Thursday, July 25, 2024

What Is The Ai Domain

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Which Countries Are Leading The Way In Ai

AIM Podcast with Pradeep Sukumaran, Vice president AI & Cloud software at Ignitarium

It’d be a big mistake to think the US tech giants have the field of AI sewn up. Chinese firms Alibaba, Baidu, and Lenovo, invest heavily in AI in fields ranging from e-commerce to autonomous driving. As a country, China is pursuing a three-step plan to turn AI into a core industry for the country, one that will be worth 150 billion yuan by the end of 2020 to become the world’s leading AI power by 2030.

Baidu has invested in developing self-driving cars, powered by its deep-learning algorithm, Baidu AutoBrain. After several years of tests, with its Apollo self-driving car having racked up more than three million miles of driving in tests, it carried over 100 000 passengers in 27 cities worldwide.

Baidu launched a fleet of 40 Apollo Go Robotaxis in Beijing this year. The company’s founder has predicted that self-driving vehicles will be common in China’s cities within five years.

The combination of weak privacy laws, huge investment, concerted data-gathering, and big data analytics by major firms like Baidu, Alibaba, and Tencent, means that some analysts believe China will have an advantage over the US when it comes to future AI research, with one analyst describing the chances of China taking the lead over the US as 500 to 1 in China’s favor.

Baidu’s self-driving car, a modified BMW 3 series.

Will Ai Kill Us All

Again, it depends on who you ask. As AI-powered systems have grown more capable, so warnings of the downsides have become more dire.

Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has claimed that AI is a “fundamental risk to the existence of human civilization”. As part of his push for stronger regulatory oversight and more responsible research into mitigating the downsides of AI, he set up OpenAI, a non-profit artificial intelligence research company that aims to promote and develop friendly AI that will benefit society as a whole. Similarly, the esteemed physicist Stephen Hawking warned that once a sufficiently advanced AI is created, it will rapidly advance to the point at which it vastly outstrips human capabilities. A phenomenon is known as a singularity and could pose an existential threat to the human race.

Yet, the notion that humanity is on the verge of an AI explosion that will dwarf our intellect seems ludicrous to some AI researchers.

Chris Bishop, Microsoft’s director of research in Cambridge, England, stresses how different the narrow intelligence of AI today is from the general intelligence of humans, saying that when people worry about “Terminator and the rise of the machines and so on? Utter nonsense, yes. At best, such discussions are decades away.”

Choose Your Registration Term

You found the domain of your dreams or at least, youve found the domain that suits your needs. Now its time to decide on the registration duration youd prefer. Unlike most domains, the .AI domain doesnt allow odd-year registration terms i.e. it can only be registered for 2, 4, 6 or 8 years. This is a registry level restriction that all domain providers need to abide by

At OnlyDomains, you can find this information in your shopping cart. Click on the dropdown box under the Duration column and pick your desired option. The price to the right will update automatically.

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So What Is The Connection

.AI is the ccTLD for Anguilla and is another example of the trend where certain suffixes have gained significant increases in registrations from people with little or no direct relationship with the host territory.

Despite a population of just under 15,000, there are currently over 57,000 .AI domain names registered, more than vastly larger countries like .BG or .TH .

A large percentage of these are registrations from companies in the artificial intelligence industry, particularly startups.

Io Domain Name Procedures

Domains of Artificial intelligence in 2020

For .io domain names, the dispute resolution policy is the so-called Dispute Resolution Policy .IO. The procedural rules are an adapted version of the WIPO Expedited Arbitration Rules .

The person who starts the procedure to claim a .io domain name will have to prove that the current domain name owner has violated his rights and the registration was made for an unlawful purpose. Also, any information in the domain name application that is later found to be false may lead to cancellation of the registration .

The remedies that may be awarded are limited to: the provisional suspension of the .io domain name registration for the duration of the proceedings the cancellation of the .io domain name registration and , subject to the agreement of the parties, a modification of the registration. In practice, the cancellation of the .io domain name is the most likely outcome .

.io domain name complaints are also handled and judged by the WIPO Center, but the fees differ. The applicable fees for a .io domain name procedure are an administration fee of 500 USD plus a fee to be paid to the Tribunal . The Tribunal will apportion the fees and costs between the parties in the light of the circumstances of the case and the outcome of the proceedings.

Read our previous blog post for more information on .com domain name claims .

Do you have questions about a .io or .ai domain name claim? Do not hesitate to contact us!

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How To Name Your Tech Startup

Your tech startup caters to a host of customers. There is a great possibility that yourcustomers are not well-versed with computer science, coding, programming, and technologyat large. Which is why picking a domain name on .techwill help your end-users to get anidea of what you do.

How to get a .tech domain?Acquiring a name of your choice on a .tech domain is really simple. Visit www.get.techand search for your domain name. Here are some nifty ways to search for domain:businessname.techindustry.techindustry+geo.techproduct+geo.techphrase.techOnce you find your perfect .tech domain, go ahead and register it.

Ai Domain Name Procedures

For .ai domain name procedures, the relevant rules are the so-called Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy , the related UDRP procedural rules and the WIPO supplemental rules for UDRP.

This means that the claimant in a .ai domain name procedure will have to prove 3 basic legal requirements:

the .ai domain name is identical or confusingly similar to a trademark or service mark in which the complainant has rights and

the domain-name holder has no rights or legitimate interests in respect of the .ai domain name and

the .ai domain name was registered and is being used in bad faith.

.ai domain name disputes are administered by the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center . The fees are 1.500 USD for a single panelist hearing and 4.000 euros if you want three panelists to judge the case.

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As Ai Heats Up In The Startup World Ai Heats Up In The Domain World

If Cloud was the buzzword of buzzwords five years ago I think its safe to say that AI or Artificial Intelligence took over in 2016 and is going strong in 2017. In fact, AI has become such a massive buzzword in the startup world that investors are starting to do a deeper dive into which companies are actually using AI and which are just using the term.

When a new term gets hot, people in the domain name world get busy registering names and thats just what is happening in the .AI space. Popular domain name blog recently published a post titled, Someone is going on a .AI Shopping Spree in it they shared some of the recent buying behavior on domain marketplace Sedo.

So the last few weeks the Sedo country code sales have been filled with .Ai sales. The top two sales this week were .Ai sales. The week before .Ai took 12 of 27 reported cctld sales.

There seems to be one company out of Beijing that is buying all these .Ai names.

While domain name investors are buying up a lot of the top keywords in .AI, many startup founders are still trying to wrap their head around this seemingly new domain name extension. Not surprisingly theres a lot of confusion around .AI and I thought now was as good a time as any to clear things up.

Heres a handful of facts you might not have known about .AI domain names

If youre interested in understanding what .AI domains are selling for you can look up past sales on NameBio and filter by the .AI extension.

What Is Machine Learning

Kentico Xperience Connection 2022 is here!

Practically all of the achievements mentioned so far stemmed from machine learning, a subset of AI that accounts for the vast majority of achievements in the field in recent years. When people talk about AI today, they are generally talking about machine learning.

Currently enjoying something of a resurgence, in simple terms, machine learning is where a computer system learns how to perform a task rather than being programmed how to do so. This description of machine learning dates all the way back to 1959 when it was coined by Arthur Samuel, a pioneer of the field who developed one of the world’s first self-learning systems, the Samuel Checkers-playing Program.

To learn, these systems are fed huge amounts of data, which they then use to learn how to carry out a specific task, such as understanding speech or captioning a photograph. The quality and size of this dataset are important for building a system able to carry out its designated task accurately. For example, if you were building a machine-learning system to predict house prices, the training data should include more than just the property size, but other salient factors such as the number of bedrooms or the size of the garden.

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Artificial Intelligence And Ibm Cloud

IBM has been a leader in advancing AI-driven technologies for enterprises and has pioneered the future of machine learning systems for multiple industries. Based on decades of AI research, years of experience working with organizations of all sizes, and on learnings from over 30,000 IBM Watson engagements, IBM has developed the AI Ladder for successful artificial intelligence deployments:

  • Collect: Simplifying data collection and accessibility.
  • Organize: Creating a business-ready analytics foundation.
  • Analyze: Building scalable and trustworthy AI-driven systems.
  • Infuse: Integrating and optimizing systems across an entire business framework.
  • Modernize: Bringing your AI applications and systems to the cloud.

IBM Watson gives enterprises the AI tools they need to transform their business systems and workflows, while significantly improving automation and efficiency. For more information on how IBM can help you complete your AI journey, explore the IBM portfolio of managed services and solutions

Artificial Intelligence And The Rise Of The Machines

What was once for many of us just the focus of Ridley Scott movies is now part of our day-to-day reality. In 2018, youve no doubt come across these headlines or others that sound a lot like them:

Will a robot take your job? BBC.COM, 15.09.2011

Welcome, Robot Overlords. Please dont fire us? Mother Jones, May/June 2013 issue

Yes, the robots will take your jobs. And thats fine. Washington Post, 17.02.2016

Invasion of the pizza-making robots CBSNEWS.COM, 14.09.2016

How marketers can start integrating AI in their work HBR.ORG, 29.05.2018

With a constant stream of news stories like these, it’s impossible to ignore just how much the subject of AI has dominated public discourse or the impact it’s having on our lives. These days, most of us are probably at least somewhat familiar with basic concepts related to artificial intelligence:

  • AI, the field of computer science that seeks to build machines which attempt to simulate human cognitive abilities through, for example, speech and image recognition.
  • Machine learning: a subfield of AI, the goal of which is to enable computers to learn on their own through algorithms that help them identify patterns in data, build models, and make predictions based on explicit pre-programmed rules and models.

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Classifiers And Statistical Learning Methods

Classifier Statistical classificationMachine learning

The simplest AI applications can be divided into two types: classifiers and controllers . Controllers do, however, also classify conditions before inferring actions, and therefore classification forms a central part of many AI systems. Classifiers are functions that use pattern matching to determine a closest match. They can be tuned according to examples, making them very attractive for use in AI. These examples are known as observations or patterns. In supervised learning, each pattern belongs to a certain predefined class. A class is a decision that has to be made. All the observations combined with their class labels are known as a data set. When a new observation is received, that observation is classified based on previous experience.

A classifier can be trained in various ways there are many statistical and machine learning approaches.The is the simplest and most widely used symbolic machine learning algorithm.K-nearest neighbor algorithm was the most widely used analogical AI until the mid-1990s.Kernel methods such as the support vector machine displaced k-nearest neighbor in the 1990s.The naive Bayes classifier is reportedly the “most widely used learner” at Google, due in part to its scalability.Neural networks are also used for classification.

Which Companies Are Using A Ai Tld

A Five

Many companies are turning their backs on the traditional .com domain extension in favor of more unique and sometimes descriptive TLDs, which especially makes sense as there are increasingly fewer available .com domains left to choose from.

Companies that are using .ai domains include,,, and These companies have realized that it makes sense to jump on the .ai domain bandwagon due to its rising popularity in 2018, .ai replaced .net as the third most popular alternative domain extension.

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Areas And Task Domain Of Artificial Intelligence



· Machine Vision: It is easy to interface a TVcamera to a computer and get animageinto memory the problem is understandingwhatthe image represents. Vision takes lotsof computation in humans, roughly 10% of all calories consumed are burned invision computation.

· Speech Understanding: Speechunderstanding is available now. Some systemsmust be trained for the individual user and require pauses betweenwords. Understanding continuous speech with a larger vocabulary is harder.

· Touch Sensation: Important for robot assembly tasks.

Robotics Although industrial robots have been expensive, robot hardware can becheap: RadioShack has sold aworking robot arm and hand for $15. The limiting factor in application ofrobotics is not the cost of the robot hardware itself. What is needed isperception and intelligence to tell the robot what to do “blind” robots arelimited to very well-structured tasks .

Planning Planning attempts to orderactions to achieve goals. Planning applications includelogistics, manufacturing scheduling, planning manufacturing stepsto construct a desired product. There are huge amounts of money to be savedthrough better planning.

Expert Systems Expert Systems attempt to capture the knowledge of a human expert andmakeit available through a computerprogram. There have been many successful and economically valuable applicationsof expert systems. Expert systems provide the following benefits

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