Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How To Get Email With Domain Name

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Create Email Address At Custom Domain

How to set up email at your own domain name

To create an email address at your new custom domain, first log into your Bluehost account.

Now, click on the Email & Office menu option on your left and then click on the Manage button next to your domain name.

This will you to your email account panel. Click on the Create button to continue.

You also need a strong password for your email address. Simply click on the Generate button next to the password field to allow Bluehost to automatically create a strong password for you.

You can also set your email storage space and change other settings under the Optional Settings section. Keep in mind that the Basic Bluehost plan only allows a maximum storage space of 100 MB. So if you want unlimited storage, we recommend getting Bluehost Plus or above.

When youre done, scroll down and click Create.

This will create your email account at your custom domain name. Now, you can access your mailbox to send and receive messages at your new business email.

Our Top 25 Domain Names

First impressions countmake your mark with

Here at, we think that different email domains are a great way to bring a little personality to your email address or to give it a professional touch. We offer more than 200 domain names, but these are the undeniable favorites:

Why Is It Important To Create A Professional Email Address

Chances are incredibly high that you will email potential and existing clients regularly. Its often the first stage of networking and building a relationship online.

That makes your email address a crucial part of your brand, one that you should protect and improve as much as possible.

As a freelancer or business owner, you cant afford the first impression an email address like gives off.

First off, its hard to correctly judge who the email is from, at a glance. Second, even with a more serious email like , your email recipients have no easy way of confirming your identity.

Anybody can create a Gmail or Outlook address with any name. How can a potential client confirm that you are who you say you are unless your email address backs you up?

An unwillingness to invest in a professional email address indicates that youre not very serious about your business. Thats why you want an email address like or

Also Check: How To Get More Referring Domains

Retain Control When Employees Leave

When employees or partners leave your business, youll want to safeguard your business documents and data online and offline.

One of the most important things to take care of first is the email account theyve been using to connect with clients, investors, or other teammates.

You can easily revoke access to the email account. Plus, you can retain and transfer all data from their email.

What Is The Storage Space Of Email

How to Set Up an Email Account that Uses Your Domain Name

Email storage space is the total amount of data, in megabytes, that your email messages occupy on the server. Each character written in your email message is equal to one byte of space. The size of your email attachments like PDF, images, slides, etc. are also included while calculating the storage space used.

All professional email providers have a fixed storage space that they allocate to each email account. Once this limit is breached, all incoming emails will bounce. Also, you will not be able to send any new emails. Hence, it is important to monitor the current storage space consumed by your email account to prevent the loss of important incoming client emails.

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What To Do Next

Many small business owners are surprised to find out that with all the tools and venues you can use for marketing, email marketing is still the Big Kahuna. Here are a few stats to convince you to learn how to use a custom domain name for email so you can use it for email promotions:

The fact is that promotional emails are one of the most economical ways for any business to connect with customers. To be effective in those efforts, you need to have a professional email address.

Thats why musicians use email marketing software to share their performance schedule with fans, nonprofits use it to get donations, and photographers use it to promote their portrait services. It just works across all industries.

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How To Use Gmail With Your Own Domain Name

So can you use Gmail with your own domain name? And if so, can you do it for free? The answers to those questions are yes and yes. And in this post, youll learn how to do it.

You can either use a nifty workaround to access your custom email domain from your existing free Gmail account. Or, you can pay for Googles business tools service, called Workspace. Heres a breakdown of the two methods:

  • Free method as long as you already have email hosting , you can connect Gmail to your own domain name for free using SMTP/POP3 credentials . Jump to the tutorial for this method.
  • Google Workspace / G Suite method if youre willing to pay, you can use to have a dedicated Gmail account for your own custom domain name . Jump to the tutorial for this method.
  • Recommended Reading: Where Is The Best Place To Buy A Website Domain

    What Can I Do With A Ca

    Host a website or build an online store

    A website or online store is an obvious and powerful way to use your domain name.

    Create your own .CA email address

    Your .CA domain name can be used for personalized email addresses

    Link your .CA to your social media profile

    You can forward your .CA domain to another online or social media profile, like Facebook, LinkedIn, or Etsy – anywhere you want.

    I think a .CA will always be the number one domain for us partly because of the brand value that Canada has abroad the quality that Canada brings, the brand recognition. I personally believe that a .CA has more brand appeal internationally than a .com does.

    Connor Curran Founder and Chief Laundry Folder at

    Setting Up Email On A WordPress Domain

    How to Use Gmail (FREE) for Your Custom Domain Email Address

    Given that something like 70% of websites are hosted using WordPress, lets cover how to set up email on a WordPress domain. For the sake of the demo, were going to demonstrate how to use their Professional Email service. At the time of this edit, the service cost $3.50/month.

  • Open up WordPress and login to your account.
  • Now, go to My Site > Upgrades > Email.
  • Locate Professional Email and select it.
  • Now, fill out the information and click Add Email.
  • You can click on Add another mailbox if you need it.
  • Go through the payment process and then click on Manage email.
  • From here, you can adjust your settings, add new mailboxes, or change payment methods.
  • Read Also: How To Create A Domain Email For Free

    Why Your Email Address Should Match Your Domain Name

    That wolf shirt you love to wear is pretty cool, isnt it? Fits like a glove, too.

    That said, your wolf shirt has no place in an interview or meetings with your customers and clients.

    In the business world, presentation matters. You wouldnt want to lose potential high-value customers just because they didnt take your shirt seriously, would you?

    The same thing holds true for email addresses.

    If your customers and clients cant physically see you to size you up, theyre going to make their assumptions and decisions based on the things they do see like your email address. Your email address is one of the first impressions people will have of you as it has a prominent spot in their inbox. You want that email address to represent you well and show that you mean business.

    Things To Consider Before Setting Up Your Email Address With Domain Name:

    When it comes to email addresses, there are a few things you should consider before setting them up. Are you going to use your personal email address or set up a separate business email address? What domain name should you use for your email address? There are pros and cons to both using your personal email address for your business and setting up a separate business email address.

    If you use your personal email address, people will be able to easily find your website and contact information. However, if you use a separate business email address, people will know that you are a professional and that your company is legitimate.

    Email addresses are one of the most important pieces of online real estate that youll ever own. They are your virtual business card and, if used correctly, can be a powerful marketing tool for your business.

    When setting up your email address, there are a few things you should consider:

    Your Domain Name: The domain name you choose for your email address will be a reflection of your business. Its important to choose a domain name that is both relevant to your company and easy to remember.

    Your Email Address: Be sure to use an email address that is professional and easy to spell.

    Email Hosting: Make sure that you are using a hosting and free domain name that you own. If you dont own the hosting, you could lose your email address if the site shuts down or if you stop using hosting services.

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    How To Create A Free Email Account With Own Domain Name

    Are you aware that you can create free email with own domain name from your hosting cPanel?

    If not, you are missing an opportunity to increase your brandability.

    The great thing is, its free. So why not use the custom email domain which is free with your hosting package?

    In this post, I will show you how to create an email account with domain name and how to forward mail from your professional email to personal email account. This way, you can easily send and receive mail from your personal email address, but your customer will see domain name email address.

    Set Up Business Email With A New Domain

    How to Create Your Own Personalized Domain Email Address

    Check out this video and others on our YouTube channel.

    Buy a new domain name for your email address and set up the email addresses with Microsoft 365.

  • Buy a new domain name for your email address by providing your contact information for the new domain name, choosing your payment method, and then placing your order.
  • Change the first part of the address or leave it as is.
  • Sign out of Microsoft 365, and then sign back in with your new email address. Your employee email addresses are updated with the new domain.
  • Also Check: What Do I Do After I Purchase A Domain Name

    What Is The Difference Between Gmail And Google Workspace

    Here is the difference between Gmail and :

    It is designed for personal use. It is designed for business.
    Gmail access right is owned by a user who has the password. Google Workspace access right is owned by a business administrator.
    You need user permission when requesting for individual resources. It has default rights.
    Loss of access to services and data requires rebuild. The data can be easily saved and transferred, the service can be continued to be accessed.

    Use A Web Host As A Glorified Email Service

    Yes, even if you don’t want a website, you can still sign up with aweb host and use youraccount purely as an email service.

    On most web hosts, you can create a large number of email accounts and unlimited email aliases. Since web hosts routinelydeal with email sending and receiving as part of the business of web hosting, they usually also have a variety of spamfiltering facilities, web mail,autoresponders, vacationmessages, mailing list support, and all the usual things you associate with an email service.And you can even install your own webmail interfaces if you don’t like the default one provided.

    As for the website that comes with it, you can just ignore it, or use it as a storage space for thingslike email attachments that are too large to send by email, or images that you want to link to fromyour email or social media accounts, and so on. That said, if you don’t want your attachments to be accessed by people other than your email recipients, you probably shouldn’t put iton the site, since anyone can then download it. .

    That said, if you want to create different email addresses at your own domain for different people, each with their ownindividual logins, this is available as a standard feature on a web host .I have not investigated this on an email service, but I suspect that you will need to subscribe to a higher-pricedplan to get it.

    Anyway, whichever option you go with, read the relevant section below for the additional steps to take.

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    Boost Your Business With A Domain Email Account

    The difference between using a business domain email address and a generic one is plain to see the former will have a positive impact on your companys image, while the latter will harm it.

    If you were considering hiring one of two companies, and one had a domain email address while the other had a generic one, its likely that youd be more impressed by the company with the domain address. Your prospects and customers will have the same reaction when comparing your company to your competitors.

    Using a domain email address helps promote an image of professionalism and credibility, sending a signal to people that you take your business seriously. It helps establish and maintain branding for your business and separates you from competitors who choose to use a free email account.

    Add to those reasons the increased privacy, accessibility, portability, and security that come with a domain email account, and you can only arrive at one conclusion setting up a domain email account is a smart move for your business.

    Do you have a professional email address for your business or do you prefer sticking with the free services?

    Also Check: What Is Domain Name Server

    Access Your Custom Email Mailbox

    How to get a domain name and professional email easily!

    Bluehost will take you back to your email account panel page after your new email address is created.

    Click on the Check Email button.

    Next, simply click on Open to access the mailbox of your new custom email domain.

    Heres what our new email address at a custom domain looks like:

    You can also connect the email address you just created with desktop mail clients like Microsoft Outlook. All you need to do is enter your email address and password during Outlook configuration.

    You should then be able to access your new custom email account from Outlook.

    And thats it! You now know how to create your own email domain for free using a Bluehost hosting account.

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    Zoho Is The Best Free Hosted Email Service

    Zoho offers many similar features to G Suite, but, crucially, it offers a basic free plan that will get you hosted email at your own domain alongside a productivity suite. You miss out on Gmails world-class spam protection, only get a modest 5GB of storage, and generally only get basic controls, but if you dont want to pay for email this is definitely the best choice.

    Its also worth noting that Zohos first paid tier removes a lot of these restrictions, adding more storage, security features and admin controls — but not the same quality spam protection offered by Gmail — and costs only $2 per user per month, a fee significantly lower than G Suites. If you want to start out on the free plan, but are concerned youll outgrow it, this option to upgrade later is another bonus for Zoho.

    Lets get started running through how to set up the Zoho free plan for email at your own domain. Head to the Zoho website and create a free account. Once signed up, select Mail, add your phone number for security if required, and then select the Lite plan.

    Once your domain is verified with Zoho, youll be prompted through a couple of setup steps, including creating your primary email address, and adding any other users and any group emails. If you want these, then set them up as prompted. Otherwise, skip through to continue.

    As with G Suite, you now need to update your domain names MX records.

    Do I Need To Get A Com Domain

    The .com domain extension remains the most popular choice among most businesses. However, given its vast popularity, its often very difficult to find an available .com domain. Luckily, there are a number of top-level domain extensions available that are well-suited for business use, such as the .io that has quickly become the top choice for tech startups, .org for nonprofits and social causes, and .store for ecommerce and retail businesses.

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    Lesser Chances Of Being Marked As Spam

    If you plan on sending promotional and marketing emails, you wont be able to use your personal email ID on Gmail, Hotmail, and so on. Your emails and the address youre sending them from will be flagged for spam.

    You could even be blocked from sending anyone emails. This means you wont be able to connect with clients, team members, and freelancers as well. OptinMonster has a really helpful guide detailing this: 12 Reasons Why Your Emails Go in the Spam Box .

    You need to use a professional email service like Constant Contact, Aweber, Mailchimp, or Zoho.

    These services provide you with the right infrastructure to send bulk emails through a secure network.

    Youll get the option to display a business address and a privacy policy so you can comply with laws in your jurisdiction. Plus, you can add a link so that users can unsubscribe from your email list if they wish to stop receiving your emails.

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