Ignore Pushed Dns Settings
In some instances you may want to ignore the DNS settings pushed by the VPN server. To enable this, tick the “Ignore DNS settings sent by VPN server” checkbox when editing your connection in Viscosity.
This option ignores any DNS Servers, Domains or WINS Servers pushed by the VPN Server to your computer. Only options you define in your configuration will be used. Enabling this option and not defining any DNS Servers will setup your connection equivalent to the Disable DNS mode.
Web Browsers With Custom Dns Settings
However some web browsers, such as Chrome and Firefox, can be manually configured to ignore the computer’s DNS settings and instead use internal DNS-over-HTTPS DNS servers. This will cause any VPN DNS settings to be ignored. This is of particular importance when trying to access internal resources on a Split DNS VPN network, which will not function correctly with such a setup.
If you’re finding VPN DNS lookups are not working correctly when using Chrome or Firefox , check their DNS/DoH settings and if necessary change them back to their default settings. In most instances this will not fully disable DoH, but rather make them intelligently respect the local Split DNS settings.
For more information please see the Chrome documentation or the Firefox documentation.
What Does Google Say About Dash In The Domain
The person asking the question just wants to know if its OK to choose a hyphenated domain name.
They werent asking whether theres a ranking advantage. But Googles John Mueller discusses that as well.
The question:
Is it OK to choose a domain name with two hyphens?
Or is one hyphen better or should hyphens be avoided completely?
Googles John Mueller answered:
Up to you.
Whatever you think makes sense.
Some websites have hyphens, some dont.
and he say again :
I dont think anything in our algorithms looks specifically for hyphens in domain names.
Also Check: How Much Are Domains
How Do I Buy A Domain Name
Its easy to get a new domain. Here are the steps:1. Decide on a domain name extension. The extension is the part at the end of the domain name .net, .biz, .org or .com, for example.2. Think about what you’d like on the other side of the dot. It could be your business name or your specialty.3. Type the domain you want into the box at the top of this page. We’ll tell you if that particular domain is available and show other you may like better.4. Pick a domain, add it to your cart and check out. You are now the proud owner of your very own domain. As long as it’s registered to you, no one else may use it.
Resolvconf Search Domain Not Working On Os X
I use network setup to modify my search domains which works fine so far, but it only does it per device. Once I VPN somewhere, it no longer uses those changes. Is there a way to set the search domains globally on Mac OS X Lion?
There was a similar issue in 2002 with OS X. I found a few articles about it and I’ve been able to address this issue by simply adding “local” to the Search Domains in the advanced network properties of my network interface. This has allowed those of connecting via VPN to resolve .local hosts.
If you want a strict command line solution, you can add the search domains manually to each adapter/service.
List all networkservices to get the common names:
$ networksetup -listallnetworkservicesWi-FiFT232R USB UARTThunderbolt BridgeThunderbolt Ethernet
Check the current searchdomain setting on the device you want to update :
$ networksetup -getsearchdomains "Thunderbolt Ethernet"yourdomain.comyourdomain.lan
Then add the searchdomains you want where they are missing:
$ networksetup -setsearchdomains "Wi-Fi" yourdomain.com yourdomain.lan
Why not just add it to the adapter in question? i.e. ethernet or Wi-Fi: Per:
com.apple.mDNSResponder.plist can be overwritten by something else/update and you will forget it. The url above is the “supported” way to add the domain search path to the DNS query.
Recommended Reading: Making Money Selling Domains
Find Odd Files On Your Domain
Keeping track of everything on your website can be difficult.
For this reason, its easy to forget about old files you may have uploaded.
PDF files Word documents Powerpoint presentations text files etc.
Lets use the filetype: operator to check for these on ahrefs.com.
Heres one of those files:
Ive never seen that piece of content before. Have you?
But we can extend this further than just PDF files.
Its important to delete or noindex these if youd prefer people didnt come across them.
Can I Use My Domain That Is Registered At Webnames With Another Provider
If you need to move your domain to another registrar, you can obtain a transfer authentication code as well as unlock your domain by browsing to the following, once logged into your Webnames.ca account:
- Navigate to Account > Manage Domains
- Under Domain Actions > Transfer Domain, click on Auth Code
Proceed through the screens to obtain your Transfer Authorization Code and unlock your domain.
A new Transfer Authorization Code will be generated each time one is requested, and this Code will be updated after 90 days, provided a transfer of the domain is not currently in progress.
Please be aware that each domain Registry imposes a restriction on how frequently a domain can be transferred between Registrars. Typically, this frequency is every 60 calendar days.
Recommended Reading: Why Are Some Domains So Expensive
Specifying Wins Servers In Viscosity
Viscosity also supports WINS servers. These must be set using the relevant OpenVPN command, rather than through the user interface, like so:
How Do I Choose The Best Domain Name
Great question! Here’s a few core things to consider when choosing your new domain name:
Recommended Reading: What To Do After Buying Domain
Use The Right Domain Name Extensions
When you choose your domain name extension, you can be sure of one thing: .com is still the best.
According to research from Domain Name Stat, 37% of all domains have the .com extension.
Why? Well, .com is the most familiar and easiest to remember.
While there are many successful websites with a .net and .org, your website will probably do better if it has a .com extension. Its the safest bet.
Our advice: Go with .com. If thats taken, try .net or .org. If these are taken too, youd be better off brainstorming a new domain name. And oh! Avoid those weird extensions like .club, .space, .pizza and so on.
Pushing Dns Settings From The Server
It’s also possible to inform Viscosity of DNS servers, WINS server, and Domains to use from the server’s end by “pushing” out the relevant “dhcp-option” commands. This has the advantage of allowing the VPN administrator to change these settings without having to manually update them in each copy of Viscosity.
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Make Sure Its Easy To Type
Think of some of the most popular websites in the world. What comes to mind?
Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Yahoo, CNN
One big thing they have in common is that theyre all easy to spell.
Your visitors should be able to type your domain name without a problem. If you have to explain the spelling more than once for it to be understood, its too complicated!
The last thing you want is for the potential visitors to mistype your domain and end up on a different website!
Heres an easy way to test this
Tell 10 people your potential domain name and ask them to spell it. If more than a few people struggle to spell it, you need to simplify it.
Why Paid Dns Is Better Than Free
If your browser is telling you a website’s ‘server IP address could not be found’, even though you’re sure it’s up and available, then this could be due to a problem with your DNS. But you might not want to go to the trouble of changing your DNS service to find out.
Windows users can use the command line tool nslookup.exe to look at the results of any DNS server without touching their system settings.
Run cmd.exe to open a command line window, then type:
nslookup website.com
Then press Enter .
Nslookup uses your default DNS server to look for the IP address of website.com. If it tells you it ‘can’t find website.com’, this means your DNS server doesn’t have a record for that domain.
Next, tell the tool to use another DNS service by entering a command like:
nslookup website.com
The address uses Google DNS replace that with any DNS service you like, such as for Cloudflare.
If nslookup returns errors using multiple servers, this doesn’t look like a DNS issue. If one server returns an IP address and another doesn’t, you might want to try setting up your system to use the working DNS and see if it makes any difference.
You might also want to look over our many web hosting guides:
Recommended Reading: How Much To Purchase A Domain Name
Don’t Sweat Over Domain Age
The notion that the age of a domain is an important SEO ranking factor is a myth. When asked about domain registration length, Google’s Matt Cutts said, “To the best of my knowledge, no search engine has ever confirmed that they use length of registration as a factor in scoring. If a company is asserting that as a fact, that would be troubling. The primary reason to renew a domain would be if it’s your main domain, you plan to keep it for a while, or you’d prefer the convenience of renewing so that you don’t need to stress about your domain expiring.”
What does matter to Google are things like how long its been since your site was first crawled or since the first inbound link was recorded. Even so, though, Matt Cutts assures that “the difference between a domain that’s six months old and one year old is really not that big at all.”
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Speaking of a business setting, some companies offer DNS services with business-friendly add-ons. For example, they can filter out malicious websites at the DNS level, so the pages never reach an employee’s browser. They may also filter out porn and other work-inappropriate sites. In a similar fashion, DNS-based parental control systems help parents control children’s access to age-inappropriate content, on every device, though they admittedly lack the fine control of locally-installed parental control software.
I mentioned that your DNS server caches popular requests, so it can respond quickly, without having to query other components of the Domain Name System. Your PC or Mac also has a local DNS cache, and if the cache gets screwed up, you can have trouble visiting certain sites. This is a simple problem, one that doesn’t require switching DNS servers. All you need to do is flush your local DNS cache.
Unless you’re using a VPN , your ISP’s DNS servers see every domain you request. You really can’t get away from thatif you want something from the internet, you can’t avoid telling someone just what you want. Your ISP knows where you go on the web, and probably doesn’t care.
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Does It Matter Which Domain Extension I Use Generic Or Country
To a certain degree, yes, it does matter.
Country-specific domain extensions are always good for businesses that are targeting local customers it raises the confidence of your websites visitors, especially when they come from the country of the TLD. Also, search engines gives preferences to country-specific domain names when local users are searching for results.
But, like weve mentioned earlier, people are more familiar with the .com domain extension so familiar that in the event they are not sure about the name of a website, they will by default search for it using the .com domain extension first.
Here are some of the purposes of the domain extensions:
So, which domain extension you want to us depends on the purpose of your website and your target viewers, and also how much marketing effort you can put in .
Favor Subfolders/subdirectories Over Subdomains
Search engines keep different metrics for domains than they do for subdomains, so even though Google itself has stated that from a ranking perspective content in subdomains and subdirectories is treated roughly equally, it’s still recommended that webmasters place link-worthy content like blogs in subfolders rather than subdomains .
The notable exceptions to this are language-specific websites. .
Also Check: How Much Does It Cost To Purchase A Domain Name
Com Domains History And Ranking
You should always pick the .COM before any other extension. This is because .coms have become the industry standard for domain names. Whenever you hear someone start saying wwwyou naturally expect a .COM at the end. It also ranks best because, in the beginning , .COM was created to represent commercial usage. Since businesses naturally embraced the domain extension, its presence and familiarity took off. This large presence of .com domains helped establish its reputation forever on the Internet.
.COM domains rank easily and quickly. I always pick .COM domains whenever possible. I even prefer a long .COM to a short .NET or .ORG. More examples are given near the end.
Have You Ever Wondered What Domain Endings Are Doing Well For Startups
Startup of the Year Voting ran for 6 months from June 2021 to January 2022. On Valentines Day, the startup of the year winners were announced. Of the winners, I analyzed what domain endings these successful startups most often chose. .com overwhelming led the way with 66.5% of the startups, followed by .co , .io , .ai , .org , .net and then a number of other niche domain endings used by less than 1% of the Startup of the Year Winners.
All of the startup winners earned tech company news pages on HackerNoon. Essentially, the community voted on which startups deserve more coverage. These pages include business overviews coupled with dynamic updates every time the company is mentioned in HackerNoon stories or relevant headlines around the web.
We also open sourced this startup voting data if anyone would like to use it 🙂
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