Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How To Set Up Email After Buying Domain

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I Have Bought A Domain Name Now What

How to set up email at your own domain name

So youve bought a domain name but dont know what to do next?

Dont worry. Youre not alone.

Having a domain name means you are already one step closer to create a blog or website. Now you need to do few more things to get your site live.

Here Ill be sharing a list of first things you need to do after buying a domain name. You can do all of these by yourself without hiring any professionals.

Before going further, lets check the steps you need to take after buying your new domain name.

Now lets get started with the first step.

Its Neater And More Professional To Have An Email Address On Your Own Domain As We Show You

While you get a lot with a free email account, such as those from Gmail or Microsoft, youre plagued with adverts and you get less choice over your email name. A better way is to register your own domain name and then add an email package to it. This gets you a completely custom email address and lets you expand to add more users or family members, as you want. If youre running a business, it also looks a lot more professional to have a dedicated email address than it does to be using a free one. Here, well show you what the various options are, how you go about setting them up and what the benefits are over a free service.

Setting Up Your New Google Workspace Email On A Mac

If you dont want to access the Gmail web app through your browser, you can easily add your new Google Workspace email address to the Mail app.

First, open up your Mail application. Then click the Mail option in the top menu to expand the main preferences.

Select the Add Account option, choose Google, and then click continue.

From that on, youll start the easy activation process.

Adding Gmail to Mail app

If youd like, you can now even select which apps to sync with the account, not just Mail, but also your Calendar and Notes.

You can now send and receive emails from your new address from using the Mail app.

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Bluehost Cpanel Email Settings

Lets go back to cPanel and find your email settings.

  • Go back to the home page, click the Advanced tab from the side navigation menu to the left.
  • Under the Email section, click the Email Accounts icon.
  • Click the Create button.
    • Under Domain, choose the specific domain where you would like to create an email account.
    • In the Username text box, type the user you would like to use.
    • In the Password text box, type the password you would like for this email account.
    • The Password StrengthMeter will tell if the password you have entered is strong enough. We highly recommend you use a strong password.
    • The Mailbox quota text box is used to specify the amount of your overall hosting storage allocated for that specific email account. The default that should be listed is 500 MB. You can increase or decrease this number as you desire, depending on the hosting package that you currently have.
    • Once the User, Password, and Quota is all accurate, click the Create button.

    Youll need to have these settings in front of you to be able to configure Gmail to send and receive emails

    Registrars With Domain Connect

    How Do I Set Up a Domain

    Domain Connect enabled registrars let you add your domain to Microsoft 365 in a three-step process that takes minutes.

    In the wizard, we’ll just confirm that you own the domain, and then automatically set up your domain’s records, so email comes to Microsoft 365 and other Microsoft 365 services, like Teams, work with your domain.


    Make sure you disable any popup blockers in your browser before you start the setup wizard.

    Read Also: How To Find Out Where A Domain Is Hosted

    Is Gmail Good For Business

    Gmail is a popular email service with small businesses. You can connect your business domain name and use Gmails business email for $6 per user, per month.

    Gmail comes packed with features and inclusions, from built-in security features that protect you and your inbox to productivity and collaboration tools such as Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides. Learn more about why so many small businesses use Gmail in our Gmail for business guide.

    Transferring A Domain Name To Wix

    This is probably the easiest way to go. Essentially, you will move your domain name from your current domain name registrar to Wix.

    Transferring the domain name requires a couple of steps: you must unlock your domain name, get the EPP Key from your current domain host, and confirm a couple of emails. If you get stuck at any point, ask your domain name registrar for help or check out this detailed Wix guide.

    Before transferring your domain name, there are a couple of important things you should know/do:

    • Be aware that not all domain name extensions are accepted by Wix, double-check that yours is on their list.
    • You wont be able to transfer the domain name unless 60 days have passed after you registered the domain name .
    • If your domain name has the privacy protection enabled, the transfer wont happen. Check with your domain name registrar how to disable it.
    • Double-check that you have access to the email address associated with your domain name as a confirmation email will be sent there.

    Lets now check what to do when you cant to transfer your domain to Wix.

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    How To Send Emails In Gmail

  • Choose Yes, I want to be able to send mail as e.g.
  • In general, you should leave Treat as an alias checked. This is the setup when you have all your email coming to the same Gmail inbox. If you want to send email on behalf of another account, then untick it. This would be the case when you have several accounts that you log into separately. Unchecking this box allows you to respond to email from an account that you are not currently logged into.
  • Refer to the cPanel email settings you made a note of before

    4. Enter the outgoing SMTP Server

    5. Enter your full email address as the Username

    6. Enter Password for your email account

    7. Choose Secured connection using SSL. Make sure the port is changed to 465

    8. Click Add Account

    9. Verify your email address

    10. Because we setup email forwarding before, a confirmation email will be sent to your Gmail

    11. Click the confirmation link in the email or copy/paste the PIN

    12. All done! You can now send and receive emails using Gmail

    Find The Email Settings Area

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    Login to your account where you purchased your domain name, and go to the My Account area. From there youll see a list of options, one of them being Email, click the Set Up button. Remember, you dont need to buy anything additional to set this up. Were simply forwarding your email address to something more use-able Gmail.

    Note: If you already have web hosting somewhere youll usually find this area somewhere in the cPanel of your domain/hosting service.

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    Pop3 Post Office Protocol

    If you expect to receive a lot of emails, POP3 is your way to go, since it downloads and delivers all of your incoming emails to your device while deleting them from the servers inbox. POP3 is a great option if you use a single device for checking your email, but the downside is that the download with POP is tied to a particular device, so you wont be able to view your emails if you try to access your inbox from a new device.

    Why Do You Need A Custom Email Address

    It doesnt matter if youre a blogger or a business owner a custom email will set you apart from your competitors. If youre looking for a job, a professional email address will differentiate you from other prospects. If you create a blog or make a website, youll want to use networking to make a strong brand image and build an impressive online reputation. Having a personalized email address will help you accomplish this, as it will help you stand out from other bloggers in your niche.

    The same truth applies when establishing your own brand. A custom email account gives you instant credibility and shows that youre a professional. Its a great way to stand out among others in your industry and creates an unforgettable first impression.

    If you keep a generic email address, you risk looking like a beginner. Isnt it time to make your own business email and show that youre tech-savvy and serious about your business?

    Establish your identity in an ultra-competitive business world and turn your entire game around by showing off a unique and recognizable professional email. Its an easy way to demonstrate that you have a real business versus a hobby.

    If you have a website or are planning to make one, you can set up a custom email with your web hosting provider.

    Most web hosting companies like Bluehost offer FREE email accounts with their hosting plans. You just need to access the account and you can set up your email address within a few minutes.

    Also Check: Why Are Domain Names So Expensive

    How Should You Set Up An Email Account With Your Domain Name

    Lets get this out of the way first: Your best option for setting up an email with your own domain is to use an externally hosted email service.

    An externally hosted email service will handle everything for you, offering the security and reliability that are crucial when dealing with email.

    The best externally hosted email service is Googles G Suite. G Suite offers Gmail-style email along with a calendar, a document editor, and online storage — all on your own domain from $5 per user per month. Well show you everything you need to know to set up G Suite later in this guide.

    If youre trying to keep costs down, external email hosting service Zoho offers many similar features to G Suite, but with the option of opening a basic account free of charge. This guide will also cover everything you need to set up Zoho later on.

    You may have noticed your hosting provider also offers free email services. Indeed, most shared hosts, such as SiteGround, DreamHost, and Bluehost offer free email at your domain out of the box . These are okay as a temporary solution while youre starting out, but we dont recommend them for the long term: . For instance, you wont get the two-factor authentication that will keep your email safe, and unreliable spam settings can cause you to miss important business while failing to catch actual spam. Youll also experience limited storage, and typically have to use poorly designed desktop and mobile user interfaces.

    Create An Email With Google Workspace Alternatives

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    Without a doubt, Googles collection of online applications is the most popular one. Its hard to find someone who has not created a Gmail account or who has not used Google Docs to edit an online document at least once.

    Its hard to find flaws in the Google Workspace when you are working in a small team. It simply has everything you need and works flawlessly. But with every extra member you add, the monthly bill increases. Cost is the main reason why people search for Google Workspace alternatives that can offer pretty much the same for a lower price. Thats especially true if you need a simple email service without any extra bells and whistles.

    In the following lines, we are about to introduce you to six potential G Workspace alternatives.

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    How To Forward Bluehost Emails To Gmail

  • Go to Emails on your Cpanel dashboard.
  • Select the Forwarders icon.
  • Select your domain from the menu.
  • Type the email account username.
  • Type the destination email address.
  • Confirm by selecting Add Forwarder.
  • First, in Email on your Cpanel dashboard, select the Forwarders icon.

    Next, select your domain from the menu, then click on Add Forwarder.

    In the Address to Forward box, type the username of the email account you want to forward.

    In Destination, enter the forward to email address. Once complete, click the Add Forwarder link.

    Finally, you receive a confirmation message.

    How To Get A Free Email Domain

    If youre running a business, its smart to obtain an email domain thats consistent with your branding. Using a personal address to communicate with your customers doesnt look professional and might undermine your credibility. However, finding a free email domain can be tricky.

    Many web hosting companies offer free email domains if you purchase one of their plans. Some of them are a real bargain, and you can easily connect them to your Gmail account. Alternatively, if you dont want any associated costs, there are other solutions that might better suit you.

    In this article, well discuss three methods you can use to create a free email domain, with or without purchasing web hosting or your own domain name. Lets dive right in!

    Also Check: How To Transfer Google Domain To Squarespace

    Connecting A Domain Name To Wix

    If you would prefer to keep your domain name with your current host , you can still connect it to your Wix site. For that, a couple of changes in the domain name parameters are required. Check this Wix tutorial for more information.

    There are two options: connecting the domain name via name servers or pointing your domain name to a Wix site:

  • Check this article to connect via name servers
  • Follow these steps if youd like to point your domain name
  • Whats the better option then?

    Usually, its option 1. Especially if you are not using any email inbox with your domain name yet, its better to connect your name servers with Wix .

    If you are already using an external email provider, pointing your domain name to Wix may be more convenient as your email accounts will just continue working without any further changes from your side. The only small disadvantage here: should Wix ever move your website to a new server, you may have to get your A-record updated. Not a biggie, but better if it all happens in the background without your involvement.

    Keep in mind that your domain registrar will be able to assist you with these DNS changes.

    Be aware that the connection process can take up to 48 hours, so dont panic if you dont see immediate results.

    Add This Email Address To Your Gmail Account So You Can Both Send And Receive Emails From This Email Address

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    Theres no need to have a million email accounts youre always logging in and out of in Gmail. Inside Gmail, click the little Gear icon at the top right and then click Settings. Then click on Accounts , and then click the Add another email address you own link. On the box that pops up, fill in your name, your new email address, and uncheck the the Treat as an alias checkbox. .

    On the next step, just keep as Send through Gmail and youre done! It will send you an email to verify that you do indeed have possession of the email address, but since you already set up the forward, you should see that email drop straight into your Gmail account.

    Then just make sure you have the button selected below the account info that says When replying to a message: Reply from the same address the message was sent to. You can also mark this new email address as your Default email account.

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