Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Flip Domain Names

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Start With Searching For A Domain

Domain Flipping Tutorial for Beginners | How to Make Money Online Flipping Domain Names!

Just like in real estate, you have to get a domain that is worth buying and has potential. To make the most profit, you have to optimize your strategy. This is achieved by finding a domain that is cheap to buy and has potential to make you a lucrative amount when you sell.

There are online tools used to scout for original domains. You can use a domain name search online to scour for domains related to a specific service, product, or topic. Godaddy is an excellent place to start. The aim here is to get a great domain with lots of potential. Godaddy lists a number of domain names ready for sale even the expired domains which is an excellent opportunity of making money online. Domain auctions are also good places to check where you get a list of many domains being sold and view your options. If you go for expired domains, make sure you know the risks involved. As a matter of fact, go for an expired domain only if it has domain authority potential. Otherwise, this is for the experts who know the ins and outs of how to sell a domain name.

Use Different Sales Strategies

You can apply many strategies when it comes to flipping domains successfully. The three most common strategies are set price, auction, and make an offer.

  • You can set a particular price for domain names you have to offer when you are not in a rush to sell them. Those who have a huge portfolio usually adopt this strategy.
  • GoDaddy and Namecheap follow the auction strategy and you can too. Sell your domain to the buyer with the highest bid.
  • When you have a niche domain, you can make offers to various prospective buyers who may be interested in buying.

Another point of concern is to flip websites and not domains only. This is because many times a domain is worth far more with an established website than on its own. Building a website has great potential because it has SEO value, potential and much more to offer to its prospective buyer.

Buying And Selling Domain Names

There are many different ways to buy and sell domain names. Many standard domain registrars, such as, will facilitate sales via auction. Meanwhile, specialized websites, such as Sedo, are designed exclusively to buy and sell domain names. Finally, parking domains with a for sale page is a great way to draw targeted interest from potential buyers.

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Register A New Domain Name

Your first step is to register a domain name that you intend to flip. We recommend that you use Namecheap to register your domains as it is easier to manage and they have a good customer support to help you.

When you are registering a new domain name, it has to be a domain name that is worth it. That people will be willing to pay good money for. Dont just register random domain names. It will be a waste of time. Here are some ways to register a good domain name.

Follow trends

Trends will help you understand what people will likely want. When you keep tap on what is trending, you may be able to grab the next big ideas before they become really big. For example, imagine when Bitcoin was in its early stage and people hear of it but barely understand it.

You came across it and registered some valuable bitcoin domain names, you will be make very big money after Bitcoin became a big issue.

Keep watch on trends and see whats new and what is likely to explode. You can use tools like , Twitter hash tags and more to see what people are interested in.

Use Keyword planner

Use key word planner to find popular ideas. The most popular and credible planner is definitely .

The key here is to type your ideal domain name and see the search volume. If there are many people searching for it then it is worth it.

Lets say I want to register I will go to keyword planner, type in go to sleep and see how many people are searching for that keyword.

Use easy to pronounce name

Whats Mark Zuckerberg Got To Do With It

Domain Flipping to Make $100k/Year

Ever have one of those days when an idea just pops into your head, and wont go away? I had one of those just recently!

For a while now, Ive been very into listening to entrepreneurial podcasts when out walking. Entertainment/education, and exercise: two birds, one stone! My choice this particular day, was the Invest Like A Boss podcast , and todays subject was something I knew nothing about. The subject, this episode, was The Metaverse!

Really interesting discussion about the future of the Metaverse, and some companies that may be worth a punt, from an investment point of view. It turns out that Facebook is positioning itself to be at the forefront of this Metaverse technology, and will be investing heavily in its development.

During the show, they spoke about the recent interview that Mark Zuckerberg had with The Verge, in which he said Were basically mediating our lives and our communication through these small, glowing rectangles.

Hmm! Small glowing rectangles?, I thought. Hes referring to mobile/cell phones as small glowing rectangles! What a great domain name that would make for a tech/phone/communications niche!

An idea was born! I would see if the domain was available.

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What Makes A Perfect Domain Name For Flipping

Two relatively similar domain names can have wildly different values on the open market. What creates demand for a domain name? Why are some names worth millions while others are worthless for all intents and purposes?

There are five major traits to look at when it comes to looking at the value of a domain name. Understanding each of these factors is crucial to building a successful skillset as a domain flipper.

Prep Work After Buying Domain Names

Once youve found a good domain, its time to go ahead and pull the trigger. Youd usually be purchasing the domain directly from the registrar if its brand new . If youre buying an expired domain, then youd usually acquire it through an auction or flat-fee, depending on the selling party.

Regardless of whom you purchase the domain from, the first step is to move it to your domain registrar. There are obviously many out there but my registrar of choice is

Its not a super popular registrar but theyre extremely reliable and I love them for a few reasons:

  • They have some of the cheapest prices around.
  • They never try to upsell, cross-sell and down sell you endlessly.
  • You can find almost every domain extension under the sun.
  • Their control panel has all the settings youll probably ever need without any gimmicks or marketing stunts everywhere .
  • They provide prompt support that is knowledgeable and friendly.
  • Of course, you can always go with the classics in the industry like and GoDaddy, but is my personal choice and I highly recommend them.

    Once you acquire the domain, there are a few things that you can do:

    • Redirection: You can do this after listing your website for sale somewhere. Youd then redirect the domain to the listing or auction in order to drive users who visit the domain directly to the auction and maximize its visibility.

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    Building A Solid Domain Portfolio

    Building a high-quality domain portfolio can take months or years to accomplish. Often, the key is looking forward to what domains may become popular in the future and hedging through numbers by purchasing hundreds of domains. Others choose to purchase a few already high profile domains and sit on them hoping that they appreciate in value.

    Everything You Wanted To Know About Domain Name Flipping


    Domain names are the unique address of a website. And the same way you sell a car, house, orboat you can buy and sell domain names. So lets sorted out.

    Domain Name flipping is a practice of buying a domain name as cheap as possible and reselling it at a higher price for profit, the same way you buy real estate property and then sell it if you find a buyer.

    To resell a domain name may take days, months, and even years. Some people holding the domain name for years and cant find a buyer for them. And some sell them in a day. Its all focused on speculation.

    In the early days of the internet domain names were registered primarily for business purposes. And that attracted the attention of people who saw potential value in domain names. The expansion of the internet its bring more domain name speculators to the game and the business was born.

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    Search For A Quality Domain

    There are tons of ways to find domains that are great for flipping. You just need to know where to look.

    These are the places that I use to find quality domains at really good prices.

    1. Spamzilla

    SpamZilla is one of my favourite tools to find domains to flip.

    It is one of the only domain databases that shows backlink data. That means you can use it to find domains that have huge SEO value and large backlink profiles already.

    Want to learn more about SpamZilla? Check out my full SpamZilla review.

    2. Domain Hunter Gatherer

    Domain Hunter Gatherer is a desktop-based tool.

    It allows you to search in real-time and find high quality expired domains. DHG has a range of powerful tools that allows you to quickly and easily analyse the quality of any domain.

    Learn more about DHG by reading my Domain Hunter Gatherer review.

    But what I really like about it, is that you can make sure you only find domains that have existing links from places like Wikipedia which add to their resell value.

    Both SpamZilla& Domain Hunter Gatherer are super powerful and offer all of the features you need to find profitable domains you can flip!

    3. Domain Catching

    Domain catching is when you buy domains right at the moment that they expire.

    That is hard work though and means you need to be online 24/7 to seize the perfect moment AND that is assuming that no one else is trying to register it as well.

    There are a number of services to help you get a competitive advantage though:

    Search For A Domain Name For Flipping

    Finding a domain name to flip is the first and most important step. Search for a domain name that is worth buying. You want to ensure you make substantial money for flipping domains.

    Brainstorming for a domain name is the key to finding a good one. When you think of a great domain, write it down and do a quick search to see if it is available.

    Explore the Niche You’re Interested In

    If you are to make money domain flipping, you have to understand the market and trends in the industry youre targeting. You want to find a domain name in a niche that is popular, but not over-saturated.

    For example, I bought AdzOut.Com for about $9 which is currently valued at $1300. It might be even better if an advertising network or company wants to buy the name.

    AffBeginner.Com is a wonderful domain name for the affiliate marketing niche for beginners. I bought it for $9 only. When choosing these domain names, I thought of niche and value terms in the industry.

    Check Out Domain Auctions

    Auction sites are a great place to start when looking for domains to flip. You can find domains that are already registered and maybe up for sale. ExpiredDomains is one of the best places to find these types of domains.

    You want to look for domain names that are about to expire or have already expired. These domains will likely be cheaper and easier to flip. I will discuss this later in the domain flipping guide.

    Keep An Eye on Industry’s Trends

    is a great platform to follow trends in various niches.

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    How I Turn $100 Into $1000 Flipping Domain Names

    Domain flipping is the art of buying a domain name for a low price, and then selling it for a much higher price to a qualified buyer.

    You dont have to be a seasoned domainer to make money flipping domains. As a beginner, you can turn $100 into $1000 just by picking the right domains to buy and then selling them in the right places.

    Flipping is a practice as old as time itself. You can flip a house, a car, a business, collectibles. Anything that can be bought cheap and then sold for a higher price is a good option for flipping.

    Buying A Domain Name Through Wealthy Affiliate

    How to Flip Domain Names Online 2021

    For me, the most logical place to see if the domain was available, was through the platform I already have an account with. That platform, being Wealthy Affiliate. Prior to this, I would have had no idea how to purchase a domain name. My membership allows hosting for up to 10 sites, which is fine, as I am not currently using all of these.

    The process was very straight forward, and took, literally, just a couple of minutes!

    It was just a question of doing a quick search on the appropriate page on the Wealthy Affiliate platform.

    Now, I know from the recent training Ive been doing, that a .com domain is preferable, and fortunately this was available.

    I was now the proud owner of the domain The cost? Just $14.99 . The question is, could I now flip this domain to make money? Time will tell!

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    Is It Easy To Flip A Domain

    In theory, it is very easy to buy a domain for one price and sell it for a higher price. However, you need to know what type of domain name to buy and develop a good eye for names which will sell for a good price.

    Once you know how to find the domain names and figure out which ones are likely to sell, you will have no problem making $100s or $1000s every month.

    Find A Buyer And Negotiate A Sale

    If youve got a domain name thats got high potential in terms of branding, marketing, and SEO, if you price it right, you could flip it in a few days for a neat profit.

    If you tag the domain with a higher price than anyone is willing to pay, chances are youll be stuck with the domain name for a long time. To make a good amount of money online, you need to get a fair appraisal and price it right.

    To let people know your domain is for sale, you can use the following methods:

    1. List the Domain on Marketplaces

    There are many websites where you can list you domain for sale. Most domain registrars allow you to do this namely GoDaddy and Namecheap.

    You can also use Flippa. This is a global online marketplace where individuals and business owners buy and sell websites, online businesses and other digital real estate.

    2. Use a Domain Broker

    Domain brokers help negotiate deals between potential buyers and sellers. The good thing about signing up with a broker is that your domain will get more exposure to their entire network of interested buyers. So theyll help you find an interested party and work out a deal where both parties agree. Keep in mind that you can also make the transaction anonymously.

    When choosing a domain broker, you need to find one thats trustworthy and reliable. One that will get YOU the best deal. Heres our top recommendations:

    Get more details on domain brokers here: 5 Top Domain Name Broker Services

    3. Put the Domain Up for Auction

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    Domain Flipping Vs Domain Auctions Which One To Choose

    Domain Auctions are a good way to sell your domains. If you have a domain that you believe has good value, you can put it up for auction and let people bid on the domain. Because the bidding price goes up, more people are likely to visit your auction and look at the domain. The longer the auction stays up, the more people will see your domain, so try to keep your auctions open for as long as possible.

    Domain Flipping is when you buy a domain that has good potential value, but its not currently being used. You buy the domain and then put it up for sale again at a much higher price. This may take some time to do because you will have to do research on what domains might be worth buying and reselling at a higher price.

    Domain Marketplaces Where You Can Sell Domains

    Turn 10$ Into 1000$ By Flipping Domains (2022)

    A domain marketplace is an online forum where domains are bought and sold. Sellers list their domains on the marketplace and commissions are assessed when the domain is sold. Average sales commission rates range from 10% to 20%.

    Domain flippers can choose from a wide variety of marketplaces to list their domains. The most successful domain flippers list their domains on multiple sites, though some marketplaces have rules surrounding when multiple-site listings are allowed and when exclusive listings are required. For example, if youre putting a domain up for auction, a marketplace might require listing exclusivity.

    Popular domain marketplaces include:

    • Flippa Marketplace: List your domain for $15 per month and pay a success fee of 5% to 15% when your domain sells.
    • GoDaddy Auction: Sales commission fees range from 10% to 20% with a $15 minimum fee.
    • Sedo Marketplace: Standard Sedo Marketplace auctions require no listing fee and youll pay a 15% commission for a successful auction sale. Direct auction setup fees are $59 and the Auction Events application fee is $10 the standard 15% commission is applied across all auction types.
    • NameCheap Marketplace: Sales commission are a flat 10%. Domains sold must be registered with NameCheap domain transfer fees range from $8.88 to $28.88.
    • Afternic: Domain sales commissions range from 10% to 20%. You can join Afternic for free.

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