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How To Point My Domain To My Website

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How To Change Your Primary Domain

Pointing Your Domain to Your Web Host

Every site hosted on Kinsta is assigned a primary domain. The primary domain is the main domain of the site and is automatically assigned when a site is created. If you dont add a custom domain during site creation, your sites primary domain will be set to a domain. If youve recently set up a custom domain and enabled our free Cloudflare integration, youll want to make sure its set up correctly as your sites primary domain.

To view your sites primary domain, navigate to Sites > Domains > Primary Domain. In the screenshot below, our kinstalife site is configured with as the primary domain.

Primary domain in MyKinsta.

To update your primary domain, scroll down to the Domains List section, click on the dropdown menu next to a domain, and click Make Primary Domain.

Update custom domain in MyKinsta.

On the Make Domain Primary modal, you have the option of choosing to run a search and replace. This search and replace will automatically update instances of your old domain to your new domain in your WordPress database. We recommend checking this option to prevent unexpected redirects caused by old URLs in your database. If you dont perform the search and replace here, you can always do it manually with our search and replace tool later on.

Search and replace primary domain.

For A Domain Pointed To Tsohost Nameservers #

Step 1: Login and Navigate to ‘Zone Editor’

Log in to your cPanel account click on the ‘Zone Editor’ under the Domains tab.

A list of domains will appear on the new page. Click ‘Manage’ on the left of the domain which DNS zone you want to edit.

On the new page, you will see the list of all DNS records associated with this domain on the server such as your A records and MX records. In order to point your domain to a new server, you have to update the IP address in its A record with the IP of the new server.

Step one: Click ‘Edit’

Step two: Click ‘Save record’

Verify Your New Domain

Next, youll need to verify ownership of your domain in order to use Kinstas free Cloudflare integration. To verify a new domain, youll need to add two TXT records at your DNS provider.

Verify your domain in MyKinsta.

TXT Record 1

  • Value: Unique UUID value from MyKinsta

TXT Record 2

  • Value: Unique UUID value from MyKinsta

Heres how you can add the TXT verification records if youre using Kinsta DNS. Open MyKinsta in a new tab, navigate to Kinsta DNS, click Add a DNS Record, and select the TXT option.

Select the TXT record tab in Kinsta DNS.

For the first TXT record, use _cf-custom-hostname for the Hostname field, and your unique UUID value for the Content field. After youve verified the TXT record details, click Add DNS Record.

Add the first TXT record for domain verification.

For the second TXT record, leave the Hostname field blank, and use your unique UUID value for the Content field. After youve verified the TXT record details, click Add DNS Record.

Add the second TXT record for domain verification.

After youve added the TXT records at your DNS provider, click OK, Ive Done It in the Verify domain modal window in MyKinsta.

After verifying with TXT records, click the OK, Ive done it button in MyKinsta.

Depending on your DNS provider, the TXT records may take up to 24 hours to propagate. After a successful domain verification youll receive a notification email like this:

Domain verification email from Kinsta.

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Pointing A Domain To A Host

Lets say you have just moved your site to another hosting provider. However, your domain name stayed with the old hosting company, and it does not direct visitors to your website.

This problem happens because your domain is not connected to the new web host. You have several options on how to solve this issue, but in practice, we only recommend using one method.

You can transfer the domain to the new hosting provider. However, domain transfer usually includes additional charges as the domain will be renewed for another year.

The second option is to update the domains DNS A record with your new IP address. Nevertheless, since A records are designed to point to static IP addresses, its advisable not to use this method. If the IP changes, your website will stop working until you update the record.

The last method is changing the domains nameservers. This is the most recommended option as you can transfer your domains DNS control to the new hosting provider without changing your registrar.

Respond To An Error Message

How to Point GoDaddy Domain Name to HostGator Hosting ...

If you see one of the following error messages, here are suggestions for troubleshooting:

  • Invalid DNS: You need to add a CNAME entry.. If you have already updated your DNS, wait 24-48 hours and try again.
  • The URL check failed. Please change the URL and try again: Type your custom URL again, and click Assign.
  • This isnt a valid URL: Make sure you typed the full web address with no typos. Your URL must include a subdomain, like “www”.
  • This URL is already in use by another Google service: This site is already being used by another service like Blogger, classic Sites, or AppEngine. Delete the existing mapping before assigning your URL to a site on Google Sites.
  • This URL is already in use by this site: Your custom URL is already linked to this Google Site.
  • This URL is missing its certificate: Delete your custom URL and try to assign it again. Learn how to remove the URL.
  • This URL is not verified. Please verify your ownership: Learn how to verify your site.
  • Youve reached the maximum number of URLs for this domain: There is a limit of 20 mappings made per week for your URL.

Also Check: How To Buy Only Domain Name

Select A Domain From Your Google Domains Account

  • Click Select a domain from Google Domains.
  • If this option is not available, you are not the manager of a domain registered with Google Domains. Learn more about domain management sharing.
  • If this option is available, click Next.
  • Select your domain from the dropdown menu.
  • Choose whether to redirect the root domain to your site. If you redirect the root domain to your site, traffic to your domain that does not include www. or another prefix will go directly to your site.
  • Click Done.
  • Get Your Web Host’s Name Servers

    The first thing you’ll need to do is to find out the list of name servers used by your web host.

    “Name servers”, or “DNS servers”, loosely speaking, are the things that translateyour domain name to the actual location of your website. A little example will make this clear. Let’s say you type adomain like “” into your web browser. In order to display the website associated with,the browser needs to know the real address of the site. Appearances to the contrary, the underlying machinery of theInternet does not actually use names for addresses, but series of numbers, like, called IP addresses. Name servers translatethe domain name you and I use to the actual numeric IP address used by the computers on the Internet.

    When you sign up with a commercial web host, they will configure their name servers so that they furnish yourwebsite’s real IP address when there is a query for your domain name. As such, in order for your domain to befound on the Internet, you must link your domain to your web host’s name servers.

    The easiest way to find out the name servers used by your web host for your domain is to ask them.A faster way is to look for the information yourself in either the email sent to you by your host when you first signed up with them, or fromthe documentation on your web host’s site. If you have no idea where to get the information, contact your web host and ask themfor the “DNS servers” or “name servers” to use for your domain.

    Don’t Miss: What Is A Domain Name For

    Where To Go From Here

    Okay, at this point, you have boughtyour domain name and pointed it to your website. If you’re not sure what you need to do next, please readHow to Make / Create Your Own Website:The Beginner’s A-Z Guide for the details. The guide takes you through all the steps needed to make your own website,and points to specific tutorials that will show you how to design, test and promote your website.

    Good luck!

    Copyright © 2009-2020 by Christopher Heng. All rights reserved.Get more free tips and articles like this,on web design, promotion, revenue and scripting, from .

    For A Domain Pointed To Tsodns Nameservers #

    Easy Steps To Point Your Domain To Your SiteGround Hosting |

    Step 1: Login to your Client Area at my.tsohost and navigate to Domains

    Step 2: Select your domain and on the new page go to ‘Custom DNS Records’

    Step 3: Once on the page with the records of your domain, select your primary A record and update its value in the right field.

    Step 4: When ready, click ‘Update Zone’ below your records.

    Note: This change can take up to 24 hours to complete. There should be no down time as long as your website is on both servers. During the 24 hours period the website will be live from the old server and sometime in the period it will change over to point to the new server.

    Important: Emails

    Please note that your MX record, which defined where emails point, can be set under Edit MX Entry. Make sure that this does not point to your domain name.

    If you are at all unsure please ask the support team for advice.

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    How To Point Your Domain To Namehero

    Same concept with Namehero, the dashboard just looks a little different.

    Right after you purchase hosting through NameHero, youll land in your Client Area.

    One of the first things youll see is your Nameservers .

    Copy/paste those two lines of digits and head over to NameCheap to update the Nameservers.

    Remember, login to Namecheap, go to Domains, click on Manage, and then update your nameservers under Custom DNS

    After completing these steps, youll just have to wait for the domain name to connect to your host .

    In the meantime, lets go back to our hosting dashboard and download WordPress so that we can start prepping our site for setup!

    How To Point A Domain Name To Your Website

    Following my article on What Does It Mean toPark a Domain Name? Domain Name Parking Explained, I received a few queries from visitors on how they can associate their newly acquireddomain name with their website. The visitors haven’t actually designed any website yet, but they have already signed up with a web host andare ready to “transfer” their domain there. This article describes how you canpoint that new domain name to your website.

    Also Check: How To Setup A Gmail Account With A Different Domain

    Pointing Two Urls To The Same Website

    * This post was originally posted on February 6, 2012, and has been updated for accuracy.

    Pointing two URLs to the same website is a good way to direct traffic to your site from several different domain names. You can accomplish this in two ways: either redirect one of the URLs to your primary domain, or create an alias for one of the URLs. The alias would point that domain towards your primary domain.

    How To Point Your Domain To Siteground

    How to Point my Domain to Another Hosting / Website ...

    First, youll go into your Siteground account to find your Nameserver details. If you havent purchased hosting yet, you can buy Siteground hosting here.

    Go into your dashboard, go to Websites, click the three dots on the right side of your screen, and click Server Details.

    If your dashboard looks a little different from mine, dont worry!

    Your nameserver details are in your dashboard, I promise. You can either dig around to look for them or reach out to their Live Chat so they can direct you.

    Youll collect the nameserver info. It is just two lines of digits, they start with ns1 and ns2 These are the two nameservers that we need to copy and paste into our NameCheap domain account where our domain is.

    Now, go into your NameCheap account, or wherever you bought your domain, and go to the place where you manage your domain.

    In Namecheap, youll login, go to your domain list, and click the Manage button next to your domain.

    Itll look something like this:

    This NameCheap article explains how to do this properly, but make sure you choose the Custom DNS option.

    The whole process can take up to 72 hours to complete, but mine never takes more than a day.

    Also Check: Where Can I Buy A Web Domain

    Use A Domain You Own That Is Registered Elsewhere

  • Click Use a domain from a third party.
  • Click Next.
  • Enter your domain.
  • If you are prompted to verify ownership, skip the remaining steps in this section and follow the instructions later in this page. Then try again.

  • Click Next.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to connect to a third-party domain registrar.
  • These steps may be different depending on your registrar. For more help, go to your domain registrars help resources.
  • Click Done.
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    Add a new domain in MyKinsta.

    Specify your domain, and click Add Domain and Continue. MyKinsta supports both root domains and subdomains. If you add a root domain, an additional wildcard domain will be added, which means subdomains will be automatically supported.

    Add your custom domain in MyKinsta.

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    Best Dedicated Host With A Free Transfer

    Clearly, youre doing something right to have scaled your site to the traffic and conversion levels to justify a dedicated server. You may even breeze through server configuration, maintenance, and implementing security patches but what if youre not a master of search engine optimization or domain name system records? As with semi- or fully managed VPS plans, customer support is important with dedicated server hosting, as well.

    Find experts that handle more than just machinery, and trust them to fill in the details you may not be sure of. The host weve reviewed below is one of the all-time greats at optimizing the hosting experience with supremely helpful humans and top-tier hardware:

    See other top dedicated server hosts »

    How To Connect Your Godaddy Domain To Your Website

    How To Point A Domain Name To A Website Hosted Elsewhere

    May 13, 2017 1 min read

    If youre looking to connect your GoDaddy domain to your website you will need two things: a domain, and a hosting account. The hosting account is where your website will live. GoDaddy is where you might buy your domain and youll need to point that to your server.

    If you dont have a host yet? For a small to medium website, Id suggest BlueHost. For more complex web apps Id suggest you look into something like Heroku, Digital Ocean or AWS. If you get stuck at any point Id suggest you just email your hosting company, as they should be able to help with your specific website.

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