Saturday, July 27, 2024

How To Own Your Own Domain

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Step : Register For Taxes

Make Your Own Domain Extension Part 1: What’s DNS? & Installing Bind

You will need to register for a variety of state and federal taxes before you can open for business.

In order to register for taxes you will need to apply for an EIN. It’s really easy and free!

You can acquire your EIN for free through the IRS website, via fax, or by mail. If you would like to learn more about EINs and how they can benefit your LLC, read our article, What is an EIN?.

Learn how to get an EIN in our What is an EIN guide or find your existing EIN using our EIN lookup guide.

Small Business Taxes

Depending on which business structure you choose, you might have different options for how your business will be taxed. For example, some LLCs could benefit from being taxed as an S corporation .

You can learn more about small business taxes in these guides:

There are specific state taxes that might apply to your business. Learn more about state sales tax and franchise taxes in our state sales tax guides.

Why You Must Control And Own Your Own Domain

This post was co-authored by Gail with Monty Ferbert to ensure the content on why you must control and own your own domain is accurate.

Monty started out in Internet marketing with Richmouse promotions more then 10 years ago.

Monty owns a highly successful membership site called Richmousepoints and many other successful websites.

The most important thing you will ever do onlineis OWN YOUR OWN DOMAIN!

If you dont know why read this post. If you dont understand why, ASK ME.

Read on for how to register your domain, where your site really lives, howpeople find it, IP addresses, and what a DNS does.

What You Should Know About Having Your Own E

Users wishing to register a personal e-mail domain can choose any top-level domain and an available domain name within the desired namespace. Its worth noting that domain names under a TLD can only be assigned once. The choice of available endings depends on the provider. If a desired name is assigned under a particular TLD, users can switch to another ending. The new domain endings offer the opportunity to create an expressive domain name or regional reference: booking@your.hotel info@company.newyork Be aware that the respective TLD authority defines the rules by which domain names are formed. All top-level domains can be formed with letters a-z, numbers 0-9, and hyphens. Theres no difference between capital and lower-case. Some TLDs also allow special characters in the domain, such as letters with accents. Generally the use of these characters in e-mail domains isnt recommended, as these domains can lead to problems with mail servers and e-mail programs.

Register a domain name

Build your brand on a great domain, including SSL and a personal consultant!

Private registration

Recommended Reading: How Much To Purchase A Domain Name

What Kind Of Domain Name Should I Pick

When youre choosing your domain name, there are a few rules you should keep in mind:

  • If youre setting up a business website, your domain name should match your company name. For example:
  • If youre planning on making a personal website for yourself then can be a great option.

For this site , I chose

Domain names usually end with .com, .org or .net, but in recent times, a large number of domain extensions have come out, ranging from .blog to .party.

My best advice? Avoid the unusual extensions and go with .com, .net or .org unless they precisely describe your website and even then, it is usually better to go with a more common extension.

Adding An Online Store

How to Register Your Own Domain Name

Not every website needs an ecommerce store. But if you want to know how to make a website and include an online store, keeping reading.

The most popular plugin for this purpose is WooCommerce.

You can set it up quickly, it offers many payment options, and a wide range of optimized themes to create an online shop. Plus, it has a variety of extensions available for purchase to customize your e-commerce site and adapt it to many purposes.

To learn how to add an online store to your website, follow this guide.

Recommended Reading: Squarespace To Godaddy

How Do I Permanently Buy A Domain Name

Its not possible to permanently own a domain name since its not a one-time purchase the maximum period of registration is ten years. You will need to pay and renew your subscription if you want to keep using the same domain name.This is to cover the maintenance costs or domain tax collected by the ICANN.As the number of registered domains grows, the tax increases. Hence, registrars need to adjust their pricing accordingly, which is why the renewal fees are more costly than the registration prices.

How Can I Get A Free Website

Create a website Sign up for an account. All free website servers will ask you to create an account. Select and buy a suitable domain name from the available ones. Free websites generally allow you to create a subdomain on the host domain for free and offer regular domains for a fee. Create your website.

Recommended Reading: Who Owns Domain Name Checker

Reasons To Own Your Own Domain And Build A Website

If you have not bought your own domain and built a website, now is the time.

In the era of social media and super advanced mobile devices, every person, or at least every person working in the business sector, should have their own website.

There are many reasons to own your own website, but let’s focus on five:

To Secure Your Child’s Namespace On The Web

Create your Own Custom Domain Email for Free

Youve had a baby and you want to reserve their place online. Its not just the rich and famous snapping up domain names relating to their children’s names. It might sound a bit presumptuous that your newborn will want their own website, but it helps keep cyber-squatters at bay.

Cybersquatting is the practice of buying the domain name of a person or company and making a profit by selling the name to the relevant person. Mark Zuckerberg recently bought a domain name from electronics student Amal Augustine. Amal registered a version of the short form name of Zuckerbergs daughter . The deal closed at a reasonable $700.

Whether you are famous or not, your babys domain name-sake is still at risk of being snapped up by someone else. The number of people registering their baby’s name is reportedly growing at 400% each year, so it seems more and more parents are keen to secure a little chunk of cyberspace for their children.

Read Also: Connect Godaddy To Squarespace

Setting Up The Website Support Channels And Billing System

Once you choose your dedicated service and have it set up, youre ready to go! Well, not just yet, though. You need to create a website that will be the face of your company.

Moreover, youll have to step up other systems before starting to sell. In fact, youll need billing and client management tools.

That means that you should have a system that will handle customer inquiries, such as Zendesk, OTRS, and Kayako.

The majority of new web hosting companies start off by offering only email support. Over time, with their growth, they start adding other services as well.

How To Get A Domain For Free

If you already have hosting services, you wont be able to use this method unless youre ready to upgrade to a better plan or switch to a new host. As such, timing is an important consideration if youre set on getting a domain name for free for the next year.

But if youre starting a website from scratch, you need web hosting services in addition to a domain name.

So, it makes sense to bundle them together. Its an easy and affordable way to get everything you need in one transaction while saving a bit of money.

The biggest consideration is choosing the right host for your website. So, lets talk about how to do that.

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How Do You Setup A Domain

To personalize your domain name. Log in to your GoDaddy account. Next to Domains, click Manage. Under the domain name you want to configure, click Use my domain. Remark. If your domain is already configured and you want to change the settings, click on “Domain Manager” under the domain you want to update.

How To Register Your Domain Name For As Long As Possible

How to Register Your Own Domain Name by Godaddy

CEO, The $1M Domain Name – We help brands, entrepreneurs, politicians and athletes acquire premium domain names for their vision.


A good domain name is a key element of any business’s marketing. However, there are many horror stories about registrants forgetting to renew their domain name and losing it. You might be wondering how to buy a domain name forever to sidestep this issue or, at least, to save money in the long-term. While it’s not possible to permanently buy a domain, there are leases for indefinite lengths. The reason for this lies in how domain registration works.

Domain Name Basics

Domains such as .com, .net and .co rely on registries to handle their core administrative needs. However, with well over one billion websites in the world, registries face an impossible administrative burden.

Since registries cannot possibly handle the administrative burdens involved with the millions of active registrants and billions of websites, they rely on other organizations. Registrars work as middlemen between people looking to buy domain names, the registrants and the registries that administer domains.

GoDaddy, Dreamhost and other businesses are registrars. They handle the marketing and business elements of domain registration and lease domain names out to the public. No registrant ever actually buys a domain name from the registry. Rather, members of the public pay a registrar to maintain a lease in their name.

Recommended Reading: Domain Registration Cost Per Year

Can I Transfer My Domain Name To Hostinger

Yes, its possible to transfer a domain name from another registrar to Hostinger.

However, there are a few requirements before transferring a domain to your web hosting account:

  • More than 60 days must have passed from the registration or last transfer date.
  • You must have the domains auth-code from your current registrar.
  • The domains WHOIS privacy protection has to be disabled.
  • You have to point your domain name to Hostinger.
  • The domains status cannot be Pending Delete or Redemption.

To transfer a domain to Hostinger, go to the Hostinger Transfer Domain page and enter your domain name. Then click Transfer.

After finishing the order and entering the domain EPP code, the transfer process will begin and youll receive an email regarding the domain transfer that you will have to confirm.

The domain registration will also be renewed for a year after the transfer, except for ccTLDs like .es,, or

Keep in mind that your website might be unavailable during the DNS changes, which can take up to 24 hours to propagate fully.

Reason #: You Can Host Your Hashnode Blog On Your Own Domain

This is a big deal if you want to build up your own blog’s SEO over a longer time horizon.

This also saves you from becoming dependent on blogging platforms that have a nasty tendency to throw up ads or popups on your articles .

I mean sure you could always just migrate your articles later when these platforms get too spammy. But migrating can be a huge hassle.

“Possession is nine tenths of the law.” One prominent Silicon Valley intellectual property lawyer I talked to

Also Check: How Much Should A Domain Name Cost Per Year

Two Options Explained: Website Builder Vs Hosting

The range of web development tools is really extensive and versatile, but there are still two trusted web development options. You can either use a website builder or pick reliable hosting that provides free domain connection feature.

Lets have a look at two platforms, which are the most popular and credible representatives of both types of systems. These are Wix and Bluehost.

How To Create Your Own Email Domain

How To Get Your Own Domain and Hosting Account

Having a registered domain name for your business increases how professional your online appearance is. If you’re wondering how to create your own email domain free of charge or for a low cost, we’ll explain your best options in this article.

While some low-cost hosting services offer free email domain registration for the first year as a promotion, we generally recommend avoiding this, because it can be difficult to retain your domain and switch to another provider should you choose to, and you may end up paying much more in the long run.

When you create your own email domain and web address, you can expect to pay a small monthly or annual price, which is well worth the business you’ll receive by making your business look professional and legitimate. Your domain can then be used as the URL for a website in addition to your professional email address, creating a consistent online footprint for yourself or for your business.

Also Check: What Is The Io Domain Used For

Ok So How Do I Set Up A Hashnode Blog

The good news is it’s pretty simple. You can create the blog by going to and signing in.

You just need to choose a name and you’re good to go. Then you can come back to compose your first article after you’ve configured your domain.

Your Hashnode blog will immediately get a subdomain.

After you create your Hashnode blog you’ll see a screen like this. Enter your domain name and click “update”. Then click “Access Dashboard” to configure it.

There are a ton of ways you can customize your Hashnode blog. But today we’re just going to focus on getting it live on your own domain.

Hashnode recommends using a subdomain for this so that you can get access to their global CDN and edge caching, so that’s what we’re going to do in this tutorial.

If you haven’t already bought a domain, you can do so. I recommend choosing a domain name where you can buy the same name for .com, .org, and .net, since those are the “big 3” original top-level domains that have existed since the 1990s.

You only need to configure your Hashnode blog for one of your domains. You can then redirect your other domains over to it.

Here is how you should configure your DNS. Note that this is NameCheap’s DNS dashboard, but most dashboards will look similar, and all will have a CNAME option:

Create a CNAME record and set the host to whatever you want your subdomain to be .

Then set its value to

Presto. You can go to https://.. and see your Hashnode blog.

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