Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Find Fully Qualified Domain Name Of A Website

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Get Domain Distinguished Name In Powershell

Deconstructing a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)

You can get domain distinguished name for current logged in user in active directory using PowerShell as below

Get-ADDomain -Current LoggedOnUser

PowerShell Get-ADDomain cmdlet find domain name in active directory for current logged on user.

Output of above command to get domain distinguished name as below

PS C:\Windows\system32>  Get-ADDomain -Current LoggedOnUserAllowedDNSSuffixes                 : ChildDomains                       : ComputersContainer                 : CN=Computers,DC=SHELLPRO,DC=LOCALDeletedObjectsContainer            : CN=Deleted Objects,DC=SHELLPRO,DC=LOCALDistinguishedName                  : DC=SHELLPRO,DC=LOCALDNSRoot                            : SHELLPRO.LOCAL

Fully Qualified Domain Name

A fully qualified domain name , sometimes also referred to as an absolute domain name, is a domain name that specifies its exact location in the tree hierarchy of the Domain Name System . It specifies all domain levels, including the top-level domain and the root zone. A fully qualified domain name is distinguished by its lack of ambiguity: it can be interpreted only in one way. It usually consists of a host name and at least one higher-level domain separated by the symbol . and always ends in the top-level domain.

The DNS root domain is unnamed which is expressed by having an empty label in the DNS hierarchy, resulting in a fully qualified domain name ending with the top-level domain. However, in some cases the full stop character is required at the end of the fully qualified domain name.

In contrast to a domain name that is fully specified, a domain name that does not include the full path of labels up to the DNS root is often called a partially qualified domain name.

Fqdn = Host Name + Domain Name

Now we came to the real topic. We have learned the basics which creates FQDN. Fully qualified means the whole and domain name cames after that. Fully qualified domain name consist of Host name + Domain name . FQDN specifies the host whit out any extra description. For example:

Hostname:www specifies the host which provides www or web services.

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What’s The Difference Between A Host Name A Domain Name And A Fully Qualified Domain Name

A fully qualified domain name contains both a host name and a domain name. For a landing page, the fully qualified domain name usually represents the full URL or a major portion of the top-level address.

In looking at a fully qualified domain name, the host name typically comes before the domain name. The host name represents the network or system used to deliver a user to a certain address or location. The domain name represents the site or project that the user is accessing.

One example is the use of various networks to access educational websites. Typically, the domain name will consist of the identifier for a specific schools web domain, along with the top-level .edu suffix. For example, the domain name for America University would be The host name would consist of either “www” where the global internet is the host, or some proprietary network name that represents the host for example, if the school uses a custom internal network called “myAUnet” then “myAUnet” would be the host name.

In connecting to a host, using the fully qualified domain name shows where the user wants to go. A DNS server can resolve the host name to an IP address. Although there is some syntactical tolerance built into the use of a fully qualified domain name, generally, a user can have errors or problems if the domain name is not clearly and completely entered.

Active Directory And Dns


There are some special DNS considerations that need to be taken into account when planning for AD. You need to understand these options when building your AD design.

Active Directory domain name

The AD domain name that you choose will also be a DNS FQDN. This means that this domain name will have a zone on each of the AD DNS servers. As best practice, if you want to use an Internet compliant name such as, you will want to purchase this domain name to ensure that it is not used by someone else. You may also want to consider using a nonstandard domain name such as Syngress.local.

If you choose to use an Internet standard FQDN for your domain name, you will need to consider whether you want to use the same domain name for your internal and external namespace or use a separate domain name for internal and external namespaces. Using the same domain name means your Internet presence and your internal AD domain will share the same FQDN from a DNS perspective. Important things to note when using this option are:

Deborah Littlejohn Shinder, … Laura Hunter, in, 2003

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What Is The Difference Between A Domain Name And A Fully Qualified Domain Name

A fully qualified domain name contains both a host name and a domain name. For a landing page, the fully qualified domain name usually represents the full URL or a major portion of the top-level address. In looking at a fully qualified domain name, the host name typically comes before the domain name.

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Fully qualified domain name a definition

The term fully qualified domain refers to a domain name that fully specifies the unique and exact location of a domain name within the DNS. The DNS provides the syntax. An FQDN is made up of individual labels that are each delimited by a dot and represent the different levels of the FQDN.

.. -> ..

The FQDN is relevant whenever a connection to the host is established. The DNS server resolves the hostname to its IP address by querying the DNS database. So, an FQDN shows the absolute path to a host and displays its IP address in a complete form that is legible to users.

There are a few rules for these so-called absolute addresses:

  • The entire FQDN may have a maximal length of 255 characters.
  • Only numbers, letters and hyphens are allowed.
  • A number or letter must take the first position of each label.

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Powershell Get Domain Name

You can use Get-WmiObject class in PowerShell.Management gets WMI classes in the root namespace of computer and get domain name for a computer

 Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\cimv2 -Class Win32_ComputerSystem | Select Name, Domain

In the above PowerShell script, Get-WmiObject gets the WMI classes in the root\cimv2 namespace of computer and uses Win32_ComputerSystem to get computer system information.

Second command select Name and Domain name of a computer.

Output of above command to get domain name of a computer as below

Fully Qualified Domain Name Example

DNS: Name Resolution : Fully Qualified Domain Names

A fully qualified domain name consists of a list of domain labels representing the hierarchy from the lowest relevant level in the DNS to the TLD. The domain labels are separated by the full stop . Character .

The fully qualified domain name always ends in the top-level domain due to the DNS root domain is unnamed which is expressed by having an empty label terminated by the dot in the DNS hierarchy.

That is most notable in DNS zone files in which a fully qualified domain name must be specified with a trailing dot. For example, explicitly specifies an absolute domain name that ends with the empty top-level domain label. A device with the hostname moviemaker in the parent domain has the FQDN the FQDN uniquely distinguishes the device from any other hosts called moviemaker in other domains.


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Where To Find An Fqdn

Follow the steps below to find an FQDN on any desktop for Windows users:

  • Go to the Start Menu button and type device name. Click the View Your PC Name menu.
  • Select Advanced system settings, and you should see the Full Computer Name section thats the FQDN.
  • Alternatively, use a simple command by right-clicking on the Start Menu and selecting Windows Terminal. Then, enter the ipconfig /all command to reveal a complete Windows IP configuration, including the hostname, primary DNS suffix, and connection-specific DNS Suffix.

    For macOS users, click the System Preferences icon in the Dock or navigate to the Apple menu at the left top, select System Preferences, and choose Sharing.

    At the top, you should see an FQDN and a connection-specific DNS suffix under the Computer Name section.

    Meanwhile, Linux users can find FQDN by entering the hostname fqdn command line in the Terminal. To open the Terminal, press CTRL + ALT + T or search for it by clicking the Dash icon, typing terminal in the search box, and selecting the Terminal application.

    What Is The Fqdn

    Sometimes you will need to use the Fully Qualified Domain Name of your computer. It is a way of providing more context to the system. It is simply the hostname + suffix. For a PC with the hostname SSCSUPERCOMP the FQDN would be

    At the SSCC, your suffix is typically * or * , depending on the system. The graphic below shows an analogy using a person’s name vs fullname and address:

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    What Is A Partially Qualified Domain Name

    Like an FQDN, a partially qualified domain name also indicates a web address but only includes a hostname or a domain name.

    Generally, website developers configure their sites DNS to redirect visitors to the same page whether they type the FQDN or PQDN.

    For example, if you type or, you will land on the URL for our homepage. PQDNs are usually favorable since they are shorter, helping visitors find the site easier.

    Find Out The Fqdn In Linux


    In Linux, enter the same command into the terminal as previously named for macOS:

    hostname -f

    Alternatively, you can also use the following command:

    hostname --fqdn

    After pressing enter, the FQDN will be output. If its not connected with a domain, then only the host name will be displayed.

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    Get found with your own domain. Build trust with your own email address. Reach visitors with your own website.

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    Desktop Delivery Controller General

    XML Service DNS resolution a tick box enabling the Citrix XML services to return the FQDN to the clients in other words, the Desktop Delivery Controller sends the machine name to the end point rather than an Internet Protocol address.

    Enable 32-bit icon color depth a tick box that enables high color depth of the icons displayed to the user in Web Interface or through the XenApp Services client.

    Session Reliability This is a tick box that enables you to enable or disable session reliability. Session reliability assists by freezing the current screen should the connection drop and then it automatically attempts to reconnect in the background. You also have the option to change the default port from 2598 to a different port.

    Why Should I Use An Fqdn

    FQDNs indicate unique addresses on the internet. If you dont have an FQDN, you dont have an accessible website. Theyre required for installing SSL certificates, imperative to the security of your website.

    Apart from having an accessible website, FQDNs are also useful to have a discoverable computer on an internet network, like when you need to access a computer remotely. This is common in an office to track a computers activity.

    Also, FQDNs help you access domain services like FTP and email. For example, if you want to connect your domain names email to an email app on your phone like Gmail or Apple Mail, you need to know the FQDN for the mail server, which is typically something like

    Here is an example of an FQDN:

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    Azure Virtual Machine Public Ip

    When you will create a new virtual machine, Azure provides a public IP address for the virtual machine.

    That is a dynamic IP and use to change on each restart of the virtual machine. So in this case it is a challenge to RDP the virtual machine with the Dynamic public IP because it is kept on changing.

    To avoid this type of scenario, You need to create a Static public IP that will not change it will be one for that particular virtual machine.

    Restarting the virtual machine will not affect the Static public IP.It will remain same after you restart.

    What Is A Fully Qualified Domain Name

    Setup Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of System in Network

    In the landscape of domain names, theres a lot going on. We have DNS records, top-level domains, second-level domains, sub-domains, and a lot more.

    Theres no shortage of confusing terminology that can trip up beginners. Luckily, you dont need to know all of this to buy a domain name and set up a website. But, still these terms come up and you want to know what theyre all about.

    One term youll come across is Fully Qualified Domain Name, or FQDN. Below well highlight why knowing your FQDN is useful, what it can be used for, and some examples of what it looks like.

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    The One And Only Fully Qualified Domain Name

    A Fully Qualified Domain Name is the complete domain name of a specific computer, or host, online. An FQDN is comprised of several elements: a hostname and a domain name. These elements are separated by a period.

    All FQDN follow the format .., where the domain might also include a subdomain. We read the FQDN from right, its root, to far left, its host.

    Take, for example. The first element and domain level of the FQDN is the top level domain , which, in this case, is .com. Within the TLD, GoDaddy is the assigned domain name/second-level domain. Lastly, www. is the hostname.

    A hostname often specifies a particular service or protocol for a domain such as mail or ftp in or, respectively. Many websites today do not include www. in their URLS, and therefore are only partially qualified domain names.

    Technically, FQDNs contain an empty element to the right of the TLD that signifies the unnamed domain root zone, and thus a trailing period follows the TLD . However, todays software usually processes the trailing period for us. The unnamed domain root zone essentially represents the internet.

    A Fully Qualified Domain Name designates the specific location of an object within the Domain Name System hierarchy it communicates the hosts position relative to the root of the DNS namespace. An FQDN enables each entity connected to the internet to be uniquely identified and located within the internet framework.

    What Is An Internal Name

    In this context, an internal name is anything which cant be guaranteed to be a unique identifier for a network resource. A mail server on your intranet named Mail uses an internal name and will be affected by this change however, the same server will work fine when assigned a FQDN like using the instructions below.

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