Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Point A Website To Another Domain

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Transfer Files To A New Domain

How to point one domain name at another domain or website

This step is essentially the reverse of the first step. Youll need an archive of all the files from your original sites directory, as well as the database, which tells your web server where all the content goes. Its important to make sure both are in the right place.

First, you need to make sure theres already a database created on the new site. Then, using phpMyAdmin, import the archive file’s content into the existing database. Select the Import options in phpMyAdmin, choose the file on your PC, and click Go. This should import all the database entries from your old site into the new one. Now, you can transfers your site files.

Cull And Clean Up Your Content

Over time, your website grows as you add written content, videos, images, and more. However, some of these might be no longer relevant, badly performing, or out of date.

If you decide that these items arent needed anymore, cull the files. You will free up valuable storage space on your WordPress web hosting environment, and the moving process will be easier since you are moving fewer assets.

How To Host A Subdomain On A Different Server Host

There are two steps involves when hosting subdomains in different host servers: adding an A Record into the DNS for the subdomain and setting up the subdomain onto another server.

If your domain is registered by GoDaddy and is using the GoDaddy DNS servers but your site runs on NameCheap or BlueHost, and you would like to host a subdomain on a HostGator server, this article is for you.

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For A Domain Pointed To Tsodns Nameservers #


Step 1: Login to your Client Area at my.tsohost and navigate to Domains

Step 2: Select your domain and on the new page go to ‘Custom DNS Records’

Step 3: Once on the page with the records of your domain, select your primary A record and update its value in the right field.

Step 4: When ready, click ‘Update Zone’ below your records.

Note: This change can take up to 24 hours to complete. There should be no down time as long as your website is on both servers. During the 24 hours period the website will be live from the old server and sometime in the period it will change over to point to the new server.

Important: Emails

Please note that your MX record, which defined where emails point, can be set under Edit MX Entry. Make sure that this does not point to your domain name.

What Is Domain Pointing

How to Change Nameservers to Point Domain Name to ...

Domain pointing involves making sure your domain and website are properly connected. In order for web visitors to get to your website when they visit your domain, youll need to accomplish this by pointing your domain name to your website.

If perhaps your website is hosted with a different service provider, you can edit your Domain Name Servers to point your domain name to the name servers of the hosting provider.

You can also have your domain point to an Under Construction page, which is otherwise known as domain parking, until your website is ready for viewing.

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How To Setup Domain Pointers

NOTE: Before you proceed, please ensure that you have an active domain associated with your account. You can add one by purchasing a domain or transferring an existing domain.

It is also important to know where your files are located. It will be useful for the next procedures.

Pro Tip: Protect your domain and personal information with Domain Privacy + Protection.Its the fast, easy, and affordable way to keep competitors, salespeople, and thieves from accessing your domain and personal information.

Once you have an active domain associated with your account, please follow the steps below:

What Is A Website Redirect

A website redirect points your old URL to a new page. When anyone types in or clicks on that original URL theyll be taken to the page you set the redirect up to instead. It ensures visitors dont end up on a 404 page and instead find something relevant to what they were originally looking for. And it keeps you from losing the value of any links youve built to that pagewhich is important for search engine optimization , as well as the user experience of anyone that clicks one of those links.

Knowing how to set up a redirect is a valuable skill for anyone that runs a website. You can implement redirects on a page-by-page basis, or at the domain level.

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S To Move A Website To A New Domain Name

Moving a website to a new domain name is just like all those aggravating moves in your 20s before you settle down. No matter how much stuff you own, its always a pain. Youve got to get everything in boxes, hoping its all perfectly protected and safe. Schlepping everything over to your new residence is only part of the struggle next comes unpacking and setting up your new home. Things inevitably get lost, broken, or shoved into a closet and forgotten until the next move.

When you want to relocate a website to a new domain, unfortunately, the digital move can frequently contain many of the same headaches. But at least you can skip the manual labor in favor of a few careful steps that will minimize the disruption to users and your bottom line.

From database backups to DNS records, weve laid out five simple steps complete with a handy shortcut to move your site without harming your SEO. Keep reading to learn more, or skip ahead to learn more about the process.

The Basics Of Domain Pointing

How to Point a Domain Name to Another Web Host (example of Google Domains to IONOS)

To understand domain pointing, its helpful to keep in mind the key elements you need to set up your website:

To connect these two elements, youll need to share some information with your domain registrar. Youll need to tell your registrar who does your domain name resolution, which is your web host. Your registrar will also need your name server records from your webhost. This is the information theyll use to point your domain to your new hosting service.

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Enter The Name Servers Into Your Registrar’s Settings For Your Domain

Once you have the list of name servers, go to your domain nameregistrar and log into their system. You will obviously need the login name and password that you created when you first registered your domain.

Once logged in, you will need to look for some option to either set your domain’s name servers or change them. Every registrar has adifferent way of doing this, and there is no standard method, so it’s not possible for me to give you a detailed blow-by-blow account ofhow to get to the appropriate screen. What I’ll do instead is give you some idea of what to look for.

In general, try the following to get to the page on your registrar’s site that lets you modify the name servers:

  • Find a way to list all your domains in the registrar’s site. Sometimes this can be found in a “My Domains” page, or a “Domain Manager” page,or something similarly named.

  • Select the domains for which you want to set the name servers. Sometimes this involves putting a tick into a boxbeside your domain name in the list of names. Alternatively, if you only have one domain name, you may even beable to click the domain name to get to the settings screen.

  • Once you manage to find the correct page to change your name servers, you will probably see a form that lets you enter thingslike your “Primary Name Server”, “Secondary Name Server”, “Tertiary Name Server” and maybe even more . The exact words used may not be the same, but it should mean basically your first name server, second name server, andso on.

    Transfer Your Files To The New Domain Name

    So you have a bundled-up website and a new domain name how do you bring the two together? First off, make sure your new domain is all set up and ready to host your website. That entails checking the domain name system, or DNS, settings with your registrar. Your domain registrar may or may not be different from your web host DNS servers tell your registrar where the domains website files are located. Your DNS addresses will come from your web hosting provider, while you will need to add that information with your registrar . Changes to your DNS can take up to 24 hours to take effect, so be patient.

    Once the new domain is set up, its time to set up the space where your files will reside. Use the MySQL Databases or MySQL Database Wizard components of your control panel to create a new database. WordPress users should be careful to write down their database name, user identification, and password next step for them will be updating the wp-config.php file in one of the backups with that new information.

    Before you can upload the information in your database, you need to create a new, blank database in cPanel.

    From here, youll have three options that look similar to what you encountered in the previous step. After all, once everything is packed, it must be unpacked, right? Anyway, your choices for uploading your database and static file backups in their new home:

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    Apply The New Nameservers Values

    The next step of pointing a domain name to a new host is to replace the domains old nameservers. Heres how to do it:

  • Login to your domain name registrar. Remember, this is the place where you bought your domain.
  • Look for the option to set your domains nameservers. Every registrar has a different way of doing this. However, in general, you can find the appropriate settings on the menu called Domain Management, or Domain Overview, or something along those lines.
  • In hPanel, go to Domains -> -> DNS / Nameservers. Expand Change Nameservers and select the Change nameservers option. You should see several fields, such as Nameserver 1 , Nameserver 2 , that will most likely be filled with Hostingers default nameservers.
  • Enter the nameservers into the appropriate fields. For example, a nameserver that begins with ns1 should be put into the Nameserver 1 field, if it starts with ns2 to Nameserver 2, and so on.

    NOTE: If you see the Create child nameservers field, you can ignore it.

  • Keep these tips in mind should there be any difference between the number of nameservers and the number of available fields:

    • If your hosting provider only gives you two nameservers, but your registrar provides you with four or more fields, enter the first two, leaving the other ones empty.
    • If your hosting provider gives you three nameservers, but your registrar only allows you to enter two, use the first two nameservers.

    Find A Host That Will Help You Migrate

    How to point my domain to another hosting / website ...

    Why struggle through all the work of moving a website to a new domain name if you can find a trustworthy organization full of experts who will do it for you? Sure, you may like your current hosting provider and are really looking to just switch domains but when was the last time you compared hosts prices, features, and performance?

    Before you register your new domain name, take a look around the hosting marketplace. Moving a website can be a tedious process that doesnt come around often, so now is the perfect opportunity to take stock of your online presence and make improvements anywhere you can.

    Look at this move as a chance to do some spring cleaning. In addition to updating that old WordPress installation or finally configuring your free SSL certificate, you should look into other performance and security upgrades that may have become available since you originally started your site. Look for hosts with high-performance solid-state drive storage, for example, or free Cloudflare content delivery network integration.

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    Get Your Web Host’s Name Servers

    The first thing you’ll need to do is to find out the list of name servers used by your web host.

    “Name servers”, or “DNS servers”, loosely speaking, are the things that translateyour domain name to the actual location of your website. A little example will make this clear. Let’s say you type adomain like “” into your web browser. In order to display the website associated with,the browser needs to know the real address of the site. Appearances to the contrary, the underlying machinery of theInternet does not actually use names for addresses, but series of numbers, like, called IP addresses. Name servers translatethe domain name you and I use to the actual numeric IP address used by the computers on the Internet.

    When you sign up with a commercial web host, they will configure their name servers so that they furnish yourwebsite’s real IP address when there is a query for your domain name. As such, in order for your domain to befound on the Internet, you must link your domain to your web host’s name servers.

    The easiest way to find out the name servers used by your web host for your domain is to ask them.A faster way is to look for the information yourself in either the email sent to you by your host when you first signed up with them, or fromthe documentation on your web host’s site. If you have no idea where to get the information, contact your web host and ask themfor the “DNS servers” or “name servers” to use for your domain.

    Let Google Know About Your New Address

    OK. Youve moved and unpacked all your stuff, have set up mail forwarding, are living in the new site full time, and are ready to turn in the keys to the old place. You probably even want to throw a housewarming party to let the world know about your new digs.

    Assuming youre already using Google Analytics and Google Search Console , you can use the search engines helpful change of address tool to notify the company of the change. Open up your old domains account and follow the steps, including confirming 301 redirects and verification methods.

    Google Webmaster Tools provides tools for notifying the search engine of your new domain name and sitemap.

    Youll also want to create and upload a new XML sitemap into Googles Webmaster Tools. Yes, that sounds complicated, technical, and time-consuming but we promise its not too bad. Sitemaps, which are basically a table of contents, make it easy for crawlers to see whats on your website and when it was last updated, and index it for search results. WordPress users can unsurprisingly use a plugin to generate a sitemap, or there are several free tools that will create one for you.

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