Friday, July 26, 2024

How To Link Hosting And Domain

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Apply The New Nameservers Values

How to connect domain with hosting (Easy method 2022)

The next step of pointing a domain name to a new host is to replace the domains old nameservers. Heres how to do it:

  • Login to your domain registrar. Remember, this is the place where you bought your domain.
  • Look for the option to set your domains nameservers. Every registrar has a different way of doing this. However, in general, you can find the appropriate settings on the menu called Domain Management, or Domain Overview, or something along those lines.
  • In hPanel, go to Domains -> -> DNS / Nameservers. Expand Change Nameservers and select the Change nameservers option. You should see several fields, such as Nameserver 1 , Nameserver 2 , that will most likely be filled with Hostingers default nameservers.
  • Enter the nameservers into the appropriate fields. For example, a nameserver that begins with ns1 should be put into the Nameserver 1 field, if it starts with ns2 to Nameserver 2, and so on.
  • Pro Tip

    If you see the Create child nameservers field, you can ignore it.

    Keep these tips in mind should there be any difference between the number of nameservers and the number of available fields:

    • If your hosting provider only gives you two nameservers, but your registrar provides you with four or more fields, enter the first two, leaving the other ones empty.
    • If your hosting provider gives you three nameservers, but your registrar only allows you to enter two, use the first two nameservers.

    Select WordPress To Install

    In the Auto installer section, you will find multiple softwares which you can install to make your website.

    But the most popular, recommended is WordPress.

    You have to Select WordPress so that you can install it on your domain name to make a good WordPress website.

    For this, you have to click on the select button, given below the WordPress section.

    Connecting Your Domain To Hosting And Installing WordPress

    Youve done a lot of prep work up to this point. Now, its time to setup your website!

    Your objective in this chapter is to create a live website that visitors can see.

    What You Will Need:

    • Registrar login information and purchased URL
    • Hosting account details
    • Approximately 30 minutes

    Before we begin, log in to your registrar . We will show you how to connect a domain from GoDaddy and to a host using CPanel.

    Read Also: How To Determine If A Domain Name Is Available

    What Is A Domain Name Registrar

    A domain name registrar sometimes called a DNS registrar (short for domain name server is a business that sells domain name and handles the reservation of domain names as well as the assignment of IP addresses for those domain names.

    Domain names are alphanumeric aliases used to access websites for example Googles domain name is and their IP address is

    Domain names make it easier to access websites without having to memorize and enter numeric IP addresses.

    Read more at Cloudflare.

    There are registries that manage the different top-level domains like .com or .org. These registries in its large and centralized databases contains information about which domain names have been claimed and by who. These registries dont sell the names directly. They delegate that job to DNS registrars like GoDaddy or Namecheap.

    DNS Registrars must be accredited by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers . When these registrars sell a domain to its customer, they are expected to register it with the appropriate registry by updating a record with your information.

    How To Connect Host Or Domain

    How to Connect Domain Name With Web Hosting Using Nameserver

    To connect a host or domain to a monitoring service, select Monitoring in the pull-down menu of the control panel. In the window that opens, click the Add Host button to add a server or domain for monitoring.

    • Enter an IP address of a machine or a domain name you want to track. You can choose any host you like, not necessarily rented in our service.
    • Select Validation rule in the drop-down list, for example, PING.
    • Specify the Response time – the time during which the response is expected. If no response is received during this time, we consider the host/domain as unavailable.
    • Indicate Frequency of requests – the time after which it is necessary to run an availability check again.
    • Select Check Points – geographical objects whose data center will be sending requests. A point can be either one or several. By default, all available points are selected.

    Next, fill out the condition to check availability:

    If necessary, you can enable e-mail notifications to learn about host status updates – check the corresponding box.

    After filling in the condition, click the Add button:

    You will see a newly created monitoring host in the list. You can check its status and the timestamp of the last scan. You can update the status using the circular arrow. You can also turn off host monitoring using the toggle switch, for example, during scheduled work.

    Read Also: Can I Buy A Domain Through Shopify

    Why It Is Recommended To Buy The Domain Name And Hosting From Two Different Companies

    Its often not required and sometimes its not easy as well to change the domain registrar. But, it often requires changing the web hosting company. You can easily change the hosting company if and when needed and thats the reason its recommended to buy domain name and hosting from different companies.

    Adding And Removing Domains On Your Hosting Plan

    The Premium and Business hosting plans allows you to host multiple domains on the same hosting plan. Once your hosting plan has been set up and is associated with a primary domain, you can set up add-ondomains. Below are the instructions to add additional domain names to your hosting package:

  • Log into your hosting cPanel.
  • Click on Addon Domains, located under the Domains section.
  • Enter in the domain in the New Domain Name section.
  • Once the domain is entered, click The Subdomain field and the Document Root will automatically fill in. Check “Create an FTP account associated with this Addon Domain” if you want an FTP added. The FTP account would only have access to that specific Addon domain and nothing more.
  • Click Add Domain.
  • Once this is done you’ll also need to add the correct DNS records. You can do this at a later time if you wish but please note that any Addon domains will not connect or work until DNS records have been added.

    Also Check: How To Find Email Domain And Server

    Link A Combell Hosting To Your Domain Name

    You can link a domain name to your hosting in different ways.

  • Couple with your orderYou order a hosting package from Combell and you specify the domain name during the ordering process. If the domain name is elsewhere, we will ask you to change the A-records of that domain name to the IP address of your hosting package.You can find the IP address in the overview of your hosting package: go to My products> Web hosting> Manage hosting in the control panel.
  • Link as an extra domain name for your websiteYou add the domain name to your hosting / website as an extra domain name afterwards. We call this an alias domain name.
  • Attach A Domain With A Hosting Plan

    How to Point Domain Name to Web Hosting

    You can also attach domains that already have a plan, to another hosting plan. That way, you reduce your costs to only the yearly domain fee, plus any add-on services that aren’t included in the plan. The domain needs to be registered under the same user account.

  • Log in to the control panel
  • Click My Account and then My products.
  • Click Manage all the way to the right of your screen for the domain you want to attach.
  • Click Move to another plan in the menu that appears.
  • On the next screen, select the hosting plan you want to attach to and click Continue.
  • Done! The domain is now attached to the selected plan and you are able to see it in the overview.
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    Add Your Godaddy Nameservers

    You want to choose I have specific nameservers for my domain and then fill in your nameservers. Usually, there will be 2 or 3 nameservers to fill in. These ALWAYS start with the prefix ns1., ns2. and so on. Youll find your specific name servers in the welcome email from your hosting company .

    Add Or Edit Custom Dns Records

    Follow the steps below to add a custom record for a website or 3rd party service.

  • Sign in to the Microsoft admin center at .

  • Go to the Settings> Domains page.

  • On the Domains page, select a domain.

  • Under DNS settings, select Custom Records then select New custom record.

  • Select the type of DNS record you want to add and type the information for the new record.

  • Select Save.

  • Recommended Reading: What Is Domain Name In Email Address

    Method : By Updating The A Record

    1. First, you need to login to your cPanel account to find the IP address of your hosting. Either you can directly login to your cPanel account or with A2 Hosting, you can directly login to your cPanel account from the A2 Hosting Dashboard.

    • Log in to your A2 Hosting Account then click on cPanel Login
    • You will find the IP address of your hosting in the right side box, you need to copy the IP address given there.

    2. Now you need to update the IP Address in the A Record of your Domain DNS.

    • Log in to your GoDaddy account, you will see your domain name there on the my products page, you need to click on the DNS button given there.
    • On the next page, you will see the DNS records of your domain name, click on the pencil icon to edit the A record of your domain name.
    • Enter the IP address you copied from the hosting and hit the Save button.

    Thats it, now you have connected your domain name with your hosting, you need to wait for some time so that the DNS gets propagated properly, it may take a few minutes to few hours. Once its connected you can host your blog or website. Also, do note that if you are hosting emails with your host or somewhere else, you need to also update the MX Records given by your host or email service provider.

    Set Up Your Domain In Your Domain Host

    How to Setup Domain + WordPress on InMotion Hosting

    If you chose to use the Default Domain or to Purchase a new domain for your site, you do not need to set up your domain with your domain host.

    If you chose to use a domain you already own, after setting up your domain in Duda, complete the following:

  • To connect your domain to your site, click Continue.
  • Duda searches for your domain host provider, and prompts you to log in with your provider .
  • Type your login credentials for your domain host provider, and click Continue.
  • Alternatively, if you do not own the login credentials, click Forward login to a colleague. Copy the link provided and send to a colleague to complete the setup.
  • You will receive a confirmation message that your domain is now configured. Click Done.
  • Changes to your domain typically take less than a few hours to go live. However, it may take up to 48 hours.

    Domain Host Provider Not Found

    If you domain host provider was not found, you must configure your domain manually by adding two A records and a CNAME record to your domain host settings.

    Click to copy the records and add them to your domain host. When you have finished, select the I have added the records above to my domain checkbox, and then click Continue.

    To watch a video on how to set up a domain from an expert, see:

    For more expert content, see the Video Library.

    Use the following information for the CNAME record and A records:


    Two A Records are used for server balance and redundancy.

    Don’t Miss: How Do I Register A Domain Name

    How To Install WordPress

    There are a few different ways to install WordPress well show you the easiest way!

    Step 1: Log in to your CPanel account. Scroll to the bottom. Look for Softaculous Apps box. Click WordPress.

    Step 2: Your screen should look like this:

    Follow below step-by-step:

    • Choose Protocol: Choose the sub-domain you want to use
    • Choose Domain: If you have multiple domains on this CPanel you will need to choose the one you want to use.
    • In Directory: The field should be blank. If you have wp here then your site will be at instead of
    • Database Name: Leave this field as-is .
    • Table Prefix: Leave this field as-is .
    • Site Name: This is the title of your website. Whatever you enter here will be shown in the browser tab to visitors. This can be altered easily at a later time.
    • Site Description: This is the description of your site. We recommend a one-sentence description. Again, this can be altered easily at a later time.
    • Enable Multisite : Leave this blank, unless you have a reason to change it.
    • Admin Username: This will be your login id. Make sure you use something different than admin for security purposes. Also, store this information somewhere safe.
    • Admin Password: This is your login password.
    • Admin Email: This is the e-mail tied to your login account. It will be used if you need to reset your password.

    Once you click Install, you should see a screen like this:

    Once it completes you will see a success message like this:

    Registrars With Domain Connect

    Domain Connect enabled registrars let you add your domain to Microsoft 365 in a three-step process that takes minutes.

    In the wizard, we’ll just confirm that you own the domain, and then automatically set up your domain’s records, so email comes to Microsoft 365 and other Microsoft 365 services, like Teams, work with your domain.


    Make sure you disable any popup blockers in your browser before you start the setup wizard.

    Recommended Reading: How To Make A Domain Name Email

    Adding A Domain On Shared Vps Or Dedicated

    If you have a , VPS, or Dedicated hosting account, follow these steps.

    Step 1: Register a Domain

    The first step is to register your domain.

    Already have a registered domain? You can skip to Step 2: Add a Domain.

    Domain registrations last a year or more, and allows you to use the domain for that length of time. If your registration expires, then the domain will become available for someone else to register.

    To register a domain:

  • Log in to your Account Control Center at
  • In the left sidebar, click Domains
  • In the drop-down, click Register a New Domain Name
  • In the Domain Name text box, type in your desired domain name, then click ProceedIf someone else has already registered the domain, it will not be available to register. In this case, repeat this step until you find an available domain.
  • On the next page, click Proceed
  • On the next page, select whether or not you are a Pair Domains customer. If you are already a Pair Domains customer, sign in to your Pair Domains account. If you do not have a Pair Domains account, follow the steps to create one.Pair Domains is a separate Pair service that offers domain registrations. A Pair Domains account is not the same as a Pair Networks hosting account.
  • On the next page, you can select additional, similar domain names for registration. If you select another domain, scroll to the bottom and click the Continue button.If you do not want any additional domains, click No Thanks, Proceed
  • On the next page:
  • Click Submit Registration
  • How To Connect Domain Name And Hosting

    How to Put a Website Online: Template, Coding, Domain, Hosting, and DNS

    To help you connect domain name and hosting, here in this tutorial, I will be connecting a domain name purchased from GoDaddy and the hosting purchased from A2 Hosting. I highly recommend GoDaddy for purchasing the domain name and A2 Hosting for hosting your blog or website. The process will be more or less the same for other domain registrar and hosting companies. So, you can use the same process if you need to connect a domain name from other registrars to any other hosting company.

    Before we start this tutorial, take into account that the DNS changes can take up to 24 hours to fully propagate worldwide.

    There are actually two ways you can connect your domain name to the hosting. Either you can do this by updating the A Record in the domain DNS or else you can just update the hosting name server at your domain registrar. I will explain to you both methods step-by-step, both processes are simple and easy, you can follow any of the methods you are comfortable with. So, lets get started.

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    What Are My Name Server Records

    Your host will assign name servers to store your DNS zone filesfiles that contain information about your websites IP address. The quickest way to find your name server records is to look up your welcome email from HostGator, which includes them.

    Cant find your email? No problem. You can look up your name servers online.

    If you have a shared hosting plan, you can log in to your cPanel to find your name server information. On the lower left column of your Account Information panel, youll see two URLs that end with

    Your name servers wont be redacted like our example.

    If you have optimized WordPress hosting, log in to your HostGator control panel, select Domains from the left sidebar, and click More for the domain whose name servers you need. When the Domain Overview panel opens, youll see your name server addresses in the upper right corner.

    Copy both name server addresses, because youll need to share both of them with your domain registrar. But before we do that, lets talk about the possibility that your site may be offline while the domain pointing actually happens.

    How Do I Link My Domain To Bluehost

    assignBluehost troubleshooterguideVerify your domain by updating your nameserversns1.bluehost.comns2.bluehost.comCustom

    • After signing into your account, select Domain List from the left sidebar
    • Click the Manage button next to your domain in the list.
    • Then find the Nameservers section and select Custom DNS from the drop-down menu:
    • After that, enter your Bluehost nameservers one by one in each line.
    • When the nameservers are entered, press the green checkmark to save changes:

    Create an HTML PageVerify your domain ownership via EPP CodeRegistrar LockON

    • Sign in to your Namecheap account.
    • Go to Domain List and click Manage next to the domain you want to transfer out:
    • Go to Sharing& Transfer tab. In the Transfer Out section you would be able to get the Auth/EPP code for your domain:

    Addon DomainParked DomainAdd Domainns1.bluehost.comns2.bluehost.comDomains tab

    Also Check: How To Have A Domain Email Address

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