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How To Find Out Where My Domain Is Hosted

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How To Identify Who Is Hosting My Domain

How to Find Out Where Your Website is Hosted

In this tutorial, I will share a super simple trick to find out who is your domain name provider. You need this information if you plan to transfer your domain or if you want to connect your domain to a hosting provider.

Finding out your domain registrar is a simple three step process. Here are the details.

Step 1.

Go to

Step 2.

Type your domain name in the search box and click Lookup. Make sure to check the captcha box. I am looking up information for the domain

You will now see details related to the domain. Look for the Registrar box. Here you can find the information related to the domain. The Registrar is usually your domain provider. Use the Registrar URL to log into your domain account.

Refer to the following screenshot.

As you can see above, the Domain Registrar host for google is MarkMonitor and url is

I hope this tutorial helped you. Stay tuned for more details related to website and website building

What Does The Show Dns Records Button Do

This service provides you with the details of DNS records of any domain. Input any domain name into the search box, and click DNS Records. Who Is? will automatically show all available DNS records A, NS, SOA, MX, TXT, etc.

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What Is The Difference Between Website Hosting And A Domain Name Registry

A website hosting provider and a domain name registry are two different terms. A web host can grant you both web hosting and domain registration services. Still, thats not a given.

Web hosting refers to a service that stores, serves, and processes files for multiple websites. This service grants you space to keep your files so that worldwide visitors can access them.

Domain name registries facilitate worldwide connectivity by associating human-readable website addresses to IP addresses. The domain name is how your website visitors find your website. At the same time, the domain is associated with your websites IP address, serving as its unique ID.

Why cant you just use the IP address to find a website? Well, technically, you can. But its a long string of numbers thats pretty challenging to remember. Domain names, on the other hand, are far more straightforward.

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Can We Keep Our Whois Data Private

In most cases, yes. When you purchase a domain either through a registrar or web hosting company you can pay an extra fee to keep your WHOIS data private. The fee typically runs around $10-20 per year, per domain.

However some domain extensions, .us is one example, do not allow private registration.

Checking Domain Dns Records Using Online Tools


If you do not have the ability to check DNS records using the command line, you can check records using online trusted tools. Down below are provided some online tools which you can use.

1. DNSRecords

The online tool where you can enter the domain name and all the domain DNS records will be provided is the website fully propagated or not worldwide.


This tool not only shows all DNS records for the domain but also shows how those records are propagated on the internet.

3. LeafDNS

This online tool shows domain DNS records. Also, this tool provides warnings and failures of the DNS records. So this leafdns tool will check if your DNS records are correct or no. Its quite helpful, for example, when you create custom nameservers for the domain.

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Checking Dns Records Using The Command Line

The most efficient way to check DNS records of the domain is to use a terminal with the command nslookup. This command will run on almost all operating systems . The command nslookup shows all DNS records of the domain and below will be provided various nslookup command for the different DNS record types to check using the command line.

For the demonstration, I will use our domain name When you will open the terminal window, type the following commands, just do not miss to replace with your domain name.

Lookup A record:

Lookup TXT record:

nslookup -type=TXT

Other DNS records you can check by replacing the DNS record type, for example, nslookup -type=SOA domainname.

Also, there are other commands which you can use to check DNS records, for example, ping or host. The ping command shows domain A record where the domain is pointed.

The host command runs on Linux and shows the IP address of a particular domain name or if you want to find out the domain name of a particular IP address.

nslookup and host commands output as an example:

A Quick Understanding Of Email

Before moving on, please make sure you understand a few things :

  • Email can be web-based or client-based. Web based is like GMail. You use your web browser to view it. Client-based is like using Outlook, Apple Mail or Thunderbird its a separate program you start and its not in your web browser.
  • If you use client-based email, you may have different sending and receiving hosts. You may login to one host to check/receive email and another host to send email.
  • Your receiving email host is either using POP3 or IMAP.
  • Your sending email host is using SMTP.
  • If youre keeping your email on the server and checking it from multiple locations or devices, then youre probably using the IMAP protocol .
  • If youre downloading your email every time you check it and clearing it off the server, then youre using POP3 as the protocol youre using email.
  • Email can also be forwarding from one place to another, so make sure youre checking for things like that.
  • Email can be a little tricky but there is a path you can follow and get answers, so dont give up!

    The 4 ways are below scroll on!

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    How Our Free Ping Checker Works

    Enter an IP address or a URL in the input box and we will ping it from more than 10 web servers worldwide. The ping utility will help you determine if a server/domain is working and the network is accessible. Map of the server locations from where we will ping the network:

    It usually takes less than 10 seconds for the ping test to finish and we will display results in a table with the ping server country, city, sent and received packets, the minimum, maximum and average ping from the location.

    This Ping tool uses the Internet Control Message Protocol Echo function as detailed in RFC 792. A small packet will be sent through the network to a given IP address or host name. This packet contains 64 bytes 56 data bytes and 8 bytes of protocol reader information. The device that sent the packet then waits and listens for a return packet. If the connections are good and the target domain/server is up, a good return packet will be received.

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    Where Is My Dns Hosted

    How to Point a Domain Name to an IP Address (DNS A record example)

    Technical SupportDNS, Linux, whois

    From time to time, youll have to make changes to your DNS records. For example, if you change IP addresses, your DNS A records will change. Youll also change DNS if you want to add SPF records to help email authentication. For these changes to work properly, its vital to know where DNS is hosted.

    DNS is always hosted at your domains authoritative nameservers. Your authoritative nameservers, and therefore your DNS, can be in three places:

    • Liquid Webs nameservers
  • Your private nameservers on your server or another server you control
  • Ex.:
  • Where you registered your domain name
  • Ex.: Enom, GoDaddy, Namecheap, etc.
  • If you are using Liquid Webs nameservers, you can update your DNS records in your Liquid Web account interface. If you use private nameservers on your server or another server, you can update DNS records in the control panel for your server . If your nameservers are where you registered your domain name, youll need to log into your account at that registrar and edit DNS there.

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    Best Web Servers For Windows And Linux

    Posted on July 13, 2022 in WordPress

    Your web server software can affect your websites overall performance and loading times. For that reason, selecting the best web server for your needs can be essential to your sites success. However, with so many options available, it can be challenging to know which one to install…

    What Makes For A Good Host

    Often, the search for hosting information is spurred by a desire to migrate to a new web host. Selecting a quality WordPress web host can take some time and research. One of the first factors to consider is what kind of hosting is best suited to your needs.

    There are several kinds of web hosting to think about, including:

    • This is the most basic kind of web hosting, and is good for small websites that are just starting out. With this type of web hosting plan, youll be sharing resources on a server with other websites.
    • Virtual Private Server . VPS hosting creates private segments of a server that is shared by several websites. Your section is just for you, however. You wont have to share resources, but you will be on the same server as other websites.
    • Dedicated. A dedicated server means you dont have to share at all. This is a good option if you have a large website or lots of eCommerce functionality you need resources for.
    • Managed. A managed WordPress host means you wont have to worry about updates and server optimization. Your host will take care of all the under-the-hood items that keep your website running smoothly.

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    Why Do We Need To Check For Website Hosting Providers

    This website host checker can help you in identifying who is hosting any website. It will give you a good insight to which web hosting provider can give you the best value to your online business. You can use this information in making comparisons whether it is for performance, ranking, platforms, and geographic locations.

    If you want to get in touch with the hosting provider of any domain, this free online Website Host Checker is the right tool for you.

    Web hosting provides all customers with all the technologies and services needed to make their website operational and visible on the web, whether they are for private or business use. This service also provides shared environments, which allows shared hosting, where multiple websites are being hosted using only one server. All web content including images, graphics, and texts were hosted on the local server so that performance doesnt rely on files that are stored outside of the web server.

    At present, there are thousands of web hosts that you can choose from, and we know how difficult it is to choose which of the web hosting company is perfect for your website. To help you in making a shortlist of the best web hosting providers, all you have to do is to use this Website Host Checker.

    Making Sure If Your Domain Is Correctly Pointed


    Since you know your domains current A record value, you can compare it to the one required by the hosting company. The value of your domains A record IP address should be the same as your hosting IP address.

    If they are different, you need to replace your current A Record value with the one provided by your host. This value should be changed from where your nameservers are pointed to at the moment. You can check the nameservers of your domain on Hostingers WHOIS lookup tool.

    Once youve accessed your domain manager on your hPanel, select the DNS Zone tab. Then, edit your domains IP address value under the A tab.

    Once saved and propagated, your website will be available again! Bear in mind that propagation can sometimes take up to 24 hours.

    Important! If your host specifically asks you to point the domain to certain nameservers, you need to check if your domains nameservers are correctly set up using a local computer console or a whois lookup website.

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    More Tips About Domain Registration If You Aren’t Sure Who Your Domain Registrar Is:

    Your domain registrar may be the same or different from your web host. It’s possible to buy these services from the same company, but they are actually different services. So you may want to check with your website host to see if they can help you figure out the company you bought your domain from, or if they are your registrar as well as your DNS hosting provider or domain host.

    If you are not sure who your web host is, you can find that out by examining your DNS record, specifically your nameservers. Our favorite tool for this is LeafDNS. If your nameservers are, for example, “”, then Bluehost is your web host.

    Domain names can be difficult or impossible to get back if you lose them, so you want to make very sure to renew it with your current registrar before it expires. Expired domain names are often snapped up by companies who just sit on them until someone is willing to pay a hefty price to get them back.

    And while you are at it, you may want to add domain privacy if your registrar offers it. This prevents you from getting spam from your public WHOIS data listing your administrative contact and other personal details.

    Do you need reliable web hosting from a company you can trust? Check out our plans and what makes us different!

    More FAQ in Domains

    How Does Our Website Host Checker Work

    This free online tool allows users to find out who is hosting any website.

    To use this website host checker, simply enter the URL of the website that you would want us to look up and then click on the Check Hosting button. The results will be displayed instantly.

    This free online website host checker is perfect for new website owners who are canvassing for web hosting companies that could provide them with the best web hosting service and uptime guarantee.

    We do not require our users to register, and there is no payment needed.

    Our Website Host Checker is a free online tool that you can use anytime you want.

    This host lookup tool provides users with web hosting data in just one click. Simply enter the URL of the website that you want to check, and then we provide you the web hosting data.

    Now, you can search with confidence with our fast and reliable results because our tool uses unique algorithms in checking web host details.

    We aim to provide you with the best web host search on the internet.

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    Do A Whois On The Domain

    The first place to always check is the whois record for your domain name. This lookup will tell you where the domain name is registered and where the DNS is.

    Head over to and enter your domain name.

    This resource is good because it clearly shows all the information you need to know:

    Notice the nameservers section and the registrar information.

    The registrar is where you registered the domain name. In this case, its with Wild West Domains, which is a reseller for GoDaddy.

    With the domain name servers , this is where all the records are kept saying which parts of the domain name go where. Theres a host for DNS. The host may be at the same place you registered the domain, with your hosting company, or somewhere else.

    If you ever move your website to another hosting company, you need to check where DNS is hosted. If its hosted with your old website host, they may stop hosting your DNS for you, which will bring down your website and email.

    There are sometimes tricky names for DNS hosts. For example GoDaddy uses DOMAINCONTROL.COM for their DNS hosting. Most people dont know that DOMAINCONTROL.COM is GoDaddy. If youre not sure who the DNS host is, then go back to the top and enter the domain name found under the nameservers to find out more about that host.

    For example, if the nameservers show up as:


    Why are there 2 nameservers?

    What youll do is remove the first part of the domain , which is:


    How To Identify A WordPress Sites Host

    How To Check Domain Hosting – Find out who is hosting any website | Smallseotools

    Posted in WordPress by Andrea Nugent

    When working with a website, you may sometimes need to do a little digging in order to find out who hosts it. For example, if youve taken over a project but dont have all its information at hand, youll need some of the data provided by the web host to begin managing the site.

    This can be especially important if the sites domain name host differs from the web host itself, and you are trying to coordinate services. Additionally, you may be looking to purchase a certain domain, or update payments on a hand-me-down project. Fortunately, there are several ways you can go about collecting the details you need.

    In this article, well look at how to discover who hosts a specific website. Well also highlight some helpful host-discovery tools, and touch on the features youll want to look for in a quality web host. Theres lots to cover, so lets get started!

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    Other Ways To Find A Website Host

    Using online tools is an easy way to find the hosting information of a website however, it does take a bit of knowledge and a bit of research. If you want to skip that part, there are a few other ways to find the website host of a page on the Internet.

    Use the contact form on the website

    Most websites nowadays have a contact form available for questions. You can use it to send an inquiry to the site owners or their team and ask about the hosting service they are using. Its good to also explain why you would need that information, otherwise, they may not answer or may get suspicious.

    Look for it on the website

    An alternate idea is to look for the information at the bottom of the website or on the About Us page. Usually, there is a message stating Powered by or Hosted on.

    Searching for the hosting information of a site that you own is a lot easier. One of the ways to do it is through your billing records, as its highly likely youve paid for it in the past. If you cant find it there, you can always ask the developers who helped create your website as most of them usually have preferred hosting services that they work with.

    If the site was created by another person and you bought it off him or her, you can always reach out to the previous owner and ask about the website host.

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