Friday, July 26, 2024

How To Get Your Domain Name In Google Search

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How To Buy A Domain Name: Domain Registration Guide

How to Get a Free Domain for your Google Site

What you need to know about domain names, how to choose the right one, and the steps to take to check if a domain name is available and to register your domain.

If you want to start a blog or a new online business, youll need to register a domain name, the name for your website. Getting the right domain for your needs might sound technical at first, but the process is pretty simple.

This domain registration guide will tell you what you need to know about domain name extensions, how to choose the right one for your needs, and the steps youll need to take to check if a domain name is available and to register your domain.

Make Sure Its Easy To Pronounce

As easily as your domain name rolls off the tips of your fingers, it should roll off the tip of your tongue.

This makes it easier for visitors to share your domain name by word-of-mouth and makes it easier for you to share your site with friends and potential customers.

You can test this the same way as with the spelling.

Write your domain name on a piece of paper and ask 10 people to pronounce it. If more than a few people struggle to pronounce it, you should simplify it.

Heres what to keep in mind: You want your domain name to be passed along easily by you and others. The only way for that to be possible is if its 1) easy to spell and 2) easy to pronounce.

Key Things To Consider When Considering A New Registrar

1. FeaturesEvery registrar offers a suite of features and services, such as privacy protection, web hosting and email. If you don’t have all the features you want with your current registrar, you may wish to take advantage of a better package offered by a different registrar.

In addition to comparing features, it’s also important to look at how the features and services are priced and implemented:

  • Price: Do the features you need cost extra or are they included as part of the package?
  • Ease of use: Are the features you need easy to implement? Will they require manual effort on your part, or does the registrar offer some simple tools to make things like domain management easier for you?
  • Support: Will customer support be available when you need it?
  • Provider: Who provides the features they’re selling? Some registrars offer all their own services for email and web hosting, while others partner with third-party providers.

2. PriceLook critically at the price structure of your domain registrar, because each one is different. Some registrars might charge extra fees for services you consider critical, while others may offer the same services at no additional charge. Some may offer a low price for the first year, but then have much higher renewal rates. If your domain registrar is charging you more than you would be charged elsewhere, you may want to look for a less expensive registrar.

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How To Choose The Best Domain Name

Choosing the right domain name for your website is crucial for your success. If you choose the wrong domain name, then it can be a hassle to switch later on without hurting your brand and search rankings.

Thats why its extremely important that you choose the best domain name from the start.

When first starting out, it can be hard to come up with catchy business name ideas with a perfect domain name.

In this article, well share all the tools and tips you need to get domain name ideas, choose the best domain name, and register your new domain .

14 Tips for Choosing the Best Domain Name

When starting a blog, choosing a domain name can be stressful because you dont want to make a mistake.

To make the process easier, we have a simple 14 step framework that you can use to pick the best domain for your website.

Lets take a look at these tips one by one with more details.

1. Stick with .com

There are plenty of new domain name extensions available today, from the original .com, .net and .org to niche extensions like .pizza, .photography, and even .blog.

We always recommend choosing a .com domain name.

While it can be tempting to come up with clever blog names using new extensions, .com is still the most established and credible domain name extension.

In our opinion, newer domain extensions like .ninja, .photography, and others can make your business appear less trustworthy.

Its smart to avoid that risk by sticking with .com.

2. Use Keywords in Your Domain Name Search

Country Code Top Level Domain

How to Get an Email Address With Your Domain Name In It ...

Country code top-level domains are domains that are specific to a country.

Domains in the .ca, and the .uk registry are ccTLDs.

Site visitors tend to prefer ccTLDs that are specific to their country.

So if your clients are in Australia, it might make sense to use the .au version of the domain.

Traditionally, ccTLD domains tended to convert a higher rate within their respective countries.

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How To Check If Google Has Already Found Your Site

If you are unsure whether your site has been detected and indexed by , then you can check for yourself.

To do so, type into Google search. You will now get a list of all the pages, posts, and other content types that are listed with Google.

If Google doesnt return any results, then Google hasnt been able to find and index your site yet. In this case, it is a good idea to submit your site to Google.

The first step in this process is to register with Google Search Console. So, lets find out how to do that

Make Sure Its Easy To Type

Think of some of the most popular websites in the world. What comes to mind?

Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Yahoo, CNN

One big thing they have in common is that theyre all easy to spell.

Your visitors should be able to type your domain name without a problem. If you have to explain the spelling more than once for it to be understood, its too complicated!

The last thing you want is for the potential visitors to mistype your domain and end up on a different website!

Heres an easy way to test this

Tell 10 people your potential domain name and ask them to spell it. If more than a few people struggle to spell it, you need to simplify it.

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Connecting Your Domain Name To Mailchimp

Whether youve bought your domain through Mailchimp or a third party, you can transfer your domain name and connect it to your Mailchimp account. Once connected, you can use that domain with a custom landing page or Mailchimp-hosted website. If you dont already have a website, Mailchimp offers a free website builder that you can use to make your brand stand out with no coding skills required.

Manipulating Your Serp Conclusion

How to Buy and Register a Website Domain Name with Google Domains

And with that, I think Ive given you enough to play with here. Its a very simple strategy, and its something anybody can do.

I know there are a lot of SEOs, including me, who havent been very serious about their own SERP, but its definitely worthwhile to get in there and start playing with it.

As you move forward with your business or career, youll want to heavily guard your SERP as its your online reputation. You dont want somebody to be able to just put press out easily and manipulate your SERP with their crap.

If you plan on outsourcing linkbuilding, you better make sure the agency has your best interests in mind.

This is a brand protection and reputation management strategy, but it can also move a lot of you towards new business ventures.

I hope this helped! Nick here, signing off. Good luck in the SERPs and leave a comment below if you have any questions.

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Add A Verb To Your Domain Name

This is a popular method of getting around a domain name thats already taken.

There are two big benefits to this technique.

First, you can still use your brand name in the URL itself. Second, you dont have to consider different TLDs.

Verbs like get and try are popular choices as additions to domain names.

For example, Pocket uses

These also tend to look a lot nicer than some alternative TLDs, and theyre usually easier to remember.

How To Set Up Google Search Console Getting Started Easily

Today were going to show you how to set up Google Search Console in under 3 minutes.

Getting started with Search Console is super easy. Its free. And theres a bunch of ways to set it up, depending on what works best for you.

Google already provides a walkthrough on how to set up Search Console, and verify your site. But frankly, its dull, wordy, and abrasive to the eyes. So were going to give a more user-friendly guide. Trust us, this is the only guide youll ever need on how to set up Google Search Console the right way.

So lets get started.

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Add The Record To Godaddy

Head to and click the Sign in link near the top. Add the old username and password combo.

GoDaddy will drop you on any one of who knows how many random pages it seems to send people to after login. Look for a menu like this and find the My Products option.

Locate the domain in question and click DNS to the right of it.

Click the blue Add link to the bottom right.

Add a TXT record by choosing that option from this menu:

Use @ for the Host value.

Paste the long string of characters from our previous step into the TXT Value field.

You can choose Custom from the TTL dropdown and enter 600, the lowest allowed value.

You should end up with something like this:

Click Save and youre all set.

Some Important Notes About This Method

How to register your domain name with Google Domains

While the Gmail part of this method is 100% free, there are some caveats to this method in that youll need to already have email hosting to make it work. Typically, you would get this through your web host if you have a website.

For example, if you host your website with Bluehost, Bluehost also helps you create your own custom email address as part of its service .

If you dont own a domain, heres a quick tool you can use to find out if the domain name youre interested in is available:

Once you set up your email address with Bluehost, the method in this tutorial would let you use Gmail to send/receive those emails at no extra cost. Unfortunately, already having this email hosting is a basic requirement for the free method.

For both creating your website and setting up the custom email account to use with Gmail, we recommend Bluehost. Plans start at just $2.75 per month and that includes hosting your website, hosting your email account, plus a free domain name.

If you dont need a website, another option would be to purchase email hosting through your domain registrar. For example, if you registered your domain through Namecheap, Namecheap sells a cheap email hosting service starting at just $0.79 $0.46 per month.

For the rest of this tutorial, well use Bluehost for our example screenshots. However, the same basic principles will apply to any host the interface will just be a little different.

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How To Choose A Domain Name

Since your domain name can have a major impact on your online presence, what you choose is a vital first step in building your brand. Finding the perfect domain name, however, can be challenging.

While its true that there are millions of domain names available, many of the popular domain names that are easy to remember are taken. Fortunately, you can still get what you need if you go through a simple process and use a bit of imagination.

Using Social Media To Help Your Websites Ranking On Google

While the actual effects of the social factor on your search engine ranking is still unknown , its never a bad idea to encourage your visitors to share your website using social media sharing icons. Plus, the more your content is shared means the more popular and valuable it is something that Google looks for.

You can add various social sharing icons in just a mouse click, right from your editor.

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Get On Google You Will Be Searched

It doesnt matter if you have an upcoming job interview, a sales call, an important meeting, or even a date. You WILL be Googled. We hope that these tips help you understand how to show up on Google and make your name more searchable. The process itself really isnt that tricky, its just about taking the time to set things up and consistently update your properties over time.

If you are still unsure where to start, sign up for a free BrandYourself account. Once you have, our software will guide you through the steps you need to take to make your name more searchable on Google. You will also be given information on where your online reputation stands right now, and how that is affecting your professional and personal goals.

If you have a negative search result, get in touch with a Reputation Advisor to learn about your options, Give us a call at -863-8226, or schedule a consultation. Let the experts in our Managed Services department build and manage your online presence for you.

If you have any questions or are still unsure about where to go from here, get in touch however you want! Customer support, social media, email, whatever works for you. Were always eager to help.

Setting Up Google Search Console With Voog

How To Purchase A Domain Name On Google Domains

Google Search Console is a free service offered by Google that helps you monitor and maintain your site’s presence in Google Search results. Signing up can help you understand how Google views your site and optimize its performance in search results.

To join the you first need to have a Google account and personal domain address. Once you’ve done that and have access to the tool, add your website address as a property in the console. Of course, Google asks for verification to confirm that you are the owner of the website listed.

Choose ‘URL prefix’ as the verification method, which should give you a code that looks similar to this: “googlef52f1d814b8972e9.html”.

Copy the file name and paste it in your Voog console, in the ‘Content > SEO‘ menu. When you scroll down on the SEO page, you can find the ‘Google Search Console verification code’ field and enter the code there.

Once you’ve done that, you should see a confirmation in the Google Search Console in a little while.

Google also offers another free service called . We recommend using it because it allows you to:

  • Submit your site to Google

  • Control updating rate and force Google to revisit your site

  • See when Google has visited and indexed your site

  • See how users reach your site

  • Get Google’s view of your site

  • Diagnose problems

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