Saturday, July 27, 2024

How To Make Your Domain Appear In Google Search

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Mobile Optimization Is The Key

How to index your domains – Make your website show on Google

Did you know that most of the people who see these websites are mobile users? This is something that can be very important if you are trying to come first in the Google search results.

Having a mobile-optimized website would mean that Google will be able to notify mobile users about your website when they search for something. If you want to appear on Google search, this is something that you definitely have to do.

Some other awesome ways that will help you appear on Google Search organically are-

Heres The Recap For Getting Your New Site To Appear On Google

  • Action is required. Simply launching your new website is not enough. As outlined above, your site must be configured correctly and Google must be able to access it. In addition, Ive also explained proactive steps you can take to increase the likelihood of getting listed in the Google search results in the shortest time possible.
  • Be patient. This isnt an overnight process and you cant force Google to speed things up. Be wary of experts that charge a fortune for insider secrets for getting listed on Google. If you methodically execute tried and true best practices, youll eventually show up on Google.
  • Create a brand campaign. While youre waiting for your site to be discovered by Google and bubble up to the top of their search results, consider running a brand campaign so youll be at the top of the page when someone Googles your name or the name of your business. Its inexpensive, fairly simple to set up and it gives you instant visibility on Google.

Hopefully this demystifies things a bit when it comes to getting your new site to show up on Google.

1. Watch my FREE video training “The 5-Step System For Attracting A Consistent Flow Of Clients”.If you’re struggling to get clients here’s the system I use … both for myself and my clients. Click here to watch now

2. Get a FREE copy of my book, “The Modern Website Makeover”.This is a step-by-step guide for how you create a website that makes a prospect raise their hand and say, “Yes!”. Click here to get Mark’s book

Create Links To And From Your Content

Links are the currency of SEO which is crucial to building your personal brand online. When faced with competing keywords, names, and websites, Google turns to links. Google considers every link as a vote for that specific web page, so the more votes a page has, the higher it will rank. If you have some competition and want to know how to make your name appear first on Google this is one of the most effective ways to make it happen.

Another important factor of how links work is that Google weighs how credible each link is. For example, a link from CNN is seen as more credible or authoritative than a link from some no-name blog. Luckily there are some easy ways to create valuable links to and from your best results with core social media profiles.

Social Media profile examples:

  • And many more

These are very credible free links you can create. Although they are nofollow links they carry a lot of trust and are regularly used by Google to make determinations and ranking decisions on personal search results. If you use these as a foundation you will see that understanding how to show up on Google isnt as tricky as it seems.

When creating these profiles, it may be tempting to simply copy and paste a bio and headshot into your profile and link them back to your personal website. However, youll get more bang for your buck if you regularly update and share content on these profiles.

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Seo Tips To Get Your Website To The Top Of Google Search

There are hundreds of things you can do to top Google search, this is a list concentrating on the more recent SEO developments.

Date publishedCategories

Back when we first published an SEO tips guide on how to top Google search, the world of organic and paid search was a vastly different place.

Sure it was only three years ago , but my how the landscape has changed.

In 2013, to get to the top of it was merely a manner of doing some killer keyword research, ensuring your site had a good and clear structure and making sure you had a ton of high authoritybacklinks coming your way.

And although these are all still very relevant SEO tips today, we also now have to contend with these brand new factors too

Disclaimer: there are hundreds of things you need to do to improve search visibility, this is a list concentrating on the more recent developments.

Tactic #: Outrank Competitors With Skyscrapers

Make Google your homepage

Translated to writing, the skyscraper method entails taking the best content ranking for a particular topic or keyword and making something even better. Once youve expanded upon and improved the pre-existing content, market it to your potential customers. To be the best on Google, you have to create content that beats the best and get websites to link to it. Its as easy as that.

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Optimise Your Local Presence

Following on from the last point, its no good optimising for near me search queries if youre not actually there. So you need to sort out your local SEO.

You can do this by page. Among many others things, youll need to make sure you have the following features

  • A long and unique description of your business.
  • Choose the right categories.
  • Regular updates.
  • A local phone number and business address.

And one of the other major local SEO factors is making sure you have lots of visible customer reviews, which as Graham Charlton states are vital for local businesses, whether or not they sell online, thanks to their sheer prominence in local search results.

Meta Tags Are Important

Shout all you want at Google to choose your website, but how do you get Google to actually notice that you are there? Well, there is a signal in the form of meta-tags that will help you get the SERP love that you want. These meta tags will make sure that you are present in the search list of Google.

You might have seen the description in blue that appears below the websites on Google search. That is exactly what we are talking about in here. Having great meta-tags will ensure that you get the attention of Google in the best way possible.

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Link Important Pages From Your Homepage

Besides adding sitelink candidate pages in your menu, you should also add text links pointing to them from your homepage.

For example, if you visit our homepage, you will notice that we have links pointing to all our services page.

Links should not be wrapped in images but they should be in text, otherwise, Google will not understand them.

Also, make sure that you use proper anchor text for the links. For example, if you want to link to your Services page from your homepage, use the word Services or Digital Marketing Services and not something else.

Whats The Difference Between Organic Traffic And Paid Traffic

How to Get Your Name to Show Up in Google Search

Organic traffic is traffic that occurs when someone clicks on the organic listings in Google rather than the top paid listings. With the paid listings youll recognize them because they say Ad next to them in green.

Organic traffic is free in as much as when someone clicks on your link in the results you are ot charged, whereas when someone clicks on your paid link you are charged by Google per click, hence Pay Per Click .

PPC is like an auction where people bid on each search term.

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How To Get Your WordPress Site Listed On Google

Google is the largest search engine in the world. By a long shot, they dominate the market and are usually very good at automatically detecting and listing new websites.

That being said, for one reason or another, sometimes you may not get your new website listed on Google right away. Since the Google search engine is the biggest traffic source for most websites, getting one listed on Google immediately can be very important.

In this tutorial, I will show you how to get your WordPress site listed on Google immediately.

Add Sitelink Candidate Pages In Your Sidebar

Most websites have sidebars for their internal pages and one of the best uses of a sidebar is to use it to redirect both users and Google to visit the pages you want.

Look at my sidebar for example. One of the elements is the Popular Guides widget which includes a list of posts that appear high in the Google search results and are also the most popular amongst my readers.

The fact that this widget appears on all my posts, sends the signal to Google that these are some of the most important pages of the site and no wonder that they also appear as sitelinks .

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Connect Google Search Console To WordPress

Now that Yoast SEO has been installed, you need to add your website to Google Search Console. Login to your search console account and you can do this by clicking on the Add property button that shows in the dropdown menu to the left.

A popup box will appear and you can add your domain and continue on.

Another popup box will now appear. You have to verify that you own the domain so that you can move forward with your website listing on Google. Here is what that box will look like.

You want to copy that verification code that is given and go paste it in the Google verification code field back within the Yoast SEO settings.

To access that click on the Webmaster Tools tab and find the verification code field located directly beneath it. Go ahead and add the code there.

Once you are done, click on the Save Changes button. Now go back to your Google search console account and click on the Verify button. Your website ownership will be successfully verified.

Note: It may take a few hours for DNS configurations to propagate throughout the Internet. So if the verification fails, give it a bit of time and try again.

If youre still having an issue, try using the URL Prefix verification instead. This option uses authentication from Webmaster Tools and usually works immediately.

Yoast offers other webmaster tools to help you achieve the best results. You may want to try getting your website listed on other search engines like Bing.

Submit Your Site To Google

How to register your domain name with Google Domains

So you understand what is SEO and its importance for being found on Google. While your website will most likely be found at some point by the Google bots constantly crawling the web, you can take a few actions to speed up this important process. Begin by giving Google a quick heads up that you exist by submitting your site to them.

Make sure your website shows up on Google by submitting your sitemap to Google Search Console. This gives Google a nudge to speed up the indexing of your website.

To get started, connect your domain to Wix SEO – which automatically submits your site to Google in 60 seconds or less right from your dashboard.

To determine whether your site is already included in , simply do a quick site search using your sites homepage URL . If the search results display pages from your website, then your site is indeed on Google.

Read Also: How Much Does It Cost For A Domain Name

Verifying Your Website Ownership In Google Search Console

If you’re not using Instant Site and youve added your Ecwid store to a , you can also verify your site in Google Search Console.

To verify the site ownership:

  • Select the preferred property type:
  • Domain: it matches URLs with any protocol or subdomain , but can be verified only via DNS record
  • URL Prefix: this property type covers only the exactly matching URLs but can be verified via different methods.
  • Enter your sites URL as a new property of the selected type, then click Continue.
  • Choose the preferred verification method from the list of offered methods :
  • Follow instructions under the chosen method to get verified.
  • Make Seo Friendly Content

    With your website listed on Google, you are still not in the clear. Now you need to get the best rank possible from Google. This is accomplished by following the hundreds of Search Engine Optimization tips available.

    If you do not make your website SEO friendly, you will not rank highly on Google and the amount of traffic you receive will suffer from it.

    Luckily, writing SEO friendly content has become much easier over the years and you just happen to have installed the most helpful plugin for the job. Yoast SEO will analyze every post and page and explain what you can do to improve. It also provides detailed reasons on why you should do it on Yoasts blog.

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    Prove That Youre A Local

    Local business owners, this step is for you. Within the broader SEO world, theres an area known aslocal SEO, where Google helps direct location-specific searchers to solutions in their geographic area. Why is this important? Essentially, most people turn to Googles search box to find the business theyre looking for before taking a stroll down Main Street.

    is the response to this reality. It is a directory of business listings that populates what appears on Google Maps, as well as whats displayed in the Local Pack . In addition to keywords, creating a Google My Business account is one more way to give Google a hint that your business will be a quality result to display to users.

    To take advantage of this service, claim your business and fill out your profile with all relevant information, including: business name, address, phone number, website, hours of operation and location.

    This is yet another instance in which its handy to create a website on Wix. Wix SEO tools provides you with a comprehensive SEO plan, pointing out all the places on your site that you should be optimizing – from your contact details to the text on your homepage – in order to get your website on Google. This makes it easy for users to find you with a quick Google search.

    How To Get Your Website To The Top Of Google With Seo

    How to make your own google search engine WITH A DOMAIN NAME

    Weve seen that the paid results claim the first half of the page, but if you want to rank higher in search engines for free, you need to rely on SEO. To be exact, you need to be in one of the first three organic positions.


    Take a look at the graphic above. Thats the percentage of users that click on the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth positions. A whopping 55% of users click on the first three entries.

    Getting in those spots, especially if youre a new business, is tough. The best way to get in one of those top spots is by adding content to your website. High-quality content increases your rankings and also creates a better user experience for your customers. In addition, the more quality information you have on your site, the more likely others are to reference it. When other people link and reference your website, the search engines interpret your site as more authoritative and display it more prominently in search engine results.

    Unfortunately for you, theres much more to SEO than just adding content to your website. From a technical standpoint, you also need to make sure the search engines can easily crawl, understand, and index your website . This involves things like improving your site speed, using a search-engine friendly site navigation menu, creating a well-structured XML sitemap, building a responsive site for mobile and tablet users, and more.

    Done? Great.

    Want more SEO tips from Blue Corona? Check out our SEO blog.

    Read Also: How Much To Purchase A Domain Name

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