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Should I Transfer My Domain To WordPress

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How To Transfer A Domain Name To Google Domains DomainTransfer Tutorial: How to Transfer Your Domain Name

If youve already registered your domain at another domain registrar, you can also transfer your domain from that registrar to Google Domains.

The process is fairly similar but youll also need to perform some actions at the registrar where your domain name is currently registered.

To get started, and click the Transfer tab. Then, enter the domain name that you want to transfer:

Google Domains will automatically detect where your domain name is currently registered and provide a step-by-step wizard to guide you through the transfer process:

Once you finish the transfer, youll be able to manage your domain name just as if youd registered it directly through Google Domains.

Google Domains is definitely one of the best places to register a domain name.

Google Domains offers transparent, competitive pricing for most popular domain extensions. It can be pricey for certain extensions like .io but its near or below the competition for extensions like .com and .org.

It offers a well-designed interface, along with nice features like free privacy protection, Google DNS, automatic Google Search Console verification, and strong two-factor authentication.

If youre having trouble getting a specific domain name, that domain might be parked. Learn more about that here.

And if youre looking for WordPress hosting to pair with your new domain, give Kinsta a look.

Save time, costs and maximize site performance with:

Transferring A WordPress Site To Hostgator

Have you thought about getting new web hosting for your site but hesitate because youre not super tech-savvy and youre not sure whats involved in making the switch?

If thats you, youre in the right place.

I moved my WordPress site to HostGator in in 2018 order to bring you this post, and now Im updating it with expert advice Ive learned from HostGators Web Pros since then. Heres how it went for me, how its going now and how you can transfer your site as smoothly as possible.

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Different Domain & Hosting Scenarios

Lets say youre just starting out on an illustrious career as a WordPress developer.

The world is filled with WordPress developers and you badly need your first client. So, like a modern Tech Renaissance manwoman polymath, you advertise yourself as Digital Overlord, Full Stack Magician, Scrum Master, Growth Hacker, Innovation Sherpa, Security Princess and in no time, your first client walks in through the door.

The client wants a simple WordPress website for their small business. You figure, why just sell websites? Why not become a one-stop shop, put all your skills to good use, and make money not just from WordPress development, but also website management, digital marketing, WordPress optimization, web security, and web hosting?

So, you find a one-stop hosting provider that offers domain registrations, domain management, and hosting all under the one roof. And they have an affiliate program too!

Bada-bing, bada-bang youre in business!

As per your promise to take care of all your clients digital needs, you register and set up their domain name, purchase space in a shared hosting server and set up their account, and build them a scrumptious-looking website using WordPress.

Your business looks set to grow, so you decide its probably best to upgrade from shared hosting to a virtual private server. Lucky for you, your hosting company also offers some great VPS hosting packages, so you upgrade and carry on with your business.

Recommended Reading: How To Transfer Godaddy Domain To Squarespace

Upload The WordPress Backup Files

Youve got the Installer and Archive files downloaded on your computer.

Now you need to log into your new domain name with an FTP client. On the root directory, you can upload the Installer and Archive files.

After uploading the files, you can go ahead and visit this URL on a browser tab:

In this URL, will be replaced with your new domain name and installer.php can help with the migration as discussed above.

Once you run this URL, the migration process will begin automatically.

On the next screen, you can leave all the settings as-is. Start by checking the terms and conditions option. Click on the Next button to continue.

Next, youll need to enter the database information.

In the Host field, you should enter localhost and the other fields will get the details that you copied previously.

Make sure to click on the Next button.

After that, itll upload your WordPress backup files to the database that you created for the new domain name.

Itll display the new settings, including the URL, Path, and Title of your new domain. If the information is correct, then click on the Next button.

The process will be finished and your website will have moved successfully to your new domain name.

Last, youll see the Admin Login button that will take you to the WordPress login page for your new domain name.

Reactivating All Plugins And Updating Permalinks

How to Change your WordPress Domain Address?

Now that everything is working fine, go ahead and activate your necessary plugins. To do that, navigate to Plugins -> installed plugins, select activate from the Bulk action drop down and hit the Apply button.

To update your permalinks, go to Settings -> Permalinks, select your desired permalinks structure and Save Changes.

Read Also: How Much For A Domain Name Per Year

Domains And Hosting A Few Basics

Owning a blog or website involves two separate pieces, your domain and your host. Its important to understand these elements for the most effective management of your site.

The domain is the address people use to get to your site. For example, this sites domain is You can register a domain with any number of registrars or providers basically you pay an annual fee to use that particular web address. If you stop paying, someone else can use the domain instead.

Website hosting is the service that actually stores your websites files. If you have a free blog through Blogger or, then your host is Google or WordPress, respectively. Self-hosted websites rent server space from a company that agrees to store your files.

Basically, you put your websites files on your hosts servers, then tell your domain to point to those files when someone puts in your URL. Its kind of like putting a SIM card in a cell phone the SIM card tells that phone, Hey, you work with this particular phone number now. Just like you can switch out a phones SIM card and make the phone work with a different phone number, your domain can be set to work with a different web hosting service.

What Does That Really Mean

HTTPS stands for Hypertext Transport Protocol Secure. Its cousin, HTTP , is the communication protocol usually used for facilitating web traffic.

Whats the difference?

The secure version uses an SSL certificate to establish a connection between browser and server. That means any information that is exchanged gets encrypted.

Sounds useful, right? But do you really need it on your site? Lets go over some good reasons to add HTTPS to your WordPress website.

A quick note: Technically SSL is not the correct name anymore. In the late 90s, the name changed to TLS and SSL was actually retired. However, its name stuck around.

Recommended Reading: How To Transfer Squarespace Domain To Shopify

Getting A New Domain For A Self

There are various reasons as to why you might want to connect an independently hosted WordPress website to a new web address. You can do this manually, by setting up the new domain over the wp-config.php file, but this process can lead to problems with WordPress settings, themes, and widgets.

To avoid these problems, you can change the domain via the WordPress database with a plugin designed for that specific purpose such as Duplicator or WP Migrate DB. The latter option is also available in four pro versions. These pre-tools enable a swift and pain-free move at various rates to suit a range of budgets, but its only worth the investment if you regularly need to transfer or change your domain. In most cases, the two free plugins and other WordPress extensions are perfectly sufficient.

In addition to these changes on the WordPress database, its also necessary to make adjustments with your hosting provider. You should ensure your new domain is connected to the WordPress folder on your server, and that you have set up an automatic redirection from your old web address to your new one. Read more about this in our guide to URL redirections.

How To Properly Move From Squarespace To WordPress

Should You Transfer From Wix To WordPress? | Transfer Wix Domain To WordPress Using Hostinger |

Last updated on February 14th, 2019 by Editorial Staff | Disclosure: Our content is reader-supported. This means if you click on some of our links, then we may earn a commission. See how WPBeginner is funded, why it matters, and how you can support us.

Do you want to move your Squarespace website to WordPress? Many users start their websites using different platforms. Sooner or later they discover the limitations of the platform and want to move to a better and more flexible option, like WordPress. In this article, we will show you how to properly move from Squarespace to WordPress.

Why You Should Move from Squarespace to WordPress

Squarespace provides an easy to use platform to create and build websites. However, many users soon realize that it is limited in terms of what you can do on your own website.

WordPress is a lot more flexible and allows you to make any kind of website you want. For a side-by-side comparison, take a look at our article on Squarespace vs WordPress with pros and cons of both platforms.

Also note that when we say WordPress, we mean self-hosted site and not blog hosting service. Check out our guide on the difference between vs for more information.

Step 0. Getting Started

To get started with WordPress, you will need to sign up for a web hosting account and register a domain name.

Step 1. Installing WordPress

Step 5: Fixing Permalinks

Recommended Reading: What Is The Io Domain Used For

Domain Mapping With WordPresscom offers another fee-based service, which allows you to activate a domain that youve purchased in advance. WordPress domain mapping is carried out as follows:

1. In the menu, select Domains Add domain and then Upgrade. You can then enter your registered web address.

2. The next step is to inform your current domain provider that you wish to link your domain with To do this, you need to contact your domain registrar and state that your name server should be linked to the following address:


If you are unsure about what to do, you can also contact your providers customer support service for further help. Alternatively, you can use the three addresses mentioned above to replace the name servers attached to your registrar account.

3. You can now specify your internet address as your primary domain under the Domains section. It can take a few hours before your new domain is available.

Using services may be the easiest and quickest method of changing your internet address or domain provider, but it is also the most expensive route. Operating a self-hosted WordPress website is generally a lot more economical in comparison.

Implement Your Ssl Certificate

The first thing we will do is get ourselves an SSL certificate. How easy or complicated this process is, depends largely on your host.

For example, while researching this guide, we found out that our current host does not support Lets Encrypt and doesnt plan on doing so. Needless to say, we are in the process of switching. Hopefully, yours is a bit more forward-thinking, such as the companies on this list.

The optimal scenario is that your host offers an option to move your site to HTTPS right in the management dashboard. For example, to switch your site to Lets Encrypt in cPanel with Cloudways, you can follow these instructions. Find the same steps for Plesk here.

For everyone else, there is Certbot. If you have administrative shell access on your server, you can simply select the type of web server and operating system you are using. After that, the site will tell you how to implement Lets Encrypt on your server.

If you get your SSL certificate from a different source, follow the instructions of your hosting provider to implement the switch .

Once that is done, you need to start making the necessary changes to your WordPress website. This is what we will talk about next. If you feel that the below is too technical, you can also give the plugin Really Simple SSL a try. It takes care of most of the heavy lifting described next.

Also Check: Transfer Domain From Godaddy To Shopify

Transfer Your Domain To Siteground

This tutorial covers the following topics:

Transferring your domain to the same provider where your website is hosted makes managing your website and all related services such as the domain and the hosting more convenient since it spares you the need to communicate with two separate organizations. When you transfer a domain with any of the most popular top-level extensions , you get one additional year added to your registration. Here is a list of all domain extensions that you can transfer to SiteGround.

Should I Transfer My Web Domain From Godaddy To WordPress

A Comprehensive Guide on Adding SSL &  HTTPS to WordPress site

I want to build a web platform, something like LinkedIn. Im looking to do it on WordPress and want to get the most out of WordPress. Should I transfer my web domain from GoDaddy to WordPress? And who can that be done?

I dont see any reason why you would need to transfer your domain from GoDaddy to WordPress. GoDaddy is a domain registrar, which is completely separate from your hosting company. Its generally a good idea to register your domain at a different company that your host. That way youre not putting all your eggs in one basket, should one or the other fail.

Be sure to watch our video on the difference between and, so you can make the best decision about where to host your site.

Thanks Shawn. I had already watched the video and maybe I did not ask my question in the right way.During the video they mentioned that if you used word press on the word press site it would have better options than if you used it on the Godaddy site.

Currently my domain is hosted on godaddy and i want to know where do I subscribe to in order to use word press? Through word press or Godaddy?

There are more options and flexibility with the version of WordPress that is available at And that is the same version of WordPress that is used by literally every other WordPress hosting company, besides

Hope this helps!

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