Friday, July 26, 2024

Can I Change Website Domain Name

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How To Change Domain Name On Squarespace

How to Change Domain Name / Website Address / URL of Your WordPress Site

Squarespace works similarly to WordPress in the sense that one is auto-assigned a Squarespace URL when signing up. The built-in URL might be something like

If you are connecting a domain from another provider, youll need to find the individual instructions.

If you are just looking to change your assigned domain to a custom Squarespace domain, then these instructions are for you.

How To Change The Built-In Domain Name on Squarespace

  • Open your Squarespace dashboard and navigate to the home menu.
  • Select Settings and next Domains.
  • Under the heading Built-In Domain, click on the domain line.
  • Enter a new Site ID. It will show as the new domain section before the section of the domain.
  • Next, click on Rename. Note: if the name is taken, an error message will appear, and you will have to try a new name.
  • Once the URL has changed, an email confirmation will be sent to notify you of the change made.
  • Creating A 301 Redirect

    Creating a 301 redirect from your old domain name to your new domain is essential. Doing so helps search engines and visitors reach your site with the new domain name so that you dont lose traffic or visibility.

    If youve never created a 301 redirect before, we recommend working with a professional. The process can be technical, so if you need help, weve got you covered. If you choose to proceed on your own, use the steps below. web hosting customers can follow the instructions and video in this KnowledgeBase article to create a 301 redirect.

    If you use Domain.coms WebsiteBuilder for easy site design and creation, you may want to consult our professional services team for assistance. Well explain how to create a 301 redirect below however, the process is technical.

    To complete this process, youll need to use a couple of 3rd party tools, like FileZilla or any 301 code-generator tools.

    Navigate to FileZilla and connect to Every WebsiteBuilder account receives a root FTP user and youll need to use this information to connect. After doing that, youll have .htacess, which you can edit with any 301 code generator tools, like this one, to create your 301 redirect.

    Create 301 Redirects Using Htaccess File And Upload

    The most crucial part of switching domains is learning how to setup proper 301 redirects. 301 redirects are permanent link redirects that tell forward visitors to old pages to the correct new pages.

    More on the different types of redirects here.

    And well cover specifics of how to create your .htaccess file below.

    Also Check: What To Do After Domain Purchase

    Change Your Primary Domain For Google Workspace

    If you get a new domain or rebrand your company, you might want to change the domain for your Google Workspace account. Then you can use the new domain for your email addresses, Drive sharing, Meet, and other services.

    Switching your primary domain is an involved process and you might consider adding another domain to your account instead. Learn about alternatives to switching your domain.

    Can You Transfer Your Domain Name To Another Host

    How to change the domain name for a site

    As we alluded to earlier, your domain name can reside somewhere different than your web hosting and site files. Say you took our advice in Step 1, opted to sign up for a new hosting plan, and have the companys support experts handle the move. Youve registered your new domain with the host but youd like to consolidate all your online properties into one account. What happens to your old domain name?

    Just like your website, you can move domains from one host to another. Experts tend to prefer to keep domains separate from hosting accounts, but we favor the simplicity and convenience of having everything under one roof.

    That being said, the highly regulated domain name industry means youre less likely to have a reason to move your domain name from one registrar to another. Web hosting providers can upset customers with new policies, pricing, and shoddy support, making it a much more volatile experience. Keeping your domains separate from your web hosting can protect your ownership in the event of a data breach or unexpected expiration.

    Also just like your website, moving a domain to a new provider can be annoying, confusing, and complicated. The process can be further exacerbated if you also use the domain for hosting your email, but its still quite doable. This guide will show you the basic steps, or you can consider following the suggestions in Step 1, sign up with one of the best domain hosts, listed below, and have them transfer your domains for you:

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    How To Change Domain Name Without Losing Traffic And Seo Ranking

    Originally published: October 05, 2021 10:04:20 PM, updated: October 05, 2021 10:55:25 PM

    If you’ve ever questioned, “Can I change my domain name?” we’re delighted to tell you that the answer is “YES!”

    And you’ve arrived at the right place.

    In this article, we’ll go over how to alter a domain name. We’ll also go over why you should consider changing your domain name, how to avoid any hazards associated with changing your domain name, and how a domain name may help your business and brand.

    What is the benefit of switching your domain name? It’s best to leave it alone unless there’s a legitimate reason, but that’s not why you’re here.

    Before we go into how to change your website’s domain name, it’s a good idea to think about why you’re making that decision. Changing your domain name isn’t something you should do on the spur of the moment.

    Because domain names are frequently the first impression people receive of your company and website, it’s critical to take them seriously.

    When Must You Change The Domain Name

    To register a domain is straightforward. In many cases, the web hosting provider can assist you with the same.

    The home address and the domain name functions similarly. Every site is accessible only through an IP address that is unique. The moment you register the domain, all records are created on the DNS.

    This informs people, if they are visiting this particular domain, they will be connecting to a specific IP address.

    This may sound complex however, it is a very easy and simple system. Domain names are not changed often by people.

    This is because they worry that their customers will be unable to identify their website. But we know of a few instances that have benefited from this change.

    Recommended Reading: How To Make A Domain Name For Free

    Dont Forget The Redirect

    Any time an existing site changes something significant like a domain URL, there will be consequences. As we mentioned earlier, there will likely be multiple places where the links point to the old URL.

    Depending on how many locations point to your old URL, changing them manually can be a tumultuous task and might even prove nearly an impossible feat.

    If the site has been established for a while and has some natural backlinks pointing to it, one cannot switch the URL and expect everything to be working smoothly.

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    Likewise, changing URLs can cause search engines to think a new site copying the old sites content has arrived. There could be penalties, re-ranking, and more. It could be an absolute disaster for an established site that relies on organic traffic and ad revenue.

    Setting up the appropriate redirects is essential to making sure that not only human traffic, but search engine bots are able to successfully navigate the site and dont consider it a new site and re-rank it.

    Depending on which platform you are with, the process of creating 301 redirects can be tedious, especially for those who are non-technical.

    Reasons Why You Should Change Your Domain Name

    CHANGE the DOMAIN NAME on your SITEGROUND WordPress Website
    • Your current domain name doesnt reflect your brand and business.
    • Industries shift. Perhaps your domain name is no longer relevant or helpful in distinguishing your product and business in the marketplace.
  • Your domain name doesnt set the right tone for your website.
  • Maybe your original domain name is just a bit too clever and the attempt at humor isnt the tone you want for your site.
  • Your domain name isnt getting traction.
  • Too many hyphens and numbers in your domain name? Or is it super long? All of these decrease your domain names memorability, and if people cant remember your domain name they cant make it to your site.
  • Pro tip: Make sure the domain name you decide to use passes the Radio Test. If someone were to hear your domain name spoken aloud on the radio and never see it in print, could they be reasonably expected to understand the spelling and make it to your site?
  • Your business name changed.
  • For the sake of uniformity and branding, try to change your domain name to match your business name.
  • You want to change your domain extension.
  • Maybe the .com domain name you originally desired wasnt in your budget, so you chose a different TLD. But now, youve saved some money and are able to purchase the domain name you always wanted. Inversely, perhaps you bought a .com or .org, and have since discovered a TLD more relevant to your niche that youd like to use, like .tech or .club.
  • Recommended Reading: Which Domain Name Is Best

    How To Use Bings Site Move Tool

    Before moving forward, make sure your current domain is already added and verified within Bing Webmaster Tools.

    Step One: Setup a 301 permanent redirect from your old domain name to the new one. This is the fundamental step.

    Step Two: Login to your Bing Webmaster Tools account. Add and verify the new domain name.

    Step Three: Click on the old domain name within Bing Webmaster Tools. Then under Diagnostic & Tools select Site Move.

    Step Four: Select the radio button that says I am moving URLs from this site to another verified site.

    Step Five: Click on select destination site and select your new domain name.

    Step Six: Change Scope to be Domain and then click Submit

    You have now successfully informed Google and Bing about your domain name switch. This will help ensure that you dont lose any established keyword rankings. This also helps both search engines speed up the indexing process and understanding of your website under the new domain name.

    List Published Domain Locations

    In anticipation of checking to make sure things have changed appropriately, its good to start with a list of places where this change could affect things, for example, anywhere like Facebook or LinkedIn, where one might have a page dedicated to the site or business. These are all locations that will need to confirm that changes have been accepted and are functioning.

    Read Also: How To Buy A Domain Already Taken

    Updating Your Domain Name Records

    If youre sure your new site is good to go, you can begin the process of updating your domain name records. You do this by changing the DNS record on your site.

    Briefly, a domain name server record is the instruction that tells the user which IP address to go to when they click on your domain. You want them to go to your new site when they click, rather than your old one.

    Your DNS record will be held by a domain registrar, which will probably be the place you first bought your domain. It could be your old web host, but not necessarily.

    Switch the information at your registrar to point the user to your new host. It should be easy to do, but make sure you enter the information correctly, or no one will be able to visit your new site, or your old one.

    What if your domain is registered with your old web hosting company?

    If its the case that your domain registrar is your old web host, you may want to transfer registrars too.

    Like changing web hosts, its a fiddly process, but perfectly possible if you are methodical, and follow the right steps in the right order.

    We have an article about how to change your domain registration coming soon.

    Best Dedicated Host With A Free Transfer

    OWA 2016

    Clearly, youre doing something right to have scaled your site to the traffic and conversion levels to justify a dedicated server. You may even breeze through server configuration, maintenance, and implementing security patches but what if youre not a master of search engine optimization or domain name system records? As with semi- or fully managed VPS plans, customer support is important with dedicated server hosting, as well.

    Find experts that handle more than just machinery, and trust them to fill in the details you may not be sure of. The host weve reviewed below is one of the all-time greats at optimizing the hosting experience with supremely helpful humans and top-tier hardware:

    See other top dedicated server hosts »

    You May Like: How To Change Domain Name Of Website

    Rebrand Your Websites Design

    Depending on your choice of domain, youll likely need to update aspects of your sites design to reflect it. For example, your logo will likely need an update, but the same goes for any other element that alludes to your former domain name. For example:

    • Your About page if your site has one.
    • Your websites footer, which often includes copyright information.
    • The tagline of your site, which is the text that appears on a browsers tab when you open it.
    • Any miscellaneous references within your content.

    Fortunately, making these changes is relatively straightforward, although youll need to make sure youve removed all references to your previous domain on your site before pressing ahead.

    Youll also need to let visitors know about these changes so they arent left scratching their heads. Well talk about that shortly, but before that, lets talk about redirects.

    Best Vps Host With A Free Transfer

    As we move to the higher levels of web hosting, many providers will expect customers to know a lot more about server maintenance and management. Those with virtual private servers, root access, or other administrative roles, however, are likely facing higher stakes than those with personal shared hosting accounts or blogs. Because performance and security are critical to an online business, VPS customers may prefer to rely on the experts to move their site. Those types of managed services take the stress out of the move and guarantee any downtime will be minimal.

    Youll likely need a VPS host that provides some form of managed services to move your site, as unmanaged plans sometimes tend to resemble the Wild West anything goes. Managed services and customer support are key to successful experiences with VPS or cloud hosting, in our opinion, and this host is one of the best at blending modern infrastructures with helpful service:

    Also Check: How To Find If A Domain Name Is Taken

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