Saturday, July 27, 2024

Should I Buy Multiple Domain Names

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Capturing Visitors Who Misspell

Should I Buy Multiple Keyword Rich Domain Names For My Landscaping Company SEO?

You’re launching a fresh, informative and compelling website but if someone misspells the domain name, they would never see your snazzy design and must-read copy. Wannabe visitors would instead get an error message or worse land on a different site.

To account for inevitable errors and typos, consider registering domain variations for the common spelling mistakes people make when searching for your brand, and redirect them to your primary domain. Google, for example, owns and and redirects visitors to

Why Point Multiple Domain Names To A Single Site

There are a few reasons why people getmultiple domain names and point them to a single website. Frequently, this is to make sure that they own the 3 major international domainsuffixes of their name. Owning all the 3 suffixes is especially important if you want to develop your site usingeither the “.net” or “.org” extension, rather than the “.com” one. Many people, when typing in domain names, instinctively type a “.com”suffix instead of the other two, so if you don’t want potential visitors going to the competition, you’ll need to get all three andpoint them to your site.

Note for the absolutely new webmaster: don’t let all these possibilities paralyze you. Most people simplyget the exact domain name they want,and that’s it, without bothering about all the variants and suffixes. And they do fine with it. It’s sometimespossible to worry so much about what might happen in the distant future that you never even get started.

C: My Market Is International And I’m Trying To Scale Into New Markets

I was hoping you’d say that. Let’s talk international SEO.

First, internationalization happens two ways.

  • Multiple languages
  • Multiple regions
  • ccTLDs are all about regions not languages.

    So if you want a French version of your site for French-speaking Canadians, don’t use a .fr. That’s for the French. Instead, you’d want a very carefully-isolated French section of your existing gTLD website.

    Sure, a .fr should be written in French, but that’s not why we use that ccTLD.

    Let’s say that instead, you’ve been successful on your .com in the U.S. and want to expand to Germany using a .de domain. That’s the correct use of a ccTLD. We believe that this helps rankings directly. And they’re not only for countries. For example, .eu for Europe and .asia.

    This also allows you to host this site in that region, which gives you a regional IP.

    And hosting a site closer to your audience is faster for them. We definitely know that performance is a factor.

    I could go on, but do I need to? Review the ranking factors and you’ll find plenty of indicators that a separate ccTLD, hosted near your audience, should help.

    But slow down.

    There are factors weighted against these. Half of all of SEO relates to your overall quantity and quality of links. Specifically, how those links relate to your domain and the individual pages that you’d like to rank.

    Now, have you achieved success in your current market?

    Don’t let me scare you off: just be prepared to compete in this market as aggressively as the locals.

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    Does Having Multiple Domain Names Negatively Impact Seo

    This is a popular question, andthe short answer is no, it wont harm your sites SEO if you do it right.

    In most cases, your extra domain names should be configured to redirect to your real business website, and pointing two or even 100 domains to a single website is fine for SEO.

    However, what will hurt your sites SEO is putting mirror sites or microsites on all of your domains. Not only will this become far too difficult for you to manage, but it will negatively impact your SEO as well as confuse potential customers and muddle your brand awareness. Unless your new domains represent a new product line or geographical location, stick to redirecting them to your original website.

    Take the next step in elevating your marketing and protecting your brand: Search domain names now

    Many Names One Destination

    Should I Buy Multiple Keyword Rich Domain Names For My ...

    With most registrars, it’s easy to forward multiple domains to your website so you can simply create one site and then redirect visitors who type one of your other domain names to that one website. Google Domains offers simple web forwarding that lets you redirect any of your domains to your main website, or even to specific pages within your site, such as an order page, support page or image gallery.

    Ready to find additional domain names? Visit now to search for names that perfectly complement your existing domain.

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    What Is Domain Privacy And Do I Need It

    Domain privacy and security is as important to us as it is to you. Without domain privacy, your private and sensitive information may be collected and displayed in ICANN’s WHOIS database when you register your domain. Domain privacy ensures that these details are hidden from the public view. Our Domain Privacy + Protection package will make ICANN display our contact information in lieu of yours.

    Dont Believe That Boring Is Brandable

    And why will there always be another domain name? Because the domain name should always follow the successful business. Sure, you have to have something to start out with but it doesnt have to be perfect. And it doesnt even need to make sense. Why?

    Because first, boring domain names are just that boring. Who wants to get books from or search the Internet at or buy jackets from

    No! We buy books from Amazon, search the Internet at Google, and buy jackets from

    Thats because domain names are really memory hooks if a customer knows your business, then theyll know your domain name .

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    B: My Market Is International And This Will Be My Only Website

    A ccTLD is not for you. This is why gTLDs exist.

    Unless we’re talking about a gccTLD , which should perform fine in Google. Remember, though, that even though Google’s market share is huge, they’re not the only search engine in town.

    Bing, Yandex, and Baidu tend to rhyme very closely with Google’s methods, and as of writing this, we have no evidence that gccTLDs are treated the same way by any of the others. So use a gccTLD here at your own risk.

    Extra Domain Names The Conclusion

    Should I Buy Multiple Domain Names to Help with SEO

    Summing up, buying variations of your branded domain, or superfluous domains that sound catchy, do not inherently add more ranking power to your site. Pointing extra domains at your site, in most cases, they wont add extra SEO power to your company website.

    If you have extra domains that you want to put to use, you can point them towards a product page if you desire, or build out separate websites .

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    Multiple Domains Make It Easier To Enter New Markets

    Want to break into the French market? Itll be easier if you have a French-specific extension like .fr. The same goes for most other region-specific domains. If you have multiple region-specific domain names, you can duplicate your content and translate it into different languages without losing traffic. You can also use multiple location-specific extensions to tailor your content to suit visitors in different markets.

    Dont Buy Up Misspellings

    Youre good to go with buying 1 domain name and building a fabulous, fresh, informative, and lucrative site but what if people misspell your domain name? Shouldnt you go ahead and buy up the misspellings to keep people from cybersquatting ?

    Sponsored LinksWhile yes, misspellings can be an issue I dont think they are a big enough issue to spend recurring fees on. But Ill go one step further and remind you that you can actually find out if misspellings are a big issue in your Google Analytics.

    Heres how. Go to > Performance > Search Analytics then just keep an eye on any really frequent misspellings that Google spots in search results. If you see a misspelling that continually crops up go ahead and buy it, then 301 redirect it to your site, otherwise, save your money.

    Recommended Reading: What Is The Best Website To Buy A Domain Name

    How Do You Buy Premium Domain Names

    If youre thinking of possible premium keywords, theres a strong possibility that they might be available on new domain extensions such as .tech, .store, .site, .online, .space, .fun, .press, etc.

    Related: Domain extensions guide What you need to know before you pick a domain name

    While the registry reserves some of the top-tier names on the new domain extensions that it operates, most of them are still available. If youre keen on exploring or buying a few, check them out on GoDaddys domain search.

    Go ahead, give it a try:

    A premium domain name might be just what your business needs to get to the next level.

    Institutional Memory Is Fragile

    Know why you should register multiple domain names

    What made this situation particularly painful for my client is that

    • the domain was purchased nearly 13 years ago for a 20 year period a challenging length of time for any organization to keep track of login information.
    • In 20 years or even 5 years people change jobs they change names, they change software and computers, they retire, they die
    • Even without any big changes, how many people can put their finger on an email message they got 5, 10, or 20 years ago?
    • the email account used to purchase the domain was defunct , so a password-reset link from the registrars site wont work.

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    To Improve Your Rank In Other Geographic Locations

    If you do business in multiple countries, using a separate domain name for each location can help you rank higher in that particular region. For instance, if you sell widgets in both Australia and the U.K., you might want both a and a site. Why is this important?

    For starters, higher search result ranking translates into more clicks on your website, solely because more people now realize you exist. And for those individuals who already knew about your business but arent already loyal customers, showing up higher in the search result list helps serve as a reminder that youre there and ready for their business.

    What To Do If You Have Already Registered Multiple Domains For Your Site

    The answer is simple. Pick one and stick to it. Figure out which domain name resonates best with you and your business model. Preferably a short one with the .com extension , easy to remember and type. The rest of your domain pack should be permanently redirected to this main domain. The 301 permanent url redirection can be easily set up at your domain registrar or directly with your web hosting provider.

    Each website owner is going to have a unique combination of goals and priorities. Those, not a fabulous web hosting package, need to guide this kind of domain decision.

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    Why You Might Want Another Domain

    There are so many instances where registering an additional domain name could help more people get to your site.

    For example, if your company has multiple sub-brands, products, or different lines of business, creating a unique domain name for each of those can help people find what they’re looking for more easily. Take Apple, which has redirect to the iPhone section of its main website.

    You can use an alternate domain name to create a simpler address that’s easier to share on marketing and advertising materials. Take Sure, that address is great for helping them index for search engine education, but it’s pretty long to type and share, so they have redirect to it as well.

    Other great uses for multiple domains include:

    • Targeting a specific demographic
    • Creating an easy-to-remember domain for a specific campaign

    A final but important use case is to capture ‘type-in traffic’. This is traffic from visitors erroneously entering what they think is your web address directly into the browser. You may have, but if someone enters, or, will they still reach you? Depending on your domain name and company size, this can help to vacuum up traffic you’d otherwise miss.

    Dominate Your Domain Strategy

    Why You Should Own Multiple Domains for Your Business | The Journey

    Do you feel ready to start buying up domains for your new website? DreamHost makes it simple and easy to find the best domains for you with more than 400 available TLDs.

    About the Author: Ellice

    Ellice comes to us from House DreamHost, the first of her name, Gatekeeper of All Things Content, Protector of the Brand and Ruler of Social Realms. tl dr – Ellice is the Content Marketing Manager at DreamHost and oversees all social media and content efforts.

    Read Also: What Is A Domain Name Registrar

    Can I Add Custom Subdomains Or Multiple Domains To Microsoft 365

    Yes. To add subdomains, you must manage your own DNS settings at your registrar’s website. If you are letting Microsoft manage your DNS settings with NS records, or if you bought the domain from Microsoft, you can’t add subdomains.

    Yes! To add subdomains, you must manage your own DNS settings at your registrar’s website. If you are letting Microsoft manage your DNS settings with NS records, or if you bought the domain from Microsoft, you can’t add subdomains.

    Yes! To add subdomains, you must manage your own DNS settings at your registrar’s website. If you are letting 21Vianet manage your DNS settings with NS records, you can’t add subdomains.

    Typically, you can add up to 900 domains to your Microsoft 365 subscription.

    For example, you could add the domains and, and then add the subdomains,,, and so on.

    When you add a subdomain, it is automatically verified based on the parent domain that is being verified.

    When you add multiple domains to Microsoft 365, you can host any of the services on any of the domains you’ve added. When you change your email to Microsoft 365, by updating a domain’s MX record, ALL email sent to that domain will start coming to Microsoft 365.


    Should You Get A Domain Name With Spaces Or Dots In Between To Improve Readability

    In the space of the last few weeks, I have been asked by different readers whether they should geta domain name for their website with spaces in between or perhaps with embedded dots to improve the readabilityof their domain name. This article attempts to address the misunderstanding, suggest alternatives, as well asanswer the underlying question.

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