Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Sell Domain Names On Godaddy

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Sell Your Domain Name On This Website

How to BUY & SELL Domain Names! | The Journey
  • Go Daddy Auctions
  • Justdropped

Do you want to sell your domain name? Maybe you have some unused domain name and you dont want to waste some of it, or you are just starting an online business as a domainer, or what we usually call domain flipping.

When I first started this business it was so hard to find information about domain flipping, I was scouring the internet every day but I couldnt find the best place to sell my domain name, but after a lot of research here and there, creating a poll , asking random people.

I finally found ways how to sell domain names and what are the best places to sell domains.

This article is based on my own experience with domain flipping, and I also create some surveys, and ask some experts in domain flipping, people that have done domain flipping for more than a decade, and sold some high-value domain names.

If you are just starting a domain flipping business there are a lot of things that you need to learn, some might tell you that domain flipping is an easy to rich business, but actually, it is not, it is not as easy might you think, domain flipping is a waiting game, and you will need to wait before your domain name getting sold.

If you want to sell your domain name fast, you must list it on various domain flipping marketplace, since the more marketplace you listed your domain on sale, the more chance it will sell,

Have Your Domain Appraised

The first step in the process is to determine the value of your domain name. This can be done through a variety of channels. You can appraise your domain name yourself or have the domain name appraised by a professional.

Self-appraisal is a bit more challenging than with tangible commodities like a house or car, but the same process can be used. Some people check out sale prices on similar domains and work from there. A good resource to use when trying to appraise your domain name yourself is NameBio. They have a keyword-based search engine that looks up sale prices of particular domain names. You can find information on lowest prices, highest prices, average prices, who sold the domain and other pertinent information.

But lets say you cant find a value for your particular domain name. This is when enlisting the services of a professional appraiser can help. A professional appraiser knows the market inside and out, and can provide valuable insight that can help you arrive at a fair market value for your domain name.

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Social Profiles Wont Replace Domain Names

Many advertisers and marketers are concerned that social media will soon replace domain names completely and make them go obsolete. This fear is even more real nowadays because many online businesses and startups are using the power of social media to connect to their target audience.

But if you just weigh the pros and cons of having a domain name for your business solely, you will see that having a social media profile is just not enough.

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Hire A Domain Name Broker

Does all of the above sounds difficult or tiring? Well, I didnt say this was easy, did I? If you own a domain name with a significant value you can, and probably should, consider getting a professional domain name broker involved to help you find a buyer and facilitate the sale on your behalf. Most domain brokers work on a commission basis, meaning they are paid a percentage of the sale price. This no-cure, no-pay structure means most established brokers will only be interested in working with you on finding a buyer for your domain name if it has a value that is at least in the high five-figure range. It is very important that you make yourself familiar with the brokers policies and pricing structure prior to engaging the services. A written agreement clearly outlining all the nitty-gritty details such as commission and exclusivity is highly recommended. Below is a list of domain name brokers and brokerage firms with a good reputation and track record.

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Answer: Yes You Can Make Unlimited Extra Income

How to sell the domain on Godaddy Auction

There are lots of people that make good side and full-time incomes from trading domains and domain flipping.

The key is to have patience.

That means taking the time to find the right domain names to invest in. You certainly dont want to be buying every domain name that you come across.

The other key is to find the right buyer.

When you buy a domain, it will take time to find the right buyer who values the domain name at the right price.

If you do both of these things well, you can make very good money from trading domains.

To help you do this, there one domain marketplace I can recommend: TB Solutions.

Both of these marketplaces help you find quality domains that already have a lot of value. Use these to find great domains for really good prices.

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Is The Distribution Network Strong

The potential to get your domain name in front of the right buyer is vital.

Listing in a distribution network such as Afternic can get your domain name in front of millions of potential buyers each month. Afternic is owned by GoDaddy and it will automatically list it with GoDaddy as well as over 100 other companies such as Network Solutions or

Do you know people who could benefit from the domain name? Why not reach out to them and see if they have any interest in using the domain? If you are working in an area of the domain space you are familiar with, you should be able to convey the value proposition of your domain name for the potential buyer.

Keep it short and only approach people you know and think would be interested in the domain for their business.

You do not want to start sending spam emails. You want to have conversations with people you know would appreciate the ability to own the domain.

Letting a great name you purchased at a fair price to make a profit sit in your account, instead of getting it in front of the right buyer, is like finally finding that pirate treasure map but framing it to admire in your living room instead of following it to the booty.

Sell Domains With Godaddy In A 7

GoDaddy Auctions® lets you list your domain name for sale in a 7-Day Public Auction.

You set the asking price, which is the minimum starting bid buyers can enter for the domain name. Potential buyers make bids, and the highest bidder wins when the auction ends. You can also set a reserve price so the domain name sells only if the winning bid meets a threshold.

Note: Potential buyers cannot see the reserve price, but they can see that you’ve set one and if anyone has met it.

For more information about your listing options, see Listing types for GoDaddy Auctions®.

  • Log in to your GoDaddy Auctions account.
  • From the top menu, select List a Domain. The List a Domain page displays.
  • Note: If you have not added at least one payment type in your GoDaddy Auctions account, an Account Not Found message displays. Click OK to go to the My Settings page. See Edit your GoDaddy Auctions® account settings for instructions on adding a payment type. When finished, click List a Domain to return to the List Your Domain page.

  • In the Domain name and Confirm domain name fields, enter the domain name you want to list.
  • From Listing Type, select 7-Day Public Auction.
  • In the Add Listing Details section, complete the following:
  • Starting Bid Amount Enter the minimum starting bid in USD. You must enter at least $20.

    Note: To list your domain name for more than $50,000, you must use a Offer/Counter Offer listing type. For more information, see Selling domains with Offer/Counter Offer or Buy Now Listings.

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    Heres How You Can List Your Domains On Godaddy:

    • Log in to your GoDaddy account and click on Manage. From the Buy & Sell menu, click on the GoDaddy Auctions Listings.
    • List your domain for sale with your buy now price
    • Fill out all other important details like, how you like to get paid.

    As soon as your buyer is ready to proceed further, you can share the buy now link with your buyer by logging into in the search field, type your domain name and click on search.

    Under item #, right-click on your domain and select copy link address.

    Now you can share this link with your buyer by email. You can either copy-paste the link in your email or create a hyperlink and share it with your buyer.

    If you have a pending sale on Dan where the buyer was agreed but have not made the payment even after doing follow-ups, you can switch to Godaddy and share the Godaddy buy now link with the buyer. I sold a couple of domains like this.

    As I said earlier, Godaddy is a big brand, and most businesses are already using GoDaddy as their registrar, so sometimes trust factors play a vital role in selling a domain on Godaddy.


    Do share it on your social media if you find this helpful.

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    But It Is Not A Quick & Easy Way To Make Money

    How to Sell a Domain Names at GoDaddy

    Heres the truth:

    Selling domains isnt a get rich quick scenario. You can definitely make money selling domain names, but it takes time and patience.

    You have to think of domain names as real estate.

    A quality domain name is like buying a better house. Just like buying and selling houses is a long game, so is trading domain names.

    Make sure youre investing in domain names that will grow in value.

    And in case you might be asking yourself:

    Is the profit you make from selling domains taxable?

    Yes, it is. Its just like buying a stock and selling it for a higher price. You still have to declare the profit as a taxable benefit.

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    Increase Visibility And Receive Payments

    The good thing about selling on GoDaddy Public Auction is that you can increase the visibility of your listing. However, this is optional, and you will need to pay for it. While listing your domain, you can choose Make My listing a Home Page Feature or Make My Listing a Category Page Feature to specify where you want it listed. As part of the listing process, you need to specify the account you want to receive your payments into and read and agree to the terms set by GoDaddy for the auction. You can then click on the Finish button to complete your listing.

    Pricing Consideration While Selling A Domain

    In 2009, was sold for $16 million which is equal to Rs. 1,14,46,40,000 . Mind-boggling, right? That’s just crazy and there are several other examples:,, etc.

    This doesn’t mean you’ll also get astronomical amounts for your domain. A lot of the popular keyword domains have already been purchased. And it’s unlikely that you have a domain with common but attractive names .

    To get an idea of the pricing, visit domain trading websites. You’ll know how much the domains similar to yours are being listed. Set the pricing expectations accordingly.

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    Is The Venue Trusted And Well Known

    Its important to feel confident that you will get paid and that the buyer will get the domain name they paid for.

    Pick a place that has good ratings with recognized bodies such as the Better Business Bureau or licensing from a trusted government source.

    This will make it easier for the buyer to pull the trigger on the domain purchase as well knowing they can trust the brand that is selling the domain.

    A trusted brand is vital when selling a domain.

    The Best Forum Site For Buying And Selling Domain Names

    How To Sell My Domain Name On Godaddy

    Next is a forum site called Namepros, it is a place where all pros in the domain name business gather, sell, and buy domain names. You can buy some domain names for a cheaper price in Namepros, and you can also sell some domain names.

    Selling domains in Namepros is free and you can list some of your domain names in different options, you can list your domains in fixed price, negotiable, or auction

    One of the best features of Namepros is you can request an appraisal for your domains with real people, you can request an appraisal and some pros in the industries will appraise your domain for what they think is the best price for it.

    Namepros is not just a place for buying and selling domains but it is also one of the best places to learn about domain flipping.

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    Godaddy Is Not The Only Kingpin When It Comes To Domain Registration

    Indeed, GoDaddy is perhaps the cheapest and biggest domain registrar in the world of domain flipping so much so that people use the term GoDaddy with domain registrar interchangeably. This is because they run massive marketing and advertising campaigns that pique the interest of buyers.

    However, GoDaddy is not the only kingpin when it comes to the domain registration business. There are many other great places for buying domains with excellent customer service and security support like Namecheap,,, etc.

    How To Calculate The Domain Value

    Valuing a domain name can be a bit tricky because every domain name is unique. This means that there can only be a particular domain name and there is no way to make a copy of it. Before you decide to sell a domain name, it is essential that you value it to know how much it is worth. The domain name, for instance, was sold for around $30 million. Several factors influence the price of a domain, and there are also several tools available that you can use to appraise your domain to find out its value.

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    How To Sell Domain On Godaddy Auction In Detail

    I Hope you understand about How To Sell Domain on Godaddy and you have taken your membership. Now you have to sell your domain in the auction for that you follow these steps.

    Step-1. First go to the auction. click on it you will get the option of the domain of the list.

    Step-2. Enter the name of your domain And click in the listing type in the 7 Days Public auction.

    Step-3. Prices dell of the domain you can start at a minimum of $ 20 Select general in category. You can also add a description of your domain.

    Step-4. After that select your payment option. Click the Agree in the terms and condition and click in the finish button.

    After that you have to wait for a while. Confirmation will be mailed to you on behalf of Godaddy. So Friends you can list any of your domains in this way.

    Anyone can now bidding in your domain after that you can take your domain.

    How To Sell A Domain Name: 8

    Domain Valuation – How to Price and Sell Domains

    Many of us have the habit of registering a domain name whenever we have a great idea for a new startup company, product, project, blog, or side-business. But those ideas often remain just that, an idea.

    And the domain name will end up sitting dormant in your registrar account for months, years, or even decades alongside an often growing family of other, unused domain names. These domain names dont have to stay dormant starting up a business is incredibly scary, but achievable.

    Other reasons for owning unused domain names could be that you retired from or closed a business, decided to stop updating your blog or personal site, or acquired other companies over the years, with their domains.

    If so, youre probably wondering if these domains are worth anything to someone else and if yes, how you can sell your domain names?

  • Use an escrow service for the safe transfer of the funds and the domain name.
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    Exactly How To Acquire Domain Name

    You are aware of purchasing a domain however, let me inform a few points before selecting any registrar to reserve your domain.

    Every Domain name registrar has a different fee framework, and also listed below suggested are leading listed domain registrar.

    Please make certain to sign up with that registrar, which is open to get in touch with any domain selling system and also support their premium promo programs.

    Below are my high lights to get a website purchased from different registrar.

    GoDaddy: Most famous and relied on the system and having GoDaddy Auction system to purchase sell domains yet does not support SedoMLS premium domain sell the program.

    Sedo is among the superior selection to sell the domain hence a lot more customers.

    GoDaddy invoices much for a fresh purchase or revival of an existent domain name.

    NameCheap: NameCheap is one of the Best and amongest the relied on domain name registrar, which provides a domain for around 5-6$ and revival fee is also significantly less.

    Dynadot: It is amongst the prominent Domain registrar, a registered partner of the Sedo MLS premium program.

    For this reason, Dynadot uses extra direct exposure to offer domain quickly on Sedo.

    Bluehost: This is one more popular domain name registrar which offer domain to buy, but Bluehostis famous for hosting.

    n order that they offer a complimentary domain name with any hosting that you are purchasing.

    Now, it is the perfect time to buy the domainname.

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