Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Purchase A Com Domain Name

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Before We Begin Dont Just Go And Get A Different Tld

If your desired domain name is taken, you might be thinking that theres a third option worth considering: getting the same domain but with a different TLD, like .net or .org instead of .com.

However, this is not a good idea. First off, people will never remember what your correct TLD was, so they will usually go for .com anyway ending up at the wrong website.

Additionally, registering existing names can also result in legal trouble. The owner of the original .com might argue that youre trying to infringe on their brand name by registering a similar domain name.

At the end of the day, youre really better off either trying to get the original domain name that you wanted from the start, or changing your focus to a different name entirely.

With that said, lets talk business:

Determine What Youre Willing To Pay

Now that you know the domain is available, and before you contact the owner, decide what youre willing to pay for it. This can be tricky since theres no agreed-upon value of a domain, but you can get an idea of what prices are by searching through a domain marketplace like Flippas.

Here are some factors to pay attention to when figuring out how to buy a domain that is taken:

  • Keywords Domains with popular keywords in them are worth more because of their ability to rank high on Google and other search engines.
  • Generic value A domain that can be used by almost any business within a given industry has generic value.
  • Brandability When a domain lacks generic value or a strong keyword, its main value lies in its brandability. Short, memorable names that are easy to spell are easy to build a brand around.
  • Age Older domains are generally considered more valuable.
  • Length Or rather shortness. The shorter the domain, the more valuable. Usually, landing your hands on a three-letter .com will cost you a lot.

Before you approach the current owner of the domain you want, choose both the base amount youre willing to offer and the maximum amount youre willing to pay they can even be the same number if you want for the domain before you approach the owner.

Look for domains of similar length, similar keyword value, generic value, and similar age, this should help you estimate the price to a degree, and also decide if you can actually afford that domain in the first place.

How To Register Your Website’s Domain Name

The first domain name in history was, which was registered on March 15, 1985. Today, there are more than 300 million domain names, with millions more added each year. A domain name is essentially the address that visitors will type into their browser address bar to arrive at your website.

Domain names allow users to easily connect to other computer IP addresses by typing in an address like “” instead of Google’s numerical IP address of “” In other words, domain names make our lives a lot easier.

Your domain name is an important part of establishing your brand. No two domain names can be exactly alike, although they can be similar. Ideally, your domain name will be unique and distinctive, so users don’t confuse it with other domain names or different businesses.

You might be wondering isn’t a domain name, then, simply a website? Although they are similar, domain names and websites have important differences. Your domain name is the address for your website it is what people use to find your website, which consists of pages, images, and other files.

Choosing and registering a domain name is often the first step when building a website. Read on to learn how to register a domain name.

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Tips When Registering A Domain Name

Obtaining the right domain name from the start is important, especially if youre creating a business or personal brand website. Changing domains is not only expensive but also potentially damages search engine rankings and conversion rates.

With this in mind, here are some things to consider when buying a domain name:

Got Any Tips On Finding A Good Domain Name

Buy a domain and attach with Blogger

You bet. While it’s really easy to register a domain, having a good domain strategy helps you register the best domain name possible. Here are some hints:Make it easy to remember. This is why many businesses get domains with their business names in them. Some people even choose their business name only after they have a domain they like.Don’t register one that’s trademarked, copyrighted, or being used by another company. This can lead to losing the domain and legal problems.Shorter is usually better because they’re easier for customers to remember. It’s also easier to get matching usernames for Facebook, Twitter and any other social media accounts you have.Got a local business? Include your neighborhood, city or country in your domain so local customers can quickly see where you are. Check the list of geographic domain extensions .berlin .nyc to see if there’s one for your area.Avoid numbers or hyphens. Anyone who hears your web address won’t know if you’re using a numeral 5 or “five”. If your business name has a number in it, register both versions with the number and with the number spelled out .Get more than one. As traffic to your website increases, you may attract then attention of copycats who’ll snatch up similar domain names in hopes of drawing traffic away from you. Register similar or misspelled domains early so this won’t be an issue later.

Don’t Miss: How Much Are Domains

How Do I Buy A Domain Name

Its easy to get a new domain. Here are the steps:1. Decide on a domain name extension. The extension is the part at the end of the domain name .net, .biz, .org or .com, for example.2. Think about what you’d like on the other side of the dot. It could be your business name or your specialty.3. Type the domain you want into the box at the top of this page. We’ll tell you if that particular domain is available and show other you may like better.4. Pick a domain, add it to your cart and check out. You are now the proud owner of your very own domain. As long as it’s registered to you, no one else may use it.

How Many Domains Can I Connect To A Wix Site

You can connect as many domains purchased from Wix as you’d like to your website, or up to 6 domains purchased elsewhere to a single Premium Wix site. When you register a domain, your primary domain will connect directly to your site and the additional domains will redirect to your primary domain. Learn more about connecting multiple domains to your Wix site.

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How To Buy A Domain Name Thats Not For Sale

Not every premium domain will be available on a brokerage site or domain marketplace. But if you really want to pursue a specific domain, you still might have a chance.

Similar to the steps we took in the last section, youll need to figure out who owns the domain. If a domain isnt for sale, this step should be a bit easier, and you can probably do it on your own.

Most domains that arent for sale will be linked to an active website. That site should have some sort of contact information on it. You can reach out directly to get in contact with the business owner or decision-maker associated with the domain.

Start with a general inquiry saying that youre interested in buying the domain dont throw an offer out there just yet .

See what type of response you get and if the site owner is willing to sell. Unlike a premium domain thats listed on a domain marketplace, you might have to dig a bit deeper into your pockets to buy a domain thats not currently for sale.

If its absolutely imperative that you secure this particular domain, consider making the owner an offer that they cant refuse.

Just be aware that this wont always work. Its like trying to buy a house thats not for sale. You can knock on the front door and make a cash offer, but the homeowner might decide to stay put.

If theyre willing to sell, use a broker to make sure the purchase goes smoothly. Then immediately transfer that domain to your registrar after you obtain ownership.

Trusted The World Over

  • Namecheap has been a trusted partner for our critical domain names. As we continue to grow, we know we can always count on them.

    Dylan Field, Co-founder and CEO, Figma

  • We’ve been using Namecheap for all our domains for years, and have always been able to count on them. Their technology just works, and their support is phenomenal. Highly recommended!

    Alan Schaaf, founder and CEO, Imgur

  • With a high value domain name like, it’s important to use a registrar that you trust. We can sleep at night knowing that Namecheap is keeping our asset secure.

    Bo Jiang, CEO,

  • Namecheap has quickly become our default registrar for the various domain names we use as part of our Buffer offering. A clear and intuitive dashboard combined with wide support across a number of top-level domains and a responsive team add up to an unbeatable experience.

    Colin Ross, Engineering Manager, Buffer

Frequently asked questions

Above all else, we strive to deliver outstanding customer experiences. When you buy a domain name from Namecheap, we guarantee it will be handed over to you with superior standards of service and support. Our primary goal is to build a customer-focused atmosphere filled with the happiest customers in the galaxy. The Namecheap guarantee is our mark of excellence.

Products might be the same, but every customer is different. Thats why we tailor our deals to suit as many people as possible. So you get exactly what you need, for less.

Still have questions?

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How Should I Choose A Domain Name

Choosing a domain name is a vital step in setting up your web presence because it represents your brand or business online. We recommend choosing a short, easily pronounceable domain name so that visitors can easily access your website. Before picking the domain name, do necessary research on relevant keywords so that you can choose the apt name. While your domain can include letters, numbers, or hyphens, avoid any special characters so that it’s easy to remember and type into a web browser.

Make It Brandable Not Generic

Creative, memorable domain names are always better than generic ones. After all, your domain name is how people will find, remember, and spread the word about your business on the internet. Its much better to have something that aligns with your brand instead of a domain name thats made up of a bunch of general keywords.

For example, can you tell the difference between and Which one would you trust when it comes to buying insurance? Probably neither. Both sound a little spammy, and theyre terribly generic.

On the other hand, youll probably know where the domain names or are going to point you to. Those companies have invested in their brands, and theyve used them in their domain names. You can trust that these sites are legitimate.

Even if you havent built up trust and loyalty yet, you can start by choosing a strong domain name that fits your brand.

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Promote Your Site Offline

When you just start a new blog/site, you cant expect instant traffic from Social Media or Search Engines.

It takes time to build an audience in Social Media and get traffic from Search Engines.

However, you can get instant traffic by promoting your site offline. Here are a few things you can do to drive traffic to your blog/site.

  • Put your site URL on your business card.
  • Print your site URL on pens, mugs & other goodies and give those for free.
  • Make a customized t-shirt for your blog/site.
  • Sponsor an event where you can promote your site.
  • If you own a car, put your URL on the side of your car.

You can do many more things to promote your site offline. Just be creative!

Over To You

Hope this post helped you to create your site.

If you have any other questions about what to do after buying a domain name, feel free to ask us via comments.

However, if you found this post useful, help me by sharing this post on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn.

How To Register A Domain Name With Domaincom

Buy a domain and attach with Blogger is a well-known domain registrar on the market, although its worth mentioning that they also offer low-cost shared web hosting, a website builder, and design services.

The list of TLDs on is extensive, from generic extensions to newer niche-related ones like .yoga and .actor. The price for a .com domain name is also quite affordable, costing $9.99/year.

The steps to buying a domain from this registrar are straightforward. Simply insert a keyword with a domain extension on the homepage and the system will reveal its availability.

Feel free to extend the registration period to up to five years. On, the privacy and protection feature is $8.99/year. If the order looks right, click Continue.

On the next page, presents several extras to choose from, including a professional email plan, a website builder, shared web hosting, premium SSL certificates from Comodo, and malware protection.

Select any of the add-ons you want or skip to the next step filling in the billing and payment details.

Similar to previous vendors, will send an email asking to validate the domain name ownership through a link.

Read Also: Register Domain Privately

Buying A Domain From A Web Hosting Company

For the most part, domain registration and web hosting should be kept separately. Bluehost is the exception to this rule. So if you want to bundle your domain name with a hosting plan, Bluehost is really the only option to consider.

There are a couple of main reasons why youd go this route.

For beginners who are new to the world of web hosting and domain registration, getting everything under one roof is just easier. Its less steps, and you can manage your hosting plan and domain name from a single account.

Furthermore, Bluehost gives you a free domain name for one year. Youll never get a deal like that from a domain registrar.

But getting a domain from a hosting provider isnt ideal if you want to buy domains in bulk. Its fine for a single domain, but beyond that, it gets messy. You also wont have as many options for alternative extensions .

Most web hosting providers will also charge you extra for domain privacy + protection, whereas you can get this for free from a domain registrar.

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