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What’s My Domain Authority

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How Authority Score Is Calculated

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The calculation is carried out in two steps:

Step 1. Our initial machine learning algorithm uses organic search data, website traffic data, and backlink data to understand the rankings of the most popular and trusted domains on the web.

Step 2. The second algorithm uses backlink data to detect how a website increases or decreases its authority by gaining links. The metrics in this calculation include:

  • The number of referring domains pointing to the site
  • The authority of each referring domain
  • Follow vs. nofollow links pointing to the site
  • Follow vs. nofollow links pointing away from the site
  • The number of outbound links from each referring domain
  • The total number of backlinks pointing to the site
  • The number of referring IPs pointing to the site
  • The number of referring subnets pointing to the site

The value is measured on a scale from 0 to 100, with the latter being the strongest. The final score is measured in relation to the most authoritative domains. There are only a few domains on the Internet with the highest scores99s, 98s, etc.

Why Is Domain Authority Different From Other Seo Tactics

The first SEO strategy most webmasters learn is how to optimize for strategically relevant keywords.

The basic principle idea here is to include important keywords within the body of your content, to increase their likelihood of ranking for queries with similar wording.

Website owners who follow this strategy while ignoring other SEO tactics are often perplexed to learn that their search rankings arent improving as expected.

Focusing on domain authority is distinct from keyword-based tactics for several important reasons:

Gauging The Ranking Potential

If you have roughly the same DR as your competitor, you can plug their website into Ahrefs Content Gap tool and look for keywords that bring them traffic and that you dont currently rank for. Theres a good chance youll be able to rank for them too.

For example, has nearly the same DR as . So the folks at Basecamp can try going after the same keywords that Asana is ranking for, as theres a good chance their site will rank for the keywords fairly easily.

But if your DR is just 20, going after the keywords that a DR 80 website is ranking for is rather unreasonable. You should instead look for lower-DR websites to get rankable content ideas from.

Obviously, its not guaranteed that youll rank for a given keyword just because a site with a similar DR is ranking for it. But sourcing your content ideas from websites with similar link popularity is a reasonable strategy.

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What Is Website Authority

Website authority is an SEO concept that refers to the strength of a given domain.

Some people call this domain authority, which is not to be confused with the Domain Authority metric from Moz. When we talk about domain authority, we’re talking about a general SEO concept that’s synonymous with website authority.

Here at Ahrefs, we have a website authority metric of our own called Domain Rating. It runs on a scale from zero to a hundred. The higher a website’s Domain Rating , the stronger and more authoritative it is.

The free tool above shows your websites authority as calculated by Ahrefs .

How Do I Check My Domain Authority Score

What is Domain Authority and Why is it Important?

To check domain authority, use a domain authority lookup tool. Moz is the natural place to check your domain authority score. You can use their free domain authority lookup tool here.

Enter your domain URL into the search box and click analyze domain. You will then be presented with your score, the number of linking root domains, how many keywords your site ranks for, and your spam score.

Two lists appear underneath. These include Top Pages by Links and Top Linking Domains. The first shows your highest-rated pages by links. This is page authority.

The second shows a list of the highest authority pages that link to your website. As you scroll down the page, more data appears. You will need a paid Moz account to access everything. Other free domain authority checkers include:

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How To Improve Your Domain Authority

Because Domain authority is calculated based on link based metrics, you should focus on getting relevant quality backlinks from high authority domains. This is easier said than done, so to get you on your way Ive developed the Free Link Building Tool that will help you to identify: Guest post, Resource listings and review link building opportunities.

How To Check The Domain Authority Of Websites

Test your SEO in 60 seconds! Diib is one of the best SEO tools in the world. Diib uses the power of big data to help you quickly and easily increase your traffic and rankings. Well even let you know if you already deserve to rank higher for certain keywords.

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Keyword and backlink monitoring + ideas

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Tips To Increase Your Domain Authority

Now that you know how to find your ideal Domain Authority score, its time to look at how you can improve your current Domain Authority score. Its important to note that its easier to improve your domain score from 20 to 30 than 70 to 80. You cant rapidly improve your score overnight, so it will take time to optimize and get a higher domain ranking. Lets take a look at five ways to increase Domain Authority:

1. Follow SEO best practices

If you want to improve your Domain Authority, start by following SEO best practices. Following SEO best practices will help you continually improve your rankings in search results while strengthening your domain score. Youll want to optimize your on-page content to help it perform better in search results.

On-page optimizations include elements like:

Each of these elements plays a fundamental role in your SEO ranking. Generally, SEO matters to your Domain Authority, so you want to follow SEO best practices. By following necessary optimizations for SEO, youll help improve your ranking and your Domain Authority.

2. Create linkable content

If you want to know how to increase Domain Authority, start by creating linkable content. Content plays an essential role in improving your score, so youll want to invest time and effort into creating great content that people want to share. So, how do you create high-quality, linkable content?

Overall, focus on posting high-quality content regularly.

3. Remove bad link profiles

Diib: Check Your Domain Authority Now

How to Manage Your Domains in Crusader Kings 3 (Control, Development, & Succession)

Overall, a healthy site is what every website owner is interested in. All the factors that are considered in domain authority contribute to the health of a site. Even if you are not invested in comparing your site to others, the checklist of factors for Diib and other DA tools compels you to look at are all worth your time and energy. Diib gives minute-by-minute domain authority scores, with in depth analysis for improvement. Here are some of the features that we love:

  • 24/7 Domain monitoring

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Diib: Boost Your Visibility With Multi

Most likely, your company already has a reliable marketing channel. However, one platform is never enough, and you need to use as many as you can to reach a vast range of prospects. Remember to give your customers a consistent experience across all channels and connect with them in ways that match their preferences. It results in expanded reach, higher conversions, organic growth of followers, high retention rate, increased engagement, and impression levels.

Diib Digital offers a comprehensive look into your multi-channel marketing campaign. Monitor metrics such as:

  • Keyword, backlink, and indexing monitoring and tracking tools
  • Google Core Algorithm monitoring

Domain Authority Vs Page Authority

While Domain Authority measures the probability of an entire web domain to rank in the SERPs, Page Authority focuses specifically on the probability of ranking each of the pages of the website individually.

This enables you to determine the performance of individual pages such as blog posts or product pages to analyze which ones might need some fine-tuning to obtain a higher score.

The Page Authority indicator can help you prioritize and define the next actions to develop within your digital strategy based on the pages with the most scope for improvement.

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Optimizing Your Website For Those Keywords

Once youve conducted keyword research, you need to optimize your site for those keywords. This means adding the keywords to your websites title tags, meta descriptions, and header tags, and much more.

Knowing how to do all these is not easy. The best way to get the best results is to hire a content writer, which you can easily find on platform like Fiverr. Though, finding the right person can be a challenge. Therefore, we recommend you read our article SEO Content on Fiverr: Get the Content You Need!

Domain Authority By Moz

" What is Domain Authority?"

Domain Authority is a score developed by Moz that predicts how likely a website is to rank well. Moz DA ranges from 1 to 100, with higher scores equalling a better domain .

DA is calculated by evaluating multiple factors such as the number of backlinks pointing to a domain.

DA scores between 40 50 are considered average, with 50 60 being good and over 60 being excellent.

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What Is A Good Domain Authority

A good DA score depends on the industry youre website is in. How good your DA is is relative to the DA of your competitors websites.

If, for example, you sell cars and your local dealership competitors have websites with DAs of 40-50, then if you had a DA of 55-60, youre sitting on a fantastic DA.

Conversely, if youre a plumber and create a website that only has a DA of 15 when your local competitors have DAs of 30, then your competitors will outperform you in the SERPs and get all the business.

You just want a higher score than your competitors.

Content And Keyword Research

Because DA predicts a sites ability to rank, its a great tool for keyword research and evaluating keyword difficulty. For instance, say youre writing a post and doing some keyword research. Download and activate Mozbar, search for your target keyword, and see how the competition stacks up. This can give you a good gauge on your likelihood to rank for the target keyword or rather how much work you might need to put in to beat out the competition.

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How Do I Check Domain Authority

Enter your URL into the input box above and click Go Fetch to check its domain authority.

You will then be able to see your score in the DA PA column. If you want to do a bulk domain check, enter one URL per line.

We recommend that you start by checking a page on your site vs. a page on a competitors site.

Filtering And Sorting The Backlinks

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We cannot fully automate link prospecting. You need to opt for a manual vetting. But there may be a contradictory situation. What will be the solution?

Now it is a fact that everyone doesnt have time for manually filtering the backlinks. There are thousands of backlinks. In this situation, you will use a backlink analysis strategy. It is also another fact that all of the backlinks do not worth your attention. You do not need to pursue these backlinks. They may be low quality, no follow, and from other language websites.

You need to add a filter to check backlinks for the website.

  • Language: English
  • Link-type: Do follow
  • Platform: Blogs

Be sure that the last filter you have added is vital for the strategy to find backlinks. It is a filter for links that you see on specific ranking blogs. These links are always in most of the cases in content editorial links. These links are powerful for all that you need. There are different methods to sort the links. You may start from high to low traffic. You should prioritize the links form pages that attract most traffic.

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What Is A Good Da Score

Domain authority is best used as a relative metric that is gauged against your competitors DA scores. For example a DA score of 60 is good if your competitors average a 50. For context, brand new sites start with a DA score of 1. Only a few major sites such as Facebook, Amazon and YouTube have DA scores at or near 100.

Factors That Influence Domain Authority

Must be conscious about how is DA calculated? There are over 100 factors that Moz uses to compute the domain authority of a website. Here are some of them:

  • Referring root domains.
  • The number of backlinks pointing to the website.
  • Quality of the links.
  • Age of domain .
  • Amount of social signals.
  • Quality of overall site content.

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Does A Domain Authority Checker Help With Page Authority

Short answer, no. Domain authority and page authority are two different things. While a domain authority score tells you how well your overall website might rank, a PA score looks at the potential ranking for an individual page on your site. Tools that provide a PA score rely on AI to evaluate various factors, similar to the machine language that drives a domain authority checker.

You should evaluate your PA score similarly to the one provided when you check DA. You should judge it based on the metrics you wish to achieve with your SEO. You should avoid the idea of putting the score you get back when you check domain authority or page authority as good or bad. Look at what its telling you about the metrics you value.

Do It Without A Billion Open Tabs And Subscription Trials In The Domain Authority Checker

What Is Domain Authority (DA) ?

For once, free doesnt have to mean crappyand comprehensive doesnt have to be complicated. Heres how:

Step 1: Enter URLs Into DA Checker

Input one URL per line. You can check up to 10 URLs every 24 hours.

Step 2: Add Email & Submit

Drop your email and pass the robot test to access your results.

Step 3: Get your data, rinse, repeat

Youll be taken to the Loganix Dashboard to see your results and look-up more URLs.

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Domain Rating Vs Domain Authority What Is The Difference

Domain Rating is a statistical measure that assigns a numerical ranking to every website on the Internet. It ranges from 0-100, with higher numbers meaning a greater ranking. Domain Authority is similar, but instead of being based on a statistical calculation, it’s Moz’s operationalization of link equity into a 100-point logarithmic scale.

Both DR and DA are based on the quantity and quality of inbound links to a website, but they use different algorithms and data sets to arrive at their final numbers.

What Is A Good Domain Authority Is Low Da Bad

Low DA is not an indication that the website is worthless.

A site with very low DA can rank on search engines if there is a lack of competition.

It takes some time for Moz to reflect the score as it follows the logarithmic scale.

As you increase your DA score, it becomes harder to achieve a higher DA.

For example, your site can easily reach 20-30 DA by following the best practices.

However, it becomes more challenging to raise DA from 31-40 and even more difficult to improve it from 70 to 80 DA.

That said, if you see an aged site with very low DA, it could be an indication of low-quality links and less traffic.

DA is a score is accumulated over a long period of time.

I would say the domain age plays a critical role in improving the DA score.

This means its impossible to increase the DA of your website from 1-50 in a weeks time.

The result of all your effort may reflect only after a few months.

One thing is sure:

A few changes here and there will not make your DA skyrocket.

If you want to improve the DA systematically without lagging behind your competitors, you have come to the right resource.

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What Is A Good Or Average Domain Authority Score

Generally speaking, sites with very large numbers of high-quality external links are at the top end of the Domain Authority scale, whereas small businesses and websites with fewer inbound links may have much lower DA scores. Exploring Moz’s list of the top 500 sites on the web can help you to understand the impact that Domain Authority and other link-based metrics have on a site’s rankings and popularity. A brand-new website will always start with a Domain Authority score of one, and that score will increase as the site earns more and more authoritative backlinks over time.

Because Domain Authority is a predictor of a site’s ability to rank within its unique competitive landscape, you shouldnt choose your target DA in a vacuum. Look at the DA scores for the sites you compete with directly in the SERPs and aim for a higher score than your competitors’. DA is best used as a comparative metric when investigating the sites within your target SERPs that may have more powerful link profiles than you do your true competitors. Because the metric is relative, there is no such thing as an absolutely “good,” “average,” or “bad” Domain Authority score there are only scores that are “good,” “average,” or “bad” within the context of a particular competitive landscape.

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