Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How To Get Free Domain For Minecraft Server

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How To Get A Free Domain Name

Minecraft Server Tutorial – How to get a Free Domain Name –

Published on – Written By: Lars Lofgren

Ready to launch a new website? Finding and registering a domain name is the first step in this process.

Of course, it can be a bit confusing if youve never done it before. Luckily, you can find a domain name easily and for free.

Thats right. You dont have to pay to register your domain. There are plenty of different ways to get a free domain name for your new website.

Whether youre starting a blog, online portfolio, small personal site, or business website, this guide will show you how to get a free domain.

Connecting Your Domain To Your Minecraft Server

If you have a dedicated IP with default port 25565 please follow these steps, otherwise scroll down:

  • In DNS Management click on Manage A Records:
  • 2. Then click on Add A New A Record

    3. You will see 3 input fields:


    Note: You can use multiple A records at the same time, so you can for example make all 3 of the above mentioned.

    IPv4 Address:

    Here you will type your Minecraft IP Address


    Here you will always type 10000

    4. Once you are done, click on the Add Record button.

    Note: DNS editing takes up to 24 hours to take effect, do not be alarmed if you cannot use your domain immediately.

    If you have no dedicated IP please follow these steps:

    Even if you have no dedicated IP you can still configure your domain to hide your Minecraft port.

  • In DNS Management click on Manage SRV Records:
  • 2. Click on Add A New SRV Record:

    3. You will see 6 input fields:

    Service Record:

    Here you will type one of these options, depending on how you wish to join your server: will make you connect to Minecraft with will make you connect to Minecraft with

    _minecraft._tcp will make you connect to Minecraft with just

    Full Target Name

    Here you will type the IP/Hostname given to you when you first bought your server.


    Here you will type 10000

    Here you will type 1


    Here you will type 1


    4. Once you are done, click the Add Record button.

    How To Get A Domain Name With Hostinger

    Web hosting and a domain name are the two essential elements of making a new website. Some web hosting companies, such as Hostinger, offer a free domain with some of its most popular hosting plans.

    The benefit of using this method is getting all the necessary features and tools to create a stunning website. In addition, a free domain name from a web hosting company is a more secure option. Most provide opportunities to get domain privacy and protection.

    The following section will cover the steps of getting a free domain name using Hostinger.

    Recommended Reading: Where To Buy Expired Domains

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    Creating The Dns Records

    How to get a FREE custom IP address for your minecraft ...

    Once you have found the DNS for the domain you want to use, these steps will walk you through the record creating process. These steps assume you are already at the Custom resource records section of the DNS settings.

  • Make sure that the dropdown box is set to A
  • Confirm that the record got added in the list below the entry boxes.
  • Change the dropdown option above the list to be SRV
  • In the text box with the @, you will want to put _minecraft._tcp.If you made the A record with a subdomain, you will want to put the subdomain immediately following the _tcp. Example: If you have your A record set to be the @ box for the SRV record would need to be
  • In the box labelled Service parameters you will want to put the following in it: 10 5Note: Stay in this text box for the next couple steps as we will be adding more information into it.
  • Get the port of your Minecraft server, this is the number following the colon in the number IP address. Example: If your port is 12345, then you add that to the SRV record to make the second box: 10 5 12345.
  • Get your full domain for how people will be connecting to the server, if you did not use a subdomain it will just be something similar to If you used a subdomain in your A record, you will need to use something similar to
  • Don’t Miss: How To Create An Email With Your Domain Name

    Setting Up A Custom Server Ip

    We have a video tutorial for creating a custom IP for your server:

    In order for a player to join your Minecraft server, they need to have your server address to enter on their Minecraft client.

    By default, a server address looks something like this: but it can be confusing. An easy way to have a server address that is easy to remember is to use a domain or subdomain .

    Choose Your Web Hosting Plan

    Pick your web hosting plan and get a free domain!

    Single Web Hosting

    • Free SSL help_outline
    • Free Domain
    • 30 Days Money Back Guarantee help_outline
    • 2 Databases

    Optimized for small and medium businesses

    • Free SSL help_outline
    • Free Domain help_outline
    • Unlimited Bandwidth help_outline
    • 30 Days Money Back Guarantee help_outline
    • Unlimited Databases
    • Daily Backups help_outline
    • Free CDN help_outline
    • Cloudflare Protected Nameservers help_outline

    Perfect package for personal websites

    • Free SSL help_outline
    • Free Domain help_outline
    • Unlimited Bandwidth help_outline
    • 30 Days Money Back Guarantee help_outline
    • Unlimited Databases

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    Creating A Free Custom Subdomain

    We have a video tutorial for creating a subdomain for your Minecraft server:

    In order for a player to join your Minecraft server, they need to have your server address to enter on their Minecraft client.

    By default, a server address looks something like this: but that can be confusing. You want something that can easily be read and recalled. To do that, you can customize your server address by using a domain or subdomain . However, using a domain requires that you purchase one from registrars like Namecheap, GoDaddy, etc. and this might be something that isn’t in your budget.

    We got you covered! Here at Shockbyte, we provide a free service to let you create a subdomain of your choice with several domains to choose from so that you no longer have any difficulty remembering and sharing your server IP to others.

    Before we make our subdomain, we first need to identify your server IP and port. You can find this on your Multicraft server panel labeled as Server Address.

    For this example, the server address is

    Let’s get started on how to make our custom subdomain by following the steps below:

  • Navigate to the Subdomain Creator page:
  • Once you’ve completely filled the form out, click/complete the captcha.
  • Double-check on all the information you’ve filled out. You can see a preview of the subdomain you are creating on the bottom of the form. After which, click on the Create button to create your subdomain.
  • Why Do I Need A Domain Name

    How to get a FREE Custom Domain for Your Minecraft Server!

    Without a domain name, visitors will only be able to access a website using its IP address. However, its easier to access a website by typing in a domain name than a series of numbers.Other benefits of getting a domain include:Brand recognition. As a domain is the first thing visitors see, it is a part of a websites identity and branding. It can add credibility to a site, which is especially useful for an online business.SEO ranking. Domains with a keyword in the industry, for example,, can drive high organic traffic.Investment. There is a large marketplace of domains continuously growing. If you no longer use a domain name, it is possible to sell it.Reach. Connect with more potential visitors by making your website more accessible.Control. By registering a domain, there is no need to rely on the platform. If there is an issue with it, it is always possible to point the domain elsewhere.

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    Linking Domain With Our Server

    So now, we have a domain added to our cart already. We issued it for free from Freenom. If you already had a domain, you may have bought it from some other website. But that does not matter much.

    Although we will explain the process of linking domains with our server using Freenoms website as an example, we can assure you the process is very similar for other domain issuing websites as well.

    We will now give an overview of this process and then see how it is actually done using the domain added in our cart on Freenom. Remember, we mentioned DNS Servers whose sole purpose is to convert Domain Names to IP Addresses. So, linking a domain name with an IP Address means creating a record on one of these servers that contain your domain name and the IP address of your server/Cloud VM. There are many DNS servers worldwide and they constantly talk with each other. So, if you create a record on one of these servers, it will automatically be shared with other DNS Servers as well, although it will take some time to spread to all the DNS servers on the planet.

    Now that we know the process and what needs to be done to link our domain with the IP address, lets see how it is done.

    STEP 1: Find the Option to Use DNS

    • If you issued domain using Freenom as per the steps mentioned in the last section, you would see the following screen:-

    STEP 2: Enter HostName and IP Address of your server

    Note:- You can even change these DNS records later.

    STEP 3: Continue and complete the process

    Minecraft Server Hosting: Frequently Asked Question

    Still not sure which among the best Minecraft server hosting platforms to choose from? Or youre probably new to the game itself?

    Dont worry below are answers to the most common questions about the game and the process of setting up your server.

    Is Minecraft free?

    The game is not free. The price depends on the device where youre playing the game, but the desktop version of Minecraft costs $30. You can also make in-game purchases and get access to different game accessories .

    Is hosting a Minecraft server free?

    Some hosting servers offer a free trial. Once the trial period ends, you need to pay up for the plan you tried out. You can change the plan that fits your budget during the trial, so you can pay without getting your servers cut. Theres also a number of cheap dedicated server options out there with hosting plans starting as low as $2.50/month.

    How much RAM do I need for the Minecraft server?

    To accommodate a maximum of 10 players at the same time, you need at least 1 GB of RAM on your game server. The higher the GB RAM of your server, the more players you can welcome, the more enjoyable the game can become.

    Which is the best Minecraft server hosting service?What is the best free Minecraft server host?How much does it cost to host a Minecraft server?

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    Can You Help Me Set Up My Dns Record

    As every registrar is unique, we recommend first reaching out to your domain registrar for help. Often times, companies will have guides available or a support team on standby to help you.If you do need our assistance, feel free to reach out. While we can’t access external accounts, we’ll do our best to help you get things squared away.

    How Can I Link My Domain Name To A Minecraft Server

    FREE Custom Minecraft Server Domains!

    255651) Mapping a bare domain to your Minecraft serverHostValue: IP address of your Minecraft serverTTLServiceTTL2) Mapping a subdomain to your Minecraft server mc.yourdomain.tldPlease notemc.yourdomain.tldyour subdomainProtocolTargetProtocol Target mc.yourdomain.tldHostValueTTLService

    Recommended Reading: Where To Buy Co Domains

    Select A Web Hosting Plan

    Now we need to choose a hosting plan.

    Bluehost offers a few different shared hosting plans. Heres a look at the different price points for each of those plans:

    Heres what goes into each plan and what you could end up getting:


    • Dedicated IP

    My suggestion: The Basic plan.

    Its more than enough for most of you reading this. Plus, you can always upgrade to another plan down the road as your website scales. Check out our full Bluehost web hosting review for more information about these plans.

    Again, youll get a free domain name for one year regardless of the plan you choose.

    Which Is Best For You

    • Custom Domain – This allows you to use the domain itself as your server address. This option is best if you do not have a domain yet.
    • Custom Subdomain – If you already own a domain but you cannot use this as your server IP, you may instead use a custom subdomain . A subdomain as a server IP is ideal to use if the main domain is pointing to your server’s website.
    • Free Subdomain – Since most domains require for you to pay for its registration, you may opt for a free alternative using subdomain creators. This allows you to use a subdomain as your server IP without having to pay for the domain itself. You can create one for your server using Shockbyte’s Subdomain Creator.

    If you choose to use a custom domain or subdomain, you will need to create an A and SRV record through your domain registrar’s DNS manager.

    If you do not have a domain yet, you can register one from a reputable domain registrar. A few notable registrars are Namecheap, GoDaddy, and .

    Once your domain is ready, please refer to our tutorials below depending on your specific domain registrar or DNS manager:

    Also Check: How To Make Money Buying Domains

    Best Minecraft Server Hosting

    If youre looking for the best Minecraft server hosting to host a few games with your friends, youre in the right place!

    However, with so many hosting companies offering cheap Minecraft hosting, it can be hard to find a good deal that also offers everything you need for reliable gameplay.

    But dont give up yet. Were here to confirm that there are good Minecraft hosts out there that offer an extensive feature set and high-performance technology at an affordable price. And, in many cases, all you need to do is sign up for the service and the host will do the rest.

    In this article, were showcasing the best Minecraft server hosting options suitable for every budget. Well even share the fine details about technology stacks, support, and control panels, so youll know exactly what to look for before you make a commitment.

    Ready? Lets get started!

    Best Minecraft Server Hosting

    24 slots on budget. Unlimited on Premium. Customized Multicraft panel

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