    Also, choosing a good domain name is important for SEO. Several years ago exact match domains were all the rage, but today most people choose brandable domain names.

    Memorable domain names get typed to Google more frequently. Algorithms keep track of that and assign more authority to your website. As the branded search volume grows, your domain name earns extra authority points, so that it gets easier to rank for related keywords.

    With that being said, lets move on to the how-to part.

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    Verify Domain Ownership And Become The Admin

  • After you complete Step 2, select the admin center icon in the left navigation pane .

    You’re redirected to the admin takeover wizard.

  • Select Next and verify that you own the domain you want to take over by adding a TXT record to your domain registrar.

    The wizard will give you the TXT record to add, as well as provide a link to your registrar’s website, and a link to step-by-step instructions.

  • On the You’re now the admin page, select Go to the admin center.

    You have the admin privileges required to manage the account in the admin center. For example, you can manage account users and groups, purchase new subscriptions and make user assignments, and manage the account domains.

    If you want to remove your domain from this account so you can add it to another account, see Remove a domain from another account.

  • How To Transfer Domains To Blacknight:

    Moniker to take over Alpnames domain names

    Transferring your domains doesnt have to be difficult. If youre not satisfied with your current domain registrars offerings then Blacknight is happy to assist you in moving your domain to our services.

    The methods of transfer vary for different types of domains. Please take a moment to review the instructions below for the type of domain you wish to transfer.

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    How Do We Choose A Domain Name

    Ideally, you want a domain name that reinforces your brand and is easy to remember. An obvious option is to base your domain name on the name of your company, a trading name you use, or a trade mark you have registered.

    You will also need to decide which domain name extension to use . Most UK businesses use or .com. An individual guessing your website address is most likely to try these endings.

    However, there’s a growing number of domain extensions to choose from. These include eyecatching extensions like .london, .email or .today, plus industry-specific options like .photography, .accountants or .plumbing.

    You can find a list of the different .uk extensions on the Nominet website. Nominet administers most UK domain names.

    There’s also a complete list of domain extensions on the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority website.

    You may want to consider registering several domain names. For example:

    • You might want to register a different domain for each of your brands.
    • You may want to register domains with several different extensions. For example, and This makes it easier for customers to find your website, and helps stop anyone else registering domain names similar to yours.
    • You may also want to register different spellings or common mis-spellings of your company or brand name.
    • If you trade internationally, you may want to register the local versions of your domain name where possible.

    Common Problems With Incoming Transfers

    Sometimes a transfer doesnt go through as smoothly as it should. This can be due to a number of reasons, including:

    • Certain domains may have updated the auth code to something else internally. For example, the .ORG registry is quite on top of their security measures and often changes the auth code automatically. Its possible the transfer failed due to the auth code being incorrect because of that change. The .NZ registry also expires EPP codes if they are not used within a short time frame. If this is the case, the current registrar must reset the auth code. Once this completes, the domain transfer must be submitted again in your panel with the new code.
    • The domain may be transfer locked. In some cases, a lock can be confirmed by querying the domains WHOIS listing and looking for the following domain status:
    Domain Status: clientTransferProhibited
    The domain may also be transfer locked due to a WHOIS registrant change, which does not always result in the above status being shown. If the transfer fails due to a transfer lock of any kind, please contact the current registrar so they can help remove the lock in either of these cases. Once the domain is fully unlocked, the transfer must be submitted as a new request in the DreamHost panel.
    In the event that a transfer-in does not complete within five days, please contact DreamHost support so they may check on status of the transfer for you and provide more detailed information.

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    Find Out Who Owns The Domain Name

    Once youve determined that the domain isnt being used for an active website, your next step is to find out who owns the domain. The easiest way to do this is by using a WHOIS service. Theres a number of websites where you can do this sort of lookup, but, most of the time, youll get a set of standard information from any of them:

    • when the domain was registered,
    • who the domain was registered by,
    • how to contact that person or company,
    • and even when the domains current ownership expires.

    You may also see other information related to the purchase, but for the purposes of getting that domain, the owners email address is really what you want.

    Example results of a WHOIS lookup:

    Some domain owners will have purchased privacy protection and their names wont appear in a WHOIS search. In these instances, it will be difficult to purchase the domain unless you can find it on a domain auction site or marketplace like Sedo, Namecheap, or Flippa.

    How Do Domain Name Ownership Problems Happen

    How to sell a domain name & why it takes time

    Often, domain name ownership issues are caused by a previous web designer who registered the domain name in their own name instead of the name of the client or their clients company. This is a very common mistake that happens far too often. If you have a NZ domain name registered on your behalf or take over a domain name from someone else, the registration details should be listed as follows

  • The registrar is the company that is authorised by the NZ Domain Name Commission to register the domain name. A web designer will normally have an account with a registrar so that they can register the domain name for you.
  • The registrant is the owner of the domain name. That should be you!
  • The admin contact is normally where the bills get sent. Sometimes this will be you and sometimes it will be the web designer or host.
  • The technical contact could be you, your web designer, your host or the registrar. This is who is meant to sort out any problems.
  • Note that domain name ownership details are often wrong for the admin and technical contacts as well. The registrar details should always be correct.

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    What To Do If The Domain Name You Want Is Taken

    If youre doing a domain search and the domain name you want comes up as unavailable, it most likely means that someone already owns it and:

    • is using it for a website
    • is planning to use it on a site thats not launched yet
    • is only using the domain for email addresses
    • is keeping it because the name is similar to a domain he/she is actively using and the domain is being redirected to their site
    • has an idea for the future and registered the domain in advance
    • is just fond of the name
    • wants to prevent other entities from using his/her name or brand

    Ugh, right? Trying to get the perfect domain can be really frustrating, or, at the very least, really expensive. There are currently 137,510,404 domains registered with .com alone, and as of 2016, were looking at 326.4 million domain names in total. Maybe youll find a diamond in the rough, but its getting harder and harder every day.

    Whats a person to do? Well, here are your options.

  • The way that involves lawyers
  • How To Buy A Domain That Is Taken

    Youve decided to start a new venture and youve come up with the perfect name. But when you search for the domain you want, you discover that someone already owns it. So what do you do? Do you give up and change your business name, or do you figure out how to buy a domain that is taken? If you want to choose the latter option, youve come to the right place.

    This guide will share not only why its so important to get the exact domain you want, but also give you step-by-step instructions on how to buy a domain that is taken.

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    What Can One Do With Tld Control

    Having ownership of a name server puts one in an unusually privileged position. You could:

    • carry out distributed denial-of-service attacks to completely overload websites to stop users from accessing them and data exfiltration.
    • As a man-in-the-middle , the attacker can listen in on the encrypted traffic and see user input, including sensitive details like credit cards, search queries, log in details.
    • Redirect the traffic to sites they arent intended for, like disguised phishing sites or irreverent content, yet still appearing under a seemingly trustworthy URL with HTTPS.

    Change The Name Slightly

    Admin takeover of an unmanaged directory

    A domain name is reported as not available only if the exact name is already taken. For instance, if an availability search tells you that is already taken, you may find that “” or “” is available. If you are not wed to the exact form of your first proposed domain name, you can experiment with minor variations until you find an acceptable name that is available. But read the warning just below for reasons to use caution when taking this approach.

    Slight Changes to a Name Can Spell Trouble

    The fact that a slightly different name is available, or that a name is not available as .com, but is available as .net, .biz, .info or .org, doesn’t necessarily mean that you can or should use it. Using a domain name very similar to an existing one may result in trademark infringement — the violation of someone’s trademark rights. If you infringe someone’s trademark, a court might order you to stop using the name and pay money damages to the other domain name owner. For more, see Avoid Trademark Infringement When You Choose a Domain Name.

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    Disputing A Domain Name In Court

  • 1Analyze whether to sue in court. Suing in court is an expensive and time-consuming process. It can also be ineffective, especially where the domain-name holder does not live in your country. If all you want is to cancel a domain registration or transfer the domain to you, then you should use arbitration. However, you might want to sue in court in the following situations:
  • The domain-name holder is using the trademark as part of a legitimate business. Sometimes people are unaware that they are using a trademark that has already been registered. In this situation, you cant use arbitration because the person isnt cybersquatting. Instead, you will need to sue for trademark infringement in court and prove that you were the first to use the trademark.
  • You are suing for lost profits. In addition to transferring the domain to you, a court can award you damages for any lost profits or for defamation of your business. You can only get these damages from a court.XResearch source
  • 2Think about hiring a lawyer. You should think about hiring a lawyer to bring a trademark infringement lawsuit in federal court. The rules of federal court are very complicated and can be hard to learn on your own. Accordingly, you should find a lawyer to represent you. You can get a referral for a qualified trademark attorney by visiting your local or state bar association.
  • a copy of your trademark
  • the certificate of registration
  • printed pages showing the website at the registered domain
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