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How To Buy A Domain Already Taken

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Finding A Suitable Domain Name Including Top

How do you buy a domain name already taken.

As mentioned, the name plays an important role in the success of your web presence. A catchy and suitable combination of the domain extension and domain name is important so that visitors access your site not only by clicking on links, but also through search engine results. Google also takes the domain name into account when evaluating the sites ranking for search results, which is why a suitable name can help you to achieve a better ranking.

As far as second-level domains are concerned, you basically have free rein in terms of design options. Names with up to 63 characters made up of letters and numbers as well as hyphens can be used. The big challenge is to match the name with the desired top-level domain. The most popular domain extensions are often already taken or reserved in all kinds of variations. For more information and assistance when it comes to finding a suitable domain name, our detailed guide on top tips for registering your domain should be helpful.

Checking The Availability For The Address With A Domain Finder

Once you have one or ideally several options for your website name in mind, its time to check its availability. Almost all major domain providers offer access to special tools for this purpose, also known as domain finders. Typically, what you do is you enter your desired domain in the tools search bar and then start the search. With the domain finder from IONOS, for example, you do this by clicking on Check.

After a short waiting time, youll receive the result of the search: If the address is still available, the tool confirms the availability. Otherwise, you will receive a notification that the desired domain is already taken or registered. With many providers, you will automatically receive suggestions for alternative top-level domains or revised second-level domains in this case. This is also the case with the IONOS domain finder.

How To Buy A Domain Name

Domain names are available on various hosting websites and are bought by users for a fee. However, some domains are available for free. For example, with the Boxmode website builder, you can create a free domain directly in the websiteâs settings.

Besides, you can either buy a new domain name from a hosting site or buy a domain name that is already owned by someone else. There are several good reasons to opt for a pre-owned domain name, including securing something relevant and straightforward. But buying a pre-owned domain can often be challenging for various reasons. Letâs go over what you should keep in mind if youâve decided to go this route.

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What If Negotiations Fail

If you werent able to get in touch with the site owner, if he was unresponsive or has set a price that was just too high, your last option is to just wait and see if the domain expires and then try to register it yourself. But whos got the time or patience to monitor it constantly?

A good option would be to use a domain backordering service that monitors the web address for you and tries to register it for you as soon as it becomes available. Backordering a domain can even cost you less than buying it outright or in auction. However, the downside is that you cant be sure when youll get your hands on it or if youll get it at all.

Just make sure that if you use this service, you choose a registrar that will only charge you if theyre successful in registering the domain for you, like 123-reg does, and not as soon as you request it.

Can I Buy A Domain Name Without Hosting

How to Buy a Domain Name That Is Already Taken in 2020

Yes, you can. Domain registration and web hosting are two different services. You dont need to buy or have a hosting plan to register a domain name.Check if your preferred domain name is available, then buy and register it at a domain name registrar.Whether you have a website or not, the domain name will be yours as long as you renew the registration before it expires.

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Reach Out To The Owner And Negotiate

Once youve done all the groundwork, its time to approach the owner to thrash out the details of the potential sale.

Here are 7 tips for negotiating a domain name purchase.

  • Be patient- if you are in a hurry to wrap up a deal you may end up getting burned. Some negotiations take time so be willing to wait it out.
  • Be fair- while you want to get the best deal ever, make a good offer otherwise negotiations will be drawn out if you start your bid too low. Worse, the buyer might dismiss you because they think you are not serious .
  • Be wise- dont show your hand too early- let the seller name their price first, their asking price may be lower than what you are expecting.
  • Be reasonable- yes, a good domain is great for business but dont obsess over it- move on if you cant get it because its not everything.
  • Be bold- dont be scared to pay good money for an excellent domain that can reap rich rewards for your business.
  • Be professional- let an escrow service handle the transfer in a safe environment that inspires confidence.
  • Be far-seeing- decide your walk-away price beforehand and abandon the deal once negotiations go way above it.
  • Use these tips to land your dream domain. Cant get the exact name you want? All is not lost. You can go for the next best thing.

    Why You Might Want To Buy A Domain That Is Already Taken

    In the vast majority of cases, registering an available domain is going to be your best and most simple bet. Depending on the name and Top-Level-Domain you want to use, you might pay as little as $10 for a one-year registration.

    There are three straightforward cases where buying a domain name thats already taken makes sense:

  • You want to buy the .com TLD for your existing brand name and it already has an owner.
  • Youve found the absolute perfect name for your website, but that domain isnt available.
  • You havent been able to come up with a domain name, so you decide to look for options that are on sale by their owners.
  • If you find yourself in scenario number one, the easiest move is to consider whether you can use an alternate TLD. Although we recommend .com in most cases, this doesnt mean other TLDs are out of bounds for your site.

    On the other hand, if the .com domain you want is relatively popular, using another TLD might not bring you the results you want. In this case, its more likely that users might get confused.

    Regardless of what scenario you find yourself in, heres how youll want to proceed. Lets start by talking about what to do if the domain you want has a website attached to it.

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    Stick With Your First Choice

    Stuck on your favourite name? These may be your only options for landing it. It might not be possible, but it’s worth a shot.

    Try to buy itYou can always offer to purchase the name you want from the current owner. If theWhoisinformation is public, you can reach out to the domain owner directly and see if they’re interested in selling. If the info is private, you can see if they have contact information listed on their website. Keep in mind: It’s pretty unlikely the owner will want to sell, or they may demand a steep price.

    Legal actionIf you own the trademark to the name used in the domain, you may have an option to take legal action to claim the domain name. This generally applies only if someone is offering goods or services similar to yours, and if they began using the name after you. The first thing to do if you believe your trademark is being infringed upon is to discuss the issue with your lawyer or legal team.

    How To Buy A Domain Name: A Simple Guide To Get You Started

    How To Buy A Domain Name If It’s Already Taken Feat. Isaac from GoDaddy

    A domain name is essentially a digital address its what people will type into their browsers to access your website. You can buy a domain name from a domain name registrar or hosting provider by visiting a domain registrar, finding the domain you want to purchase, and following the instructions to buy it.

    Keep in mind that buying a domain name is one of the most critical steps of starting a blog, personal site, or online business. Without one, users would not be able to easily access your website on the internet.

    Luckily, the process to register a domain name is quite straightforward even beginners can complete it in a few minutes.

    This article will explain each of the simple steps to register a domain name and present some tips and tricks to ease the process.

    Check out this video on how to register a domain name:

    Recommended Reading: How To Create A Domain Email With Gmail

    Choose An Alternative Domain To Launch Your Website With

    As youre building your business, get online quickly with an alternative domain, and then continue to pursue obtaining the ideal domain and if youre successful, make the switch later.

    What you compromise in brand consistency, you may make up in speed by getting started with an alternative domain name. There are many ways to get creative in finding a short, memorable and on-brand domain for your business – we have some tips and examples in our free guide.

    It might be a risky option if you establish your brand name and make it big . Tesla, after launching initially with the domain name, eventually paid a small fortune to acquire in the secondary domain market.

    Why Do I Need A Domain

    A suitable domain name is the first step towards setting up an online presence for your business. Free subdomains show a lack of professionalism that a custom domain could otherwise provide. Your domain and your website together make the first impression to your potential clients. Additionally, when you buy a custom domain, you have total control over the entire domain, the email addresses, subdomains, etc. On top of all these benefits, another foremost reason to buy a domain is that your website could get a better ranking in the search engine results page when people enter a search term that is relevant to your business.

    Read Also: Can You Buy A Domain Name

    How Do I Search For Expired Domain Names

    Expiring domain names are just what they sound like: Domain names that were unavailable because they were already registered but are about to expire, making the website name available for purchase again. You can search for expiring domain names using keywords or you can check the list of about-to-expire names. Search domains expiring now

    What To Do If Your Ideal Business Domain Name Is Already Taken

    How to Buy a Domain Name That is Already Taken

    Small business websites are no longer an optional marketing tool. Your customers expect you to have a web presence for your small business so they can quickly and easily find information such as your location, your hours, your products and your phone number.

    If you are just starting your business, the perfect time to register a domain name for your website is during the business naming process. The availability of a certain domain may actually play a role in the name of your business. But what happens if your business is already up and running, or the perfect domain name for your business just isn’t available? Here are four things you can do.

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    How To Buy An Existing Domain Name

    A customized website domain name can assist in marketing efforts, help develop brand identity and provide fast and easy access to prospective customers. But what if the domain name you want is already taken?

    You may be weighing the costs of buying that perfect Web domain for your small or medium-sized business instead of settling for the next best thing. But how do you buy it?

    1. Do your research.

    As with any purchase, figure out what youre buying and how much youre willing pay. Do some general research before making an offer:

    2. Reach out to the owner.

    Many websites contain About Us or Contact Us pages that provide owners contact information. If not, you can do an inquiry at The search results may include the owners name and email address.

    When contacting the owner, be polite and professional. Reach out by email using a generic address that doesnt give too much information away . If your initial email provides relevant information about your professional or personal status, the seller may conduct online research to assess your financial situation and possibly inflate the price.

    3. Use an escrow service.

    4. Get it in writing.

    Draft a Domain Name Purchase Agreement to set out the parameters of the sale.

    A buyer should make sure that the agreement, among other things:

    confirms the sellers ownership of the site and authority to sell

    guarantees that the domain name doesnt contain infringing material

    spells out what is included and excluded in the deal

    Research Your Desired Domain Name

    Once you pick a good domain name, youll want to check if the domain is already registered. You can use Shopifys Domain Search tool to see a custom domains availability. Another common way to conducting a WHOIS lookup.

    Before committing to a domain name, youll want to make sure that no other business is using the same one. There are three ways to check:

    • Run a trademark search. Head to and search the trademark database to see if anyone registered a similar name.
    • Check social media. Search Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and other relevant social media channels to check your names availability. This will come in handy when you go to create your accounts, too.
    • Do a Google search. Last but not least, type your desired name into Google to see if anyone is closely tied to your brand.

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    How Do You Buy A Domain Name A Guide

    Having your own website as a digital business card or point of contact for customers is almost indispensable in todays connected world. Social media channels also offer an excellent platform for presenting yourself online but are automatically tied to the respective third-party providers and their specifications. Your own website gives you much more freedom in terms of design. However, for users to find and visit your web project, you definitely need a catchy web address, also known as a domain, that fits your service, your style, your company, or your products.

    A good website naturally comes at a price. Read up on it in our Digital Guide and find out what your options are for making your project a reality, and how much setting up a website costs!

    How do you buy a domain or how do you register and purchase a domain if the domain ending you have your eye on is currently not available? These and more questions on the topic of buying a domain are explained step by step below, using IONOS as our example.


    Build your brand on a great domain, including SSL and a personal consultant!

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