Saturday, July 27, 2024

Where To Find Expired Domains

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How Credits System Works For Expired Domain Finder :

How to find Expired Domains with Backlinks from Authority Websites using Ahrefs & ScrapeBox

Many people have the confusion of how do we debit the credits. If I have to put in simple words, 1 Expired domain = 1 Credit.

With the Maximum domain filter, you have the full control of how much your credits should be debited. If you’ve selected 100 in the dropdown menu of Maximum domains filter and if Xpired finds 100 expired domains.

One hundred credits will be debited from your account. If Xpired was not able to find 100 expired domains and it just found 36 expired domains. It will only debit 36 Credits from your account.

If a domain doesn’t have expired domains we will charge 1 credit as our tool crawled the whole website. That’s why I would highly recommend that you crawl authority domains only. If the project fails due to technical error, we instantly refund the credit.

You can find all the credits debited from your account under the tool usage option. Tool usage allows you to see all the credits we’ve debited with Proper Data.

What Can You Use Expired Domains For

Although there are lots of things expired domain names can be used for, I personally use expired domains in 3 different ways:

  • Building authority sites
  • Building a private blog network
  • 301 redirects

But before I do that, I want to make sure that you understand exactly what you can use dropped domains for in a bit more detail.

Another Example Of Picking An Expired Domain

Let’s look at a different example real time. The keyword is “Paleo diet”.

I picked the first domain, “” 150 external backlinks, from 26 referring domains.

Next, I proceed to check the domain with SEO SpyGlass and examine the Linking Domains tab:

The link profile looks okay, it even has an .edu backlink.

Links from Chinese or Arabic domains would be a sign of spam.

Now I look at the Linked Pages tab:

You can see that the links point to several different pages, which is good, it’s a balanced link structure. I would need to re-create these pages on the new blog if I decided to use this domain, this way the link juice is preserved.

Off-topic pages, such as iPhone and other branded stuff would disqualify the domain.

One more thing to check is

Make sure the domain isn’t redirected or spammed.

It also makes sense to look at the prospective domain’s InLink Rank :

Recommended Reading: How Can I Check If My Domain Is Blacklisted

How To Find Expired Domains :

Now you’ve to put a domain for crawling. You just can’t insert a domain which has absolutely no authority. So for finding good authority domains in your niche here is an excellent method you can use.

Go over to detailed, and now you can see a list of top websites in different niches.

For Example, I need a domain in tech niche, So what I will do is go over to tech niche list.

Here is an Important tip : Do not go for popular websites because they’re crawled regularly, and you might not find good expired domains.

For Example : Mashable or techcrunch.

So always go for the less popular domain in your niche. Now, As I said, we need an authority site. Once you’ve figured out which websites you want to crawl. Insert those domains in bulk da pa checker.

Now filter out the domains by Domain authority. Next step is we’re going to use google dork to see if the domain has enough articles indexed.

You don’t want to crawl a domain which has authority but very less articlesfor example, e-commerce websites.

P.S : More articles, More chances of Expired Domains.

Now, As I’ve filtered out Pando, Now I will use the dorks. To see whether it has enough articles or not.

Most of the authority sites use their name in their title and Pando is no other. They’re using their brand name in every title. So here I am going to use the dork

Site:domain intitle:name

Now you have to insert the domain in Xpired and let the crawl begin.

Is The Expired Domain Relevant To My Current Site

How to find expired domains: best places to buy expired domains with ...

Relevancy trumps everything. Id take a relevant site with a

DR 15 relevant site over a domain authority of 15 over an irrelevant one with a DA of 40 any day of the week. So just ask yourself the question: How close is the old website to what youre about to build on the domain?

As weve seen from what John Muller said, if its not too close, you might get a lot less benefit from your dropped domain.

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Things You Must Consider Before Buying Dropped Domain Names

1. Check the domain authority and trust flow.

Look for domain authority of more than 10 and a trust flow of more than 20. If you find one such expired you can put it on your bucket list to buy.

But do not immediately take out your credit card to enter your details before checking other factors too.

You can check out the domain authority and trust flow at sites like, Moz, etc.

Related Read: Best Sites To Check Domain Authority .

The trust flow of a domain is determined by the trustworthiness of the domain which is measured by for free.

Related Read: How To Increase The Trust Flow Of Your Website.

2. Verify whether the expired domain you want to buy isnt banned.

You need to check if the terminated domain you want to buy does not have unwanted pages like p*rn sites or something like that.

You can check it by going to and seeing the history of the site. You just have to enter the domain name with extensions like .com, .net, etc., and hit the browse history button.

It will show you a calendar of the pages of the site Google has crawled in the past.

Another thing to check is to verify whether the domain you are interested in is banned by Google or not.

You can use sites like BannedCheck, and to check for the same.

And if you find any red flags, I would recommend you to steer away from that domain.

3. Check the number of backlinks of the expired domain.

Check for metrics like:

Related Read: Best Sites To Check Backlinks

What Are The Major Benefits Of Buying An Expired Domain

1.Domain Authority: This is one of the primary reasons people consider buying expired domains. Having a DA above 30 can help you improve your search rankings.

2.Backlinks: It is a lot of work to build backlinks for a new website but if you got an expired domain that has a lot of backlinks then it can save a lot of your valuable time.

3.Ranking: If the domain is already indexed and getting a decent amount of traffic, then it can definitely help you rank well. There are some other factors like age, page authority that help to boost ranking.

In this post, I am going to write about the top 5 websites which you can use to search for good expired domains.

Read Also: How To Login To My Google Domain

Are Expired Domains Good For Business Sites

Of course, they are, as long as the backlink profile if fine and there are no trademark issues from the past owner of the domains.

As soon as a domain name is expired and dropped anyone can register it and they will become the sole owner of that domain.

Fernando Raymond is famous for using expired domains to build business websites and he teaches people on how to find good expired domains and build a money making blogs.

You can join the PBN Deymistified platform or the to learn more about expired domains trading.

There over another 9 tools, you can use to find expired domains and I have listed it all in this article Top 10 Expired Domain finder tools to find high-quality domain

Expired Domains Tool: Why Seek Expired Domains

How to Find POWERFUL Expired Domains Cheap (SEO Tutorial)

It is often thought that expired domain names that rank well in search engines provide SEO advantage. Expired domains are considered to transfer their SEO benefit and favor to other websites.

Why should you consider purchasing expired domain names?

There could be many for seeking expired domain names. Lets consider a few:

  • Domain Age: In SEO, old age domains give you a slight edge as compared to new domains as per many experts. For instance, it is relatively easier to target and gain a top position in Googles Search results which was registered a few years ago than a brand new, recently registered domain.
  • Reputation and Web Ranking Factors:Most of the old domains will have a better Google Page Rank, Alexa rank, social media/networking shares and other important web factors. For a new domain, the process to reach that stage can take a lot of time and trouble.
  • Existing Backlinks: Backlinks are essential for the overall performance of a blog or website. But in the case of existing or old domains, there isnt an immediate need to build new backlinks because they are already available. This will serve as a boosting factor for the expired domain that you have just purchased. However, bad backlinks are likely to backfire.

Also Check: How To Connect My Domain To Wix For Free

How To Get A Backlink From Wikipedia

Now in order to show you the power of this tool, we are going to look for a domain that still receives backlinks from Wikipedia. In order to find one, click on Show filter. Lets say you have a blog about dogs and you want to find a proper expired domain. Use the contains: dogs field. Next, you want to check only available domains so we only get to see domains that are still available for registration.

Next, if you click on Adwords & SEO you can do all kind of cool things. For example, look for expired domains that contains:

  • A certain search volume
  • A backlink from Wikipedia
  • A certain amount of linking domains
  • Rankings in the top 20 in Google
  • Receiving traffic from Google

For this example. Put 1 into the Wikipedia links field and click Apply filter.

Here you can see that there are 13 domains that match your search criteria and they are still available!

Now lets check where they actually receive a backlink from Wikipedia by searching the following:

Hah! If we scroll through the search results or look for Wikipedia with CTRL+F we can see a Wikipedia page ranking. If we visit this page we can see what it is about:

Now press CTRL+U to view the source-code of the page and look for the domain using CTRL+F, in our case

This results in the following:

  • Proper backlink profile within dogs category
  • Link equity from Wikipedia, but also Wikizero and Yahoo Answers
  • Nice and catchy exact match domain if you are looking for a new business opportunity

How To Find Expired Domains: A Detailed Study

If you were thinking about buying a domain name, then you probably came across expired domains.

As you may already know, domain names are not issued without a deadline. You pay an annual fee for maintaining ownership of any domain, and if you do not pay at the indicated time, you will lose your ownership.

The domain is again for sale, and anyone can buy it. Thats why, to get your recently expired domain name at your disposal, you can buy it through a domain auction or do your own search on an expired domain. Depending on who the owner was, this may be beneficial or disadvantageous.

If you want to gain an advantage in an SEO game or find the perfect domain name on which you want to create your website, you will find some value in expired domains.

Below you will find out what an expired domain name is, as well as various ways to use them.

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How To Value Expired Domains

Ultimately when buying expired domains, I am doing so to get a head start with SEO.

In fact it gives you such a head start, that at this point there is no reason to build sites on new domains anymore unless its a branding play.

With that said:

95% of an expired domains value comes from its backlink profile.

Essentially the question you want to ask when valuing any domain name is:

How much would it cost to replicate this backlink profile?

And not just how much would it cost financially, but also how long would it take you to build a similar backlink profile.

Reputable link building services are charging-

  • $170 each for high quality niche relevant links
  • $2,000-$5,000 each for editorial links from sites like the BBC & New York Times

So that makes it very easy to appraise the backlink profile of an expired domain and figure out its true value from an SEO standpoint.

Click here to learn how to check domain ownership history& historic domain authority

Why Are Expired Domains Of Value

5 Ways to Find Expired Domains for Link Building

Expired domains matter for SEO because these domains still have backlinks pointing to them. By re-registering them again, you can point these backlinks to your own website.

In some cases, you can even find domains that still rank for certain keywords and still receive traffic from those rankings! You have to be quick though, as Google will notice expirations at some point, as a result the website will slowly disappear from the search index.

However, not all expired domains are valuable and there are different ways to use them .

Read on.

Also Check: How Much Is It For A Website Domain

How To Find Expired Or Expiring Domains With High Traffic

I like the idea behind expired domain marketing, but its a little tricky to explain to people. A lot of people feel like the web is somewhat immutable, that it doesnt change in broad strokes. Marketers know that everything is constantly in flux and that sites can disappear in an instant, but thats not the public perception. Sure, content changes from day to day, but Facebook will always be Facebook and that blog you like will never change or disappear, right?

Well, the reality is that sites come and go every day. Sites that have existed with little purpose or content for over a decade might be dying right now. All it takes is one person to decide they want to stop paying for the hosting and domain name, and the site expires. The content disappears and the domain name returns to public availability. In some cases the domain registrar will park the domain in others, they simply let it go.

The idea behind expired domain marketing is to find the domains that have existed in the past and are expiring soon. This is distinct from registering a domain that has never been registered before, because the domain has a history. One minor Google search ranking factor is domain age, which can be checked fairly easily.

What do you do with the domain, then? Well, there are three options.

So how do you identify domains that have traffic you can use? Its a multi-step process.

About Expired Domains Tool Offered By Smallseotools

Hundreds and thousands of domains are getting expired every day for various reasons. The webmasters might forget to renew the domains, or they dont need them anymore. It is generally thought that expired domain names must be useless and they are nothing more than a cluster of deleted domains now. On the contrary, those who are well aware of the SEO tactics and the value of quality backlinks are aware of the fact that these deleted or expired domain names are real money if you know how to use them.

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Building An Authority Site On That Domain

I have personally done this in the past. We bought an education niche domain and added around 100+ articles on that blog.

That domain was getting backlinks from some high authority education websites, so we didn’t put any extra efforts to make backlinks for that domain.

We were surprised to see the ranking of our domain name.

Every article we used to write in that blog was ranking in Google.

Although it worked for just a few months, but we made a handsome income with the domain name.

So you can build a site around that expired domain and get the ranking from the past authority of that domain.

Expiredomainsnet: Daily Updated Domain Lists For 476 Tlds

How To Find Expired Domains WITH TRAFFIC

One of the easiest sites to find and buy recently expired domains is on This daily updated website lists millions of expired domains within 476 TLDs . Searching is super easy with a lot of filtering options. Head over to and create a FREE account by clicking on Sign up.

Enter your details, fill in the capcha and click on the Sign Up button.

Now, if you take a look and hover over you will see an archive of expired domains. Hover over Archive 2020 and you will see the most recent month, in our case Here you can see that in september alone 798.808 domains expired! Click on this to get the following result:

On the left, you can see all domains that are expired. A quick look at the columns also show us when they have been dropped and what the status is.

Now lets say you own a photopgrahy blog or you are a photographer and you are looking for some initial backlinks through expired domains.

Lets see if we can find some hidden gems! Click on Show filter and look for domains that Contains the phrase and check no Adult names and click on Apply filter.

This gives us the following results:

As you can see there are 4.418 Domains matching your criteria. However, some of them are already registered Yes, unfortunately, this link building strategy is known to many other around the world. Lets see what is still available by clicking on Show filter again and check the box Only available domains.

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