Thursday, April 25, 2024

How To Add Ssl To Godaddy Domain

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The Many Benefits Of Ssl Certificates From Godaddy

How to add SSL Certificate to your website domain on godaddy

SSL certificates protect the information of website visitors by encrypting it as it travels between your website and their browsers. When you purchase an SSL certificate from GoDaddy, you can rest easy knowing that your website is safe from cybercrime. The pricing of an SSL certificate is determined by its features and validity. Standard DV SSL certificates are available for $69.99 per year, and Deluxe OV SSL certificates are available for $99.99 per year, with Premium EV SSL certificates available for $149.99 per year. A UCC/SAN SSL certificate costs $149.99 per year to obtain. You can order an SSL certificate from Goaddy by going to your product page and selecting SSL Certificates. You can manage the certificates that you want to download by selecting Manage from the SSL Certificate page. To download the zip file, select a server type and then click the Download Zip File link.

What Do I Need To Do

Buying an SSL certificate is easy but installing one on your own can be challenging. Take a look at the resources available for your sites hosting.

Websites + Marketing

Good job! You’re already protecting yourself and your visitors. Your site has an SSL certificate and we manage it for you.

WordPress and other content management systems

You can purchase an SSL certificate and install it yourself or purchase a managed SSL Service.

If you do it on your own, you need to purchase the SSL and then:

  • Go through the process of requesting, verifying, downloading, installing, redirecting HTTP traffic, and checking your SSL certificate installation.
  • Troubleshoot any issues that come up.
  • Remember every year that you have to renew the certificate and go through the installation process again.

If you decide to do it on your own, or you have purchased your SSL from another company, take a look at Install my SSL certificate.

Use The Crt To Install The External Ssl Certificate In Godaddy

In the seventh step, You are going to use the files from the zip file that you received from Namecheap and you are going to place that in GoDaddys cPanel.

Go back to GoDaddys cPanel and type SSL in the search field.

Choose the first option SSL / TLS.

Scroll down until you see upload a new certificate. And there is a section where you can upload the file with .crt extension.

Just upload the file and give it a description .

and click upload certificate.

Once its uploaded, click on Go back and scroll down until bottom and click on Return to SSL Manager.

Next, under install and manage SSL, click on the Manage SSL sites link.

Scroll down until you see browser certificates and in the dropdown select the domain you want the SSL to apply to, in my case its

It should pre-fill all the other fields, so, all the details for the certificate. Then, just click on install certificate.

You should get a popup that SSL Certificate successfully updated and click on Ok.

If you scroll down you can see you have a new SSL certificate in the list. Its valid for one year from the activation date and it covers these two domains.

Lets see if it worked on the website. And click on the padlock in the URL bar, your site should have now connection is secure text. If you click on the Certificate text, you will be able to see until when this is valid.

So now your website went into a stealth mode!

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Replace Existing Nameservers With Cloudflare Nameservers

To avail the benefits of the Cloudflare SSL certificate, you will also have to update the nameservers at your domain registrar to resolve your domainâs DNS with Cloudflares nameservers.

In simpler terms, you will have to login to your GoDaddy account and replace GoDaddy nameservers with Cloudflare nameservers, which are displayed during the Cloudflare onboarding process, as shown here.

Once in your GoDaddy account, navigate over to the domain that you wish to modify and click Manage DNS:

Then Scroll down to the Nameservers settings and click change.

Now enter the nameservers that you have copied from your Cloudflare account:

Save the changes and press Continue to give consent to update the Nameservers for the domain you have selected.

Godaddy Install Ssl Certificate Iis

Installing a Cheaper SSL on Godaddy Web Hosting 2020

I cannot seem to find a good answer to that anywhere.

We purchased a UCC SSL certificate for a Multiple Domain. It is also suitable for use with the primary domain and its subdomains. We paid $169.99 for the certificate via GoDaddy. Following the purchase, I made the following changes. These instructions are provided by Godaddy. Request an SSL certificate, and then click the submit button. We had to wait nearly eight hours for it to finish.

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Activate Free Ssl For Godaddy:

Below are the steps to configure SSL certificate of Cloudflare.

Step 1: Go to and create a free plan account.

2. Select a free plan.

Step 2: cloudflare gets your domain record information and new nameservers with the following content:

Step 3: Go to GoDaddy hosting account here.

Note: Take backup of your CNAME,TXT, and Domain record settings. Because if youre using third party nameservers, GoDaddy never maintain the DNS records.

After updated new nameservers, Cloudflare takes the CNAME,TXT information from GoDaddy and You can see the details in DNS page.

Step 4: Activate your free SSL certificates . Enable Always Use HTTPs turn on.

Page scroll down, By default enabled Automatic HTTPs Rewrites is set to on.

Step 5: If youre a wordpress user, go to Page Rules and following page rules. This will helpful to redirect existing pages to HTTPs.

In free plan, they allowed 3 pages only. If you want to more pages you have to buy the premium plan.

Note: Above steps are used to configure Free SSL for your domain in Cloudflare,

Hereafter, the following steps for wordpress user only.

Installing The Certificate In Your Server

Once GoDaddy email you that your certificate has been generated, follow the link and download the certificate to you computer for now. Basically itâs a zip file containing 2 files, the one that looks like a randomly generated hash is your secure certificate , while the one that starts with gd_bundle_ is your certificate chain file.

So upload both files to your home directory in your Ubuntu server instance. You should now have the example.com_ssl.key, 7abca5c1b8.crt, gd_bundle-g2-g1.crt. Then move those 3 files to the ssl directory that you created previously.

Then make sure you set the correct permission to those files.

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This Post Has 40 Comments

  • Mike 18 Jan 2020Reply

    You sir.. are the king!

  • Robert 18 Jan 2020Reply

    Thanks for kind words Mike, great to hear that it helped you!

  • King76 21 Feb 2020Reply

    Oh Yes ! Thank you very much, too easy with your tutorial.

  • Robert 22 Feb 2020Reply

    Great to hear you liked it! Thanks for taking the time to write a comment!


  • Activate Namecheap Ssl Certificate

    How to install Godaddy SSL for add-on domain in cpanel

    Lets start by getting the CSR from GoDaddy cPanel and place it on Namecheap.

    Make sure you are logged in to Namecheap.

    Then go to the main dashboard.

    In the left menu, click on the product list.

    As you can see, you have one positive SSL which doesnt have a domain yet.

    Lets activate by clicking on activate.

    Now it is asking you for strange information like CSR or primary domain. Dont worry, Ill explain everything.

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    Installing A Cheaper Ssl On Godaddy Web Hosting 2020

    Godaddy like to charge a premium price for SSL Certificates, even after they discount them. The good news is you don’t have to pay their high price. You can purchase an SSL Certificate at a much cheaper price and install it within minutes. This guide will go through the entire process to get you up and secure quick. It can be used to install a lower priced SSL Certificate, with the same security and encryption features, for Godaddy Web Hosting. Please note that it can not be used for their wordpress hosting.

    Purchase An Ssl Certificate On Godaddy

    Purchasing an SSL certificate is relatively simple. Go to the SSL Certificate page on GoDaddy and select the plan that works for you. The platform has three subscription tiers that vary depending on the needs of your website. For instance, a personal site wont require as much encryption as an e-commerce platform that takes credit card information.

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    Redirect Your Website To Https

    Technically, visitors will still get the unsecured version of your website when they type your .com into their address bar. In order to make sure their web traffic is protected, we need to redirect your website to the secure version automatically, every time.

    This final step requires you to edit your .htaccess file for your website. When it comes to editing this file, any errors could seriously break your website. We do not recommend completing this step on your own if you arent experienced with editing code.

    Instead, we recommend that you contact GoDaddy Support and ask an agent to do it for you. GoDaddy Customer Service is available 24/7 and its friendly, knowledgeable agents will have no problem helping you to redirect your website traffic to HTTPS. Simply let your chat or phone agent know that youve recently installed a GoDaddy SSL certificate and would like to redirect your website to the secure version.

    How To Cancel Domains By Proxy Service With Godaddy

    How To Add Https To Domain Godaddy
    • Login to your GoDaddy account
    • Next to Domains, click Manage All
    • Select the domain for which you need to cancel Domains By Proxy Service and click on Domain Settings:
    • Scroll down to Contact Information and click the Remove Privacy link, then select Yes, Remove Privacy:

    Once the domain name is unlocked and you have received your Auth Code, you may initiate the transfer to Namecheap. Please refer to this article for more information on how to transfer a domain to us.

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    Why You Should Use Ssl Encryption On Your Website

    When you add SSL encryption to your website, it is critical to protect your visitors personal information while also ensuring the security of your site. When you use HTTPS, your customers login credentials and other sensitive information will not be disclosed. Similarly, if you run an ecommerce website, you must have an SSL certificate in order to protect your customers personal information from hackers.

    Why Do I Need It

    • Visitors feel safe knowing that what they are viewing and any personal information they share with your site cannot be seen by others.
    • Laws that protect personal information and most ecommerce payment companies require SSL encryption.
    • You dont want your visitors hurt because their personal information was stolen during their visit to your site.
    • It can help with SEO.
    • If your SSL isnt installed correctly, browsers will display a warning that your site cannot be trusted and stop people from visiting your site.

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    Namecheap Vs Godaddy 1 Domain Ssl Certificate Comparison

    The below table compares GoDaddy to Lets Encrypt and Namecheap, in terms of price and how many days the SSL certificate is valid.

    As you can see from the table GoDaddys SSL is about $64 a year. Thats a difference of $55, how is that even possible!

    So, if you go with Namecheap youre going to save about $55 just right there.

    You also notice that I included a free SSL by Lets Encrypt in the comparison. I used to use them, but I got fed up with renewing it every 90 days, so I switched to Namecheap, where you can choose the certificate to be valid for 1 year or 2 years.

    Configuring Your Ssl Certificate From Go Daddy

    Free SSL Certificate for GoDaddy – Install letsencrypt SSL

    Log in to your Go Daddy account and click on Launch next to your SSL certificate:

    On the next page, select Third Party, Dedicated Server, or Virtual Dedicated Server and copy your CSR in the box. Check the agreement box at the bottom then hit Next:

    To have the request approved by the domain owner, select Domain Authorization Email and click on Next:

    Confirm the operation by clicking the Next button on the next page. If everything went well, the domain owner should receive an approval request by email with a link to proceed:

    Once the certificate is approved, you will be brought to the Secure Certificate Services control panel. Click the button to download the certificate to your desktop:

    Select cPanel from the drop down list and click on :

    Extract the two .CRT files from the zip archive you just downloaded.

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    Add Your Website To Cloudflare

    Head over to sign-up, and create an account for your domain.

    Next, add your website site domain, as shown below, and select an appropriate Cloudflare plan.

    After you have added your website domain on Cloudflare, you will be prompted to automatically import your existing DNS records from your current domain registrar/web hosting company, as illustrated below.

    Do a quick check of your DNS records and press continue to proceed.

    Buy Cheap Ssl Certificate From Namecheap

    Alright, you are going to buy an SSL certificate from Namecheap. I like to use them because they have good service and theyre very affordable. I have all my domains with them, and I really recommend their service.

    Please note that if you have GoDaddys managed WordPress plan, this will not work and you need to use an SSL from Cloudflare.

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    Generate The Secure Certificate

    Open the example.com_ssl.csr that we generated before. You can use vim or you can simply cat it to the terminal. The CSR should look like this:

    -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----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-----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----

    So copy the entire content from your CSR file, including the ââBEGIN and END.

    Then login to GoDaddy, locate your secure certificate product and click launch. After that, click on setup and choose provide CSR. Then paste the content of the CSR file that you just copied previously.

    Ssl Certificate Not Found

    Visual Guide to Installing a Let

    This one-time service includes the following features:

    • Installation and configuration of the SSL to the server.
    • Provide necessary redirection to HTTPS.
    • Update all mixed content to ensure the SSL padlock shows in browser address bars.
    • Update the sitemap so that Google recognizes that the site is loading securely over HTTPS.
    • If the site has a firewall, update the WAF settings to ensure full encryption.

    Its important to note that GoDaddy SSL Setup Service requires that the website be hosted on a server with a control panel. If the hosting provider does not provide a control panel, then we will be unable to install the SSL. Additionally, this service can only be used for a single installation. If other servers require SSL installation, then additional services will need to be purchased.

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    Free Ssl Certificate For Godaddy Using Cloudflare

    HTTPS is the secured version of HTTP. HTTP is the protocol used by your browser and web servers to communicate and exchange information. /TLS. When that exchange of data is encrypted with SSL/TLS, then we call it HTTPS. The S stands for Secure.

    Cloudflare provides free SSL certificate with limited access which is enough for blogger or any website.

    How To Transfer A Domain From Godaddy

    When a domain is transferred, the nameservers associated with the domain will stay the same . However, since the domain is no longer with the old registrar, the old registrars nameservers will stop responding to queries for your domain. This will cause downtime until you switch your domain to our DNS.

    Learn how to reduce downtime during transfers in this article.

    NOTE: If you are using a third-party DNS such as your hosting company, the domain transfer will not cause any downtime issues, because DNS server settings will not change during the transfer.

    Before placing a transfer request with us, you’ll need to obtain an Auth Code from GoDaddy and you will need to make sure that the domain is unlocked.

    If you already have your code, log into your account, and click the banner below. If you havent, continue on to step 1 to find out how to unlock your domain.

    Please dont forget to disable any GoDaddy privacy protection plan you may have in place for your domain.

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    Verify An Ssl Certificate On Godaddy

    The next step is to verify your SSL certificate on GoDaddy. This process allows GoDaddy to confirm that you are indeed the one in control of the domain you would like to secure. SSL verification prevents the certificate from falling into the wrong hands.

    If the domain you want to protect is hosted by GoDaddy, you wont need to do anything for the certificate to be verified. The platform already has all the information they need to prove that the website is yours. Once youve requested the document, GoDaddy will email you when the certificate is ready for download.

    However, if your website isnt hosted on the platform, GoDaddy will send you a series of verification emails to complete the process.

    The first email will have a link that confirms you own or control the domain. This email is sent to the email address listed on the WHOIS directory, meaning it will only go to the domain administrator. Click on the link to verify your identity.

    The second email is sent to the address listed on the SSL certificate. It will have instructions on how to proceed with proving domain control. Follow the prompts provided to verify the certificate.

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