Thursday, July 25, 2024

What Is My Domain Worth

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How to determine the value of a domain name.

Domain names were invented to make it easier for people to access websites, so its important that your domain is easily understandable. Does the domain sound good? Will people know how to spell it after hearing it? Is it easy to remember? Any confusion that your domain causes will negatively impact how much others are willing to shell out.

Best Domain Appraisal Services: How Much Is Your Domain Worth

Looking to sell or buy a domain name? Its crucial that you have the proper information and a carefully considered valuation before starting any negotiations. A ballpark figure in mind can ensure that you dont leave money on the table. It also prevents you from driving potential customers away by quoting too high. Luckily, there are a few domain appraisal services that can help you arrive at a rough estimate.

Domain appraisal services are not simple math, and estimates can vary vastly. In fact, the correct price for a website or domain name is what you can actually get someone to pay for it. What these appraisal services do is merely help you find a starting point an amount that you can use as an anchor before doing further research.

Before using the following domain appraisal services, it helps if you know what the factors influencing the valuation of a domain name are. Generally, the valuation is calculated taking into account the following elements:

  • Domain extension how popular is it?
  • Length of the name the shorter, the better, as its easier to remember.
  • Simple names that are easy to spell and without special characters score higher.
  • Phonetics matters nice sounding names are valued higher.
  • Whether the name can be used globally or locally.
  • Business potential does the domain name have any intrinsic commercial value.
  • Recent sales of comparable domains.

Best Domain Appraisal Tools: How To Estimate Domain Value

Im a firm believer in doing your due diligence before any purchase. This not only goes with websites and businesses but includes finding domains to build sites on or to flip for a profit. The right used domain can be a huge boost when starting a new site.

Likewise, while flipping domain names may not be as common as it once was, there are still great unclaimed domain names that can be bought for the base cost and then sold for hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

There are several tools I use to look at the potential of various domains before moving forward with a purchase.

  • Wrap Up
  • Recommended Reading: What Is The .io Domain

    How Domain Sales History Works

  • Fill in the domain where you would like to view recent domain sales for.
  • and the domain sales history database will be searched.
  • View result and view comparable domain name sales.
  • Free Valuator offers free and professional domain and website appraisals.

    Appraise domains on your mobile! Download the Free Valuator app:


    Compare Your Domain To Recent Sales

    How Much Is My Domain Name Worth? (7 Online Sources to Help You)

    When people sell a car, they usually check out recent sales data to see how much they can get for it. The same thing can be done with domains. Many websites offer information about recent domain sales. These include sites like DNJournal or ShortNames.

    While you cant search these sites and get an exact match for your domain, you can take a look at transactions from the past few weeks. Take a look at the domain itself and how much it went for. You can use the data to compare and contrast the quality of your own domain and come up with a reasonable starting price.

    Read Also: Cost Of Purchasing A Domain Name

    See What Buyers Will Offer For Your Domain Name Right Now

    Theres no better way to get the real value of your domain than to put it up for sale. This may seem a bit drastic, but its incredibly effective. You see, estimations will only get you so far. Your domains actual value is how much real people are willing to pay for it. Just because it seemingly fits all of the criteria doesnt mean that youll get a ton of money for it. On the other side of the spectrum, you may think that your domain name doesnt hold much value at all, only to find someone who has been searching high and low for something just like it.

    This technique can be a bit tricky, but there are ways to minimize the risks. Essentially, youre going to put an ad up for your domain on a marketplace website as if you were selling it. Then, you simply wait to see what kinds of offers come in. To ensure that your domain name doesnt actually get sold, you can apply a reserve to your listing. This reserve prevents the sale from going through unless a certain threshold is met. On domain marketplace sites like Flippa, you can set the reserve amount pretty high and hide the amount from buyers.

    Most domain auctions last for about two weeks. During this time, people will view your ad, check out your domain, and make offers based on what they think its worth. Because your reserve is hidden, theres no outside influence whatsoever. Just real and honest information about the value of your domain.

    Domain Name And Length

    A rule of thumb is: the shorter the name of a domain, the higher its value. However, there are a few conditions attached to this rule because otherwise domains with arbitrary strings of letters, such as or, would also be worth pots of gold. The decisive factor for the domain value is therefore whether the domain which should be as short as possible has a meaningful name or contains well-known abbreviations, puns, or similar that could be of interest to buyers. On the other hand, the value of a domain is lower by default if it contains cryptic names and endings or combines several words or terms.

    Have you found the perfect domain variant for your web project but have just realised that its already taken? In our article well talk you through how to proceed if your dream domain is taken.

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    Buying A Domain Name This Is What You Need To Know

    Anthony Heddings is the resident cloud engineer for LifeSavvy Media, a technical writer, programmer, and an expert at Amazons AWS platform. Hes written hundreds of articles for How-To Geek and CloudSavvy IT that have been read millions of times. Read more

    A domain name is your websites location on the internet. It translates the digits that make up your IP address into something catchy that people can remember. Domain names are bought through Domain Name Registrars, companies that manage the reservation of domain names and point them to your website.

    Read More From Toughnickel

    Domain Valuation – How to Price and Sell Domains

    5. is the worlds biggest domain brokerage. Sedo provides an instant appraisal service once you become a member and log in.

    There are many other sites onlinesome require payment and others are free. From my experience, the five best ones are listed above, but another site,, provides an instant appraisal service that you may want to try out.

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    What About A Completely Generic Domain

    Im glad you asked! Generic domains have astounding marketing potential. Also, keep in mind that since domains are a facet of ones brand they serve as an extension of marketing. Generic domain names can do a stellar job of instantaneously and consistently promoting a company and their goods or services.

    For example, if a company can brand themselves as or Theyre going to choose any day of the week as it promotes theyre the authority on the subject. You dont have to explain to people and sees the products of two companies. One is Nike and the other is

    We know Nike is a colossal fitness company. This is because of the millions of $s theyve spent every year for decades to remind us they are THE place to buy running equipment. made a one-time purchase of a single domain name that they now own forever which solidifies them as an authority on the subject. The generic prowess of places their brand on par with the likes of industry titans.

    Lets say for a moment that you own Its a single-word, generic, 7-letter, .com. Also look at the alternatives,,,,, etc. Are they being used? Who owns them? Have they sold before? Is that information public?

    What Is A Domain Name

    When you are looking for a particular site you have to enter the web address into the web browser address bar. This address is the domain name. While PCs feature IP addresses a progression of complex numbers that recognize them, these series of digits can be hard to recall. Therefore domain names were created to be used in programs since they are a lot simpler to review and type while getting to a site.

    Pick a domain name that will appeal to your clients and address your organization well for quite a long time to come. Your organization name ought to be in your web address and make sure to keep it simple so it will be top of mind and important when individuals are searching for your site and business. A domain name can be any combination of letters and numbers, and it tends to be utilized in a mix of the different domain name extensions, for example, .com, .net and the skys the limit from there. however, you ought to keep away from underscores and different characters that are difficult to recall and may make disarray.

    Recommended Reading: What To Do After Buying A Domain

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    Calculating Domain Worth: Which Factors Are Important

    My (Domain) Name Is Worth $2700

    The paid services for determining domain value typically consider significantly more criteria, which is why you can generally expect a more accurate result. But how should you as a domain owner be able to assess whether an investment of £35-70 for the determination of the domain value is worth it? In the final part of this guide, well look at some of the most important evaluation criteria, which you can use to make an initial assessment of the domain name value on your own.

    Before you sell a domain and assess its value, you should check everything is legally sound: Trademark infringements can end up costing an arm and a leg! A good place to start is the British Library who explain how you can find out if a similar trademark already exists.

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    Potential Problems With Domains

    Christopher Gimmer founded Snappa, a site that helps people without design skills to quickly create graphics for social media, blogs, and websites. Because the domain was taken, he decided to register The business took off and was generating $25,000 a month in revenue.But Gimmer started experiencing issues with his domain name. He explained three problems the company ran into:

  • Branding and trust. He felt that in his case, owning the .com was key to showing users that the business was serious.
  • Avoiding confusion. Customers were sometimes confused when they visited instead of One even emailed the company thinking the Snappa service was down. It turns out they were just on the wrong domain!
  • Growth potential. Gimmer took inspiration from the story of, a business that took a big risk by purchasing for $675,000 and ended up thriving.
  • Its worth noting that these issues arent common for all businesses, and some brands are quite successful with non .com domains. As we noted in a previous article, the Consumer Electronics Show does quite well with, and Freedom of the Press Foundation created a great brand identity with

    You Might Want To Keep Your Domain

    Knowing your domains worth might come in handy when youre looking to prioritize the renewals in your domains portfolio.

    Understanding the value of the domain you already own will help you rethink deleting it or allowing it to expire.

    You will want to make sure it is set to auto-renew so you dont risk losing it if it expires by mistake.

    If you are keeping your domain, you will want to treat it with all the importance of physical property and keep it safe. Adding in extra protection to a domain name you own, like privacy with protected registration and added account security, like two-step verification, will help further protect your valuable domains.

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    How To Determine The Value Of Your Domain Name

    Theory is all well and good, but to find out how much your domain might be worth, youll need to get practical. To do this, were going to show you how to perform a domain valuation in three simple steps.

    Bear in mind that these steps dont need to be performed all at the same time or in this specific order. However, what follows is a recommended process that can help you get a clear and comprehensive understanding of your domains worth. Lets get started!

    How Much Is A Domain Name Worth

    How Much is My Website Worth?

    The domain is worth whatever the end buyer will pay for it. Simple as that.

    Its your job as the seller to justify the sale valuation. You can use comparables of past sales with similar terms, TLDs, age, scarcity, among other characteristics to set your price. Make sure to collect the data at the time you are self-appraising your domain so you can use that to back up your price if needed.

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    Understanding Domain Name Valuation

    Domain valuation is the process of determining the value of a given domain. Its a similar process to when companies are valued, but much less intensive.

    Before we jump into how to do a domain appraisal, lets have a quick overview of how domain names work. If you already have the basics down, such as how to register a domain, feel free to skip to the next section.

    If youre just getting started building websites online, this section is for you.

    Domain names are synonymous with URLs , but essentially its what a user types into their browser address bar on their search engine to access your site things like,,, etc.

    There are two primary parts that make up a domain, the second level domain and the top level domain. These two factors will also contribute to a domain valuation,, but more on this below.

    Heres how top-level and second-level domains work together:

  • Top-level domain. Even though its called top-level, this portion of the domain name is what comes at the end. It can also be referred to as a domain name extension. This is the .com, .org, .net portion of a domain name.
  • Second-level domain. This portion of the domain name is the central portion of a domain and often refers to the name of the website, in,hostgator is the second-level domain and also the name of the company.
  • Whether youre purchasing a domain name for a new project, or simply to hold onto and sell one day, the process remains the same.

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