Saturday, July 27, 2024

What Is A Site Domain Name

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Make Sure Its Easy To Type

What is a Domain Name? – How Websites Work

Think of some of the most popular websites in the world. What comes to mind?

Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Yahoo, CNN

One big thing they have in common is that theyre all easy to spell.

Your visitors should be able to type your domain name without a problem. If you have to explain the spelling more than once for it to be understood, its too complicated!

The last thing you want is for the potential visitors to mistype your domain and end up on a different website!

Heres an easy way to test this

Tell 10 people your potential domain name and ask them to spell it. If more than a few people struggle to spell it, you need to simplify it.

What Exactly Does A Domain Name Look Like

Lets use as the example. is what people would generally refer to as a domain name, but is that technically correct?

Eh, sort of.

In the image above you can see that weve underlined the different parts of, separated, and numbered the different parts separated by the dots. Your domain name is, technically, the part that comes after the www. so its comprised of parts 2 & 3. Part 1, the www, turns your domain name into a complete web address, or URL In essence, every URL has a domain name in it, but URLs arent domain names.

Did you know that the two parts that make up your domain name, 1 & 2, actually have their own names? Part 3, what comes after the dot, is called the Top Level Domain, or TLD. Part 2, the beginning of your domain name, is called the Second Level Domain, or SLD.

So when someone asks, How do I get to your site? what theyre really asking for is your domain name.

How Do You Choose An Seo

Search Engine Optimization is a list of various tools and procedures that help make your website one of the first results when searching the web for a specific keyword on a search engine such as Google or Bing. One of the things that can help with SEO is the choice of a domain name as well.

Keep the following in mind for an SEO-friendly domain name:

  • Keep It Short â the shorter the domain name is, usually, the easier to remember, type, or search. If youâre using social media, itâs less likely to get additionally shortened when mentioned.
  • Intuitive or Brandable â Your domain name should be able to give an idea of what your site is about at-a-glance.
  • Append the Name â If a domain name youâve decided on is not available, itâs okay to add a suffix or a prefix to it such as or,
  • â.comâ or not? â â.comâ is still used with the majority of websites online these days. Search engines donât necessarily have a preference for this specific TDL, but the general population seems to âtrustâ sites that use â.comâ more. If the â.comâ TLD is not available for your chosen Second Level Domain, â.netâ, or â.orgâ could be valid choices as well. If those arenât available, the next best option would be choosing an appropriate ccTDL.
  • Careful About Trademarks â Make sure your domain name cannot be confused with another brand, especially in your vertical, as that company can later take legal action against you.

Read Also: Who Owns My Domain

Why People Visit Websites

When it comes to websites vs .domains, in most cases, people will go to a website for two main reasons:

  • To do: Online visitors surf the web for a variety of motivations such as killing time, looking for entertainment, seeking to buy an item or service, communicating with others, interacting with social media, or paying a bill.
  • To learn: We have access to the entirety of the worlds knowledge through a small device we carry in our pockets. People visiting websites may do so to find a movie time, clear up an argument, or locate the address of the nearest gas station.

At its essence, a website is your way of communicating who your business is to consumers that you will likely never meet in person. When creating a website, it is important that you know your audience and cater your website towards them, towards what they want and need. A website is not only meant to attract people to whatever it is you are trying to sell but to help convince them that they need whatever that is. Therefore, it should be organized in such a way that it is pleasing to the eye, easy and intuitive to navigate, and clearly conveys what you are providing.

What Is The Difference Between A Domain Name And A Website Url

What Is A Domain Name? [Infographic]

Setting up your business online helps you reach a larger audience and expand your brand beyond brick and mortar.

When you start laying down the foundation of your online presence, it helps to know the differences between your building materials. This helps you make more informed decisions about whats right for your brand and helps you talk with experts to get the help you need.

Find out the essential differences between domain names, URLs, and websites to start laying down the first steps that brings your idea to life. has over 300 domain extensions to choose from to help set your website apart from the rest. It all starts with a great domain.

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Use In Web Site Hosting

The domain name is a component of a uniform resource locator used to access web sites, for example:

  • URL:
  • Second-level domain: example
  • Hostname: www

A domain name may point to multiple IP addresses to provide server redundancy for the services offered, a feature that is used to manage the traffic of large, popular web sites.

Web hosting services, on the other hand, run servers that are typically assigned only one or a few addresses while serving websites for many domains, a technique referred to as virtual web hosting. Such IP address overloading requires that each request identifies the domain name being referenced, for instance by using the HTTP request header fieldHost:, or Server Name Indication.

Brandability Without A Compromise

Millions of domain names are registered every month all over the world. This number is only going to increase with a large number of businesses now going online.

Competition for good domain names is fierce, as you will see when you search the availability of the domain name you have in mind for your business. Irrespective of how unique you think it is, there is a high probability that its already in use, especially if youre looking for it on a traditional domain extension.

What do you do in such a situation? Do you go back to the drawing board and think of a new name altogether or do you try and modify what you already have? Both these options have significant drawbacks.

With the former, you would be spending a lot more time thinking of a new domain name, while with the latter, you may risk diluting your brand. A third, more viable option is to look for your desired name on a different domain extension such as .SITE. Being relatively new, it increases your chances of going for your first preference and achieving your online branding goals.

For instance, lets say that you are launching your own gaming website and you want to call your company Live Game. When you search for a domain name, you will see that is already in use.

However, is still available.

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How To Pick A Good Domain Name

This is a hard one and needs you to get extremely creative. Its difficult to find a good domain name that hasnt already been registered. Given the sheer number of websites on the internet, most of the names you come up with are likely already taken, especially in the .com space.

Nevertheless, its crucial to come up with a name thats unique and matches your brand. Importantly, it should be easy-to-remember. You can go with your own name for a personal blog or service. For other cases, a name that indicates your websites purpose would be best. For more help, you can refer to this post.

Before you search for a domain name, zero in on a keyword thats appropriate for a website. Its great if you can find a domain name that includes this keyword. You can also check out many online tools or blog name generators to come up with a domain name.

We recommend you to check our Blog Name Generator Tool.

Once you decide to register a domain name, you may think about registering it across multiple TLDs, to avoid messy copyright issues in the future.

Additional resources:

How Much Does A Domain Name Cost

What is a Domain Name & Web Hosting? How much is it?

Buying a brand-new Domain generally costs between $ 10and $ 20 a year. Rate distinctions depend on which registrar you buy your Domain from, and what kind of Domain youre purchasing.

Different registrars use various packages, so its worth searching to discover your finest fit.

To purchase a Domain name, youll need to acquire it through a Domain registrar. Registrars are simply businesses that handle the reservation of Domain names.

Upfront and add-on prices vary in between registrars, but well break down the expenses to look out for, and talk about the strengths and weaknesses of possible registrars.

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Registering A Domain Name

So, how do you register a domain name? The first thing you need to do is to brainstorm your domain name. Since your domain holds the key to the online presence and success of your website, its important to choose the right domain name.

Here are some tips that will help you get started:

  • Make it memorable and avoid words that can be easily misspelled or that are hard to pronounce.
  • Dont use names that are similar to competitors domains
  • If available, select a domain name that includes your company name. For example, for a company called Essay Tigers, it makes sense to choose a domain name
  • Use a TDL relevant to your company

Lacking inspiration for domain names? You can try playing around with Namemesh or Nameupp.

Pro tip: Use a dedicated ICANN tool to lookup domain availability. If the domain you want already exists, you can check whether or not it expires soon or contact the domain owners to inquire about a purchase.

After youve chosen a suitable domain, the next step is finding an accredited company called a domain name registrar. Such companies must be accredited by a generic TLD registry or a country code TLD registry. When you find a suitable domain registrar, they will take the domain registration process from there.

Can I Register For New Domains Via Whois Domain Lookup

You can use the Whois lookup service to find the registration status of a domain name. If the domain has not been registered and is available, you can use to register the domain name.

Alternatively, if the domain name has already been registered, you can either register similar available domain names that we suggest, or use the contact information provided in order to get in touch with the owner and respectfully negotiate a sale. Do note that unsolicited contact is forbidden using the information provided via the Whois lookup service.

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Should I Use Domaincom For Both Domain Registration And Hosting

Websites and domains are very different things, but both are absolutely essential to your online success. In order for your online business to thrive, you will need both. You can use to host your website and to register your domain. This benefits you for a variety of reasons:

  • Keep it simple: While you can utilize separate services and employ different platforms to host your website or register your domain, it is much easier to bundle the services. In such cases, everything is consolidated, and changes can be made instantly all in one place, rather than jumping back and forth between platforms.
  • Link domains and websites: When you use for both services, we make the linking of the domain to a website a seamless and hassle-free process.
  • Centralize expenses: Both of these services cost money. By registering and hosting through you can keep track of your accounting and other information all in one place.

How Much Domain Names Cost

What is the Difference Between a Blog Title and Domain Name

Domain names vary dramatically in price. The price for a .com domain is about $10 to $18, but you will find that prices vary by registrar, domain name, and extension. Many registers will deeply discount the domain but you will need to pay full price in subsequent years.

You may also find a list of domains which cost more than the standard fee. These are domains being held by cybersquatters, and you can purchase a domain from them if the price is acceptable they vary from slightly above standard price to stratospheric, depending on how valuable the domain is perceived to be.

Remember that when you purchase a domain name, it is generally for only one year . If you do not pay the fee at annual renewal, you lose the domain and it can be purchased by someone else. Cybersquatters often quickly purchase lapsed domains under the assumption that the owner neglected to renew by accident and will then need to pay an inflated fee to reclaim the URL.

Read Also: Connecting Godaddy Domain To Squarespace

Understanding Websites And Copyright

Its not enough to register a domain name with trademark protection you then need to build a website. As the owner of your website, a communication channel, you are legally liable for the content you publish on the website.

This includes both the claims you make and the literal content you use such as photos, videos, and other assets.

Republishing copyrighted content

One of the most common legal issues with websites is the unintentional or intentional use of copyrighted images and content.

For instance, if you want to add a nice image to your website to engage your visitors, you cannot simply copy an image you found via Google Image Search. Many of these images are protected, and the copyright holders can demand compensation for the material used without permission or proper attribution.

From images and videos to text-based content, you need to do your due diligence before you repost any content on your website.

Many artists have their licenses on their website which can detail how other websites can legally republish their work. provides detailed information about licensing agreements with digital creatives to help you avoid facing legal fines from publishing someone elses work.

Protecting your own content

As an entrepreneur, your website is one of the most valuable assets you have. Its a way for you to attract new clients, engage your current leads, retain business, and provide customer service.

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