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What Does A Domain Cost

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Kaj Storiti E Ne Morete Dobiti Elenega Imena Domene

How Much Does a Domain Cost – And Why?

Ni vedno mogoe dobiti elenega imena domene. Kaj bi morali potem storiti?

  • Morda je nedosegljiv ali parkiran. Lahko se obrnete na lastnika in mu ponudite ponudbo. Druga monost je, da spremenite svoje ime domene tako, da ji dodate besedo. Na primer, e uporabljate ime svojega izdelka, razmislite o tem, da mu dodate besedo »dobi«, kot je Drip storil z
  • Morda je zunaj vaega prorauna. Z izbiro manj priljubljene raziritve domene lahko znatno zniate stroke imena vae domene. Samo ne pretiravajte s tem. udna raziritev, ki je e nihe e ni videl, bi lahko kodila vai blagovni znamki.
  • Morda je blagovna znamka, na primer »WordPress«. Ko je tako, je najbolje, da opustite idejo in se vrnete na risalno desko. Ne igrajte se z ognjem, e se ne elite opei.

Da, res je nadleno, ko ne morete dobiti elenega imena domene, vendar je vaa edina monost, da postanete ustvarjalni. In kdo ve, morda se boste domislili e kaj boljega?

How Much Does A Domain Name Really Cost

Last updated on March 26th, 2021 by Editorial Staff | Disclosure: Our content is reader-supported. This means if you click on some of our links, then we may earn a commission. See how WPBeginner is funded, why it matters, and how you can support us.

If you have ever tried to register a domain name before, then you have likely seen a wide-variety of prices ranging from $9 to several thousand dollars.

The cost of a domain name varies based on the domain extension , domain registrar, availability, and few other factors.

Apart from new domain names, you can also buy premium domain names from someone else who has registered it before you. Domain name investors often register premium domain names that are shorter, brandable, and easy to remember for the sole purpose of reselling.

In this article, well explain how much does a domain name really costs. Well also show you different ways to buy a domain name including a way to get one for free.

Since this is a comprehensive guide on domain name costs, we have broken it down into few sections:

How Much Does a New Domain Name Cost?

Buying a new domain name would typically cost you anywhere between $9 and $14.99 per year. However, these prices may differ based on the domain extension or the domain registrar you choose.

If you are starting a new website, then we recommend using Bluehost. They are one of the top web hosting companies in the world.

Hidden Costs of a Domain Name

Why You Should Purchase A Domain Name From Wix

While you can purchase a domain name from a third party and then integrate it with your Wix website, doing everything in one place on is just simpler.

Wix is a one-stop solution for website building, hosting, and domain name registration. For businesses and individuals who simply want to start as fast as possible, its a great option to begin their online adventure.

Wix also lets you integrate your domain name with some other web solutions. For instance, you can set up your domain with , which are top-of-the-line online collaboration and communication services.

Have any questions about Wix domain cost or how domains work with Wix in general? Let us know in the comments section below.

Free guide

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Wix Domain Cost Explained: Which Plan To Pick And Which To Avoid

A domain name is one of the essential pieces of online real estate. In other words, its really hard to build any sort of online presence without a domain name being an element of it. This is what brings us to the topic of Wix domain cost.

Wix is one of the most popular website builder tools out there. The fact that it comes with a free plan probably has something to do with that. But theres way more to Wix than just their free plan.

Particularly, their domain pricing structure can be a bit confusing. In this post, we tell you all about the Wix domain cost.

But first:

How Much Does A Premium Domain Name Cost

How Much Does a Domain Name Cost? Updated Website Cost (2018)

Premium domain names are domains that are already registered and are up for sale on a domain aftermarket service. The price for premium domain names can vary widely, depending on the current demand. As such, the pricing can range from a 3-figure number up to a 7-figure number.

When it comes to choosing a domain name, there are a few things to consider:

Recommended Reading: How Do You Transfer Ownership Of A Domain Name

Where To Buy A Domain Name

Buying a new domain, rather than one thats already owned, will be the best option for most people. The domain registration and purchase processes vary a little based on what registrar you use but should be straightforward.

Domain registrars are companies that manage and sell domain names. There are standalone registrars, but most hosting providers also sell domain names.

For example, registering a domain here at DreamHost can be an easy and practical way to go. Since were both a domain registrar and a hosting provider, you can make your purchases together as a package.

Related: Didnt Buy Your Domain With DreamHost? The Domain Transfer Process, Explained

Are You Asking The Right Questions

Instead of asking yourself, how much does a domain name cost, you should be asking, how much would it cost my business not to have a domain that matches my brand?

It isnt always easy to find an available domain name that aligns with your company. But the cost of sacrificing immediate recognition, traffic and sales could easily outweigh the price of a domain. Whether youve found an extension that fits or youre in need of a broker, dont wait to register your domain.

Go ahead, search for a domain name now.

Also Check: Io Domain Register

Your Domain Name Should Be Easy To Remember

You want to make sure that your domain name is easy to remember. But what exactly does that mean?

Basically, the more items you ask someone to remember, the harder it is for them to do that.

When it comes to domain names, every word and symbol is a separate item, which is something to keep in mind when you are considering various options.

For example, is easier to remember than .

Try to keep your domain short, avoid using symbols, and get a well-known extension.

Can I Get A Domain For Free

GoDaddy Domain Name Cost and Discounts Explained

If youre just testing out an idea and messing around with building a website, most of the big DIY website builders offer free plans. You can even get a domain name, but it will look something like this:


If you want to share your website, blog, or ecommerce store with the world, the risk of relying on these free subdomains could mean losing creditably from your website visitors and potential customers. Compare that to the more professional and simple like,

Recommended Reading: Registering A Domain Name Cost

What Is The Difference Between A Domain Name And A Website

A domain name is the address of a website. It is what users enter into a browser to access it. On the other hand, a website is a collection of web pages made up of files under a single domain.

The steps to create a website include registering a domain name. The two work together to help users access content easily.

What Tld Should I Use

Despite the number of TLDs to choose from, it is recommended that you use .com when possible. Other than the list above, other TLDs havent become popular or widely used, so users may not remember that your website is not a .com and could give up on trying to find your site. The entire list of TLDs is maintained by the Internet Assigned Number Authority . To see a complete list of TLDs, click here.

Recommended Reading: How To Transfer Domain From Godaddy To Shopify

Your Domain Name Shouldnt Break Any Legal Terms

There was a time when the Internet was the Wild West.

Those days are long gone. Now its full of corporations with deep pockets that will sue you into bankruptcy if you even look at them the wrong way. Thats why its important to be careful.

Imagine this. You come up with a great name. You register it. You launch your website. And then, just as your business starts gaining momentum, you are hit with a cease and desist letter.

What the ?? is your first thought.

But then, as you decipher the legalese, you realize that apparently your domain name is trademarked, which means that you are in a world of trouble.

You can avoid this by doing due diligence.

For example, you can check US trademarks on the United States Patent and Trademark Offices website.

Alternatively, you can check for the trademarks for whatever country you want to operate in through the local equivalent of the USPTO.

And, of course, Google can help you as well, because if nothing comes up on it, then you probably dont need to worry.

Now, unfortunately, if you came up with a cool name, the chances are that you are not the first person to do so, which means that you might end up having to go back to the drawing board.

However, keep in mind that finding yourself back at square one is much better than getting hit with a lawsuit, so dont cut corners here.

How To Waive Off The Domain Name Cost

How Much Does a Domain Name Really Cost

Its real! You can completely waive off the domain name registration cost. Want to know how?

Some hosting companies offer free domain names if you host your website with them. No additional cost!

When you register a domain name, youll also need to choose a hosting company to host your domain. So why not opt for one that offers a free domain with its hosting plan

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How Much Should You Expect To Pay For A Domain Name

A domain name is the written counterpart of an IP address, which is a string of numbers.

The cost related to buying a domain name varies according to different aspects, with its availability and its Top-Level Domain being the two most important. In fact, unavailable domain names require you to make an offer to the current owner, which isnt regulated by any maximum price .

When it comes to Top-Level Domains, instead, you can expect to pay anything from $0.99 up to hundreds or thousands of dollars. On average, though, domain names cost from $0.99 up to $12 per month.

How Long Can I Register A Domain Name For

Unlike cast iron skillets, diamonds, or MEC backpacks*, which are one-time purchases that you can keep and use forever, buying a domain name is an annual subscription.

Your subscription registers the domain under your name as the registrant so you can do what you want with it: build a website, use it for a custom email address, or just let it sit there until your inspiration finally hits.

You can register a .CA domain forone to ten years at a time. You can renew your registration any time before the domain expiry date. If you dont renew, youll be letting it go and will lose all of the brand value created, and someone else can register it.

*We are not sponsored by MEC. They just have really quality, long-lasting backpacks.

Also Check: What Is A Io Website

How Much Does A Domain Name Cost Per Year

Its hard figuring exactly how much domain names cost . On average, if you intend to purchase a new domain, it should cost you anywhere between $10 to $15 a year depending on the TLD and the registrar.

When searching for a new website name you will run into dozens of domain registrars, each with their own set of packages and perks.

When considering domain name costs, dont always fall for the cheap packages. Keep in mind that sometimes cheap is really expensive.

You can also check out our post on cheap domain registration to find out if it is worth it for you, but oftentimes, the packages that are slightly higher priced pack additional tools and other bonuses that will help build your website quickly and easily.

How Much Does A Domain Name Cost Exactly

How Much Should You Pay for a Domain Name? (50 domain name prices compared)

While you can expect to pay around $20 per year for an unreserved domain, the most expensive domain ever sold went for $400,000.

Although owning a domain is often likened to owning property, the fact is you dont have the same volume of comparable domain properties to anchor the value. Instead, a domain names value is much more dependent on what someone is willing to pay for it.

If youd like to know how much a prospective domain name is worth or if you want to check the estimated value of one you already own, check out GoDaddys domain valuation tool.

Beyond that, there are a few factors that will influence how much a domain name costs.

Read Also: How Much For A Domain

How Are Domain Names And Search Engine Optimization Related

Its important to start thinking of ways to make your site search engine-ready from the outset. Since keywords are used by search engines for ranking your content, you might want to consider including a relevant keyword in your domain name.

Keep in mind that Googles algorithm is resistant to keyword-stuffing: the practice of cramming your domain name with keywords so as to rank higher than other websites. So dont try to include multiple keywords in your domain as this can have a detrimental effect.

The good news is . The search engines algorithm treats new TLDs and legacy TLDs equally.

Related: The Top 11 SEO Best Practices for Domains

Buying A Domain That Is Already Registered

There is still a chance to get the domain name, even if its already registered.

The first option is to contact the owner and make an offer or request. Contact the owner using the contact form on the website with the domain you want or using WHOIS to find the owners contact information.

These registered domains might also go back on sale. shows domains that have recently become available. This marketplace allows bidding on an already registered name.

Sometimes, you will get a recommendation of alternative titles. Instead of going through the hassle of contacting the previous owner, find a similar name that is still relatable to your needs.

To demonstrate, the domain is already taken. However, there is an alternative of using instead. You can use domain name generators to help you with that!

Recommended Reading: Get A Io Domain

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