Friday, July 26, 2024

How Can I Sell Domain Names

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Determining The Value Of A Domain

How To Sell Domain Names For Profit In 2021 | 6 Different Easy Methods

If you want to be successful in domain trading, you must first find out what certain domains are worth. The first indication of domain value can be found in the URL. The well-known top-level domains like .com or are much more in demand than new TLDs like .beauty. Short succinct domains are also better than longer, multi-word domains. Domains which consist of multiple parts and contain unusual words in particular, are the least likely to be sold and fetch very low prices.

Domains are also traded as SEO aspects. If the domain name already contains an important search term, the web address will most likely get a higher price.

To get a better idea of the market, you can use online tools like Namebio, which show the sales price of similar domain names. It allows you to determine roughly what price you can charge for your domain. Of course, you want to get as much out of your web address as possible, but a price that is too high will surely deter buyers. It is important to find a good middle ground.

$1 Domain Names

If you really want to get into domain trading, i.e. you want to buy and sell domains regularly, you should always keep track of pricing. Observe how the market behaves over a longer period of time. This allows you to estimate where the trends are going and which domains are worth investing in.

Learn More With These Resources

When buying the domains for reselling, you will always have a learning curve. Ask a lot of questions to those who have taken a step forward, opt for forum discussions, keep a track of industry trends and reach out to our support team for more information.

Go to the conferences to gain knowledge quickly and meet several other professionals in your industry. You can also get an idea about the tools and services available to you from different vendors of your niche. All these things will help you make smarter investment and get most out of your time and money.

Pallavi is a Digital Marketing Executive at MilesWeb and has an experience of over 4 years in content development. She is interested in writing engaging content on business, technology, web hosting and other topics related to information technology.

  • Hosting

Domains With Similar Names Can Be Sold For A Profit

Now here is something you need to understand when it comes to flipping domains successfully just because someone spends an enormous amount of money on a domain name does not necessarily mean they will throw big bucks to get a similar name too. Never base your domain flipping strategy on such assumptions because that rarely ever happens.

Every domain name piques the interest of the buyer due to a unique reason and the sale that follows is just as unique as the reason why the buyer wants to spend a huge sum of money on that particular domain name.

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Why Domain Value Tools Are Wrong

The worst tools out there are the domain value tools.

These estimate the domain valuation of your domain name using keywords and some equation that never gets released to the public.

These are generally offered from anyone who sells domain names like GoDaddy.

The trouble is these tools are almost always completely wrong.

For one thing, you’ll find that even ridiculous domain names will often be evaluated by these tools as being worth several hundred dollars.

Why Should I Register More Than One Domain Name

How I Made Over $1,000 Selling Domain Names. Full Tutorial.

There are lots of reasons to own more than one domain name. Businesses often buy misspellings of their names, for example, to capture those Web searchers who aren’t good spellers . Domainers register hundreds or even thousands of domains with the end goal of selling at least some of them at a profit. For them, the bulk domain search tool is a must.

There are other advantages of registering a variety of domain names:

  • Prevent competitors from using a domain name that’s similar to yours to trick shoppers into buying from them rather than you.
  • Advertise individual product lines on separate websites
  • Attract more site visitors by directing keyword domains you own to your main website
  • Increase your chances of getting listed by major search engines
  • Target specific groups of shoppers by using domain names that appeal to them
  • Give your customers more ways to find you on the Web
  • Protect your brand and online identity from squatters who might try to sell you related domains at outrageous prices
  • Thanks to GoDaddy’s bulk domain name search tool, you can check the availability of up to 500 domains at once.

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    Final Thoughts On Making Money Flipping Domain Names

    Flipping domain names can become an extremely profitable side hustle for anyone with a computer and internet connection.

    To get started, youll first need to find a domain name to purchase at a good price. Then, youll need to find potential buyers to sell your domain. You can sell domains a variety of ways including auctioning them on websites like Flippa or you can choose to sell it privately. Many domains can be sold in less than a few weeks, making it a quick way to make a few hundred dollars each month.

    Domain flipping is a great low-risk side hustle for just about anyone and I would 100% recommend it for anyone with even the smallest amount of technical skills.

    Have you ever flipped a domain name? Comment your experience below!

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    How Do I Buy Domains In Different Countries

    Most countries have their own TLD. If you want to market a product or service in a country that isnt your own, its worth securing the ccTLD before someone else does.

    Domains in other countries can have different registration rules which require you to provide certain information at the time of registering. For example, some ccTLDs may need a citizen to register, and others may be open to anyone in the world.

    As your business grows and enjoys global success, registering the ccTLD for the countries you want to reach is a great opportunity to build trust, and become more recognizable. Try our ccTLD registration page to discover the ccTLDs we offer here at Namecheap.

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    Let People Know Your Domain Is For Sale

    The more potential buyers you can attract to your domain the better, so it makes sense to let people know that your domain name is up for sale.

    There are a number of ways you can do this. Most domain broker services will ensure that your website is advertised for sale when someone visits the URL. Your domain name will also be displayed on the brokers site, although people may have to search to find it.

    You can also let people know that your domain is for sale via social media, domain investing forums and email outreach. Note: Its probably only worth letting domain investing forums know youre selling a domain if its an extremely premium domain that will attract a lot of attention. Email outreach works well for domains linked to professional services.

    How To Get A Domain Name Permanently

    How to Sell a Domain Names at GoDaddy

    While there is no way to 100% get a domain name permanently, theres no reason you cant own a domain for decades. After all, there would be chaos if Google, Forbes, or Microsoft all were forced to lose their domain names.

    Its important to understand the way domain registration works to protect a domain you really want to own.

    Just because you technically lease a domain name versus owning it, that doesnt mean you dont have control.

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    Determine The Value Before You Sell The Domain

    One of the most common pitfalls that we run into when trying to sell a domain name is believing it is more valuable than it actually is. Reading about those million-dollar sales can lead us to believe were sitting on a goldmine when our domain may only be worth the cost of a nice dinner.

    But hey, at least getting the cost of a nice dinner is something. If we dont temper our expectations, its likely well wind up with nothing. Listing a domain for more than its worth rarely leads to a sale.

    There are sites and services out there that will provide you with an estimate of a domains value. Those are only estimates though, based on algorithms. And like all algorithms, they are generic, not specific.

    I prefer to look at comparable sales. It isnt like selling on eBay where you can see what the exact same product sold for. Domain names are unique, so you have to look for roughly comparable names.

    Sites like DNJournal, estibot,, and NameBio provide information on what domains are actually selling for, so they are a good place to start.

    There are also rules of thumb you can apply. Like if sold for $100, you can assume that you could reasonably ask for 5 to 10 times more for

    Those multiples work the other way too. If you own a .net or .org version of a .com that sold for $100, you can expect to get 5 to 10 times less than the .com sales price for your domain.

    Have Your Domain Appraised

    The first step in the process is to determine the value of your domain name. This can be done through a variety of channels. You can appraise your domain name yourself or have the domain name appraised by a professional.

    Self-appraisal is a bit more challenging than with tangible commodities like a house or car, but the same process can be used. Some people check out sale prices on similar domains and work from there. A good resource to use when trying to appraise your domain name yourself is NameBio. They have a keyword-based search engine that looks up sale prices of particular domain names. You can find information on lowest prices, highest prices, average prices, who sold the domain and other pertinent information.

    But lets say you cant find a value for your particular domain name. This is when enlisting the services of a professional appraiser can help. A professional appraiser knows the market inside and out, and can provide valuable insight that can help you arrive at a fair market value for your domain name.

    Recommended Reading: How To Tell Who Owns A Domain Name

    How Do I List A Domain For Sale

    Namecheap accountDomain ListManageOther Domain SettingsSell Domain

    • Enter the Asking price for the domain
    • Select the number of days from the List Period menu for the sale to be listed on Marketplace
    • Choose Yes or No for Adult Listing from the drop-down menu.

    Domain Privacy Sell DomainNOTE 1: NOTE 2NOTE 3NOTE 4NOTE 5NOTE 6

    Search For The Names That Offer Real Value

    How to Sell a Domain Name at The Highest Price?

    You will need to find the ways for the domains you purchase to be a valuable asset to the buyer. Find someone who will get the benefit from buying the domain in a space you are known to. Think that you are a customer and someone is selling a particular domain name to you, would it be beneficial to you? So be honest. Ask if this is so then why? If this isnt so then why?

    Lets take a real example. Suppose you have deep knowledge about the cosmetics market and you get a discount offer on the e-store such as for $100. You might find this as a good deal only if that store comprises of plenty of cosmetics theres a lot of competition in that market and the turnover in the cosmetics is high. Ask yourself:

    • How much does the store owner earn behind per product?
    • What kind of domains are your competitors, retailers, etc. using?
    • Are they spending on advertising? If yes, how much?
    • How much will the selected domain help them to sound authoritative in their market?

    If you have right answers to these questions and in-depth knowledge of this niche then you have the idea of whom to contact and how to make this domain convincing so that it will help the business grow.

    Related: 10 Great Tips For Selecting A Great Domain Name From SEO Perspective In 2019

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    Reasons To Sell A Domain Name

    There are two main reasons to sell a domain name.

    First, you might want to sell your domain name if you no longer need it. This can happen if you purchase a domain name and close your business or if you never use the domain name.

    Alternatively, you might want to learn how to sell a domain name to make a profit. Buying and selling domain names is referred to as domain trading. Domain selling can be a lucrative business if you build up a solid portfolio of domains.

    There are risks involved if you plan to turn domain selling into an investment or business. You should learn about how to sell domain names before you invest a lot of resources.

    As far as commodities go, domains do not have a high level of liquidity. The sales process can be long, and you should be prepared to wait for offers. Additionally, if you run into trademark issues, you might have to surrender your domain for free.

    Understanding how to sell domain names is a useful skill whether you need to sell a few or if you want to invest in it long term.

    If you follow the steps in this guide, you can learn how to sell a domain name safely and for the best price.

    Godaddy Is Not The Only Kingpin When It Comes To Domain Registration

    Indeed, GoDaddy is perhaps the cheapest and biggest domain registrar in the world of domain flipping so much so that people use the term GoDaddy with domain registrar interchangeably. This is because they run massive marketing and advertising campaigns that pique the interest of buyers.

    However, GoDaddy is not the only kingpin when it comes to the domain registration business. There are many other great places for buying domains with excellent customer service and security support like Namecheap,,, etc.

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    Sell On A Domain Name Marketplace

    Another way to find buyers for your domain is to register it on a popular domain selling platform. Two of the best online domain marketplaces available are Afternic and Efty.

    These sites offer beneficial features like integrated escrow services and a user-friendly interface, and have considerable web traffic, increasing your domains exposure.

    To list a domain for sale, simply set its price in the domain manager of the preferred site. At Afternic, domain sellers can set a fixed price or hold an auction. On the other hand, Efty requires sellers to set fixed prices.

    Eftys plans start at $12/month for up to 50 domain listings. While Afternic does not charge a subscription fee, it has a 20% sales commission.

    Selling Domains And Selling Websites Are Two Different Things

    How to BUY & SELL Domain Names! | The Journey

    This article has talked about domain name sales, not website sales. But, its worth taking a minute to talk about selling domains attached to websites.

    Sometimes when you see that a domain name sold for a certain price, that sale price included the website and its files attached to the domains. The value of an existing website is easy to calculate, usually based on the income earned by the site. The domain name can be part of that value, but most of it is based on the amount of money generated.

    Websites are often specifically developed to be sold. That can start with an established site that is given a quick cosmetic overhaul and flipped, or it can start with only a domain name.

    The seller buys a keyword-based domain and then creates content based around that keyword to try to attract traffic to the site. If they can establish enough traffic to create advertising revenue, they have a sellable website.

    If that sounds like a speculative and potentially costly way to make a website sale, it is. But the risk can be reduced by studying keyword popularity, employing successful SEO tactics, learning how to createor discoverattractive content, and keeping your hosting costs low with multi-site reseller accounts.

    Recommended Reading: How To Value A Domain Name

    Opt To Purchase Com Extensions

    Today you can purchase many different kinds of website extensions. If youve ever seen a website end in .co or .net, these extensions are usually purchased if the .com extension has already been taken.

    The downside of these domain names is that they tend to be more expensive when purchasing through an auction. However, whenever you flip a domain with a .com extension, you’re likely to be more profitable.

    Domain Trading: How Can You Make Money With Domains

    If you choose the right domain name, it can be worth a lot of money. It doesnt matter what kind of website you have published at the web address. In principle, you dont even need a website to start actively domain trading, since the address itself is the thing with value. If you own a domain that others are keen to claim, you could even make a fortune with it. But how? What do you need to do to sell a domain?

    Register a domain name

    Build your brand on a great domain, including SSL and a personal consultant!

    Private registration

  • Transferring domains
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    Transfer The Domain Name To Its New Owner

    Once the escrow service has notified you they received payment, its a green light to transfer the domain to the new owner.

    Each domain transfer process will be slightly different depending on who you are selling the domain through.

    It can take up to 1 week to successfully transfer the domain depending on how responsive you and the buyer are.

    Your domain service will have documentation of how they handle transfers or you can contact support.

    Thats it! Congrats, you have successfully sold your domain.

    If you need help with buying and/or selling a domain name, consider hiring a domain broker.

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