Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How To Anonymously Buy A Domain Name

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Buy A Domain Privately

How to Purchase a Domain Name (Where to buy a domain for website)

Private domain registration is an add-on service that many domain registrars offer and charge an extra annual fee for. Normally, when you buy a domain name, your information is listed publicly in the ICANN databases. When you buy a domain privately, the registrars information is listed as the contact information. So, the domain name purchase is not anonymous, however it is private.

Can I Buy A Domain Name Anonymously

  • 9. How to Register a Domain Name Anonymously. In case you don’t want to share your contact details, you can anonymously register a domain name. Some registrars provide privacy protection service for free with all lately registered and transferred domains. Using this service, you can fully hide your personal information and remain unnamed
  • Use a domain checker to find the domain you want to buy. Pick your domain. Choose a domain registration period and proceed with the checkout. Complete the domain registration. Submit your contact information which will be stored on WHOIS. Verify the ownership of your new domain
  • A domain is a unique and exclusive name of a website on the Internet. Each project requires a domain no matter it is an online store or internal service, parsing script, etc. Having a domain will make it easier to work with scripts, and a suitable domain name will attract more customers to the store
  • Buy domains anonymously with Bitcoin is pseudonymous, meaning that funds are not tied to real-world entities but rather bitcoin addresses. Owners of bitcoin addresses are not explicitly identified, only all transactions on the blockchain are national. In suburbia, proceedings can be linked to individuals and companies through idioms of use (e.
  • Learn how to buy a domain for your business or personal brand. We recommend buying your domain from Namecheap . We also s..

Choosing An Anonymous Hosting Provider: Factors To Consider

Good anonymous hosting does not disclose any personal information. With that in mind, finding the best anonymous hosting provider depends on a few important criteria:

Simple registration process

Since youre paying for data privacy, the registration process shouldnt ask for personal information such as your name, billing account, and other sensitive information.

Cryptocurrency payment

Unlike bank accounts, this payment method lets you stay anonymous when making transactions online. Hostinger, for instance, accepts Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin.

Domain privacy protection

This feature conceals your personal information upon domain registration of the DNS. Basically, if you don’t have this, then anyone can view your contact details on the WHOIS public database, assuming you’re the domain registrant.

Additionally, the web hosting provider must deliver the necessary features for great hosting. This includes generous storage space and bandwidth, robust customer support, and excellent site performance among many other qualities.

Also Check: What Is Buying And Selling Domains

How To Get A Domain Name From Namecheapcom

Namecheap is another popular website for buying domain names and getting website hosting. As their domain name prompts, they often have a lot of good deals and somewhat lower annular prices than GoDaddy, for example.

So if you love a good bargain, here’s how to buy a domain name via Namecheap.

Step 1: Run your desired domain name search first and review available options. Namecheap has a really huge collection of new TLDs such as .art .digital, .luxury among 400+ other options.

Also, if your name isn’t available or you’d like to get some more ideas, switch to their advanced search view aka the Beast Mode:

As you can see from above, you have a lot more features to play with such as price range, suffix/prefix, and so on. This can help you drill down to that perfect domain name that is short, memorable, available, and yet cheap!

Step 2: After you’ve chosen the best contenders, proceed to your cart to start the checkout process. At this point, you can also add some extras and customize your order:

With Namecheap, you get a lifetime free WHOIS protection for every domain name, plus they recently added a bonus premium DNS offer . When you enable it, your domain gets yearly protection against DNS/DDoS attacks , plus ultra-fast global DNS response. This gives you some extra leverage in terms of your website speed.

On top of that, you can select some affordable up-sells such as:

Also, you can play around with your renewal. Namecheap provides a small discount for 2+ years.

Is It Possible To Apply For A Domain Anonymously

Buy domain name free

Domain registration BasicWHOIS

It is not possible to register a domain with us anonymously. In the public WHOIS-records the owner of the domain and contact details will generally be visible.

Using anonymous information for the WHOIS-data of a domain has direct consequences for the legal ownership of the domain name. Because of this we do not offer anonymous domain names. Using anonymous information for the Whois-data can lead to complex problems when you need to reactivate a domain from the redemption period. A domain name can only be reactivated by the legal owner of the domainname as mentioned in the WHOIS-data. If you use anonymous information for this data then it is not possible to reactivate the domain name.

Please be aware that not all tld’s will show the same amount of contact information in the WHOIS-data of the domainname. You can consider this when making a choice which TLD is most suitable for your needs. For example with .nl domains only the name of the owner of the domain name and the e-mail address are shown if the owner is a company. If the owner is a private person then only the e-mail address of the administrative contact of the domain are shown and nothing else. For more information about this you can visit

Also Check: How To Make A Domain Name

How To Create A Custom Domain Extension

There are 1,530 top level domains according to Wikipedia. You can apply to create a domain extension, however, there are both benefits and risks in doing so. If your new TLD application is successful, you will have signed up to run a registry business and the registered domain names that use your own unique extension are your responsibility.

The benefits include setting the prices and rules, creating a community and enjoying a regular stream of revenue. The risks and responsibilities include the initial investment of $185,000, other ongoing costs, and competition from similar TLDs.

Moreover, when you create a TLD you are starting something completely brand new. There are no guarantees that it would become popular its a serious risk youd have to be willing to take.

Interestingly, it is possible to use your brand name instead of a more traditional .com or .biz, if your company can fulfill certain criteria dictated by ICANN. Apple, for example, may use, instead of The benefits to qualifying and registering a brand TLD include brand awareness and a diversified online presence.

Can I Transfer My Domain Name

Yes, most domain registrars can also facilitate the process of transferring a domain name from one person to another . For example, if you want to buy a premium domain name from someone, a registrar can help process the deal securely.

Also, you can transfer your domain name between different registrars if you found a better deal, for example, or just need some extra features.

Below are linked help documents for doing that with each registrar:


Recommended Reading: Why Are Some Domain Names So Expensive

How To Register A Domain Name For Free

You’ve heard the rumor about free domain names. Is it true?

Yes! There are actually ways to get a free domain name for your website.

First, you can get a free domain name for a web hosting provider such as Bluehost.

They offer every new user a 1-year free domain with any of their hosting plans. You can either register a brand new domain name with them or transfer a domain name, registered with another company.

Some other hosting providers who also have a 1-year ‘free domain’ policy:

  • HostGator
  • Dreamhost
  • InMotion Hosting

Note: The downside of getting a domain name from a hosting provider is more expensive renewals. After a free year, most hosting providers will charge a higher renewal fee, compared to domain registrars.

Best Anonymous Web Hosting

Steps to Transfer a Domain
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    Pseudonymity Anonymity And Linkability

    It is worth sketching out the difference between pseudonymity, a word we never use for a thing that’s pretty common, and anonymity, a word we use all the time but that actually refers to something very rare. These concepts can be made as complicated as anything else in the world of digital security, but the most basic definitions are often the most useful.

    Briefly, then, using an assumed name makes you pseudonymous, but in order to be anonymous, you must prevent others from linking that pseudonym to your real identity.

    Fortunately, these things are rarely black and white, so you can probably get away with “not very anonymous” and “really anonymous”. Or you can do what security people do and talk about “linkability” instead. The important thing is to recognise that anonymity is a shades-of-grey type situation. More specifically, it is worth asking, “prevent who from linking my fake name to my real identity”? If the answer is “a tech-savvy billionaire spy who’s also my roommate”, then you’re going to have to be really anonymous. If the answer is “someone who’s not very clever and doesn’t care all that much”, then a cool sounding pseudonym might just do the trick.

    Of course, this gradient of linkability is not specific to domain name registration. It pertains to all sorts of transactions, both online and off, including the simple process of choosing an email address.

    Can You Buy A Domain Name Anonymously

    Yes, you can buy a Domain Name anonymously. Nowadays, its quite simple to purchase a Domain Name and keep your name out of public view.

    In fact, many popular Domain Name Registrars offer âWhoIsâ privacy protection. This âWhoIs Privacy Protectionâ is a service that basically keeps your name out of public view and only lists your Web Hosting Providerâs Name as well as your Domain Name Registrar when someone searches for your Domain Name information.

    In addition, many popular Domain Name Registrars even offer âWhoIsâ privacy protection for free when you purchase a Domain Name through them.

    However, there is privacy and then there is âprivacyâ.

    The problem with WhoIs privacy protection is if somebody wants to, for example, sue you, they can simply go to the Domain Name Registrar with a court order, depending on the jurisdiction, and get your personal information that way.

    Although when you want to contact a Domain Name Owner WhoIs under âWhoIs Privacy Protectionâ, you can usually contact the Domain Name Registrar or Hosting Provider and the Registrar or Provider passes the relevant information on to you without you ever having to contact the person directly or them you directly.

    But you can actually go deeper in Domain Name Registration Privacy and go very âAnonymousâ.

    Im also going to attempt to answer some frequently asked questions regarding how to buy a Domain Name anonymously as well.

    Don’t Miss: What Should Your Domain Name Be

    Questions Related To Contractual Compliance Approach And Process

  • What is ICANN’s Contractual Compliance Approach and Process?

    ICANN approach and process can be found at this link: . ICANN, in collaboration with the different ICANN stakeholders, implemented the Informal and Formal Resolution processes. The processes ensure consistency for all parties involved, including ICANN’s global staff, contracted parties and complainants.

    ICANN undertakes various activities to ensure compliance with contractual obligations some of the activities are a result of complaints, some are monitoring and others are audit-related.

    The complaints are received by ICANN upon submission by complainants using the web forms posted at this link: or via an email to .

    The monitoring activities are ICANN-initiated, based in part on industry articles, social media postings, previous complaints, and trend analysis in an effort to proactively address any alleged failure to comply with contract terms.

    Please refer to this link to learn more about ICANN Contractual Compliance Audit program and activities.

  • Public And Private Linkability

    How to choose a domain name

    It is common, and sometimes even useful, to differentiate between public and private linkability. Sending your real name along with your pseudonymous email address is one example of public linkability. So is including your real contact information in the WHOIS registry when you purchase a domain name. Anybody who knows where to look can find evidence of your involvement.

    Private linkability is more complicated. Even if you are careful about choosing the portion of a pseudonymous email address or submitting carefully chosen WHOIS registry information there are still plenty of individuals, companies, agencies and robots capable of linking your pseudonym to your real identity. Perhaps you:

    • Have been using it as your personal email account for years
    • Linked it to a social networking profile
    • Paid for it with a credit card
    • Provided a “backup address” or mobile phone number when you created the account or
    • Sign into the account primarily from your home and office IP addresses.

    While private linkability is only dangerous in the hands of those who occupy some kind of privileged position, the list of such people is significant. It includes, at a minimum, those who know you well, domain registrars, email and social networking services, ISPs, surveillance agencies and anyone with access to your devices.

    Hypothetical but feasible threats include:

    Recommended Reading: How To Transfer Domain To Another Host

    How Hard Is To Be The Anonymous Owner Of A Website

    I’d like to create a website with a very radical political message. It won’t be unethical but I feel the points I plan to list in it will definitely make me a lot of enemies.

    How hard would it be to protect my identity from anyone finding out who I am? I know domains always have a $10/year option for privatizing your registration information but is there any other protection I should think about having?

    • 10You need to spend some time determining and then explaining just how anonymous you intend to be. Simply hiding your name, eg. whois protection, isn’t going to do it. It’ll help some, but more may be required.

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