Friday, July 26, 2024

How Do I Forward A Domain To Another Website

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How Can Web Forwarding Help My Online Business

How to forward a domain to another website.

There several ways Web forwarding can be used to benefit an online business. Forwarding Misspelled Domain Names By forwarding domain names, you can take advantage of the frequent spelling errors made by most internet searchers. For example, someone searching forjanesbagels.commight mistakenly search By anticipating these erroneous web addresses and registering several domain names accordingly, you can begin forwarding your domain names that allow you to cast a wider net. Forwarding Lengthy Domain Names Web addresses that are lengthy and difficult for visitors to remember can hinder website traffic. Choose a concise, catchy domain name that is relevant to your business and redirect it to your website using website forwarding. Forwarding Alternate Domain Names When you register a domain name, it is often a smart move to register similar web addresses with alternate extensions . Web forwarding helps you ensure that these web addresses are leading to the same place your website. Forwarding Old Domain Names Forwarding domain names can be helpful for business owners who want to move their websites without losing website traffic. Visitors who type in your old web address will be redirected to your new website. In the same way, if someone else’s website includes a link to your old domain, those who click will be forwarded to your new website.

Connect Domain To External Services

You can connect your domain to an external web service, social media profile, online shop or blog. The content will then be displayed under your internet address . Please note that for some of these services, the setup must be started in the configuration interface of the corresponding service.

To forward a domain, proceed as follows:

  • If you have not yet done so, please log in to your IONOS Customer Account.
  • Click on the Domain & SSL tile and select the desired domain.
  • Select the Adjust Domain Destination on the Details tab.
  • Click on Connect External Page.
  • Enter the necessary data for the final configuration.

You can find multiple configuration instructions in the Help Center under Domains > Using Domains.

Search Engine Ranking Consequences: Content Duplication

This method of doing things creates a search engine problem popularly called”content duplication“.I have written about this in the past, and one place you can find more information on this is from theHow to Createa Search Engine Friendly Website article.

Essentially, by making it so that all 3 different web addresses show the same content, it now appears to search enginesand casual visitors that there are 3 sites with identical content. This is not a problem in itself, but it becomes a problemwhen people find they like your site and start linking to it. Those who have reached your site using the”.com” version will link to the “.com” address, while others who have found it using the “.net” URL will link to the “.net”variation . And so on. Since search engines such as Google rely on the number of links pointing to your website to determineits importance, you will have effectively divided the links pointing to your site among the 3 different URLs. Theend result is that none of your URLs will appear to be as important as they could have, had all the links been attributedto a single web address.

If you have already pointed all your domains to your website this way, don’t panic. This problem is easily solved andreversed, even if you have been doing it for years. That is, there’s a simple way to tell the search engines thatall 3 domains point to the same site, and to add up all the links together and associate them with that site.Just read on.

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How To Enable Https Forwarding In Your Webnames Account

HTTPS Forwarding on the root domain: If you have purchased Advanced DNS or Premium DNS for the domain name you wish to forward, all you need to do is to setup forwarding from the Domain Management > DNS Hosting as indicated in the below screenshot. It just works!

Once you enter the forwarding destination and apply changes, Webnames will automatically issue and install an SSL for this domain, and enable secure HTTPS forwarding for the root domain.

HTTPS URL redirection for specific pages under a domain: You still require Premium or Advanced DNS Hosting and can use the Root URL Forwarding section , your destination domain name must include a trailing / at the end. For example, the destination domain should be entered as and this will ensure that a specific sub-page URL on the forwarded domain will redirect to the respective sub-page on the destination, as described in the below table.

HTTPS URL forwarding for subdomains: You will need Webnames Premium DNS enabled on the domain name. To redirect a subdomain such as using HTTPS, open Domain Management > DNS Hosting and scroll down to the Subdomain URL redirect section to create redirects.

If your website already has SSL configured and you wish to only redirect paths on one domain to another page on the same domain, you can modify .HTACCESS on your web hosting and configure the HTACCESS file for both URL redirection and to force HTTPS.

Set Up A Redirect In WordPress

How do I forward my domain name to another website?

The easiest way to set up a redirect in WordPress is using a plugin. One popular option for this is Redirection.

If youre new to adding plugins in WordPress, select Plugins in the menu on the left side of the screen. Click Add New, then perform a search for the plugin you want.

Once its set up, youll be able to find Redirection listed under Tools. Then click on Redirects in the menu at the top of the screen, and fill in the information for the URL you want to redirect, and the new URL you want it to point to.

Then click the Add Redirect button.

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What Is An Ssl/tls Certificate

SSL and TLS are protocols that help establish secure encrypted connections between devices that communicate over a network. An SSL Certificate installed on a web hosting server enables a user to encrypt the data sent and received using public and private keys. This allows web browsers to authenticate that this location is the destination the owner of the domain name intended visitors to reach.

Technically SSL is a deprecated protocol and TLS is its successor, but SSL Certificates and TLS certificates are used interchangeably. When an SSL certificate is correctly installed on a server it can then deliver content over HTTPS the secure counterpart of the HTTP protocol that powers the internet.

Click On Dns For The Domain You Want To Forward

You can also click on Manage and then, at the bottom of the Domain Settings page, click on Manage DNS. But its quicker to just click DNS from the list of domains.

Scroll to the bottom of this page, past Records and Nameservers. On the bottom right, there will be a panel labeled Forwarding, which will say not set up for the domain.

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How Does Https Domain Or Url Forwarding Work

An SSL certificate is automatically issued and installed for the root domain name that is being forwarded which allows visitors to the forwarded address be redirected to the destination URL over a secure HTTPS connection. HTTPS Domain forwarding is included with all of Webnames DNS Hosting plans while HTTPS URL Forwarding is available with Premium DNS and Multi-domain Premium DNS plans.

Masking Domains At Work

How to Forward A Domain Name to another website

Why would you want to use masking? My real estate friends website has a really long URL: name. He forwards his shorter domain names with masking to HIS page on their site because his customers dont need to see the actual URL.

He actually has about nine domains he forwards with masking to his company page. Apparently some people know him as Richard and some as Rick and his family calls him Ricky. He also purchases domains with the addresses of properties he highlights and then forwards each domain to that propertys page on his site. Smart.

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How To Redirect A Domain In Cpanel

There may be times that you need to redirect traffic from one domain to another. For example, you may need to route all traffic from to You can also redirect specific pages, such as to This can easily be accomplished in your cPanel. Alternately, you can file directly if you want to custom-code the redirect rules.

Step : Set The Web Forwarding

  • If you want to forward the domain to another domain, leave the Webforward field empty and only enter the destination field with the url to which your domain should refer, eg .
  • The control panel will add the web forward and automatically re-enter the same destination for you. Now you only have to enter www in the left field Webforward and click on add again to also forward the www subdomain to the same destination.
  • Recommended Reading: How To Open A Domain

    Dns Settings And Domain Forwarding

    Domain forwarding is automatically set up using DNS entries. Before you check with your browser whether domain forwarding has been successful, clear your Internet browser’s cache to remove outdated redirect information.

    To view DNS settings for a particular domain redirect:

    • If you have not yet done so, please log in to your IONOS Customer Account.
    • Click on the Domain & SSL tile and select the desired domain.
    • Switch to the DNS tab.
    • In the search field, enter “redirect” and complete the entry by clicking on Search. All DNS entries for the redirect will be displayed.

    TXT records for redirects are only required for creation purposes and you can delete them afterwards.

    Masked Forward And Html Forward

    How do I forward my domain name to another website?

    While it is possible to create a masked forward that would display another website’s content under your domain, this would require custom coding that is not supported. In addition to this, it is recommended that you do not use these methods to display content from an external server on your domain for the following reasons:

    If you are developing your page with a third-party service, rather than using masked forwarding to display it, the service will likely have a more effective solution for displaying your content.

    Recommended Reading: Which Domain Name Is Best

    What Is The Difference Between Http And Https

    The new standard for websites is to have an SSL certificate, making the address secure. Using HTTPS vs. HTTP ensures that your data is encrypted when information is exchanged between a browser and a web server. Using HTTPS also improves the trust of your visitors by showing that your site is more legitimate and secure. If the site, you are redirecting to has an SSL be sure to set the Destination to use the HTTPS so your visitors will get to the secure version of the URL you are forwarding to.

    How To Forward One Domain To Another Using Godaddy

    I recently received this question via email:

    I bought two domain names, and I want both of them to point to the same place . How do I do this?

    This setting is pretty easy to change. Any decent domain name registrar should cover this in their FAQ or help documentation search for domain forwarding. Here are a few screenshots showing how to do it in a GoDaddy account.

    This trick is also useful if youve bought both the .com and .net versions of your domain name, or if your nonprofit uses a .org address but you also want people who type the .com address to end up at the right place. I always recommend buying more than one domain.

    Forwarding a domain with GoDaddy is a simple 3-step process. Ready? Here we go:

    Recommended Reading: How To Negotiate A Domain Name Price

    Domain Redirecting And Url Forwarding With A Simple Dns Record

    Configure domain redirects and URL forwarding using ALIAS, ANAME, CNAME or TXT record.

    DNS itself wont redirect the path portion of a URL.

    Adding  IN  CNAME

    will direct access to to, where you will need to use web server config to direct users to the appropriate page.

    If your website is hosted on platform like GitHub Pages, Tumblr or Blogger you wont be able to redirect specific path or subdomain through server side.

    Since, heres the following sites which helps you to simply redirect using ALIAS, ANAME, CNAME or TXT record:

    Reasons To Redirect One Domain To Another

    STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS: How to forward GoDaddy domain name to another domain, website or webpage

    There can be a lot of reasons why would people want to redirect their domains to another website. These are the most common ones:1. Acquisition of multiple domains. Most companies acquire similar domain name versions of different top-level domains to protect their business interests on the internet and the domains industry. A sample would be a company buying of and It is an industry-practice to acquire spelling variations and common misspellings of a domain name. Try visiting the sites and and check where those sites take you that is an example of domain forwarding done right.

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    Forwarding Multiple Domains In Practice

    I had this conversation recently with a good friend of mine. She is a family doctor who bought the domain name with the FULL name of her practice. I asked her how many of her patients found her by the name of her practice or by using her actual name. I let her in on a little secret: even I couldnt remember the name of her practice! If I didnt have her website bookmarked, I would never remember where to go time after time.

    She could have benefited by purchasing an additional, shorter domain name for the practice and by investing in the domain names of each of the physicians so they could be used individually. For example, and could forward to I also reminded her that having the .org, .co, etc. to lock down her brand just made common sense.

    I had almost the same conversation with my real estate agent. He has changed companies three times since Ive known him the only thing I remember about him is his name. Luckily, he has his name as a domain and forwards it each new company he joins, so I never have to remember where he actually works!

    Redirect A Domain Name From The Control Panel

    Once you have logged in to your OVH Control Panel, click your domain name in the Domains section of the service bar . Then click the Redirection tab in the page that opens.

    This table displays all active redirections for your domain name.

    To add a redirection, click Add a redirection .

    In the window that appears, enter the domain name that you would like to redirect. This will be the redirection source.

    You must now choose the target you would like to redirect the domain name to. There are two choices:

    • Redirect to a web address

    Redirect a domain name to another domain name. This solution is ideal if you are changing your websites domain name.

    • Redirect to an OVH server, or elsewhere

    Modify a domain names DNS configuration and enter another target . This solution is ideal if your website is no longer hosted by the same hosting provider, but the domain name is still registered with the same registrar. You can also do this if your domain name uses OVH configuration, by modifying it within the Control Panel .

    From this point onwards, we will only focus on redirections to a web address. For the latter option, please contact your service provider to find out which DNS records you will need to modify in order to redirect your domain.

    For redirections to a web address, you can now choose the redirection type that you would like to set up. There are two choices.

    For visible redirection

    You have two choices for visible redirection:

    The change can take 4-24 hours to fully propagate.

    Recommended Reading: How To Tell When A Domain Was Registered

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