Thursday, September 19, 2024

How Do I Keep My Domain Name

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Key Things To Consider When Considering A New Registrar

How to connect a domain name to Netlify

1. FeaturesEvery registrar offers a suite of features and services, such as privacy protection, web hosting and email. If you don’t have all the features you want with your current registrar, you may wish to take advantage of a better package offered by a different registrar.

In addition to comparing features, it’s also important to look at how the features and services are priced and implemented:

  • Price: Do the features you need cost extra or are they included as part of the package?
  • Ease of use: Are the features you need easy to implement? Will they require manual effort on your part, or does the registrar offer some simple tools to make things like domain management easier for you?
  • Support: Will customer support be available when you need it?
  • Provider: Who provides the features they’re selling? Some registrars offer all their own services for email and web hosting, while others partner with third-party providers.

2. PriceLook critically at the price structure of your domain registrar, because each one is different. Some registrars might charge extra fees for services you consider critical, while others may offer the same services at no additional charge. Some may offer a low price for the first year, but then have much higher renewal rates. If your domain registrar is charging you more than you would be charged elsewhere, you may want to look for a less expensive registrar.

Communicate With Your Clients

Its vital to prepare your clients for the change. Whether you choose to change your domain name after purchase, or months later, assess every point of contact email, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and be sure to regularly communicate before the big switch.

Tell them why youre changing, engage with them. This will help to calm your loyal customers and keep them trusting you as a brand.

Loss Of Backlinks And Traffic

Backlinks are links on 3rd party sites that direct back to your site and theyre part of any good SEO strategy. If youve invested a lot of time in building your backlinks then changing your domain name will affect those links.

Keeping your redirects alive will help mitigate this risk however, redirects on backlinks dont carry as much weight in SEO algorithms, so youre likely to lose some traffic. You can either reach out to these 3rd party sites, letting them know about your new domain and providing new links for them to use, or work on your backlink strategy with your updated domain name.

Also Check: How To Change My Wix Domain Name

Dont Fear Domain Transfers

Transferring a domain is normally a pretty quick and simple process. Only in some exceptional cases are such transfers not immediately realized. For example, its not always possible to transfer a domain if the web address has been recently purchased. In this case, domain locking can inhibit a domain transfer for a certain period.

  • Domain administration

Just because a domain has expired, doesnt mean it has to be kicked to the curb immediately. It is worth considering turning the internet address into a parked domain for a certain period of time in order to generate advertising revenue. This allows domain owners to bide their time and come up with a new web project for the domain or to find a suitable buyer.

  • Domain administration

So you want to redirect your domains or subdomains to other URLS, but you dont know how?Essentially, domain redirects can be carried out on both a server-side as well as client-side basis. These are divided into two categories: the first one consists of redirects via .htaccess or PHP. Client-side options rely on the HTML meta tag, refresh, or JavaScript. Find out here which option is best for…

  • Domain administration
  • Technical matters

The Auth Code or AuthInfo Code is required when you want to move your domain to another provider. By requesting the code, the new provider can ensure that you are the registered user of the domain. It is crucial that you keep this information private. The Auth Code is the key to your domain.

Loss Of Search Traffic And Rankings

How to Register a Domain Name (+ tips for getting it for FREE)

Losing traffic or your search rankings are the biggest risks youll face when changing your domain name. However, theres no guarantee that will happen and there are ways to mitigate these risks which were going to share with you.

When you update your domain name for your website, search engines will need to rescan your site to learn about it and re-index it. Theres no exact time frame for how long that will take, so your search traffic may be down for a while. One thing that can help in this scenario is keeping your domain name age in mind.

Domain age is an SEO ranking factor and older domain names tend to be given more credence by search engines, . Consider purchasing your desired domain name and holding on to it for a while before using it. Doing this doesnt guarantee that you wont see any drop in search traffic, but it does help to mitigate that risk.

Another option is to purchase a premium domain name when changing your domain name. Premium domains are shorter, more memorable, and keyword-rich. Additionally, since theyve been previously registered, they often have a history of web and search traffic, and so theyre already familiar to search engines. If you decide to go that route, look into the history of the premium name. There are domain history tools you can find with a quick online search, and theyll help you determine if the premium name you want has ever had issues with spammy site traffic or black hat SEO practices, neither of which will help with SEO.

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How Long Does It Take To Transfer A Domain Name

Transferring a domain name is a quick process. Once youve completed a few steps , the rest of the process is taken care of by the registrars.

You can complete your portion of the transfer process in one sitting It only takes an hour or two, max, and thats being generous. Then, the registrars do their parts to complete your transfer which can take up to 5-7 business days.

Will My Website Go Down During A Domain Name Transfer


When you transfer a domain name from one registrar to another, thats literally all youre doing. Youre not moving your email or hosting. During the domain transfer process, your nameservers dont change theyll stay pointed to the same pre-transfer nameservers.

Now, its another story if youre changing your hosting provider along with your domain registrar. If you decide to change your website host, follow these steps to avoid site downtime:

  • Import your DNS records to your new hosting provider
  • Double-check to make sure the DNS information is correct.
  • Change the nameservers at the originating registrar.
  • You may have to wait for propagation it could take 24-48 hours.

Another scenario to consider is if youre using the default nameservers of your current registrar. Many registrars offer access to free nameservers so long as your domain remains registered with them. If you decide to transfer your domain, you could lose access to those nameservers.

If youre unsure whether youre using default nameservers, ask your registrar BEFORE you transfer your domain. We recommend keeping your domain pointed to your hosting providers nameservers.

Read Also: How To Create A Domain Name For A Website

Avoid Numbers And Hyphens

Imagine asking your 10 friends to spell or pronounce a domain name filled with numbers and dashes. It wont work.

If you choose a domain name with these elements, youre likely going to lose traffic to people who cant remember your domain or effectively tell someone else how to find it. We probably wouldnt have Facebook today if you had to go to to reach the site.

Make It Brandable Not Generic

Changing your website’s domain name

Creative, memorable domain names are always better than generic ones. After all, your domain name is how people will find, remember, and spread the word about your business on the internet. Its much better to have something that aligns with your brand instead of a domain name thats made up of a bunch of general keywords.

For example, can you tell the difference between and Which one would you trust when it comes to buying insurance? Probably neither. Both sound a little spammy, and theyre terribly generic.

On the other hand, youll probably know where the domain names or are going to point you to. Those companies have invested in their brands, and theyve used them in their domain names. You can trust that these sites are legitimate.

Even if you havent built up trust and loyalty yet, you can start by choosing a strong domain name that fits your brand.

Also Check: How To Verify Your Domain On Facebook

Will I Have To Continue To Pay A Fee To Keep My Domain Name After I Buy It

One of my visitors wrote to ask me, “what happens after the year for which I paid to own the domain name?Who would I be paying in order to have the right to keep the domain for a second year or more? If my site issuccessful, am I likely to find the registrar demanding an inflated price for me to keep that name?” This article attempts toclarify the issues pertaining to registeringor “buying” a domain name.

Reasons Domain Names Might Expire

It is all too easy to overlook the fact that a domain name registration is a temporary thing. Even though at the time, the domain name is yours, and could be for years, there is still a chance for that domain to pass out of your control. There are a variety of ways this might occur:

  • Renewal reminder notices: If you have switched off renewal reminder notices, you could be setting yourself up for disaster. While auto emails and notifications can clutter your inbox, they can also be lifesaving. Even if you manually switched off renewal reminders , will begin sending reminders by email to your listed email address approximately 30 days from the domain expiration date. We guarantee you will receive at least two reminders before the expiration date and one within five days after expiration. So, pay attention to your inbox, or alter your settings to flag the words, expiration, or renewal, to ensure you dont miss these important reminders.
  • Auto-renew is not enabled: By going by your account information and switching your domain name to auto-renew, you save yourself from possibly forgetting. When auto-renew is in use, it will automatically renew your domain name prior to the expiration date, generally a day before expiration. This feature will continue to run and auto-renew unless changes are made or if there are issues with your billing information.

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How Do I Enable Administrator Account

Just press the Windows key to open the metro interface and then type command prompt in the search box. Next, right-click on command prompt and Run it as administrator. Copy this code net user administrator /active:yes and paste it in the command prompt. Then, press Enter to enable your built-in administrator account.

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I Want To Move My Domain Name To Someone Else

Pointing .my domain name to Blogger/Blogspot with DNS Hosting ...

It is your right to transfer your domain name registration between registrars. If you wish to move your domain name from one ICANN-accredited registrar to another, you may initiate the transfer process by contacting the registrar to which you wish to transfer the name.

To transfer your domain name to another registrant, you can initiate a change of registrant by contacting your current registrar. Your registrar will then ask for your confirmation via a secure mechanism . You must provide your confirmation within the number of days set by your registrar or your transfer will not proceed. Once your registrar receives confirmation from you, they will process the transfer and notify you and the new registrant once the transfer is completed.

Learn More: Registrant Blog Series – Do you have a domain name? Here’s what you need to know. Part III: Having Issues Transferring Your Domain Name?

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Can I Make Changes To A Domain While Its Being Transferred

You cannot make any changes to a domain name when its actively in the transfer process.

This means youre unable to:

  • Update nameservers.
  • Change the WHOIS registration information.
  • Renew the domain registration.

If you must make one of those edits, youll need to contact the originating registrar with a request to cancel the transfer. Otherwise, youll need to wait the standard 5-7 business days for the process to finish so you can make your edits.

Does Transferring A Domain Name Affect My Custom Email Address

Moving your domain name doesnt mean you have to move your email hosting.

Are you using a third party to host your email? If so, it shouldnt be affected by transferring a domain name. does not make changes to the name servers for your domain during the transfer process.

If your custom email address is hosted with your domain provider, a transfer could affect you. To avoid that, make sure to transfer your email accounts MX records to your new registrar while transferring your domain. By doing this, youll ensure your email account is linked to your domain name. However, youll continue to manage your email with your original provider.

Want to transfer to and manage your email with us? with and migrate your email to that account.

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Start The Migration From One Domain To The Other

If youre coming to WordPress from another platform or already using WordPress, transferring all of your blog and website content could be as simple as using a migration plugin. For example, the All-In-One WP Migration plugin was created to help users migrate a website to WordPress with little technical knowledge and little to no downtime.

Similar plugins include Duplicator, Migrate Guru, and Super Backup & Clone .

Truth be told, when youre trying to transfer all of your website data from one domain to another, things can get technical. How much control you want will determine how complicated the process will be.

And, if your website is self-hosted, or on a platform like Wix, Squarespace, Blogger, or the like, it might not be as easy as moving to WordPress or from one WordPress website to another.

Id recommend looking into the knowledge base articles of your hosting platform and watching YouTube tutorials for best results. The more you can learn ahead of time, the better. This extra step could be all you need to give you the confidence to proceed or to convince yourself to bring a pro on board for help with the change in domain.

After migrating, the next step, and perhaps the most critical to avoid losing traffic or all your SEO work, is using 301 redirects for your old content.

Related: What are nTLDs and how do they impact SEO?

Register The Domain In Your Name Or The Companys

How to Register a Domain Name ( simple tip to get it for FREE)

If you donât directly handle your IT matters, you may not stop to pay attention to whose name your domain is being registered to. Ensure that it is registered in the companyâs name or in your own name. If it is somehow registered to an employee, the employee could end up taking your domain name with them if they leave.

Also Check: How To Transfer Domain To WordPress

Does A Domain Name Registration Expire And What Happens If It Does Before I Renew It

When you register a domain name, youll see the registration date as well as the expiration date. Every domain name expires at some point, whether thats in a year, a couple of years, or a decade. You can save time by buying a domain with a longer expiration date. In any case, youll need to manually renew your domain when that expiration date is approaching.

The good news is that you can renew your domain name registration before it expires, which allows you to keep your domain name. This is especially important if you have a very simple domain name thats highly sought after. Typically, youll receive your first reminder to renew your domain about a month before it expires. If you still dont renew your domain name after receiving this message, youll get another reminder about a week before your domain expires.

So, what happens if you forget to renew your domain name before it expires? As long as the domain name hasnt been registered by somebody else, you can reactivate your domain name after the expiration date. Keep in mind that some domains are in much higher demand than others, and there are even some bots out there that automatically register high-profile domains when they become available.

Bring your brand to life with your own website. Design from scratch, connect a domain, analyze traffic, and optimize for SEO.

Why Change Your Website Hosting Service Provider

There are many reasons you may want to complete a domain name transfer.

Moving to a faster, more secure and better supported hosting service is easy. The transfer domain process is not complicated. You could also use this process to transfer domain ownership. This article will help you complete your domain name transfer, in five simple steps.

Let’s get started!

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