Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How Much Is My Domain Name Worth

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Which Are The Best Domain Name Value Estimators And Domain Appraisal Services

Domain Valuation – How to Price and Sell Domains

This great list of domain value calculators and free domain name valuation tools can help you determine the value of a domain name. These domain value estimator tools provide fast and thorough data on any website/URL you enter, allowing you to make an informed decision. Check out this collection of free domain evaluation tools to find out how much a domain is worth before you buy or sell it.

Get Your Website In Front Of The Right People

While there are many auction sites available, they dont all offer the same service and not all of them are right for the job.

Wherever possible, opt for the bigger, more popular sites that have a long-standing reputation. However, its worth noting that a large audience isnt always the best audience. If your business is fairly niche, you might be better off contacting a broker with experience and contacts in that sector.

Contributing Elements In Domain Name Valuation

You can get a general idea of your domain name worth or entire portfolio by examining some of the basics that go into valuing a domain name or portfolio.

How old is the domain? A lot of the good domains were registered ten to twenty years ago, the domain age is another barometer that you can use to estimate the potential value of the domain.

Although true, using the age measure doesnt indicate that every domain registered in 1999 is of higher importance than domains registered in 2012. Im just saying that you can use the age of the domain as a general idea of the value of your domain.

How many search results appear in Google for the phrase? A good indication of the popularity of a domain is the number of results for the term similar to your domain name in Google SERPs.

For instance, if you search for stickball in Google, youll receive about 40,800,000 results. Now if you search for baseball, youll receive over 809,000,000 results.

Obviously, baseball is more popular than stickball. Therefore, if people are creating tons of web pages to the given topic at hand, then the greater demand you can anticipate for your domain.

How many advertisers are listed in the SERPs? If you search for your term, do you see a lot of advertisers in the SERPs in Google?

If you do, then you can guess that your domain will have a potentially higher value when its time to sell.

How much type-in traffic is the name generating per day/month?

Also Check: How To Sell Your Domain Name

How To Find Relevant And High Quality Backlinks

Please feel free and use this free tool to find high quality and relevant backlinks.Simply enter your keyword and select the type of blog that you are planning to create backlinks or type of the backlink you are looking for e.g. .gov or .edu.

Notes to remember when using this tool

  • Do not use any silly software to create backlinks!!!
  • Use your common sense and create 5-10 weekly manual and relevant backlinks.
  • Consistency and quality of your content is the key and not astronomic number of backlinks.
  • Make sure you do not over-do backlinks as it may count as spam by Google.
  • Please share and like this page if you enjoy your new tool. Good Luck!!!
  • Hello Everyone! There is a new tool to review your website and also notes on how to improve your website performance against search engines.

    Best Free Domain Name Appraisal Sites Online

    How Much My Domain Name Worth? Domain Name Value

    You will note that the value will vary from site to site. The real value of your URL is what the buyer agrees to pay.

    If you would like to get a second, third, or fourth opinion from another appraiser, it is a good idea. That way, you can get an idea about the range of the name’s value. Create a spreadsheet with the names you own and enter the appraised values given by the different appraisal sites.

    Here are the five best free appraisal sites.

    1. is a public service provided free of charge that calculates price indices for website addresses to track the development of price levels. It provides a very comprehensive instant appraisal based on the sales price or value based on an all-encompassing methodology.


    Estibot is a trusted and widely used free appraisal service, providing over 1.3 million appraisals per day. Its search engine is trusted by registrars, parking companies, investors, and the IRS to generate accurate fair market value based on historical sales and other criteria. Some features are appraised drop lists, an end-user lead-generator , an advertiser bid tool, and API access. Estibot also provides appraisal certificates for a small fee.



    5. is the worlds biggest domain brokerage. Sedo provides an instant appraisal service once you become a member and log in.

    Also Check: How To Make A Domain

    How Domain Value Changes Based On Buyers Backgrounds

    Jeremy is a recent college grad who hates his day job and dreams to become a millionaire. He watched hours of YouTube videos on how to make a fortune online and wants to get started.

    Lucy is an SEO pro working as a mid-level manager at a boutique digital marketing agency. In her free time, she buys underdeveloped online properties and makes them income-producing assets.

    Frank is a high-profile real estate agent and broker focusing on luxury properties in Santa Barbara, CA. He has realized the value of the Internet long ago and uses it to his advantage.

    Jeremy dated a girl from Santa Barbara in college and knows that its home to some extremely wealthy people. However, he has neither the skills nor the capital required to properly develop this domain and would have to rely on the cheapest freelancers to get any work done.

    Lucy recently made $6,000 by selling a real estate domain which she had developed into a lead-generating machine earning $300/m EBITA with 1 hour of maintenance per month. The same concept built on is expected to drive $500/m EBITA after 20 hours of upfront work most of which can be outsourced at $25/h.

    Franks average sale commission is $50,000. He is fine spending up to $25,000 on a website driving him at least one incremental sale per year and he knows someone like Lucy wholl develop the domain into what it needs to be to drive him hot leads for $5,000.

    Calculating Domain Worth: Which Factors Are Important

    The paid services for determining domain value typically consider significantly more criteria, which is why you can generally expect a more accurate result. But how should you as a domain owner be able to assess whether an investment of USD 50 or 100 for the determination of the domain value is worth it? In the final part of this guide, well look at some of the most important evaluation criteria, which you can use to make an initial assessment of the domain name value on your own.

    Before you sell a domain and assess its value, you should check everything is legally sound: Trademark infringements can end up costing an arm and a leg! A good place to start is the American Bar Association who explore some of the most common areas of infringement on the web.

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    What Makes A Domain More Valuable

    There are some rules of thumb about what makes a domain more valuable. Most people who are looking to buy a domain want to buy one that is already successful, and most people on the web define success on page views and customers. A site that is already proven, even if it changes ownership, will carry some of those previous users over to the new site.

    Some of the things you should look at when trying to value a domain include:

    • The length of the domain: The shorter the domain is, the more it will cost.
    • How many words are in the domain: Similar to the length, domains with very few words cost the most, so a one-word domain is the most valuable.
    • How long has the domain been live: Domains that have been around for a long time rank better in search engines, and so this increases their value. However, most sites that have been around for a long time arent for sale, so convincing the owner might take even more money.
    • Spelling and use of the domain word: A domain that is a common word and has a common spelling that is easy to type and remember is going to cost more.
    • Domain extension: The best extension for a domain is the .com extension. This is because its what most browsers default to, and most users assume that is the name of the domain. So the same domain name with a .com extension is going to cost more than the domain at .net.

    Generic And Brand Appeal & Length

    How to determine the value of a domain name.

    Easy to remember domain names hold more value. All of the top selling domains are easy to remember, generic domains that have broad market appeal. In addition, most of these domains are one or two words that are easy to spell.

    Domains that are easy to remember and spell will generally drive a higher value than harder to spell, longer and more specific domains.

    Don’t Miss: Where To Buy Co Domains

    How To Determine The Value Of Your Domain Name

    Theory is all well and good, but to find out how much your domain might be worth, youll need to get practical. To do this, were going to show you how to perform a domain valuation in three simple steps.

    Bear in mind that these steps dont need to be performed all at the same time or in this specific order. However, what follows is a recommended process that can help you get a clear and comprehensive understanding of your domains worth. Lets get started!

    How To Estimate Domain Value With A Simple Formula

    Consequently, evaluating how much a particular domain name is worth, we should simultaneously consider all of the following variables:

  • keyword value
  • The resulting domain price, therefore, can be represented as their sum:

    domain price = keyword value + backlink value + personal premium

    Now lets break down each of the variables.

    Read Also: What Domain Name Should I Use

    Is There Money To Be Made

    Yes, but its not as easy as it sounds.

    These are the main ways that Ive observed how people have made their money when it comes to buying and selling domains

    Early adopter

    These are domainers that started registering premium domains back in the 90s and held onto them until an offer they were willing to accept came their way. Since we cant go back in time, this isnt really an option that can be utilised now.

    Drop catcher

    These are domainers that will spend lots of time looking at lists of domains that are expiring. They then set up a bot or piece of software that will register or catch the domain to the millisecond of it becoming available to register.

    Many great domains can expire for whatever reason, perhaps the business no longer exists, the domain is no longer wanted, or someone simply forgot to renew it. I recently had a personal experience where I forgot to renew a domain and a drop catcher caught it, put it on an auction website, and sold it for £1,550. So there is money to be made here, but its not as easy as it sounds. It can be time consuming trawling through lists of domains that are about to expire and often a good domain will have many drop catchers after it, almost turning it into a raffle for who wins it.

    Often drop catchers are looking to turn a profit and sell their freshly registered domain quickly, and because they dont want to hold onto them for too long this can sometimes present a buying opportunity for other domainers.

    Invest In Domain Valuation Tools & Services

    How Much Is My Domain Name Worth? (7 Online Sources to ...

    If you want the most accurate information about how much your domain name is worth, a valuation service is a great option for you. These sites take care of all the research for you. Theyll make comparisons to similar domains and consider every factor to come up with an estimate.

    The great thing about using a valuation service is that the reports they produce are filled with hard data. Many tools will provide analytics for everything from page views to keyword values.

    Read Also: How To Get Business Domain Email

    How Much Is My Website Worth

    After youve spent a lot of time and effort on your website, you might be getting a little fed up with the upkeep and wondering what the end goal is.

    If youre reluctant to completely drop everything youve worked so hard on, the answer could be to sell your website. Or maybe you just need to free up some time to focus on other projects.

    Before you do anything, its worth asking yourself a few important questions like How much is my website worth? and Should I sell my website?

    This article aims to help you answer those questions so you can turn your website into a solid financial investment.

    How Your Website Value Or Domain Name Worth Is Calculated

    First of all I need to clarify that any domain or website valuation are on basis of two major or different factors:

    1-Domain/websites generic name:

    You are lucky if you own a premium short domain name with .com, .net, .org TLDs. This simply means if your domain/or website even has no any traffic, but still there is a value for it because of the name. For example:

    Personally I believe in below quote:

    On The Internet Your Domain Name Is Your Real Estate. Get It Right The First Time.

    This is because if you think about your business or website as a long term investment and reliability, then you need to make sure you have a right and catchy name for it. You will benefit from this simple fact from many points of views. You probably have to pay more for a quality domain name but as long as your intention is to build your business on it, or invest on it, then it worth.

    So at this stage, all is about name, name and name. Having a generic domain name or website brings you organic traffic, reliability and money of course.

    Recommended Reading: Can My Domain Name Be Different From My Business Name

    Make Research On Recent Domain Sales

    Check out a recent domain sales list. And take look at what types of domain are being purchased and in what amount. Few sites regularly update the list of the recently sold domain. To estimate the price of your domain compares your domain to other domains with the following factors.

    • Length
    • Valuate
    • Free Valuator

    There are paid tools and sites available maybe they could give a more accurate value. But, these free service providers are also good enough. EstiBot is the most using tool to get an appraisal of the domain.

    Finally, you could get the value of your domain. It is necessary if you are selling or buying a domain to know the price of it. However, performing domain evaluation, need to understand some essential factors. These factors are needed certainly to make research and know the importance of a domain. Most importantly, you could also know that how much value your domain.

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