Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Find Expired Domains

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Right From The Expiry Date To The Drop Date Every Detail Will Be Listed For Your Convenience

How to find Expired Domains with Backlinks from Authority Websites using Ahrefs & ScrapeBox

So, I hope this list of top 20 websites to buy expired domains is going to help you as it did to me. I have it already saved in my favourites, will you do the same for the next time you want to buy a domain?

Even if you are new in the business of buying expired domains, these platforms also work as effective guidance providers so that you can make an integrated search and get the best one for your company or website needs.

Hence once you have understood the necessity of expired domains and the value that it serves, there will surely be a need to purchase the same. So go ahead with this list and find yourself the domain name that best suits your website and gives it the deserved exposure.

Christine Williams

Christine Williams is an experienced Portland based web content writer for and she is writer by day and a reader by night. Her passion for helping people in all aspects of internet marketing industry flows through in the expert industry coverage she provides. She cover a wide range of niches, and share articles around popular products and online services. She also writes for many leading magazines like Forbes, NY times and she is a firm believer in giving back to community through her content pieces.

Buy Or Pass Repeat The Process

Once youve harvested all of that data, you should have a pretty good idea of what is on the domain now, or what used to be on it. You know what sort of traffic is likely coming in to the site, and from what sources. You know if there are problems with the domain, and what those problems might be. You also know what your goal is a new site, a restored old site, a redirect, or even just buying the domain to flip later.

With all of this in mind, you have one pretty simple decision to make: do you buy the domain or not? This decision is complicated if the domain is up for auction and isnt set with a reasonable buy now price. If it has a buy price youre willing to pay, you can just buy it. If it has an unreasonable price or its auction only, you have to bid for it, which means youre always at risk of being sniped at the last minute. You may want to consider obtaining an auction sniping program to ensure that you get it for the price you want.

If you buy the domain, great! Now all you have to do is all of the hard work of turning that domain into something you can benefit from, as quickly as possible, before the residual traffic cools off and stops visiting. You have anywhere from a couple days to a week or two before the site is completely deindexed and you have no more incoming traffic.

Why An Expired Domain Name

The expired NDDs have a liability in SEO which makes it possible to go directly to the most interesting SEO capital. Hence the interest in finding the domain name linked to your domain, unless you want to make a business out of it. These NDDs leave a trace on Google, and it is sometimes enough to reactivate them to benefit from their genesis and the SEO juice they provide.

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C Overview Of Referring Domains Filter :

If you don’t know what is referring domains, here is a definition, “Referring domain is the domain from which you receive backlinks.”

No doubt, Its the best feature any expired domain crawler can provide. But with Xpired, you can find expired domains that have high referring domains in a matter of few minutes. With referring domains filter, you can find high quality expired domain that has links from 100’s of high authority domains.

Determine The Auction Partner

How to Find Expired Domains: A Detailed Study

There are three major auction houses:

  • Go Daddy Auctions
  • Pool

    On April 11, 2016, SnapNames and NameJet combined resources on pending delete/dropping domains to better compete with other drop catching services. Going forward, backorders placed on either platform for pending delete names will go into a common backorder pool and will be fulfilled either by NameJet or SnapNames depending on which platform the backorder was placed. Pending delete names that have multiple backorders will be placed in a common private auction accessible to bidders from both platforms to participate in the live auction. Minimum bid increments and proxy bidding rules for NameJet will be modified to match those of SnapNames. Registrar expiry, and direct lister inventory will not be affected by this integration. Another major registrar is sending expired domains to GoDaddy, November 22, 2016.

    Always track your expiring domain name at the auction house that is partnered with the registrar on record for that domain. It is your best chance of acquiring the domain name.

    Note that expired domain names at registrar resellers, such as through the Go Daddy Reseller Program, will be auctioned at the same auction house partner of the registrar.

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    Quickly Find The Best Domains From 200000+ That Expire Everyday

    Let our cloud based software do the heavy lifting for you.

    Spend seconds instead of hours

    What DomCop does for you, is show you a list of all these domains along with important metrics for every domain. These metrics, along with our powerful filtering and sorting capabilities, will help reduce the size of the daily list from 200,000+ to just a handful of the very best domains. What would take you hours, will now literally take you seconds to do.

    Access 90+ top industry metrics

    You can easily find domains using the best metrics available from Moz, Majestic, SEMRush, SEMrush, Domain Scope and Social Networks. We buy only the best, the latest, and, the most comprehensive industry wide metrics so you have the maximum amount of information to make a decision. No other tool gives you access to 90+ metrics.

    DomCop supports extensive metrics from Majestic, Moz, Estibot, Alexa, SEMrush, and DomainScope. The most popular metrics are Aherfs DR and Referring Domains, Majestic Trust Flow and Topical Category, Moz Domain Authority and Page Authority, Estibot domain value and SEMrush traffic data.

    Avoid the pitfall of ending up with a useless domain

    With Domcop you get access to domains imported from domain auctions, public drop lists and our private drop lists. You can rest easy because we check whether the domains have been banned by google and whether they show up in google search, so you never end up with a useless domain.

    Benefits Of Buying Expired Domains

    While some prefer buying new domains and getting a clean slate for their website work, those who are well informed understand that expired domains actually can amp up your business. Providing you with a credible page rank is one of them. If it is an old domain, it is bound to have a decent search engine ranking. Moreover, if you are creating backlink and optimising your site then doing so will be easy because all the basic hard work has already been done by the previous owner.

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    Why Are Expired Domains Of Value

    Expired domains matter for SEO because these domains still have backlinks pointing to them. By re-registering them again, you can point these backlinks to your own website.

    In some cases, you can even find domains that still rank for certain keywords and still receive traffic from those rankings! You have to be quick though, as Google will notice expirations at some point, as a result the website will slowly disappear from the search index.

    However, not all expired domains are valuable and there are different ways to use them .

    Read on.

    How Do I Find Powerful Domains

    How To Find Expired Domains WITH TRAFFIC

    Finding domains with backlinks from authority sites is very simple. Using the 80+ filters, you can select your preferred SEO metrics to instantly sort through millions of domains. SpamZilla has a super user friendly interface allowing you to quickly review a lot of data quickly.

    Backlink Filters

    Spamzilla is the only expiring domain database with backlink data.

    Search for domains with links from wikipedia, BBS, Huffington Post…

    Find domains with a minimum amount of authority links, e.g. 10x DR80+

    Best SEO Metrics

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    When Domain Names Are Auctioned

    A domain name that reaches expired status and is not renewed by the owner will be listed at an auction service . The domain name does not immediately go into auction, but is immediately listed on the partnered auction service with an auction scheduled for the near future. Such a domain name will be exclusive to that specific auction service.

    For example: If the domain name is registered with Moniker and the domain name reaches expired status, within a few days of expiring the domain name will be listed at . Domain names are exclusive to one auction service, as an auction cannot take place at two locations.

    Learn How To Find Expired Domains With Quality Backlinks

    When you start a new blog, one of the first things you do is pick a domain. Many people regret their choice later and it is not easy to find the perfect domain.

    In this post, I am going to show you the tricks and tools I used for picking expired domains for my blogs.

    There are three ways you can go to start your work on building a new website.

    1. Start your blog on a brand new domain.

    This is what most people do. You are starting with a clean slate.

    2. Purchase an existing domain.

    This is another choice it can be lucrative, especially if there is a website attached to it, but at the same time such a domain could be very expensive.

    3. Register an expired/deleted domain.

    This is the method I usually follow and I had good success with it. The advantage is that it is very inexpensive, but at the same time it also gives you an SEO advantage: once your domain becomes a few months old and gets picked up by Google, the backlinks built by the previous owner will give you a headstart and better rankings.

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    Get Out There And Find Your Domain

    Every day, thousands of people hunt for expired domains with attractive backlinks, which help them boost domain authority, organic traffic, and other desirable SEO metrics. The expired domains marketplace is a fast-moving and agile place that can help website builders, resellers, bloggers earn thousands of dollars if they have a discerning eye.

    Buying expired domains is a widespread practice in an age where hundreds of businesses start and end every day.

    If you want to buy an expired domain that can generate significant traffic, it helps to be aware of the factors that can kill a new website or make it thrive.

    Expired domains with domain authority and well-optimized backlinks are highly sought after at online auctions. However, here are a few things you should watch out for in a free domain past its expiration date:

    • A domain name that includes symbols, numbers, and hyphens
    • Ones that backlink to dead or spam pages
    • Backlinks that funnel people into spam pages
    • Ones that are part of a private blog network, which are a series of unrelated sites that link back to one hub

    Dont pay more for a domain name than its worth. If you follow all these tips, youll be sure to find expired domains that will remain profitable for years.

    Learn How To Find Powerful Expired Domains Step By Step

    How To Find An Expired Domain Using Ahrefs

    Are you taking full advantage of expired domains at the moment?

    Imagine being able to buy a domain name that already has an awesome backlink profile and existing targeted traffic for the same price as a new domain.

    You can use expired domain names to:

  • Build out a new authority site to slingshot past the competition
  • Build out a powerful private blog network.
  • Whatever you do, you simply cannot ignore the power expired domain names offer and today you are going to learn how to harness that power properly.

    What Will I Learn?

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    What If It Happens To You

    What if you are the one who accidentally let the renewal lapse on one of your domains? You were too busy and missed the email. Then one day you check your site and instead of your content, theres a page from your hosting company saying your domain has expired.

    Dont panic. You may still be able to recover your domain. If it is in a generic top-level domain like .com, .org, .info, etc., after your domain expires it enters a grace period of 30 days during which you can renew it without penalty. These on-hold domains are blocked for transfer.

    After this, the registry initiates what is called the redemption period, typically of similar length to the grace period. At this point, you can still get your domain back against an extra fee. Watch out, though: some top-level domains are a lot less forgiving!

    Determine The Domain Name Registrar

    The domain name registrar for a domain name can be determined through a WHOIS lookup. Take, for instance, If you wanted to purchase this domain name, you can visit and find out that the domain name registrar is Moniker .

    Sample Results from WHOIS Lookup

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    Domain Authority And Page Authority Scores

    Another approach to assessing the power behind a domain name is measuring how much the name influences a sites ranking in search results. This will of course be a function of the authority of the backlinks, but it will also try to tease apart other factors that might be at work inside the rankings black box.

    Moz maintains their highly acclaimed Domain Authority and Page Authority scores with precisely this focus. Their free browser extensions make powerful SEO analytics available to anyone.

    When searching for a name with high domain authority, it is important to keep one thing in perspective: you dont always need to be looking for the perfect DA, but rather sometimes you will be focusing on your main competitors and just trying to get the edge over their scores.

    Top 20 Websites To Buy Expired Domains With Da/pa

    Expired Domains – How To Find Expired Domains For Free

    Christine WilliamsFact Checked

    Affiliate disclosure: In full transparency some of the links on our website are affiliate links, if you use them to make a purchase we will earn a commission at no additional cost for you .

    Considering the importance of the virtual world, the necessity of domain names is extremely vital. Without it, occupying a space in the internet is impossible. It provides you with credibility and authority over a space that is utilised for your website.

    With your exclusive space in the cyber world, you are authorised to run a website that is going to be available all across the internet. Registration is necessary and doing so with the Domain Name System is vital. This proves your validity and uniqueness.

    If you want proper exposure and assurance of your brand and maintain exclusivity then it is necessary to get the domain and even get it registered. The very name of the domain reflects a lot about the website it represents. It could either be a generic domain name or a specialised one. If you are registered, it is a mark of genuine integrity.


  • Right from the expiry date to the drop date, every detail will be listed for your convenience.
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