Friday, July 26, 2024

What Is The Best Website To Buy Domain Names From

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Ology For Choosing The Best Domain Registrar

Which is the best website to buy a domain name? Domain registrars compared

With different domain registrars having such similar features, how can you determine the best option for you?

There are certain factors that you need to look for when youre shopping around for the best domain registrar. Ill explain these elements in greater detail below, so you can weigh the options according to your personal needs.

This is our methodology for finding the best domain registrar:

Additional Services That Domain Offers

ICANN accreditation: The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers supervised its system of domain registration.

Contract length and auto-renewal: Domain registrars offer anywhere from single-year to maximum 10-year contract timeframes.

Domain transfer: It is possible to transfer a domain from one registrar to another for whatever reason

How To Properly Inspect A Domains History

To do a complete and thorough check, we recommend running the domain name through 4 online tools:

and more.

You can use DomainIQ for free, however, theres a daily search limit and youll need to enter your email address to get the full report. Its paid plans start at $24.95 per month.

To use the tool, all you have to do is type in your desired domain name in the search bar. It will take a few seconds to fetch its records and display a report like this:

From the example above, we can see that there are no red flags on the domain name. However, there are millions of search results which indicate this domain name was extremely popular at one point of time.

To check what the domain was actually used for, youll need to use another tool called the Wayback Machine.

Don’t Miss: Cost Of Domain Name Per Year

How To Register A Domain Name For Your Website

Your company needs a website, which means it needs a domain name. Your first step is registering a domain name, which can be daunting for first-timers. Don’t worry: Our guide walks you through it.

Once you’ve decided to build a website, you need to make an important decision, even before you consult our best web hosting services roundup: What’s your domain name going to be? You know, it’s the web address by which all your many customers find you. Your domain name is, in effect, the name of your website, so you want to make sure you get a good one. Purchasing a name is a relatively simple process, but finding one that isn’t already taken can be a challenge. In addition, you’ll also want to make sure you understand the contract between you and the domain name registrar. If this is starting to sound a bit complicated, don’t worry: This primer can help you get started.

Check For Trademark Infringement

How to Choose the Best Website Domain Name

Both major and minor brands alike take issue with others using their trademarked names. Even if youve just made an innocent mistake, the legal hassle involved in a lawsuit and having to rearrange your web presence could be costly.

You can avoid these situations by using a trademark lookup tool before you finalize your choice.

Also Check: How To Get Free Net Domain

What Is A Domain Name

Just like you have a physical address where customers can walk into your showroom or office, your domain name is the digital address where customers can find you on the internet. Instead of using IP addresses, the Domain Name System allows us to use real words to navigate the internet. After all, a domain name like is much easier to remember than

Namecom Domains Support Review

It lacks live chat and phone support, which are taken as the most effective means for instant support. However, it has a rich knowledge base with several questions answered. You need to create either support ticket or contact the support team via social media accounts.

Domain Restoration Fee: Varies by TLD. Please visit their site support for further pricing details.


Recommended Reading: How To Transfer Squarespace Domain To Godaddy

Best Domain Registrars To Consider This Year

In the world of websites, few things are more coveted than the perfect domain name. There are more than 350 million total domain names in existence today, and that number is growing by the millions every year.

Unfortunately, once a domain name is taken, its taken. That means your unique domain idea could be snatched up at any minute. So, once you drum up the right name for your business or website, its never too soon to get it registered with a domain registrar.

To prepare you for your big purchase, well cover what domain registrars do, explain how to pick the right one for you, and finally list the best domain registrar options available to help get your name out there.

How To Buy A Website Domain

How to Choose & Buy the Best Domain Name for Your Website
  • Make sure the name you want to use is available.

    You can do a preliminary search with any domain registrar like GoDaddy,, Bluehost, or DreamHost. If the domain you want is already taken, the registrar will likely recommend alternative names that are available.

  • Compare registrars.

    All of the top domain registrars offer unique advantages that might attract you to their services, but its worthwhile to do some research before committing to one. Consider how much of a difference the add-ons will actually make: will they meet specific business needs like email hosting and website building, or are they unnecessary extras that only add to your expenses?

  • Purchase your domain.

    The cost of owning a domain name can range from $10 to $60 or more per year, depending on the registrar you choose and how competitive or specialized the name is. Some registrars also offer brokerage services, which allows you to purchase a domain name thats already been registered.

  • Alternatively, choose a website builder that offers domain registration.

    Some platforms like Squarespace, Square, and Shopify offer domain registration and website hosting included with their core capabilities.

  • Also Check: How To Get Business Domain Email

    Best Domain Name Registrars: Comparison + Full Review

    Are you in a hurry? Take a look at the comparison table for a quick idea of the best cheap domain registration sites:


    The pricing is usually applicable for the first year only. Such plans are offered to attract new customers.

    And now, let us see the complete review of the best cheap domain registration sites.

    Help Yourself To Some Domain Name Generators

    This is another kind of helper that you can use if youre finding it hard to come up with a cool domain name, and thus, by extension, your business name as well.

    These tools are very simple to use, but also surprisingly helpful. All they need is one keyword from you a seed keyword and, in return, they give you tens or even hundreds of suggestions, full of valid and available domain names that you can register right away.

    The best such tools include:

    • Business name generator by Shopify works similarly to the above, and also helps you build a Shopify store with the domain name of your choice.
    • Nameboy is a bit more old-school especially in its design but its still useful. This one needs more specific input, and does a better job once you have a general direction you want to follow with your name.

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    Choosing Your Domain Name Registrar

    A domain name registrar is any company that has a relationship with ICANN to reserve & manage domain names.

    It sounds simple like anyone and everyone could do it. But like retailers of a product, there are tradeoffs, choices & considerations that you make to choose the best domain name registrar for you. Here are the considerations that I look at.

  • Number of DomainsAre going to be managing 100 domain names or 1? And even if you are starting with 1, do you plan on expanding? If so, youll want & appreciate customer service and efficient management.
  • Length of Domain OwnershipDomain name registrars are trustees in a way. Are you buying a domain name for a quick side project or projects that you hope to last years into the future?
  • Domain ManagementSome websites owners log into their domain registrar exactly once, change a setting, and never log in again. Others need to change settings more frequently for multiple domains manage administrative contacts and add products to multiple domains theyll value a clean, efficient domain management interface more.
  • Customer SupportCustomer service costs money to do well. How much do you value it? Is live chat enough or do you want phone support?
  • Domain TransfersIf you decide to leave, how easily do you want to leave? How simple do you want the process to transfer a domain in? Is there special domain transfer pricing? Is there a straightforward process for the domain lock?
  • Namesilo The Best Domain Registrar For Locking Down Your Brand


    You work your butt off every day to be unique, to build traffic, to create offers your customers will gobble up like breadcrumbs fed to hungry seagulls. So, its not okay when a competitor tries to siphon off your work and succeeds.

    In the digital world, just the smallest margin of change in visitors can make the difference of ranking #1 on google or eighth on the first page. Fewer visitors equates to a large disparity in clicks for you.

    If you are not aware this can be happening to yousurprise.

    But, seriously, that is why we are here to help. And NameSilo really gives you the power to lock down your brand.

    Its our #1 choice for purchasing common misspellings of your main domain and iterative domains for redirects, as well as managing multiple brands under one flagship. There is a whole plan when it comes to setting up redirects and domain strategies. Thats outside the scope of this article, but here is a brief article on cornering the market for your brand.

    Registering a .com domain starts at $8.99 per month but NameSilo stands out from the competition with its discounts for bulk purchases. They make it extremely affordable to eliminate as much ambiguity with naming conventions as you can.

    NameSilo has a cool price comparison tool on its website to help you see where they stack up against the competition. All you have to do is select the number of domains you want to buy and the length of your registration.

    Also Check: Transfer A Domain To Squarespace

    Why Whois Privacy Is Important

    Without going too in-depth to what ICANN and WHOIS are, suffice to say its the nonprofit corporation that is responsible for keeping the internet secure and the naming structure of websites as it is. It requires anyone who registers a domain to provide accurate identifiable contact information, including name, address, email and phone number. Not everyone is comfortable with that information being public.

    Domain registrars have found a way to keep your info safe and still provide ICANN with the info they need. These domain privacy features replace your information with the registrars info, at least publicly. Anyone can look up who registered a domain name, so having domain privacy can reduce spam for you, and keep you safe.

    Godaddy Domains Support Review

    GoDaddys becomes a popular domain name register as it offers high-quality service and best in class support to its customers.

    They have a great community with a number of forums, question answers, and tutorials with dedicated contributors. Moreover, you can contact them via phone and chat for instant support. Their support team is 24*7 available for you.

    Recommended Reading: How To Make Money Selling Domain Names

    Network Solutions The Best Way To Register Your Domain For A Century

    A big consideration in choosing domain registrars is the length of your initial registration. Youll see most offer up to five or 10 years, some even go up to 20.

    Network Solutions offers you a way to get the domain youre looking for and keep it for 100 years.

    Thats right thats not a typo. You can buy your dream domain name and keep it for the next century.

    Now, we get itwho knows if the internet as we know it is going to exist in the same way 100 years from now, let alone your business or personal venture. Regardless of practicality, this is a clear signal that Network Solutions goes above and beyond to help you lock down your online real estate for the long haul.

    So, maybe registering for the next century is overkill. And, to be fair, you have to pay the 100-year cost upfront with no pro-rated refund . But Network Solutions domain search and checkout process is one of the best in the category.

    Search for one or up to 20 domains at once. And, youll also get special access to pre-registration for new extensions. After selecting the ones you want to purchase, Network Solutions offers services terms ranging as follows:

    • Monthly
    • 20 years
    • 100 years

    Some specific domain extensions, like .online, max out at five years. But the greatest hitslike .com, .us, .org, and .netcan be registered for any of the above term lengths.

    Be Careful When Buying Existing Domain Names

    Best Website To Buy Domain Names – Get .Com for 99 Cents!

    As I mentioned a couple of points above, buying an existing domain name is a bit different from buying a new one. First of all, since its not new, this means it already has a history. And you can never be entirely sure what that history is.

    • On the bright side, the domains history may give you a boost in Google since youre not starting from scratch Google already knows the domain.
    • But, on the flip side, if the domain has featured any kind of non-kosher stuff , then it may be banned from Google entirely.

    Buying your domain from a marketplace such as Flippa gives you some safety, since every domain is validated at least in the most basic way. However, to make things a bit safer, you should also perform checks of your own.

    First, do a manual check by going to Google and searching for:

    This will tell you whether Google has any pages indexed from that domain. Finding anything is a good sign. It means the domain isnt banned. Not finding anything doesnt have to be a deal-breaker, though.

    • If the domain is blank no website then theres nothing for Google to find in the first place.
    • However, if there is a website but Google cant see it , this is a red flag.

    You can also do checks via tools such as and But also keep in mind that these things are not foolproof. Consider them helpers.

    But we can still do more:

    Don’t Miss: Transferring Domain To Squarespace

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