Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Forward Website To Another Domain

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Step : Delete The Existing A

How to redirect website to another domain in cPanel

Because a web forward cannot co-exist with an A-record at the same time, you must first delete the A-records.

Follow these steps in the control panel

  • At the top, choose My Products> DNS & Forwarding management and click on the DNS & Forwarding button to the right of the domain for which you want to set up a web forward.
  • See if an A-record has been set for the domain name that you want to refer. If there are any, delete them.Make sure that you delete both the A-record for the regular domain name and for the www.-version .
  • Fix Broken Links And Create 301 Redirects

    The movers have left, your boxes are unpacked now its time to kick back and enjoy your new home, right? Nope! Your website should look like its all good to go, but there are still a few more tweaks to make before your new domain is ready to be shared with the world.

    For starters, youll want to spend some time poking around your website and potentially the WordPress backend to make sure things are operating more or less as normal. Your layouts and settings should be the same, but goofy things can happen.

    You also may have a handful of old, broken links on your site, so go to a free broken link checker like Dr. Link Check, enter your new domain name, and fix whatever problems are uncovered. Internally, all your links still point to your old domain. Fixing those manually can take forever, but WordPress users can use a plugin like Velvet Blues Update URLs just be extremely careful about typing in your domain names. Pay attention to http or https, www or not, trailing slashes, and the like.

    Plugins or free online tools can quickly crawl your site and identify any broken links.

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    How To Connect Godaddy Domain To Wix Name Servers

    As previously stated, Godaddy is the worlds largest domain registrar, with over 70 million domains and 16 million clients, and it is rapidly expanding.

    During the last decade, it has risen at an exponential rate. The primary reasons for this domain registrars popularity are its exceptional customer service, dependable support, and error-free domain results.

    Users create their websites after purchasing a domain, either on their own or with the assistance of a web developer.

    The majority of web developers build their websites using content management systems such as WordPress or Wix. Because of its simplicity, Wix is a well-known name in the website-building industry after WordPress.

    Although Wix offers a domain registration service, the majority of Wix users prefer to use Godaddy as their domain registrar.

    We must connect the GoDaddy domain to Wix when we use Godaddy as a domain registrar and Wix as a hosting provider.

    However, users may encounter problems while connecting the GoDaddy domain to Wix. The most common issue arises due to the lack of procedure knowledge to connect the GoDaddy domain to Wix.

    It should be noted that you can only point and connect your Godaddy domain name to your Wix premium account. When you connect your domain name to Wix, it remains registered with GoDaddy but points to your Wix site.

    But were here to talk about how to connect the GoDaddy domain to the Wix website. Users can seek technical assistance or follow the simple steps outlined below.

    Also Check: What Happens When You Register A Domain Name

    Redirect A Domain To A Specific Url

    There is another way you can do your redirect to show a specific URL, but keep the domain the same as well. If you want visitors to go to with a specific page in mind when doing so, you may use this code:

    RewriteCond % ^DomainA.comRewriteRule ^ 

    You would use this method if, for example, you had an external blog such as one on or maybe a shopping cart on that you want people to visit your domain without fully hosting the domain there. Now, visitors can access your site using your domain, but see the content of an external URL.

    Warning: If you are using this option and absolute links on your site any links will go to the original site that is associated with that link.

    How To Link A Go Daddy Domain To Tumblr

    How to Redirect or Forward Domain Name to a different Website

    If you publish a blog for your business through the Tumblr service, the default URL for the blog is in the format Although you can keep that address if you have no money to spare in your budget, registering a custom domain name of your choice through Go Daddy and linking it to your Tumblr blog will make your blog appear more professional to your audience, as well as make its address easier to remember. To set up the link, you need to configure settings in both your Go Daddy and your Tumblr accounts.

    Step 1

    Log in to the Go Daddy account manager and click Launch next to Domains.

    Step 2

    Step 3

    Navigate to the Zone File Editor for the domain name you want to link to your Tumblr blog.

    Step 4

    Step 5

    Determine whether you want to link your domain name as a whole or a sub-domain, such as If you want to link your domain name as a whole, select A from the Record Type list if you want to link a sub-domain, select CNAME .

    Step 6

    Step 7

    Step 8

    Log in to your Tumblr account, click the Settings icon on your dashboard and select the blog to which you want to link the domain from the list.

    Step 9

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    Godaddy Domain Forwarding Made Simple

    Its not every day that youll need to forward your domain to another URL, but things happen! Thankfully, GoDaddy makes it simple to complete the task without too much of a headache. Follow the instructions outlined above to complete your Godaddy domain forwarding in the shortest time possible.

    We hope you liked our article and found it helpful for your company website. Our company offers web design services for businesses wishing to establish an online presence. to see our unbeatable web design packages.

    What Are The Different Ways To Forward A Domain Name

    Now that weve gone over the benefits of domain forwarding, lets break down the different types of forwarding and how each one can affect what your customers see in their web browser.

    When working with a domain name retailer, you will likely have two options:

    • Forwarding Only: When a person types in your businesss custom .com domain name in a web browser, theyre automatically forwarded to a destination web address of your choice. For many businesses, this option meets their general forwarding needs.
    • Forwarding with Masking: While this option is remarkably similar to the forwarding only option, there are few additional benefits. Unlike forwarding only, forwarding with masking helps ensure that your audience will continue to see the custom .com domain name in the address bar rather than another address from your social media or other platform. In addition, it lets you customize your businesss title and description to make it search engine friendly.

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    How To Redirect A New Ip To A Domain In Cpanel

    There are several reasons you might add a new IP address to your server. You may want to give a cPanel user or reseller a static IP address or allow a site to operate from a dedicated address.

    To add an IP address to a web server, you need:

  • Access to its root account well be working in WHM.
  • A new IP address from your hosting provider. They will set up their network to associate the IP with the server.
  • First, were going to let cPanel & WHM know about the IP address so it can configure the server and make the IP available for use with websites and other services.

    Navigate to Add a New IP Address under IP Functions in the WHM sidebar menu.

    Enter the new IP address and a subnet mask. If you dont know which subnet mask to enter, ask your hosting provider. The mask indicates which part of the address is used for the network and which part for devices on that network. It differs depending on the hosts configuration, but every IP on your server should use the same subnet mask.

    Click Submit to finish. If you make a mistake, you can delete the new address in Show or Delete Current IP Addresses.

    Now the address is added, you can associate it with hosting and reseller accounts or individual websites. Well show you how to change an existing sites IP address to the new one.

    Open the List Accounts page from the Account Information submenu. Choose the account associated with the domain you want to change and click the + next to the domain.

    How Do I Redirect My Domain Name To Another Website

    How to redirect website to another website or domain

    Follow these steps to forward your domain name to another website. It can take up to 24 hours for the domain to change.

  • Sign in to Manage services
  • In Domains, select Manage your domain name to open the BT Domains Centre Domain Maintenance page.
  • On the domain name you want to forward select Manage
  • In Website at the top of the page, enter the full internet address of the website you want to point your domain name to .
  • You can test that the address is working by using the test link
  • If you’re happy, select Save
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    Masking Domains At Work

    Why would you want to use masking? My real estate friends website has a really long URL: name. He forwards his shorter domain names with masking to HIS page on their site because his customers dont need to see the actual URL.

    He actually has about nine domains he forwards with masking to his company page. Apparently some people know him as Richard and some as Rick and his family calls him Ricky. He also purchases domains with the addresses of properties he highlights and then forwards each domain to that propertys page on his site. Smart.

    Godaddy Domain Not Working Without Www In Blogger

    There are a lot of tutorials online that shows how to set up custom domain names from Godaddy in bloggers. However, most of them do not talk about a common issue Domain https non-www to www redirection fail. In other words, godaddy domain name do not work without www in blogger.

    Recommended Read:Top 10 Things To know before buying a domain name

    I faced this problem, along with a lot of customers who bought domain from GoDaddy. The problem is: I bought my custom domain name from GoDaddy and followed all steps from Google Added CNAME and A records in Godaddy DNS Management and Redirected naked domain to the non-naked domain .

    My custom blogspot address was redirected successfully to . All Redirection were working except . The following table will help summarize my whole point.

    Domain Name SUCCESS

    I searched a lot on how to fix domain name redirection fail in blogger or godaddy domain does not work without www, but there was not a concrete answer, even from Godaddy team. After a long process of researches and sleepless nights, I was successful to redirect all http non-www & http www to https www and https non www to https www. In this article, Ill share this simple trick to fix domain redirection fail in blogger. Lets get started.

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    Ssl Encryption And Forwarding

    SSL encryption is supported for the following instances:

    When redirecting from https to http, the browser of the website visitor may show error messages. To avoid this, assign SSL encryption to the forwarding destination as well. You can find out how to change this in the article Secure Your Website with SSL Encryption.

    Why Do I Need To Redirect My Website

    Domain Forwarding: How To Set up Domain Forwarding On GoDaddy

    There are plenty of situations where redirecting a domain or URL can be useful. The most common reasons are:

    • Having duplicate content. Multiple posts that contain the same content can negatively impact SEO. Search engines cant decide which URL is the correct one and which one to rank on the SERP.
    • Managing multiple domains. Instead of using multiple domains to display the same page, you can instead redirect them to the main one.
    • Migrating to a new domain. Again, you can permanently redirect an old domain to a new one by using a 301 redirect type. This carries over Google PageRank and other SEO factors like page authority.
    • Changing a posts URL. You can avoid the 404 error by redirecting any deleted page URLs to a new one.

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    Transfer Files To A New Domain

    This step is essentially the reverse of the first step. Youll need an archive of all the files from your original sites directory, as well as the database, which tells your web server where all the content goes. Its important to make sure both are in the right place.

    First, you need to make sure theres already a database created on the new site. Then, using phpMyAdmin, import the archive file’s content into the existing database. Select the Import options in phpMyAdmin, choose the file on your PC, and click Go. This should import all the database entries from your old site into the new one. Now, you can transfers your site files.

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  • If youre using the with your old domain, click the gear icon, and then select Change of Address.

  • Input your new domain name here, and let Google handle the search traffic redirect.

  • Youll also want to have an XML sitemap for your new domain. If youre using WordPress, heres how to make that happen.

  • Install the Yoast SEO plugin. The plugin will automatically create an XML sitemap at: . That’s it!

  • If youre not using a WordPress-powered site, there are other options.

  • Visit to generate one for your new website.

  • Download the file created, and then use an FTP client or File Manager to upload the file to your sites home directory. The file should be sitemap.xml, meaning its URL will be:

  • Then under Google Search Consoles, your want to click on Sitemaps under the Index section. Then you can add whichever URL above and click Submit.

  • Now, Google can crawl your website with ease.

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    Forwarding A Domain To A Different Domain

    You can make use of your internet address by forwarding your domain to a different domain. This will redirect the visitors of your website to a different internet address.


    • Your domain must not be used by a service or application, e.g. as a webspace or by a managed application. How to disconnect existing connections is explained in the help article Disconnecting Existing Connection of a Domain.

    Set Up A Redirect In Gator

    How to Forward or Redirect URL to Another Website in GoDaddy

    If you use the Gator Website Builder, select Edit Site for the website you want to set the redirect up for.

    The select Manage on the menu on the left side of the screen, and Redirects on the menu that opens up from there.

    Then, based on the type of redirect you selected, you can either choose the page you want the old URL to redirect to in the dropdown menu on the right, or you can enter the URL you want it to go to.

    Then simply select OK.

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    Set Up A Redirect In Cpanel

    When signed into your cPanel account, scroll down to the Domains section. Find the icon for Redirects and click on it.

    In the dropdown menu under Type, you can choose between Permanent or Temporary . Make your selection.

    In the next dropdown menu, choose which domain youre setting up the redirect for. You can choose All Public Domains if you want the update to apply to all the domains you own, otherwise select the appropriate one from the dropdown.

    Then simply fill in the page you want to set up the redirect for, and the page you want it to go to. Note that in the first box, youll only put the last part of the URL, since the root domain name is already supplied in the dropdown menu. But in the second box, put in the full URL you want it to redirect it to.

    Who Needs Domain Forwarding

    Domain forwarding is an optional step that most people will not need to take. The majority of website owners will want visitors to stay at the website that they decided to visit. In some cases, domain owners want to send visitors to another location.

    Here are some situations that may consider domain forwarding:

    • Your domain name and web host are with different companies
    • A business changes their name
    • Companies merge into one brand name
    • Misspellings of your domain name
    • Variations of your domain name
    • Send visitors to your social media account
    • Abandoning a website

    Big companies will often purchase several variations of their domain name to help customers who mistype their addresses. That also helps prevent competitors from snapping up their domain names.

    Whatever the case, domain forwarding is important for webmasters to know about and use.

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    How To Configure Domain Redirects In Cpanel

    You can redirect an entire domain or just individual pages, but well focus on redirecting everyone who visits the domain.

    In cPanel, select Redirects from the Domains section of the main page menu.

    On the Redirects page, select Permanent or Temporary from the first dropdown menu. From the second dropdown, choose the domain you wish to redirect. If we were redirecting a page, wed enter the path in the following field, but we can leave it blank.

    Finally, add the new destination domain, including the protocol , in the Redirects to field and click Add.

    In the most straightforward case, thats all you need to do, but there are also options to configure how the www subdomain is treated and a Wild Card Redirect option, which will redirect all of a sites pages to the same URL.

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