Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Sell My Domain Name Fast

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Other Domain Name Value Factors


As mentioned before, existing traffic can make a domain name very valuable because traffic can be converted into money. However, there are several other factors that can make a domain valuable aside from traffic. The other factors that make a domain valuable include: type of extension, character type & length, hacks, and more. This is important because a domain does not necessarily need traffic to be profitable. As I will describe in detail later, I have made money by simply registering quality domains that have never been registered & then I flipped them for a quick profit.

Determine Your Keyword Value

Before you can promote or sell that domain, you need to know it’s value. One of the key driving forces of value is how many people are searching Google for an exact name search of that domain. While the latest Google algorithm changes are making exact-name domain matches not quite as critical as they used to be, they are still extremely important in an overall SEO strategy.

If people are looking to launch a financial blog about the U.S. federal deficit, and if they can get a domain called, that would sure be pretty valuable to them, wouldn’t it? There are a few quick and simple ways to gauge the keyword value of your domain. Head on over to , and type in the words that make up your domain. For example, if your domain is “”, type in “cheap haircuts.”

Make sure to select “Only show ideas closely related to my search terms.” The results will reveal not only the global monthly search numbers for that search phrase, but it’ll also show you the search numbers for closely related terms as well. If the keywords you look up have their own high search numbers every month, and close variations of that phrase also have very high search numbers, you’re looking at a domain name that could potentially bring in a whole lot of search traffic.

Park And Monitor Traffic

Odds are good that if you’re reading this, then you already have a domain and you’re looking to sell it for the largest profit possible. If this is you, you may just want to skip down to the next section. Otherwise, if you’re wondering what buying and selling domains involves, then you may be interested to know that there’s a little bit of a waiting period after you buy a new domain.

You typically won’t sell it immediately. While it’s in this holding pattern, you’ll want to basically “park the domain”. For example, I currently have about 10 domains or so that I purchased a year ago, parked them, and haven’t really done anything with them yet.

This means that the domains sit in your registrar account, and they don’t do anything – except display a website notifying the visitor that the domain is parked.

You could just keep that parked web page up, but that really doesn’t do you a whole lot of good, does it? Instead, you should actually forward that domain to a simple web page that you set up specifically to generate leads for that domain. I’ll cover more about what that specifically means further below.

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Top 15 Places To Sell Your Domain Names Easily And Quickly

Top 15 Places to Sell your Domain Names Easily and Quickly

Buying and selling domains are activities that happen all the time daily in the domain industry. Many people are searching desired domains for their online business. And the best way is to find them on some popular domain marketplaces. There are many places listing domains for sale. So that, if you want to find places to sell domain names you own then you should also list on them too, whether youre a domain investor or a normal domainer. It helps you to list and sell your domain names quickly

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Read more: What is a Domain Name?

These premier domain marketplaces help people in buying and selling domains quickly, safely and securely. Here below I list for you 15 places that can help you to buy premium domains and registered domains as well as sell your own domains too

There Are Two Important Steps To Be Taken Before You Start Actively Promoting Your Domains:

Domain Broker 2
  • Use DAN.COMs for sale pages to promote your domains. The For Sale pages are by far the best thing you can do to promote your domain. It is like putting a for sale sign in front of your house when you want to sell your house at the right price.
  • Need help setting up your for sale pages? Check out this article on how you can start using DANs For Sale pages in just a minute:

    2. Price your domains! Having a buy now price helps a lot. Be transparent towards your buyer. If you are actively promoting your domains and sending buyers to your For Sale pages then it is better to give them your price so they can at least see if the price matches their budget. Read the following article in case you are unsure how to price your domains:

    Write your promotional text

    Start by writing a 3-line promotional text. Take your time to create a catchy and easy to read piece. We recommend your promotional text to include:

    • Why is this domain interesting for the potential buyer
    • Inform your buyers that DAN.COM guaranteed s swift, safe and secure transaction
    • Link to your for sale page or add a screenshot of it in your email
    • Communicate your asking price to the buyer and inform them if you accept installments or not.

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    Where Can I Sell My Domain Name For Free

    Private sale is your best option to sell a domain name for free. Most platforms are going to require either a listing fee, a percentage of final sale, or both.

    The exchange is that marketplaces have large numbers of good buyers looking for domains while arranging a private sale means legwork on your part, or someone approaching you.

    There are places that allow you to list a domain name for free, but those will have fees on the sale.

    Things That Can Have A Positive Impact On Domain Value

    • If the domain is a .comDespite the availability of hundreds of new domain extensions, the old standby .com is still king. When you look at the top 100 domain sales of all time, 96 of the 100 domains were .com.
    • If it is shortGenerally speaking, the shorter the domain, the higher the price. One, two, or three-letter domains are historically among those that bring the highest prices.
    • If it is easy to spellDomain names that include common words or regular abbreviations will fetch a higher price.
    • If it is a single dictionary wordAlong with short domains, generic single word domains also top the charts with all-time high sales numbers. The logic here is obvious: there are a limited number of generic words that everyone knows.The average native English speaker only knows or uses about 20,000 words. Maybe half of those are generic. There are 142.5 million .com domains currently registered, which means only 0.007% of all registered domains are generic English words that would be known to most native speakers.If you own one of those domains, you have a rare quantity that has commensurate value.

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    Top 10 Best Domain Name Hosting Of 2022

    Getting a new website up and running is always exciting. Of course, the first step to setting up any website is to choose your domain namethe address of your website. To buy a domain name, you will need the services of a domain name host.

    Choosing the right hosting for you will depend on a lot of factors, including cost, support options, speed, privacy, and overall user experience. Based on these criteria, we have compiled a list of the top 10 best domain name hosting providers of 2022.

    Read on for an overview of everything you need to know about domain name hosting and domain name registration so that you can make an informed decision when buying your domain.

    Is The Distribution Network Strong

    Selling Domains With Godaddy | How To Sell Domains FAST

    The potential to get your domain name in front of the right buyer is vital.

    Listing in a distribution network such as Afternic can get your domain name in front of millions of potential buyers each month. Afternic is owned by GoDaddy and it will automatically list it with GoDaddy as well as over 100 other companies such as Network Solutions or

    Do you know people who could benefit from the domain name? Why not reach out to them and see if they have any interest in using the domain? If you are working in an area of the domain space you are familiar with, you should be able to convey the value proposition of your domain name for the potential buyer.

    Keep it short and only approach people you know and think would be interested in the domain for their business.

    You do not want to start sending spam emails. You want to have conversations with people you know would appreciate the ability to own the domain.

    Letting a great name you purchased at a fair price to make a profit sit in your account, instead of getting it in front of the right buyer, is like finally finding that pirate treasure map but framing it to admire in your living room instead of following it to the booty.

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    What Are The Most Expensive Domain Names Case Study

    Lets talk about some of the most expensive domain names ever sold publicly. In 2010, sold by Jeffrey Gabriel . long stood as the Guinness World Record for the most expensive domain.

    That record has since been broken multiple times, with selling for $17 million in 2015 and selling for $30 million in 2019 to name a few. Unlike real estate, the majority of transactions are never reported publicly. There is a very good chance there are higher domain sales than that have occurred, and even others since then.

    $13+ million might seem outrageous for a domain name. But consider that:

    • A full-color New York Times ad is around $125,000
    • The average cost for one 30-second commercial broadcast on prime-time TV is between $400,000-500,000
    • A month for a Times Square Billboard is between $3-4 million
    • A 30-second Super Bowl ad costs around $6.5 million

    Once you understand how much exposure a premium domain can provide , youll see why businesses place so much value on premium .com domain names. Essentially, domain value boils down to how many potentially eyes the name can capture and how many of those eyeballs will remember the domain and come back. The more eyes, and the easier it is to come back, the higher the value.

    Selling Domains And Selling Websites Are Two Different Things

    This article has talked about domain name sales, not website sales. But, its worth taking a minute to talk about selling domains attached to websites.

    Sometimes when you see that a domain name sold for a certain price, that sale price included the website and its files attached to the domains. The value of an existing website is easy to calculate, usually based on the income earned by the site. The domain name can be part of that value, but most of it is based on the amount of money generated.

    Websites are often specifically developed to be sold. That can start with an established site that is given a quick cosmetic overhaul and flipped, or it can start with only a domain name.

    The seller buys a keyword-based domain and then creates content based around that keyword to try to attract traffic to the site. If they can establish enough traffic to create advertising revenue, they have a sellable website.

    If that sounds like a speculative and potentially costly way to make a website sale, it is. But the risk can be reduced by studying keyword popularity, employing successful SEO tactics, learning how to createor discoverattractive content, and keeping your hosting costs low with multi-site reseller accounts.

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    After Creating An Email List It Is Time To Do Outreach

    If you want to sell your domains instantly, then you shouldnt rely on just emails. In addition to emailing, youll also need to utilize phone calls/texts, Linkedin, social media. This will help you maximize your chance of selling domains fast.

    And before you pick up the phone and start making phone calls, it is better to send an email first, so they have some little idea about why you are calling them, and technically, that wont really count as a cold call because you have already sent them email earlier.

    You can also use an email tracker to know who has opened your email and how many times it has been opened. You can put those who have opened the email more often in priority.

    If you are using paid Linkedin, you get Inmail credits through which you can direct message buyers.

    How To Sell A Domain Name For Profit

    Top 15 Places to Sell your Domain Names Easily and Quickly

    CEO of We help brands, entrepreneurs, politicians and athletes acquire premium domain names for their vision.


    The first step in selling a domain name is owning a valuable domain. You might pick up great domain names at less than their market value at an auction, or you may have old domain names that have no more use for you. Alternatively, you might seek out premium domain names with the hope of making five-, six- or even seven-figure profits. Either way, you’ll only be able to make the sale if you own a domain name that someone, somewhere wants to own.

    Own Domain Names That Offer Real Value

    Understanding the value that a domain name has is one of the keys to evaluating it properly and giving yourself a shot at making a sale. While putting a value on domain names can be difficult, you can use the concept of brandability as a guiding light. In short, how easy is it for a company to use in their marketing? How memorable is it? Is the name simple for customers to type into a search bar if they only read it once or briefly hear it? An otherwise perfect domain name might become worthless if there’s a spelling problem that results in potential visitors forgetting it.

    If your domain names are good, then you can hold onto them and make a sale in time. However, the opposite is also true there are millions of domain names that no one would pay anything for, and you should admit it to yourself if your domains fall into this category.

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    Is The Venue Trusted And Well Known

    Its important to feel confident that you will get paid and that the buyer will get the domain name they paid for.

    Pick a place that has good ratings with recognized bodies such as the Better Business Bureau or licensing from a trusted government source.

    This will make it easier for the buyer to pull the trigger on the domain purchase as well knowing they can trust the brand that is selling the domain.

    A trusted brand is vital when selling a domain.

    Sell The Domain Name Privately

    The first option is to sell domain names without involving any third parties. When making a direct sale, one of the best ways to inform buyers about the domain sale is by creating a landing page for the domain.

    Add a domain for sale message and consider including a domain portfolio, an inquiry form, and contact details so potential buyers can reach you.

    We recommend using a website builder like Zyro to help build and maintain your landing page easily. Several templates are available for landing pages, and you dont need coding skills to use them. Zyro has a visual editor, so you only need to drag and drop elements to design the page.

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    Domain Trading: How Can You Make Money With Domains

    If you choose the right domain name, it can be worth a lot of money. It doesnt matter what kind of website you have published at the web address. In principle, you dont even need a website to start actively domain trading, since the address itself is the thing with value. If you own a domain that others are keen to claim, you could even make a fortune with it. But how? What do you need to do to sell a domain?

    Register a domain name

    Build your brand on a great domain, including SSL and a personal consultant!

    Private registration

  • Transferring domains
  • Sell Via A Domain Name Broker

    How to Buy & Sell Crypto Domain Names For Fast Cash [Part #1]

    When selling a highly sought-after domain, a professional broker might facilitate the sale and help you sell your domain name for the best price. MediaOptions and Grit Brokerage, for example, are well-known domain name brokers with solid reputations.

    In most cases, domain name brokers work on a commission-only basis, meaning they get paid based on the final sales price. Thus, before entering into a contract with a domain broker, check the terms and conditions and whether there are upfront fees.

    However, note that the domain broker might refuse to sell your domain name if its potential price is not high enough or they dont think theres great demand for it.

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    Final Thoughts On Sedo

    The Make Offer listing option on Sedo will increase attention to the domain name, but a buyer may submit a low $100 offer to feel out the price range. It is recommended to set a fixed price on any domain name under $500 to pay only the 10 percent commission. Sedo will charge a minimum of $50 commission fee on any domain name that receives an offer of less than $500. If a buyer makes a $100 offer and you accept, Sedo will take $50 for its commission. You will receive $50 for the $100 sale. A fixed price of $100 will net you $90 .

    Now that you have the steps to sell a domain name on Sedo, go ahead and register an account to get started. You never know maybe you will make a future DN Journal domain sales list.

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