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How To Register A Domain Extension

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How Domain Extensions Can Help Your Business

How to Register a FREE Domain Name Online | 100% Legal Way

There are many ways to use domain extensions for creative branding, marketing, and customer engagement. With so many options available today, you now have the option to use domain extensions creatively to better represent what type of business it is that youre running.

For example, you could use a .blog domain for your blog, a .shop domain for your online store, or a .city domain for your business in a specific city. You could also use an industry-specific domain to target a particular industry or a brand domain to promote your brand.

Lets look at some specific examples of how you might leverage the wonderful variety of new domain extension options below.

How To Register A Domain For A Country You Dont Live In

Mar 28, 2017 | Domains

Every country has a domain extension. A unique code specific to that individual culture, heritage, history, people, values, economy, and every other beautiful element that encompasses the countrys identity.

With universal generic domains like .COM, .NET, .ORG, .INFO and .BIZ that are recognized globally, why would a brand need a country code domain? Just like you wouldnt build a business in a foreign country without first understanding the culture and the values of the audience there, you shouldnt begin to expand your brand online without a Country Code domain for that region.

It may be hard for many of us to imagine this here in the United States because we are used to seeing primarily .COM web address in our browsers, so much so that it is basically our defacto ccTLD, when in reality we do actually have a ccTLD but for other countries, it is completely different. Country Code domains are heavily used across the globe and in the nations they belong to.

Now you might be saying this all sounds great but I dont live in Malaysia.

Your dream isnt dead you just need the right connection Our Trustee Services. 101domain Trustee Services help you fulfill requirements you need in order to register ccTLDs and conduct business internationally. Dont have a physical address in Germany for .DE domains? No problem. Need a contact address and phone number in Japan for .JP domains? We will provide a local contact for you.

For companies

For individuals

Final Thoughts: What Are New Domain Extensions And Why You Might Want One

While ICANN released custom domain extensions almost a decade ago, theyre still gaining momentum on the internet. New domain extensions provide options outside of the commonly used domain suffixes.

New TLDs might be less recognizable and memorable, but they can make your URL more informational and contribute to SEO.

When you choose a domain suffix, consider a custom domain extension.

Are you ready to set up your new domain name with a custom TLD? Take a look at iPages hosting packages today.

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Other Priority Registration Periods

The registries are free to establish other priority registration periods that are subject to special eligibility conditions. For example, they may have a period open to owners of trademark holders in certain countries, or via certain trademark offices, but which are not registered with TMCH.

These periods are not mandatory.

The attribution of a domain name during these periods is defined by the registry

What Are Domain Name Extensions

Why Registering Multiple Domain Name Extensions is good for business ...

Domain name extensions help categorize different domain names. Its a special hierarchy, invented for the Internet.

You can choose among popular top-level domain extensions such as:

  • .com
  • .org
  • .net

Or go with a local domain extension such as if you want to focus on building a presence in a specific country:

  • .fr
  • .au

Also, theres a bunch of creative domain extensions, launched recently. You can try playing around with them to create a shorter, brandable name. For example:


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How To Register A Domain With A Web Host

The process of registering a domain name with a web host is pretty similar regardless of the company:

  • Choose your hosting plan. Youll then be taken to a page where you can search for a domain name.
  • Search for your domain name.
  • If the domain is available, youll see a button beside it to add it to your cart. If it isnt, youll need to repeat step two with variations of your domain name or skip to the What to do when your ideal domain name is taken section of this article.
  • Enter your contact and payment information as required.
  • Verify your email address.
  • Some domain extensions may also require you to verify that you meet certain conditions, such as living or running a business in Canada if you want to use a .ca domain. In most cases, though, once youve verified your email address youll be able to start building your site at your domain right away.

    What Is A Gtld

    gTLDs, or generic top level domains, are meant to be general purpose domains and are some of the most common TLDs on the web. These domains can typically be registered by anyone, although a few extensions are considered “restricted.” Restricted domains can only be registered by specific groups of people who meet certain eligibility requirements. Some common gTLDs are .COM, .BIZ and .INFO.

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    How To Register Your Own Domain Name

    One of the many reasons the internet is so powerful is because it gives nearly anyone the ability to share their voice and knowledge with the rest of the world. A particularly popular way to make yourself known is to set up a website. You get full control over the platform, unlike with social media.

    These days many services, such as WordPress or Blogger, offer websites on commercial domains, but in a lot of cases it makes more sense to have your website on your own domaina personal place on the internet where you are in complete control of whats published and how it looks. Heres how to register your own domain name.

    When setting up your personal domain name, you have a lot of options and many vendors to choose from. You can search around to see what works best for you and your needsor look over our suggestions belowbut the following steps outline the gist of what you need to do.

    What To Do When Your Domain Name Is Taken

    How to register a domain name

    If your ideal domain is taken, you have two options. The first, and easiest, is to choose an entirely different domain name, especially if the domain is in active use.

    If youre really set on a specific domain name, then the second option is to attempt to contact the owner and buy it from them directly. There are four steps to this process:

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    Can I Transfer My Domain Name

    Yes, most domain registrars can also facilitate the process of transferring a domain name from one person to another . For example, if you want to buy a premium domain name from someone, a registrar can help process the deal securely.

    Also, you can transfer your domain name between different registrars if you found a better deal, for example, or just need some extra features.

    Below are linked help documents for doing that with each registrar:

    Find Your Domain Name On Your Chosen Domain Registrar Website

    Weve already covered choosing your domain registrar. Once you do, look up your chosen domain name to see if its already taken. If it is, the domain registrar will present alternatives either for the domain itself or for the TLD.

    It may offer choices such as .net, .org, and .info. Generally, we recommend sticking with a .com TLD because its highly recognizable.

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    How Much Does A Domain Name Cost

    When you buy a domain name through domain registrars, you register it for one year with the option of a multi-year registration. You will be able to renew your domain name registration when the initial period finishes, and will usually be alerted by the registrar to do so. Domain names are also sometimes included in your web hosting plan and if not, usually offered by your hosting company.

    Domains purchased through Mailchimp are priced based on the TLD you choose, such as .com or .net.

    A domain name with a common top-level domain, such as .com, can be had for as low as $12.99 per year, and promotions are often available. Internet domains purchased through Mailchimp also come with free WHOIS privacy protection and a Secure Sockets Layer certificate to provide your website with free verification and encryption.

    You do need to have a web hosting plan to put your site online, but you dont need to have hosting to purchase a domain. Assuming you have a business or blog name in mind, its possible to reserve your brands name for the future by purchasing and registering your domain name now. Then youll have plenty of time to consider how to build your website.

    Find Out Who Owns The Domain

    Why Should You Register Multiple Domain Name Extensions?

    The first step in how to register a domain name thats already taken is to find out who owns it by looking it up in the WHOIS database. If the person hasnt purchased domain privacy, youll be able to see who registered the domain, how to contact that person or business and when the domain expires.

    If the domain owner has paid for domain privacy, this information wont be available. If the site belongs to a single professional or a small business you may be able to single out the owner from information on the About page, but, in most cases, if you cant find the information in the WHOIS database, you wont be able to buy the domain.

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    Negotiate A Price That Works For Both Of You

    When you get in contact, negotiate a fair price. Look up the domains history on the Wayback Machine and check out the domains Domain Authority to get a sense of its value. You can use tools such as Moz or Ahrefs to get this number.

    Once you settle on a price, use Escrow to facilitate payment. Do not use your personal PayPal, Venmo, or Zelle account.

    Can You Change Your Domain Name Extension

    Yes, you can change your domain name extension. However, its important to choose the right extension for your website from the start. Once youve chosen an extension, it can be difficult and expensive to change it.

    If youre not sure which domain extension to choose, we recommend doing some research to find the right fit for your website. Once youve found the perfect extension, make sure to register it as soon as possible to avoid any potential problems down the road.

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    Can You Invent Your Own Domain Extension

    With all these crazy words at the end of URLs, could you make up your own?

    Technically, the answer is yes. You can apply to register a brand new generic domain extension . Though, for most individuals and small business owners, its not a realistic option.

    First of all, you cant just apply at any time you have to wait for ICANN to open for applications. No one knows when that will happen next, but many people are guessing 2022.

    Maybe youre willing to wait that long. Next, youll need to pay an application fee. During the last registration period, that fee was $185,000.

    If thats a worthy investment to secure your brands unique domain extension, you can start filling out the application. ICANN has a list of requirements your domain extension will have to meet. For example, it cant be confusingly similar to another TLD.

    Youll also need the technical capacity to act as a registry for all the sites that use this extension.

    In other words, will work just fine for your website.

    What Is Whois Privacy Protection

    How To Register Your Domain Name with Google Domains

    WHOIS privacy protection is a service that hides your personal information from public view. This feature is important because when you register a domain name, your personal information is made available to anyone who wants to look it up.

    With domain privacy protection, your information is hidden from public view, keeping you safe from spam and identity theft.

    DreamHost offers WHOIS privacy protection on select domains. If youre looking to keep your personal information safe and secure, we recommend choosing a domain with this service.

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    If The Domain Is Taken Input The Url In Your Browser And Access The Website

    What do you do if the domain isnt available? We have good news. You still have a chance at buying it.

    First up, access the URL on your browser. Its possible its a parked domain, which means that someone bought it for the purpose of reselling it. Usually, in these cases, you can easily submit a request for purchase. Heres one example of a parked domain at

    When you click on the top banner, youll be taken to a form where you can reach out to a sales team to buy the domain.

    Once there, it may or may not be easy to tell who the domain parking authority is. In this case, its GoDaddy. If you head to the GoDaddy website and search for the domain, you can easily find pricing information and then immediately add it to your cart if its within your budget.

    Complete the domain buying process just as you would for any other domain.

    Two Ways To Get A Free Top Level Domain Name

    We also understand that beginners are always short of budget, so they are looking for the free or cheapest domain names. Now everyone has different prescriptions about free domain name registration and its consequences. Some say that having a free domain name will cause the most considerable credibility effect. While others say the domain name is just the website address, it doesn’t affect your credibility. The only thing that affects your online credibility is your website content or business quality.

    However, according to experts, you can get the free domain name for your website and register it. So here we will share the top 2 ways to get a free top-level domain name and start your online business.

    You can choose your required or suitable method as we all know everything also has some pros and cons. So go through each process and choose a convenient way to get the free domain name for your website.

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    What Is The Most Popular Domain Extension

    The most popular domain extension is .com, but many other options are available. You can choose from over 1,500 different domain extensions, so its crucial to find one right for your website.

    If youre unsure which domain extension to choose, we recommend starting with a .com domain. But if youre looking for something more unique or specific, there are plenty of other options for more niche sites.

    How To Register Your Website’s Domain Name

    4 Websites to buy .Co Domain Extension

    When you register a domain name for your site, you make it a lot easier for people to find you, ensuring that you reap the branding and marketing benefits of having an online presence.

    A domain name is the address that visitors type into their browser address bar to arrive at your website. It replaces an IP address: a random, unique string of numbers that specifies where your sites files are located. While a website domain can be an investment, you can also find one for free, especially if you purchase it with hosting.

    In this post, youll learn everything you need to know about registering your websites domain name either for free or for a low cost.

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    Get The Perfect Domain Extension For Your Business

    Taking the time to choose the right domain extension will pay off in the long run. It can help you improve your branding, build trust with your target audience, and establish yourself as a credible source of information.

    As we discussed in this article, there are many domain extensions to choose from. The perfect one for your business will depend on your website niche, audience, and budget. Fortunately, you can explore the available options and their pricing when registering your domain name.

    At DreamHost, we offer various domain services to help you find the perfect name and extension for your business. You can use our search tool to see the availability of domains youre interested in, then purchase and register one in no time!

    How To Transfer A Domain Name

    Domain transfer is the process of changing a domains registrar. As domain registrars offer different support and maintenance, some users transfer their domain for better service.

    With Hostinger, users can perform a domain transfer from any registrar.

    All you have to do is enter the domain authorization code or EPP from your current provider and confirm the transfer. The process can take from 4 to 7 days.

    Unfortunately, some extensions are not transferable. However, there is an option to point the nameservers to a particular hosting company if a registrar doesnt accept certain TLDs. You will need to change your nameservers for this.

    Note that changing the web server information can only be done from where you purchased the domain. However, if your registrar does not allow changing nameservers, it is still possible to point a domain to a different registrar using an A record.

    Pro Tip

    Looking for a more detailed guide? Check out our How to transfer a domain to Hostinger? support page.

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