Friday, July 26, 2024

Do You Need A Domain Name For A Website

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What Is The Url

Why Do I Need a Domain Name?

A Uniform Resource Locator is a string of characters in a web browser that tells the server to display a specific resource to an end user. While a URL and domain name have similarities, the URL is much more descriptive. In fact, a URL actually encompasses the domain name.

For example, is a URL that includes the domain name within it. In fact, lets look at the other elements of that URL. It also includes several other components which well dive into below.

The protocol

URLs include schemes or protocols that communicate how to access that specific resource. In the example above, https:// is the protocol. Most web addresses will use either HTTP or HTTPS .

The difference between HTTP and HTTPS is the S which refers to security. HTTPS websites have SSL security which is an encryption that protects the sensitive data of its users. If your site doesnt have an SSL certificate, you should strongly consider adding it because visitors are hyper-aware of their personal data online, and 85 percent of online shoppers will actively avoid an unsecure website.


The subdomain

A subdomain is an optional part of a URL that creates a completely separate section of your website. If a URL has a subdomain, it will precede the domain name with a period.

For example, Tumblr uses subdomains for each of its users.


Related: DNS records A beginners guide

The domain name

The path

Free Website With Own Domain Is It Possible

Do you wonder if its possible to set up a website with your own domain without any budget investment? There are several ways to do that due to the availability of domain name registrars that provide such an opportunity. The range of platforms to start a free website and to host it for free afterwards is quite extensive as well.

There is one thing, however, you should be aware of. Free web building and hosting services mostly work well for small projects meant for personal use. If you intend to launch a full-featured website with powerful integrations and design customization options, this variant wont make any sense for you. This is because such a domain name wont belong to you and, thus, you wont be able to manage and set it up with regard to your project/business requirements. Hosting a free website with GitHub pages or other suchlike services may be a suitable solution for simple websites, but not for large-scale projects.

If you still intend to host your website for free, you will face the need to pick a domain name zone for your project. Thats not quite easy as popular domain zones or .gov, for example, are rarely provided at no cost. Instead, you can get a domain with less widespread extensions like a generic , a reserved or a second level domain. The latter usually consist of two parts and belong to financial/governmental projects. To get such a free domain, you may contact a domain registrar or a hosting provider of your choice.

Scoop Up Other Domain Extensions Too

When you register your .com domain name, pick up top-level domain variations like .biz and .net if you can. Redirect them to your .com site so visitors who type in the wrong domain will still find your site.

For example,, and all take you straight to

As the number of domain registrations continues to increase, good names are becoming more and more competitive. For this reason, its possible to have a competitor snatch up the .net or .biz version of your URL even if youve secured the .com version.

Because this can lead to lost traffic especially if your competitors wind up outranking you in the search engine results pages consider buying up popular TLDs for your chosen domain, if theyre available.

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Start Promoting Your Website

Once your website is live, you need to promote it to let your customers know about your website.

Here are few things you can do to promote your website.

  • Hire an SEO expert to drive organic traffic. You can do it yourself if you have SEO knowledge.
  • You can go DIY and use social media or try other paid for advertising methods.
  • If your business has a strong local flavor, you should also consider putting up flyers and posters and even the odd billboard if you have the budget for it.
  • Order a set of business cards solely for your business which should have details of how clients and customers can get in touch for you.

So those are the most important things that you need to do initially after buying a domain name.

Let me know if you have any questions regarding this.

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Truth In Domain Names Act

Choosing the best domain name

In the United States, the Truth in Domain Names Act of 2003, in combination with the PROTECT Act of 2003, forbids the use of a misleading domain name with the intention of attracting Internet users into visiting Internet pornography sites.

The Truth in Domain Names Act follows the more general Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act passed in 1999 aimed at preventing typosquatting and deceptive use of names and trademarks in domain names.

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Have An Authoritative Email Address

Buying a domain isn’t just about websitesyou can also use them for email addresses. This means, instead of an address that ends with or, email addresses can end with a domain owned by your company.

You can read about , but it boils down to a few key points.

  • Branding. Emails look like they’re coming from your company, not from a free email service. This looks more professional.

  • Control. You can give employees an address ending with, which you can take control of should they leave the company.

  • Flexibility. You can point your domain to any email service, meaning you can switch email providers without having to inform all of your customers about a new email address.

Need an email host? Check out our list of .

Check For Trademark Infringement

Both major and minor brands alike take issue with others using their trademarked names. Even if youve just made an innocent mistake, the legal hassle involved in a lawsuit and having to rearrange your web presence could be costly.

You can avoid these situations by using a trademark lookup tool before you finalize your choice.

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Set Up Your Hosting And Website

If you do not have a web host, you can let the registrar park your domain name at a temporary website specially set up for you. This lets you secure your domain name before it’s too late and take your time setting up other aspects of your website.

After registering your domain name, learn about building your website from a number of sources. The most popular option for building a website is using a self-hosted WordPress blog. Most web hosting companies support WordPress.

Your registrar, web hosting company and the World Wide Web should offer ample documentation and ideas for you. Now that you’ve read through the domain name registration process, get started as soon as possible to get the domain name you deserve!

Getting your website up and running is just the start. Once you’re live you’ll want to focus on the important things like getting website traffic, building your email subscriber list, and converting visitors into sales.

Do I Really Need A Domain Name For My Business

Do You Need a Domain Name and Hosting While Learning Web Development

IT expert Jason Murray explains why securing a domain name for your business is essential, even if you have yet to develop your web site or settle on the finer details of your online strategy

A domain name is a unique identifier that represents you and your business on the internet. So if you dont have a website do you really need one? Absolutely!

It is essential that your business secures an online presence. Putting the technical jargon aside, a domain name does this by giving you an exclusive address on the internet. The domain is most commonly used to identify your website and email address but can also be used for other specialised online functions.

It goes without saying that the domain name you pick must match your business and your brand. The name that you use to advertise your products and services is the name that you will want.

There are several different types of domain names and in our case the most popular would be .COM and .COM.AU.

The .COM is the most recognised and popular type of domain and can be freely bought and sold by anybody. This domain type is recognised globally and should be considered the equivalent of prime real-estate on the internet.

When registering your domain name, make sure you also include email and website hosting. You may also want to enquire about DNS Management if your business operations are more advanced .

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Get Your Name Servers

Once you register your domain you’ll want to get the names of your web host’s primary and secondary name servers, and save the information in a good place. It is often in the FAQs section on their site, or under a category like “domain name”, “DNS” or “domain name transfer”.

If you can’t find it, email customer service. You’ll need the information to point your domain name to your webhost . If you got your webhost and domain at the same place then you don’t have to worry about this.

From Domain Registry To Registrant

Now that you understand the different roles in the domain registration process, lets quickly demonstrate how those pieces interact.

1. Domain registry creates a new TLD

The first step in the process is for the domain registry to create a new TLD. For instance, the .world extension was created and distributed by the Donuts Registry.

2. Domain registrars acquire rights to sell the new TLD

After the domain registry creates the extension and sets the guidelines for using the TLD, they negotiate with registrars to sell that domain to the public. Donuts Registry worked with GoDaddy to make .world domain names available on GoDaddys platform.

3. Domain registrants find and register the domain name

Once domain names for the new TLDs become available via the domain registrars, people or organizations can find and register their domain name using that extension.

Each domain name using an extension can only be registered once, so its important to register your domain as soon as possible to avoid losing your domain name.

For instance, if you are a travel organization or travel blogger, you might want to register a domain like

4. Domain changes travel back up the chain

When the domain registrant makes changes to the domain settings such as updating the DNS records, it must be reported back to the domain registry which stores all the information about the domains using its extensions.

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How Does The Domain Name System Work

Think of DNS like Siri on your iPhone. When you say call David, something amazing happens your phone calls David. This isnt magic its a complex process that receives and translates inputs into the desired output for an end user. Its mapping the users input of David with a corresponding output from its internal network.

DNS operates the same way, but with web addresses.

Just like every person has a unique phone number, every website has a unique domain name and subsequent IP address.

The translation from domain name to IP address is known as DNS resolution. The DNS resolution process includes several steps that happen almost instantaneously to resolve the DNS query.

Step 1: A user types a domain name or URL into their browser. The users internet browser issues a query request to the network to render the appropriate web page.

Step 2: A request is sent to the DNS recursor that was assigned to your computer from your Internet Service Provider . If the DNS recursor has the IP address cached, it will return the A record .

Step 3: If the users recursive resolver doesnt have the IP address cached, it will send a query for the IP address to the DNS root nameservers.

Step 4: The root nameservers examine the top-level domain of the query and refer your DNS recursor to the appropriate nameservers based on the TLD.

Step 8: Your DNS recursor returns the A record and renders the web address associated with the IP address to your browser.

How To Buy A Domain Name: Domain Registration Guide

How to Choose a Domain Name for Your Insurance Agency Website

What you need to know about domain names, how to choose the right one, and the steps to take to check if a domain name is available and to register your domain.

If you want to start a blog or a new online business, youll need to register a domain name, the name for your website. Getting the right domain for your needs might sound technical at first, but the process is pretty simple.

This domain registration guide will tell you what you need to know about domain name extensions, how to choose the right one for your needs, and the steps youll need to take to check if a domain name is available and to register your domain.

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Secure Your Social Media Accounts

Before you get too involved with one particular social media network it makes sense to secure all the relevant social media accounts for your website/business.

In the short term you may only plan to use Twitter or Facebook, but whos to say later down the line you might not look to use other platforms such as LinkedIn and Instagram as you expand your social media footprint?

For branding purposes its wise to ensure your social media accounts all have the same username/handle. Theres nothing more frustrating than going to sign up to a social network only to find someone else has beaten you to the punch.

When you find out all the best usernames are taken

For instance, at we use the handle lcndotcom for all our social networks

  • com/lcndotcom
  • com/user/lcndotcom
  • you get the idea

While this sounds like a terribly laborious task, its actually pretty easy to check the availability of your preferred name without signing up to each network individually.

Check out a tool called namechk , then just pop in your desired username/handle and hit enter. All of the social networks that are available will show in green.

This kind of preparation at the beginning of a website and/or business launch is vital for your long-term branding prospects. Get it right from the get-go.

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