Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How To Get A Premium Domain Cheap

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Why Were Domain Names Created

How To Buy Premium Domains For Cheap

The internet consists of a large number of interconnected computers via a global cable network. Each network asset is given an IP address for identification. An IP address is represented by a string of numbers, which is long and difficult to remember.

In the absence of domain names, you would have to enter these long, hard to remember numbers.

Domain names were created to solve this issue. These are usually kept as the brand name, so they are rather easy to remember. You can type it in the address bar of your browser to enter a website easily.

Pitfalls When Buying A Domain Cheap

As with any endeavor, there are traps you can fall into if you dont have experience. Unscrupulous registrars will attempt to separate you from your hard-earned dollars with shady practices. Make sure you read the fine print to avoid:

WHOIS Database Trickery: Youll recall that the WHOIS database maintains a record of your registered domain and some personal details. After registering your domain, some companies will try to charge you for editing that information if there are errors or if something needs updating.

Some will offer privacy services, promising to conceal your information for a price. What they dont tell you is that they substitute their information on the registry. If it comes down to a dispute, then in the eyes of the law that domain is theirs, and not yours.

The most unsavoury services will straight-up steal your personal information and sell it to the highest bidder. No longer are you their customer you become a product for them to auction off for more profits. Best prepare for the onslaught of spam and robocalls.

Domain Slamming: This is often used as a ploy to get a user to unknowingly switch their registrar. A third-party will email you transfer notices disguised as a bill or renewal notice. Responding to this fraudulent note will transfer your domain to another registrar, and you get slammed with higher fees that you did not anticipate.

Find Out Who Owns The Domain

There are two ways to complete this step:

  • Figure it out on your own
  • Hire a domain broker to do it for you

Doing it on your own can be tricky. You could run a quick WHOIS lookup, but most people wont have their personal information listed. Using Google to your advantage can be helpful. Some domains might be linked to another website or social media profile. You could potentially find the owner that way.

Personally, Id recommend using a broker. Sedo is one of my favorite domain marketplaces and brokerage sites.

Brokers can almost always find out who owns the domain because they have such a massive network. Theyll determine if the domain is actually for sale and how much the seller is asking for. Your broker can even handle the negotiations on your behalf.

The downside of using a broker is that youll have to pay a brokerage fee. But in most cases, youll only have to pay if the sale actually goes through.

Other great places to find a premium domain online include:

If a domain is for sale, youll be able to get the ball rolling with Sedo or one of the other options listed above.

Read Also: How To Find Out Who Owns Domain

Drop Us An Email Or Call Us

You can get started with your name hunt from now onwards. The only thing required of you is your initiative to reach us via phone call or an email. Its as simple!

Bring glory to your business by making a right brand name pick for your business. With our suggestions of branding name companies, your job gets easier as you get access to plethora of labels within a single platform. You just have to shortlist a few of them and finalize your favorite term. Its such a convenient move to make. We bet that you will love interacting with us and will certainly recommend us to your associates in the future.

To buy brandable names online, contact us today!


How Can Hostinger Offer Domains For Free

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We do it because for many years we have proudly been an ICANN accredited registrar! Pair that with partnerships with multiple renowned registrars and a massive user base! This gives us the opportunity to share in our privilege by being able to provide the best to our users.

We at Hostinger, believe that the power of the internet to everyone. Thats why we provide hosting for some of the lowest prices in the industry and add a domain for free to boot!

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Two Methods For Buying A Domain Name

Fortunately, it doesnt really matter where you buy your domain. At the end of the day, a domain is a domain, and you wont find any variations in quality based on where you buy one.

The biggest difference from one domain registrar to the next is the pricesome offer domains for just a few dollars a year and others can go as high as $20 per year or more. There are two ways to get a domain name, one of which is free for the first year and the other is not.

So Do You Really Need A Premium Domain

Premium domains are significantly more expensive, so before you buy one, you should weigh the pros and cons, and see if it is worth getting such a domain. In some cases, a premium domain is definitely worth the money, while in others it may be an unjustified expense and a loss of money.

+ You can get the best possible domain. Whether it was the first one that came to mind, or you chose it after a careful consideration, it is clearly your first choice for a domain name. If this is the case and there are no other factors to affect your decision, you can probably go ahead and buy the domain.

+You can invest in a premium domain. If the estimated value of a particular name is high, it is very likely that some company will want it sooner or later. Many domain investors buy such domains and sell them for profit. This refers to domains that are already considered premium ones, not to random available domains that some people register at the standard price and resell for $70-$80.

+ You can monetize it. If your project will earn you some money, it is justified to spend more on a better domain name. The additional traffic the domain can bring you will likely pay off the higher amount you had to pay for it.

Iâve always thought of premium domain names as Internet beachfront property .Itâs interesting how the value of the top names continues to rise even in era of mobile and a multitude of TLDs. Wild.

Recommended Reading: How Much Does It Cost To Register A Domain

Purchasing A Premium Domain

Premium Domains are appealing captivating names that are sold by a seller through an aftermarket platform, instead of directly by the registry. Premium domains can be identified by the increased registration price and the premium tag, as illustrated below.The purchase process for a Premium domain is a bit different, as it’s not as automated as buying directly from the registry. This results in a longer time to acquire the domain and a premium domain will rarely be in your account instantly.So, why is this?

Well, When you place the order we will first review the transaction, and then the process to move the domain from the seller to the buyer begins. will work with the aftermarket platform, who in turn works with the seller to transfer the domain as quickly as possible. This process takes about 5-10 business days, as there may be some delay obtaining the code from the seller, and the transfer itself takes upwards of 5 days.

During this process, we will reserve the rights for the domain so no one else can purchase it elsewhere. You may see a transfer entry in your transfer section of your account and we kindly ask please do to make any changes, as we will handle the entire process on your behalf. No additional work is needed on the customer’s part, once the transaction is placed.

If you have any questions or concerns, our support team is standing by and happy to assist!

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Through A Domain Registrar

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If youre buying more than one domain name or want to manage your domain and hosting services separately, you can use a domain registrar like or NameCheap.

This route makes sense if youre launching a business website and want to buy all the possible variations of your business name to prevent others from doing so. Many domain registrars offer bulk discounts but you wont be able to get your domain for free.

Check out our top domain registrar recommendations, here.

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Name Of A Business = Its Identity

So pick it right and rock the world of trading sector.We know the impact of the brand name of a business in its operation. Hence, we bring the unique brand names for sale in our store for your enterprise.

A smart, adept, and sizzling way to provide recognition to your business is here at Namoxy.

We are smart, shrewd and up-to-date brandable domain name sellers dedicated to assaying our customers with rare business naming ideas.

How To Buy A Premium Domain

Premium domains are a great way to stand out online. They are great for branding and marketing purposes as well.

What is a premium domain?

A premium domain is typically short, memorable, and easy to spell. High-quality domains have a high search volume and are closely associated with an industry, service, or topic. They also have TLDs like .com, .org, or .net.

Premium domains are in high demand. So theyll typically cost a bit more to register. The process of buying a premium domain can be different as well since its not always clear if the domain is actually for sale. Heres what I mean.

Lets say you try to register a premium domain from a domain registrar or hosting company. Just because it says unavailable, that doesnt necessarily mean that it cant be acquired. These are the steps for buying a premium domain:

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Is It Worth Buying A Premium Domain

There are many benefits to using a premium domain. Although they may cost more in the beginning, premium domains benefit significantly from their short, memorable names. Marketing efforts can be boosted, as the domain name is easy to remember, which leads to increased branding and recognition. Over time, these intrinsic benefits will help with your SEO and, in turn, your overall web traffic.

When To Use A Premium Domain Name

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The main benefit of premium domain names is that they are often shorter, easier to remember, and more brandable. The primary downside is the higher domain name price sometimes ranging between hundreds or thousands of dollars. By contrast, a standard domain name will usually only cost between 10 30 dollars:

The decision comes down to whether or not the name is worth the cost. Of course, this is a largely personal decision, and depends on a lot of factors. However, here are some of the questions you should ask yourself when evaluating a premium domain name:

  • Does it fit into your budget? No matter how much you might want to snag a particularly strong domain name, doing so isnt worth bankrupting yourself or your business.
  • Are there other names you can use? Before you settle for a premium domain name, do some research. See if you can find a slight variation thats just as good, perhaps by using a different TLD.
  • Are you planning to monetize your site? Its easier to make a case for a costly domain name if youre intending to build a money-making empire on top of it.
  • Is attracting a lot of traffic important to you? Catchy and memorable domain names tend to bring in more visitors, and are good for your Search Engine Optimization .

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Thoroughly Research The Domain

Much like a used car, domains have histories of use which can effect their valuation. And you dont want to be stuck with a lemon! Fortunately, you can find out all about its past and determine how it will impact your future. Heres what you need to check out: Was the domain sold previously? If so, for how much? Was the domain ever used to host a website or blog? Does the domain have any Google penalties or a negative backlink profile? You can use tools like Open Site Explorer or Majestic SEO to checkout backlinks for spam] Is the domain name making use of a trademarked name? Check the USPTO to make sure you are not buying a potentially infringing name which could get you in hot water! For brandable names, do a search in quotes on Google. Are there any derogatory listings involving the name

Where To Buy Domain Name At Cheap

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Buy Domain Name

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  • Your domain name must be unique, reflect your purpose well, and easily spell if you want to mark your online presence.

    In fact, buying a domain name is the first step to building an online business, but you dont have to spend a fortune on it. Instead, it must be affordable and provide security to your site as hackers and spammers are everywhere.

    But arent all domain names equal?

    The answer is NO.

    There are different types of domain names available with different extensions, each with its unique significance.

    If you are on the lookout for a domain name but dont know anything about how it works and why you need to choose the right one, this article can help you.

    Lets start uncovering the concepts, and then Ill discuss the best places to buy a domain name.

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    Ask About A Payment Plan

    Depending on who is selling the domain, you may be able to set up a payment plan to make this large purchase easier on your budget. Most large domain registrars will offer payment plans, with the domain ownership transferring upon receipt of the final payment.

    Meanwhile, you may be able to use the name, much as you can drive the car after taking out a car loan but the terms depend on the contract. Escrow has a service specifically for secure domain name transactions.

    Related: 3 Keys to the Right Domain Name for Building a Brand

    A payment plan, however, can be more difficult with private sellers, who wdon’t have the infrastructure to handle automatic monthly payments, or who may not have such a contract on hand. In those cases, hire a lawyer to draft up a simple agreement for both parties to sign. And then get to work marketing through your new domain.

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