Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Make A Domain Selling Website

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Things That Can Have A Positive Impact On Domain Value

How to make domain selling website for free – white label domain marketplace
  • If the domain is a .comDespite the availability of hundreds of new domain extensions, the old standby .com is still king. When you look at the top 100 domain sales of all time, 96 of the 100 domains were .com.
  • If it is shortGenerally speaking, the shorter the domain, the higher the price. One, two, or three-letter domains are historically among those that bring the highest prices.
  • If it is easy to spellDomain names that include common words or regular abbreviations will fetch a higher price.
  • If it is a single dictionary wordAlong with short domains, generic single word domains also top the charts with all-time high sales numbers. The logic here is obvious: there are a limited number of generic words that everyone knows.The average native English speaker only knows or uses about 20,000 words. Maybe half of those are generic. There are 142.5 million .com domains currently registered, which means only 0.007% of all registered domains are generic English words that would be known to most native speakers.If you own one of those domains, you have a rare quantity that has commensurate value.

Already Own A Domain Name

If you already own a domain name, dont worry. You can transfer the name to your online store builder and cancel the agreement with your original provider.

Or, if you want to stay with your domain provider, you can link your domain to your builder page. To do this, contact your current domain provider.

For ease of use, wed recommend sorting out a domain with your builder. It makes learning how to build an online store from scratch even more straightforward!

Before you move on to the next step, make sure you have:

  • Chosen your ideal domain name
  • Checked your domain name is available
  • Purchased your domain name
  • Set a calendar reminder to renew it before the expiry date otherwise you risk someone else snapping it up and selling it back to you at an inflated price!

Choose And Buy Domain Names On Shopify or Wix

When it comes to color, you want something thats inoffensive and that fits your industry. Read our guide on picking the perfect color here.

Before you move on to the next step, make sure you have:

Picking Themes on Shopify and Wix:

Focus On Local Domain Names

It is mind boggling how local search engine optimization has grown from a tiny market to a mammoth industry within a span of ten years or so. This is also one of the reasons why focusing majorly on local names is profitable. From doctors to pizza parlors to salons, everyone wants to see their business thrive on the first page of Google Search results with the help of target keywords.

The best way to pick winning local domain names is to search for them at places like GoDaddy and Namecheap.

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Set Up Your Domain Name Auction Listing

Once you confirm your email address, Flippa will redirect you to a four-step listing wizard to set up your domain name auction for the URL you entered before completing the signup form. On the first screen, start by writing a tagline and description for your domain:

This is much like writing a product description. Its important to mention any key benefits your domain brings with it in order to convince buyers its a sound investment.

Next, scroll down to specify how you want to sell your domain. In this case, weve selected Auction:

Youll also need to supply the following information:

  • How long you want the auction to run. The default is 14 days and the maximum is 30 days.
  • The starting price to be listed for your domain.
  • The reserve price, which is the minimum amount youre willing to sell for. If the top bidder does not meet this price, the sale will be canceled.
  • A Buy It Now price if you wish to let buyers purchase the domain before the auction is over.

You can also choose whether to show or hide the reserve price on the listing. When youre ready, click on the Next button.

Here you can select whether youd like to upgrade your listing to include promotions for your domain name auction, such as a featured spot on the site or inclusion in the next email newsletter:

Otherwise, the listing fee is $10. Enter your credit card or PayPal details, then click on Pay Now.

What Is A Domain

How to create a website with domain and hosting?

In simplest terms, a domain is the name of a website. Therefore the domain for my website is

According to Wikipedia, a domain is an identification string that defines a realm of administrative autonomy, authority, or control within the Internet.

You can think of domain names in the same terms as an address for your home. Where your home has a street number and road, a domain name uses the same structure to find and locate a website. Similar to your home, there can only be one address. Each domain is unique. Because there can only be one address, this is where domain flipping comes into play.

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How To Sell Your Domain Name

Hi, my name is Michael, and I an a domainaholic.

Im in recovery now, but at one time I owned more than 500 domain names. I realize thats small potatoes compared to the big domain name holders, but during that time I learned a thing or two about buying and selling domains.

The main thing I learned is that it pays to be patient. It can take a long time to sell a domain name.

But, there are steps you can take to accelerate the process. The more aggressively you market your domain, the quicker youll sell it. And if you do it right, youll reap the maximum amount the domain can bring.

Whether you go about selling your domain name in an aggressive or more passive way, the basic steps are the same, so lets get to them.

Registering Or Squatting Domains Is Not Unethical

Another point of concern is that many people feel that squatting or registering domains is unethical. This is because many web developers have a hard time finding relevant domain names for their projects since most of them have already been registered. Many corporate giants also frown upon the domain flipping industry because many domain names relevant to them are already registered.

However, domain flipping is legal because buying domain names has been a legal practice ever since the internet came into being in the 90s. Treat domain names as real estate property sold in the offline world.

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Its Highly Important To Choose The Right Place To Sell

Although there are so many different places online to sell domain names, its important to stick to the best ones always.

One of my favorites is Flippa. Once you list your domain on Flippa, you may buy some targeted traffic to advertise your domain listing page.

Read Where Should You Start Your Domain Flipping Business?

The above article describes some of the best online platforms to sell a domain name. Hopefully you would make a profitable sale.

But still you should remember to write a great description that focuses on the value of your domain and why someone should purchase it.

Write a description that answers all the questions that an interested buyer might have in mind. Be realistic and dont make false promises.

Visit Flippa and read the descriptions of some of the recently sold domains.

This will help you write your own descriptions.

Selling domain names? Heres a few more domain marketplaces for you.


List Your Domain on a Domain Marketplace

Many domain marketplaces attract repeat buyers who search through domain listings each and every day looking to find new domains to add to their domain portfolio. Several marketplaces also utilize domain name distribution networks, allowing them to partner with registrars and increase the visibility of your domain listing around the world.

Sell it at Auction

Similar to eBay, these sites let you create a domain listing, minimum opening bid, and reserve price. Some even allow you to set a buy-now price.


What Is The Growth Potential For A Domain Registration Business

How to Run a Domain Name Auction to Sell Your Website

There is a lot of potential for the right person in this industry. As it becomes easier and easier to set up a website, more people are taking advantage of subscription services to get the word out about their interests. Whether its a cause, hobby, or career move, its not uncommon for people to have multiple websites to promote the things they care about. As this trend continues, domain names will become ever scarcer and thus more valuable to those who want to find the right name to get the most exposure.

Not sure if a domain registration business is right for you? Try our free Business Idea Generator and find your perfect idea.

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Look For Short Domains

Shorter domain names are inherently worth more.


Because they’re easier to type in and easier to remember. With that said, you might find that these domains are more expensive up front, so you’ll want to determine how much you might be capable of selling it for before making your purchase.

If you’re capable of finding a short domain name, it’s best to purchase it before someone else does. These domains can be scooped up in a matter of seconds, so it’s worth a shot.

The majority of short domains have already been acquired under the .com extension, however as other extensions become more popular this provides tremendous opportunity.

For example, a short domain like could be a top tier domain even though it doesn’t end with .com.

Learn More With These Resources

When buying the domains for reselling, you will always have a learning curve. Ask a lot of questions to those who have taken a step forward, opt for forum discussions, keep a track of industry trends and reach out to our support team for more information.

Go to the conferences to gain knowledge quickly and meet several other professionals in your industry. You can also get an idea about the tools and services available to you from different vendors of your niche. All these things will help you make smarter investment and get most out of your time and money.

Pallavi is a Digital Marketing Executive at MilesWeb and has an experience of over 4 years in content development. She is interested in writing engaging content on business, technology, web hosting and other topics related to information technology.

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After Youve Priced It Lets Sell The Domain

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Okay, I know, that was a lot of information. But properly pricing your domain is arguably the most important part of the sale.

If youre overpriced, nothing were going to talk about from here on out will matter because your domain wont attract buyers.

So lets get your domain ready to sell. Here are six steps to sell a domain today.

1. Let the World Know That the Domain Name Is for Sale Using the Domain Name Itself

Youll need a website for any domain name that you want to sell . This is one place you can gain an advantage over a large domain seller. Where they will have generic pages on the domains, you can create something more attractive.

You dont need anything fancy, just a single page with contact information, or better yet, a contact form. Make the page as unique as the domain name. Incorporate color or imagery that lines up with the name whenever possible. Make it personal, let potential buyers know there are dealing with an individual, not a corporation.

If youre selling multiple domains you can keep your hosting costs down by using multi-domain reseller accounts.

2. Make Your Contact Information Public in the WHOIS Database

This is a key point if you can do it. Ive sold domains I never intended to sell simply because someone contacted me using WHOIS information and made an offer.

Check with your registrar and see if you can expose at least an email address in the public WHOIS database. If not, your registrar may offer email forwarding from WHOIS records.

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So How Do I Sell A Domain Name

Now you have decided you want to sell your domain name. However, you shoul hold off before putting your domain on a marketplace right away. Most sellers go through a selling process that makes things easier on both you and the buyer, and ensures that you get your money, and the buyer gets their domain.

How To Sell Domains With Most Profit8 Lectures 20min

  • Selling Domains Through Existing Online Platforms01:48
  • Direct Selling Method – Step 1 Google Search02:17
  • Direct Selling Step 2: Developing A Professional Email04:56
  • Example of Email for Selling Domains1 page
  • Direct Selling Step 3 Creating A Contact Management System01:38
  • Finding Key Decision Makers For Buying Your Domain04:30

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Determining A Sales Path

There are different ways to sell a domain. For example, you can place a visible advertisement on the domains home page a for sale sign. Interested parties can then contact you directly to discuss the sale. Other domain dealers find great success through eBay. The auction platform has a well-known, reputable infrastructure. If you choose to trade domains through eBay, you can access the same features you already know from other products.

There are also other sites that you can use specifically to buy and sell domains. Platforms like Sedo or Flippa provide where you can advertise your domain. If you are also interested in the buying side of domain trading, perhaps to then resell them for a profit, these platforms are important.

Ways Of Making Money From Your Website

How To Make Money Selling Domain Names (With Earnings Proof from $14.22 to $2,000)

In general, there are eight main ways that websites make money:

  • Selling products Also called eCommerce, this is the best way to make money through a website, using it as a platform for your business to sell products or services.
  • Displaying adverts The classic way to make money online, but be warned that the golden days’ are over. Unless your site pulls in hundreds of thousands of visitors per month, the gains from hosting ads are very small these days.
  • Hosting sponsored content If your site is growing in prominence, you can make money by hosting articles or posts. A brand or business might pay you, for example, to host an article recommending a product or service of theirs.
  • Having a subscription or premium membership Increasingly, even smaller websites and blogs are experimenting with Premium Membership. Loyal readers may pay to support a site that they enjoy.
  • Using affiliate marketing Affiliate marketing is the fancy term for getting a kickback after sending users to other sites to buy products and services.
  • Creating and selling websites Also known as flipping you can make a surprising amount of money by buying a domain, developing a site and selling it on.
  • Drop shipping This method involves allowing customers to purchase products that you don’t actually have in stock. You’d then purchase the product from a third-party and ship it directly to the customer.
  • In this guide:

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