Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How To Tell If A Domain Is Available

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Reserving Potential Brand Names

How to check if a domain is available

One of the most common reasons for reserving a domain name is for a potential brand or company name.

If youre thinking about starting a business, and dont want to end up having to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars, registering your domain name early is the way to go.

Many business people understand this, which is why they take action and register domain names before even starting a business or creating a product.

Of course, its a lot easier to register a domain name than create a business or product, so sometimes thats where the journey begins and ends.

List Your Parked Domain For Sale Through Your Domain Registrar

Some domain registrars let you do this. GoDaddy, for example, has a built-in marketplace called GoDaddy auctions.

Namecheap also has a marketplace for buying and selling domains.

You can list your domain name for a limited time option with a minimum bid, and optionally, a maximum instant buyout.

An auction works best when there are multiple interested parties driving the price up over time. If youre just selling a standard domain name to a company that happens to have the name, you may be better off negotiating directly with them.

How Do I Buy A Domain Name

Congrats! You found an available name and youre ready to make it yours. Simply add the domain name to your cart and start the checkout process. During checkout, youll make some decisions like how many years youd like to register it for, if youd like to add site hosting, email, advanced security, auto-renewals, and other features.


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How Is Whois Changing

In light of the General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR, coming into force within the European Union in May 2018, many Registries and Registrars that operate within that region, or globally, are required to gain Registrant’s consent before disclosing Personally Identifiable Information to any third parties or the public. As a result of the implementation of the GDRP, much of the data historically found within WHOIS will no longer be included or be redacted. The absence of this information has a trickle-down effect throughout the domain industry, affecting WHOIS data output for domain names and Registrants that do not have an immediate or obvious nexus to the European Union

How Do I Check If The Domain I Want Is Available

3 Ways to Check If a Domain Name Is Available

There are few different ways to verify if the domain you want is available.

While all processes are kept secure and confidential, the most straightforward is the domain name search tool. Simply type your desired website domain name in the search bar, and youll be presented with a list of results.

The search results will show the domain you want along with its availability, as well as options in other extensions and related suggestions. If the domain is taken, youll be able to review the WHOIS record to see information on the current owner and when it is set to expire, along with a link to our domain brokering services in case youre interested in acquiring that domain.

In addition to Webnames domain search, you can also check out our domain wizard or our domain marketplace to discover more great options.

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The Global Domain Eg Com

The most popular website that allows checking data on global domains is Just visit the website, enter the domain name and get the information about the domain you are looking for. Service compared to allows you to check every domain available on the Internet.

The website is popular and convenient because it works quickly, its address is easy to remember and does not require additional verification, even in the form of reCAPTCHA. It allows you to check the domain very quickly.

The database when asked about a regional domain, eg will only return information that the domain is already occupied. The query will be limited to checking the very domain of

In the case of the European domain, it will display basic information about the domain itself, but for more information, it will refer you to the database

After entering the following question in the Google search engine: whois, we will find a number of similar websites. Some of them display the information above and more, e.g. about the server itself, IP address and site activity on the network. For example, one of the websites using the WHOIS database is able to indicate that on the server to which the searched domain is connected, there are also 9 other websites.

Checking Domain Name Availability

A domain name cant be registered if it is already claimed by someone else, even if its not actually being used, but its easy to find out if your domain name is available in the form you want. One quick way to check for the availability of a domain name is to do a simple web search. Type in the name you want to use, including the top-level domain, or TDL extensions, such as .com or .net. That can reveal whether the name is currently in use, and your search may even provide some suggested alternatives.

A more thorough and reliable way to check for the availability of a domain name is to run your desired name through a name search tool. Before you register a domain, you have to use a domain checker that can scan all unavailable names. These tools are available from every domain registrar, as well as web hosting companies that include domain name registration with a hosting package. To check for availability, type in your desired name and add the extension you want to use. The search tool then returns a result: the name is available or its already taken. If your domain name is available, you can do a domain name registration immediately by paying the required fees for a selected period of time, typically one to three years.

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Acquiring An Existing Domain Name

In some cases, the name you want may already be taken, but you can still acquire it. Existing domain names become available for purchase for a variety of reasons. Some may have been purchased as original names for websites that were never developed or were abandoned when a business closed or the user simply stopped maintaining the site. Others become available for sale because of a practice called cybersquatting, in which speculators create or buy up large numbers of available domain names and then sell them on marketplace and auction sites for high prices.

Even if a name is being used on an active website, you still may be able to buy it directly from its original owner. Although it could take some detective work, you might be able to track down a domains registered owner through the sites contact information or its WHOIS data and negotiate a sale. Buying an active domain can be helpful if the site attached to the domain name already has content and search engine traffic related to your business or niche.

Your domain name is the anchor of your brands online identity, and its an essential component of a self-hosted site that is under your control. Choosing a domain name and making sure its exclusively yours is the key first step toward creating a permanent online home for your business or service. Once you find the perfect name for your website, its time to register your domain!

Machielle Thomas|Content Manager

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What Is A Domain Name What Is A Tld And What Is A Ccltd

How to Check to See if a Domain Name is Available

A domain name is how users on the internet identify your website. As opposed to memorizing and entering your sites IP address, users use your domain name to locate and access your website.

A top-level domain refers to the domain or URL extension. TLDs with no registration restrictions such as a .com may also be referred to as gTLDs .

TLDs can be a streamlined way of communicating the purpose of your website. There are more than 2,000 different TLD options available some have broad applicability , while others have narrower uses cases and in some cases, use requirements or restrictions .

A country code Top-Level Domain is a domain extension reserved for specific countries or territories. ccTLDs always appear as two letter extensions, and are often used to indicate the region and language that will be displayed while using a site.

Examples of ccTLDs include .ca, .us, .uk .

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What Is Domain Privacy And Do I Need It

Domain privacy and security is as important to us as it is to you. Without domain privacy, your private and sensitive information may be collected and displayed in ICANN’s WHOIS database when you register your domain. Domain privacy ensures that these details are hidden from the public view. Our Domain Privacy + Protection package will make ICANN display our contact information in lieu of yours.

Choose A Different Domain Name

If you cant find out who owns the domain you want, or they arent willing to sell, you may simply have to choose another name. Fortunately, you wont necessarily have to start from scratch.

Instead, you could look at the list of alternatives provided to you by any domain checker tool, and use those ideas to find a suitable replacement. This can save you valuable time and effort, and youll often be able to grab a name thats almost identical to the one you wanted:

Of course, there are other methods for finding an alternative domain name. You can try using a keyword tool to discover promising options. This can help you find terms to incorporate that are relevant to your audience, and have strong search volumes.

As an example, if youre opening an organic cafe, you might find that people often search for organic cafe in combination with the name of their city. In your domain, you could try combining your citys name with the term organic cafe in order to attract traffic.

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Checking With Host Tracker

Host Tracker gives more information compared to Website Planet. This site allows you to check the page speed, HTTPS, ping, trace, port, health, and security.

In addition, this website checker tool will give you automated notifications if your site goes down. However, to get ahold of this feature, you will need to register for a free trial or pay $9.92 to $74.92/year.

But, you can still use the online checker tool to check your websites availability for free. Here is what you need to do:

  • Access Host Tracker and scroll down until you see a CHECK SITE column.
  • By default, the website aims to check the page speed. However, since we want to know whether your site is available worldwide, you must choose the Ping tab.
  • Fill in the information required your website domain or URL and the test location. Choose All World in the location tab if you want to check your site status around the globe, then click CHECK.
  • Wait for the information to load fully. Here is an example of the ping test result of Hostinger:
  • As you can see, this online checker provides detailed information, but you only need to pay attention to the first line of the Status column to find out if the website is online or not.

    If you see results similar to the one above, your website is online. You should ignore one or two fails because it might be due to network-side or configuration issues. If the majority of checks are Good, then you can be sure that your website is online globally.

    How Do I Choose The Best Domain Name

    3 Ways to Check If a Domain Name Is Available

    Great question! Here’s a few core things to consider when choosing your new domain name:

  • Choose a name that’s creative and unique. This may be the differentiation needed to stand out amongst competitors. Take a domain name like, for example.
  • Keep your name easy to remember as well. The sweet spot is ideally one or two words that capture the essence of your website. is easier to remember than, for example.
  • If you’re a local business, consider adding your region to your domain name, such as .nyc or .asia, to help your site’s visibility.
  • Consider buying more than one domain. As your site’s popularity increases, you don’t want copycats to purchase similar domains before you do.
  • And lastly, avoid numbers, hyphens, or symbols of any kind.
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    What Does A Parked Domain Look Like

    A parked domain can take on many different shapes and forms, but usually, it boils down to three different versions when visited:

    • The domain returns a typical cant be reached error.
    • The domain shows a simple this domain is parked message.
    • The parked domain shows a simple sales page.

    Lets see what these look like in real life.

    Who Is The Holder Of A Registered Domain Name

    Public information of a registered domain name include:

    • holders name and contact information, if the holder is a company
    • registration and expiration dates of the domain name.

    If the domain name holder is

    • a private person, you can only see the domain’s name
    • a company or an organisation, you can see the company’s name and contact details. Making email address publicly available is optional.

    You can see the public information of your own fi-domain names using the search tool. If your contact details have changed, remember to ask your registrar to update them as soon as possible.

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    What Is The Difference Between A Parked Domain And A Redirect

    A parked domain either doesnt take you to any site at all or displays a single static page connected to the domain itself through the DNS. A redirected domain sends the visitor to another domain or URL when they visit the site.

    Redirects are useful for SEO but also for brand protection purposes as its typically a better strategy than just leaving branded domain names parked.

    For example, imagine if someone had registered the domain name Just from typos, theyd probably get hundreds of thousands of visitors per month.

    To prevent this, Google has registered and redirects traffic from to

    Try it yourself.

    Type in and press enter.

    Youll end up on Googles homepage.

    How Can I Hide My Remaining Public Contact Details From The Whois Database

    How to check if your domain name is available with Godaddy

    For Canadians with a .CA domain name, the?Canadian Internet Registration Authority ?automatically provides domain privacy be default. However, non .CA domain names will need to purchase an additional service called a Domain Privacy service. Once purchased, all Registrant information on the WHOIS database is replaced by proxy contact information. In most cases, this information belongs to the operating registrar such as

    While the details list a registrar or proxy contact information, the true owner of a domain name is still the original registrant.

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