Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What Com Domains Are Available

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How To Choose A Unique Mural By Corey Barksdale

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UniqueMural Artist: Corey Barksdale is the most interesting artist in thecity. If you are looking for a way to add some personality and flair toyour walls, consider a mural by Corey Barksdale. As he likes to call himself a socialpainter, his artwork has been exhibited around the country. He has toexhibit at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Venice Biennale in Italy,the Cranley Museum in New York, and many others. He also enjoys traveling andmeeting other creative artists. Unique Mural Artist Corey BarksdaleAtlanta Fine Art

Whenyou walk into the studio, you can see the mural on the wall .The pieces come from worldwide and include people such as Native Americans,prisoners of war, homeless people, prisoners of war from both the Korean andVietnam wars, prisoners of death, and even animals. There are abstracts as wellas detailed pieces. Some are entitled: Memories of Home, Beautiful Ruins,Beautiful Loves, Captivating Moments, Dance in the Rain, and Still a Stain.

Eachpiece is different, but you will always leave the studio with one or morepieces that you like. Pieces range in price from one dollar to several hundreddollars, depending on the pieces complexity. These are not replicas. They are100% genuine works of art by Corey Barksdale.

Dont Buy A Dropped Domain Unless You Aware Of The History Of The Domain

I once saw a real estate website that had formerly been a Japanese adult site. Even if any penalties or negative association had been scrubbed in search engine ranking algorithms, you can imagine that the backlinks to that site were not pretty.

Theres no reason to be affiliated with negative topics when there are so many potential domains in the world.

Buy Similar Domain Names

Purchase easy misspells and other popular TLDs if they are available to keep anyone from squatting on your business name.

This could be costly later once you have built up a brand and the domain squatters know that you dont really have any negotiating leverage.

I once worked with a global brand that had to spend a couple of thousand dollars per domain name to successfully reclaim domains that could have been purchased for a few dollars when they first launched.

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Understanding The Different Kinds Of Domains

Not all domains work the same, and knowing the difference between the various types can be vital when youre creating a website. For example, some domains are reserved for particular kinds of sites, while others have unique connotations youll need to keep in mind.

Fortunately, there are ways you can tell which domains are appropriate for your site, and which should be avoided. Once you have a grasp on the various parts and varieties of domain names, you can select one that will improve your sites User Experience and branding.

In this article, well go over what domains are and how they work. Then well discuss the different types of domains, and offer some advice for choosing the right one. Lets get to work!

How Do I Buy A Domain Name

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Congrats! You found an available name and youre ready to make it yours. Simply add the domain name to your cart and start the checkout process. During checkout, youll make some decisions like how many years youd like to register it for, if youd like to add site hosting, email, advanced security, auto-renewals, and other features.


Read Also: How To Register An Email Domain For Free

A Quick Look At How Domains Work

To get a clearer picture of whats really happening when you visit a website, you can think of the domain as an easy-to-remember phone number for the site. In some cases, businesses will represent their phone numbers as letters to make them easier to recall, such as 1-800-CALL-NOW.

Domains follow the same basic principle. Each website is stored on a server with an Internet Protocol address, such as Thats essentially the phone number for the site. However, IP addresses are difficult to remember, since theyre just strings of numbers.

Thats why, instead of seeing those IP addresses, we use easy-to-remember names in their place. This functions thanks to the Domain Name System , which well cover next.

Related: A Beginners Guide to Domain Name Registration

The Internet Just Got A Whole Lot Bigger

Did you know that there are other domain extensions besides .COM, .NET, and .ORG? Many people are surprised to find out that are the now hundreds of options when it comes to choosing a domain for your website. Some domain extensions are dedicated to specific purposes, like .MOBI for mobile websites. Others are geared towards specific industries, like .TRAVEL for the travel industry or .JOBS for HR departments.

Beyond these “generic” top level domains, there are also country code domains, which are extensions based on specific countries or geographic locations. Some extensions like .TV, .ME, .CC, and .WS are open for anyone to register while others, like .IN and .JP, are restricted only to those who live or work within their associated countries.

Recommended Reading: How To Buy A Domain Name And Email Addresses

Domain Taken: What Can I Do

The name we have chosen for our project is not always among the available domains. If the domain you were thinking about is already taken, you can consider using a different extension.

In addition to the most common extensions you could use a new extension, for example .shopping, .store or .tech.

To see all the available extensions, go to the domain registration page and search for the extension that interests you. To help you find the one that suits you, we have divided them into categories .

If all extensions are taken and you still cant find available domains you can try other solutions.

First, you can use numbers or hyphens to create a unique domain name and get around the busy domain problem.

If, however, you are interested in registering the domain exactly as it is, but someone has already registered it before you then you can try to buy the domain from the person who registered it.

Some domains are bought to be then resold at a higher price. In these cases, when you visit one of these domains, it is likely that you will see a page indicating that the domain is for sale.

If not, you can still try to contact the registrant and make a purchase offer for the domain. If you want to buy a domain that has already been registered by someone else, there are marketplaces that are designed for buying and selling domains.

Check The Domains History

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Whether you purchase a domain as new or second hand.

Its critical you check the domains history.

Why check new domains, you ask?

Because, some new domains have been registered before.

And, if you pick a domain thats been penalized, your ranking chances are screwed before you start.

Since the early days of SEO, theres been an issue with penalties sticking to domains even when their owners change.

Heres how it occurs:

A spammer uses a domain and it gets penalized.

The domain no longer ranks.

Because the domain is now un-rankable the spammer lets the domain registration drop and the domain becomes available to new purchasers.

A new owner registers the domain and discovers its impossible to rank due the penalty imposed.

This is a situation you should avoid at all costs.

Before registering any domain, its smart to visit and learn if the domain has been used before. will show you snapshots of the domain in the past:

You want to ensure the domain has a kosher past .

Because, once a domain is banned its very difficult to recover.

Aside from checking you should also check if the domain has pages indexed within SERPs.

For that, simply do a site-colon search in Google:

Again, you are looking to see if any of the pages indexed point to a shady past.

If you find anything dodgy, you are best advised to pick another domain name.

Don’t Miss: How Much Is Domain Name Registration

Your Privacy Is Taken Care Of

Protect your personal data with Hostinger. Our domain privacy protection service will keep your personal information hidden from third parties for maximum security.

When you buy and register a domain name, your personal information is usually available on public databases such as WHOIS.

To keep you safe, we’ll replace your personal data with generic information for maximum security.

Get a web address for your site that lets the world know youre always online.

Build an Online Brand

Its not just domain names that make your brand stand out your domain extension should also capture the essence of your website. Register a .online web address and let people know that youre creating a modern site or next-generation tech-driven company.

Affordable, available, unique

A .online domain name is a new TLD for your site that communicates that your brand is not tied to a specific region but is ready for a global audience. Since it is a new extension, youre much more likely to find an available domain name or a specific name that would otherwise be too expensive.

Opt For A Short Domain Name

The fewer characters a domain name has, the better.

Obviously, fewer characters = quicker to type.

The shorter the length, the less a domains URL gets truncated when shared on social media or displayed within search results.

According to Brand Bucket, the ideal length of a domain name is seven letters.

On the other hand, the top-ten websites as ranked by Alexa average 5.2 letters:

Its clear that when it comes to domain length, shorter is a cut above.

However, the length should not be measured only by characters syllables matter too.

Among the landmines that bedevil naming in the corporate world is the three-syllable rule:

The three-syllable rule determines that names longer than three syllables get shortened.

For example, New York is New York.

But New York City , its commonly abbreviated to NYC.

The three-syllable rule governs why International Business Machines is referred to as IBM, and Hennes and Mauritz gets shortened to H& M.

Name shortening happens, and it is out of your control.

Unless that is, you:

Choose a short and snappy name.

Avoiding the pitfalls of the three-syllable rule is incredibly important:

Because when you do fall foul, you can end up competing for branded real estate in search engines just like the two brands called EOS above.

We want a blue ocean for our brand, not more competition.

Read Also: How To Change The Domain Name On Shopify

Subdomain: What Is A Subdomain

Subdomains are the third level of a domains hierarchy.

They are added in front of the root domain and are separated from the domain name with a period.

The use of subdomains is entirely optional and generally best avoided for optimum SEO results.

While dividing your website into subsections can be useful sometimes, like when you need to install a separate CMS :

Numerous studies highlight how using subdomains is less effective than a single root domain with subfolders when it comes to SEO.

The two most common subdomain choices are:


Theyre also the versions that mostly commonly result in canonicalization issues.

I recommend against using subdomains, unless you absolutely have to.

With that said:

Well focus the rest of this post on choosing the optimum root domain for SEO.

Think Long Term When Picking A Domain Name

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Businesses evolve over time.

Nokia started as a paper mill.

Netflix began as a DVD by mail service.

When choosing a domain its important to think to the future and leave room for expansion.

Take Netflix:

Had it chosen a domain focussed upon its launch service it could have closed the door on streaming and Netflix wouldnt be what it is today.

As we already covered in step #5, a great domain should be intuitive.

It should give you a sense of what to expect when you visit the website.

But, it should not be explicit.

A clear cut description of your current business will limit innovation, or force your domain into redundancy in a matter of years.

But the keyword should be broad.

In other words it should focus on the short head of the search demand curve:

If the focus of the keyword is too narrow, youll restrict the opportunity for your business to grow, evolve and expand.

Some great examples of domains that incorporate broad keywords, are intuitive, but leave room for reinvention include, and

The simple point Im trying to make is to think about the future.

Choose a domain that will allow you to evolve in your industry and become something different in the time ahead.

Also Check: What Is The Difference Between Website Hosting And Domain

How Do I Search For Expired Domain Names

Expiring domain names are just what they sound like: Domain names that were unavailable because they were already registered but are about to expire, making the website name available for purchase again. You can search for expiring domain names using keywords or you can check the list of about-to-expire names. Search domains expiring now

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What Are Tlds Cctlds And Gtlds

TLD stands for top-level domain. It is the final part of any domain like .com, .org, or .gov.

ccTLD stands for country-code top-level domain. It is a subcategory of TLDs used to identify a particular country for example,, .de, .mx, and .fr are all ccTLDs.

gTLD stands for generic top-level domain. gTLDs are the most common type of domain name, in part because this category includes .com domains, which have more registrations than all ccTLDs combined.

Historically, the main gTLDs were .com, .org, .net, .edu, .gov, and .mil, but the number of available gTLDs has been expanded with the addition of TLDs like .online, .xyz, and .name.

What To Do When The Com You Want Is Taken

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Have you come up with a great business name but found that the .com is taken? Don’t despair! Check out these alternative domain name ideas.

Youve just come up with a great idea for a new business, or maybe you just had an idea for a new website to build. Either way, you do what everyone does or at least should do: you go to register a new domain.

Unless you came up with an incredibly unique domain idea that is not built on common dictionary words, you will likely discover that someone possibly even a domain squatter has already registered the .com version of your domain.

After all, there are more than 1 billion websites in the world and that number grows every single day.

A good percentage of those are on .COMs. Whats more, if somehow a domain name became popular on a different TLD you can bet someone went and snagged the .COM.

Dont despair just yet on your naming idea! You have plenty of options available to still turn it into a great domain name.

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Register The Domain Yourself

Never hand the controls of your domain over to someone else.

Its a recipe for disaster.

Lets say you instruct an agency to register a domain for you, and then you fall out.

How willing will they be to transfer the domains ownership to you?

Or worse still, imagine if the registering party went bankrupt, or just forgot to renew the domain on your behalf.

You could lose the domain forever.

Long story short, always register your domain yourself.

Its really simple to do, so no excuses.

What Is Domain Privacy And Do I Need It

Domain privacy and security is as important to us as it is to you. Without domain privacy, your private and sensitive information may be collected and displayed in ICANN’s WHOIS database when you register your domain. Domain privacy ensures that these details are hidden from the public view. Our Domain Privacy + Protection package will make ICANN display our contact information in lieu of yours.

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What Is A Domain Name

A domain name is simply a human readable form of an IP address. In other words, it’s the destination you type into a web browser â such as Similar to how you would scroll to a contact in your phone rather than manually dialing a phone number, domain names make it easier for us to navigate the online world and avoid having to memorize long IP addresses.Visit our blog to learn more about domain names.

Understanding How Domains And Web Hosting Are Related

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To put it simply, domains and web hosting are not the same things. As weve seen, the domain points the way to your particular website.

Web hosting, on the other hand, is where your site actually resides. Your host provides the space and resources necessary for your website, storing them on specialized computers known as servers.

While you can purchase a domain name separately , you can also obtain one through your web hosting provider. This can make your life a little simpler since youll be able to manage your domain and hosting in the same place.

In fact, some hosts even provide you with a free domain as a part of your hosting plan. For example, we include a domain name with annual shared hosting and DreamPress plans, along with other perks such as unlimited traffic, ample storage, and quick page speeds.

Along with your free domain registration, youll get domain privacy , Secure Sockets Layer certification, and even the use of subdomains. Plus, youll be making things easy on yourself by setting up your domain and hosting at the same time.

Also Check: How Much Does It Cost To Buy An Internet Domain

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