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How Do I Find Out Who Owns A Domain Name

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How to Find Out Who Owns a Domain Name

If you do choose to take matters into your own hands, its important to do it right. First impressions are important and you need to make sure you come off as professional and serious about making a purchase.

Unfortunately, the average person has become used to getting spam emails. This makes them doubt the majority of offers they receive. Thus, you need to make sure it sounds serious.

Address the owner by their name because this gives it a more authentic feeling. Avoid using an email template. This makes it seem like an automated email that was sent out by a robot. This will likely lead to the email getting marked as spam.

Include your phone number, email, and something that adds credibility that youre serious. A LinkedIn profile can work wonders here.

Most importantly, do not include any offers in the initial email. State that you are interested in acquiring the domain name and see what they say first. In many cases, they may be eager to sell and offer you a low price.

Of course, the opposite is also true. Keep it professional and be patient.

How To Tell Who Owns A Domain Using Whois

JamieRead more December 1, 2020

Domain names are supposed to be unique, and some are now worth quite a lot of money. If you are searching for a domain name and your preferred choices are taken, you can find out who owns them and see if they are interested in selling their domains.

WHOIS is a great source to get what you need. Find the owners contact information, make a connection, and see if they are open to offers. So, what is WHOIS, and how do you identify the owner of the respective domain name? This article answers those questions and more.

One: Visit The Website

In cases where the owner bought the domain as an investment, theyll make it easy for you to contact them. So start by pulling up the website to see what shows up.

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They may say outright that the domain is for sale, and include contact information or a form you can fill out. Or in some cases where the domain is in active use, youll be able to find contact information on the websites Contact or About page.

If youre lucky enough that this step does the trick and you find the domain owner, you can skip the next two steps.

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Find Out Who Owns A Domain Name

Its a requirement in Australia and most places across the globe, that all details relating to the registration of your domain are stored online in the public WHOIS registry. When you register a domain, your details are automatically listed in the registry, unless you opt for Domain Privacy.

This registration requirement makes domain ownership transparent, enabling anyone to check the registry and contact the owner of a domain directly, no matter where they are in the world. If you want to know who owns any single .au domain name, you can check the WHOIS directory simply via the portal below. View the auDA Whois Policy.

Option #: Visit A Domain Name Registrar To Use Whois

How Do I Find Out Who Owns A Domain Name In Us

Domain name registrars sell domain names, but they generally offer hosting too. If youre not ready for a website, most ICANN-credited registrars dont require hosting services to purchase domain names. The same scenario applies to web hostersthey offer domain name purchases alone. and are a couple of registrar examples. Your domain name searches use WHOIS automatically. However, you can scroll to the bottom of the companys website and access the WHOIS database through their system the same way you would with a web hosting provider.

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What Steps Can I Take To Ensure My Domain Privacy Is Protected

Some Registrars offer privacy protection services that allow their customers to mask their actual contact details in the Whois search result in order to prevent their private contact information falling into the hands of spammers and scammers. Get in touch with your Registrar to learn more about your options.

Consider A New Domain Name

Theres a decent chance that even if you take all of these steps, the person that owns that domain now either wont want to sell, or will only accept a higher price than you can pay.

In that case, youre far from the first person to have to come up with an alternative to the first name you set your heart on. Consider different domain name extensionsif the .com is taken, the .net or .co may still be available. And brainstorm new domain name ideas. You may just come up with something you like even more than your original idea.

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Visit The Website Directly

If youve checked the domain status to find out your wanted domain name is not available, the first thing you should do is visit the website directly.

Some domain names are bought out to be resold later for a higher price. In such cases, the site will state the domains availability for sale and provide contact information right away, like in the example below.

If you enter the domain name into the search bar and get taken to a proper website, see if there is a Contact Us page in the navigation bar or the sites footer.

There you will either find the contact details of the website owner or a contact form. Take the chance to reach out and offer to buy the domain name from the registrant.

Why Domain Names Are Important

How to Find Out Who Actually Owns a Domain Name 3 Ways

Now that weve covered how to find the owner of a domain name, its necessary to understand why domain names are important in the first place. Domain names are there to help websites be located and categorized. However, for companies and individuals, domain names can be the difference between a thriving web presence and one that has trouble getting off the ground.

When youre the owner of a domain name, your business or personal website gains credibility. Many internet users are rightfully skeptical of unknown websites, and when your domain name is tailored to your business, it gives your company a sense of trustworthiness that it might not have otherwise.

If a companys domain name is related to the services they provide, it becomes easier for internet users to find them, even if they havent heard of the company before. People who use a search engine to look up services or goods will have a higher chance of being directed to the companys website, especially if the content on that website has been optimized for search engines.

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Why Is Godaddy Bad

#1 GoDaddy is overpriced GoDaddy lures customers in with prices that look low. However, they often promote prices that only apply for the first year, then lock you in for more expensive renewal prices. GoDaddy also charges for items that in the modern tech world, you dont need to pay for. SSL Certificates.

My Information Doesn’t Match The Whois Results How Do I Change My Whois Information

According to the rules established by ICANN, Registrars are expected to maintain the accuracy of the domain name owner’s contact details in the Whois database. Most Registrars use the details provided by the buyer at the time the Domain was registered.

In case your information does not match the Whois results, you can change this information by getting in touch with your Registrar who will be able to assist you in updating your information. Once this information is updated, the Whois record will also update accordingly. On an average, it can take 24-24 hours for this change to reflect in the Whois database.

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Domain Name Investigation: How To Find Out Who Owns A Domain Name

How do you find out who owns a domain name? Aside from the obvious answer, which is use a Whois tool, such as, through years of experience, hours of research, and some creative guesswork, we are often able to identify the likely owner of a domain name, even when the domain name is hidden through privacy protection.

For particularly tough domain name investigations, I will even engage a domain name investigator on my clients behalf. The investigator will employ various tools and methods that are not readily available or obvious to the layman, and will often come up with excellent results. On occasion however, it is simply impossible to find the identity of a particular domain name owner, except by obtaining a court order.

Once we identify the domain name owner, we are then able to make contact with the hidden domain name owner on your behalf. Sometimes it is to make an offer to purchase the domain name, and sometimes it is in order to send a cease and desist letter to the domain name owner. At other times, it is crucial to identify the domain name owner so that we can prepare a comprehensive and specific set of allegations about the cybersquatters history of bad faith domain name registrations and cybersquatting. We use this information for a very powerful UDRP complaint. Accordingly, a solid domain name investigation is the key to a successful domain name acquisition or trademark enforcement procedure.

Does Whois Lookup Support Com Domains

How Do I Find Out Who Owns A Private Domain

Yes, Whois supports .com domains. Just like with other domain extensions, you can look up who owns a .com domain with Whois or whether certain .com domains are available. However, it should be noted that the information available during this .com domain lookup will depend on where the domain is registered the Whois database is not an independent venture, but deals with multiple registrars that contribute information. These registrars manage different domain extension categories. For example, domain extensions are broken down into several categories: generic top-level domains , new top-level domains , and country code top-level domains . The domain extension .com is a gTLD domain and is the most common gTLD, others include .org and .net. gTLDs are international domains and the information on these domains is handled by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers . However, due to the GDPR only a limited amount of information will be made available in the .com domain WHOIS lookup search results.

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What Are The Free Domain Names

The term free domain name is often used as if it were a synonymous term with free or a bargain. It is not, and it is not possible for someone to acquire a free name without expecting something in return.

A domain name costs money to obtain, whether one purchases it from a domain registrar or not. It is just as though you were shopping for shoes: If you do not buy the shoes, you did not pay for them if you do, you paid for them.

If one is interested in purchasing a name, he or she should ask about the fees involved before making a purchase. Different companies will charge different fees for obtaining a domain.

In some cases, domain registrars will offer a free domain name, but that name will come at a price. Some domain registrars, however, will offer a free game with the purchase of a domain name through another means.

Why would someone want to purchase a name? Some people are looking for a website address for their own business, but they want the name to be free, so they are willing to pay for it.

Others are interested in buying a name to register their business with but want one that has already been taken.

Still, others are interested in purchasing a name because the current owner is gifting it to them and would rather have it for free than have to give it away.

Whatever the reason, it makes sense to investigate the options before purchasing a name.

If A Domain Is Registered By An Ex

The most common issue we see is when employees register domains for an organization, then later leave. The domain often ends up marooned in an account no one has access to, and if the account login email no longer exists, no one can receive the account password reset emails, and no one will be alerted to any issues with domain renewal until the website or email stops working.

And heres the worst-case scenario: if the employee who registered the domain does so completely in their name , there is absolutely no proof that the organization has any right to the it.

These situations are tricky, and we require a lot of authentication and proof before we will allow anyone access to the domain. More likely, though, we tell these people to seek legal advice and/or work it out amongst themselves, or use the UDRP process because we are not in the position to decide who has the right to a domain name.

So if someone in your organization has been tasked with registering a domain name for the company, or a department, or a specific project, or whatever:

  • ensure that the organizations name and contact information are on the account and on the domain registrant contacts, especially the registrant/owner one.
  • make a list of organizational assets that includes domain names and their access details.

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Some More Registrant Information Domain Server Information Domain Name Record Information

WHOIS performs the required task efficiently, however, at the same time it should be noted that the information available may be exploited or utilized for spam and other purposes. You may end up receiving emails and unnecessary information from different resources and start filling up your inbox. To get rid of this problem, there are certain tools to help protect your privacy.

As in the case of, we are able to see only limited information about the actual owner as the information is camouflaged through a privacy protection service called domain name privacy. Many domain name registrars offer domain privacy to mask the actual information of the domain owner. The privacy feature helps display third party information to safeguard your personal information from publically available information. Personal information is collected by the registrar and is accessible only on request by following certain privacy rules and regulations.

Why Do Some Whois Queries Have More Information Than Others

How to Find Out Who Owns a Domain – HostGator

With WHOIS now in a state of change due in part to privacy laws such as GDPR, the data displayed in a WHOIS lookup can vary to some degree as each of the Registrant, Registrar and Registry have a jurisdictional nexus with such laws.

Where a nexus with the EU’s GDPR is present, Personally Identifiable Information will often be removed or redacted from WHOIS output.

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